The Labor Relations Process/9

The Labor Relations Process/9

Exploring the Web

Chapter 9

Strikes, Lockouts, and Collective Bargaining

1. Bureau of Labor Statistics Reports on Collective Bargaining

Go to the Collective Bargaining Agreements page on the BLS site and read the summary of the most recent annual Major Work Stoppages. Which strike created the most time lost for the year?

2. Collective Bargaining and the U.S. Code

Title 29 is the section of the U.S. Code that contains Federal law on labor. Go to Cornell’s Legal Information Institute and search Title 29 for the following terms: picketing, strikes, advanced workplace practices. What is included in the list of unfair labor practices in Section 158?

3. Professional Sports Strikes and Lockouts

Return to the website for the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Search for the following articles written by Paul Staudohar and published in the Monthly Labor Review.

“The Baseball Strike of 1994-95” (March 1997)

“Labor Relations in Basketball: the Lockout of 1998-99” (April 1999)

“The Hockey Lockout of 2004-05” (December 2005)

What were the causes of the lockouts and strikes. What is the difference between a lockout and a strike?

4. Mediation

The Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service is an “independent agency whose mission is to preserve and promote labor-management peace and cooperation.” Locate the Code of Professional Responsibility for Arbitrators of Labor-Management Disputes on the FMCS website. Check the latest Annual Report for descriptions of FMCS involvement in major labor disputes.

5. Definitions of Labor Terms

Search the Web to find the definitions of the following terms used in labor relations. Be sure to use a credible Internet source with a glossary of labor terms or check to see if your college or university has a subscription to an online encyclopedia. Wikipedia is not a reliable source of information.


Sympathy strike

Wildcat strike


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