
Assignment: History of Management

In this assignment, you’ll fill in the corresponding method or person to the provided description. The list of choices can be found at the bottom of the page.

|Definition or Associated Terms, Famous Work, or Key Concepts |Correct Method or Person |

|Methods defined by pyramid, hierarchical organizational structure | |

|“Mother” of modern management. Lateral processes, matrix organization, importance of informal | |

|processes, empowerment and facilitation, constructive conflict. Wrote Creative Experience. | |

|Hawthorne studies, group cohesion, a friendlier attitude of the supervisors, high sense of | |

|mission and team closeness | |

|Success of industrial capitalism, rational authority, Hierarchical Management Structure, Division| |

|of Labor, Formal Selection Process, Career Orientation, Formal Rules and Regulations | |

|Methods defined by work that could be studied and work processes improved | |

|Sequential performance of tasks within a project, key tasks and assigned time, start dates for | |

|each task, project management | |

|Wrote General and Industrial Management. Foresight, Organization, Command, Coordinate, Control | |

|Operations management and supply chain, systems management, information management, contingency | |

|management | |

|Profitability and productivity, “one best way” to perform a job, hire the right workers and train| |

|them for maximum efficiency | |

|Wrote Cheaper by the Dozen. Worker welfare and motivation, ergonomics and industrial psychology | |

|Methods that emphasize interpersonal relationships | |

Answer Choices

• Scientific Management

• Frederick W. Taylor

• Frank and Lillian Gilbreth

• Henry Gantt

• Bureaucratic Management

• Max Weber

• Henri Fayol

• Humanistic Management

• Mary Parker Follett

• Elton Mayo

• Current developments in management practices


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