FEBRUARY 7, 2017

The regular meeting of the Board of Aldermen was held today Tuesday, February 7, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. in the Assembly Room of the Municipal Building.

The following members of the Governing Body were present:

Mayor: Danny Ritchie

Alderman: Carroll Franklin

Alderman: Benny Orders

Alderman: Terry Yount

Alderman: Richard Propst

Others present:

Town Manager: Sherri Bradshaw

Town Clerk: Sherry Dula

Attorney: Rod Willcox

Mayor Ritchie opened the meeting with Alderman Orders leading in the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silence.

Approval of Minutes: The Council voted unanimously to approve the January minutes by a motion from Alderman Yount, seconded by Alderman Franklin.

Public Hearing for Fairgrounds Lease Agreement – A public hearing was opened at 7:02 p.m. by a motion from Alderman Orders, seconded by Alderman Franklin for public comments on the proposed 3-year lease agreement for the fairgrounds. Due to the lease being over a one year term, a public hearing is required in order to extend the lease to the originally voted on 5 year term. No changes were made to the lease agreement other than extending it until March 1st, 2020. A motion was made by Alderman Yount, seconded by Alderman Propst to close the public hearing at 7:03 p.m. and the vote was unanimous.

Proposed 3-Year Lease Agreement for Fairgrounds – A motion was made by Alderman Franklin, seconded by Alderman Propst to approve the 3-year fairgrounds lease agreement and the vote was unanimous.

Proposed Public Transportaion System – John Marshall with Western Piedmont Council of Governments was present to review the proposed fixed bus route for Burke County. The proposed bus route will run from Morganton to Rutherford College. He explained that beginning in 2015, they had conducted a countywide assessment for transportation needs in Burke County which resulted in a total of 515 responses. Among the most interested destinations on the route were work, medical, shopping, DSS and education. Mr. Marshall stated that the route would cover 26% of the county’s population. The WPCOG had met with Greenway Public Transportation and the Greater Hickory MPO to develop preliminary fixed routes for the Morganton area. Mr. Marshall stated that half of the funding for this project would come from the Federal Government and the remainder of approximately $400,000 would be funded by municipalities, the county and area businesses. Contributions from the entities would need to be a commitment of two consecutive years of financial support to the project. The Board voted unanimously by a motion from Alderman Propst, seconded by Alderman Franklin to table the decision on the Town of Drexel’s monetary contributions toward this project until the March meeting. The Board unanimously voted to adopt a resolution endorsing fixed route public transportation for Burke County, NC including a stop in the Town of Drexel by a motion was made by Alderman Franklin, seconded by Alderman Yount. A copy of the resolution is attached as part of the minutes.


FEBRUARY 7, 2017

Departmental Reports – The Council reviewed the Financial, Tax, Fire and Police reports for the month of January, 2017. Chief Treadway reviewed the monthly and 2016 yearly report for the police department. Chief Baker reviewed the monthly and 2016 yearly Fire and First Responders reports. A copy of each report is attached as part of the minutes.

Recreation Department – Lisa Butler reviewed the recreational department report. She stated indoor soccer sign ups are going well. She also stated that they had scheduled the Western Youth Basketball Tournaments. The department has taken in $4,014. 65 for the month of January, 2017.

Chargers Athletic Programs – Lowell Summey turned over a list of all inventory from the Drexel Chargers organization including a check for all monies in the Drexel Chargers account. Mayor Ritchie and Manager Bradshaw signed a statement of acceptance of all monies and inventory turned over to the Town of Drexel recreation department from the Drexel Chargers.

Little Free Library - The Burke Library Foundation would like to place a “Little Free Library” in Drexel. Manager Bradshaw asked the Board for input on whether the Library should be placed in the Downtown Park or the Municipal Building. The library would be periodically checked and stocked with books by a volunteer through the Burke County Library. The Board voted unanimously to place the “Little Free Library” on the Municipal Building grounds by a motion from Alderman Yount, seconded by Alderman Franklin.

Draughn High School Community Flags – Draughn High School has requested to have flags from all municipalities to display. Manager Bradshaw suggested we use a flag the town already had in the office to give to them. The Council voted unanimously to donate the flag with our town logo by a motion from Alderman Propst, seconded by Alderman Franklin.

Attorney Report – No issues to discuss in open session.

Miscellaneous –

• NC League of Municipalities’ Town Hall Day 2017 is March 29th in Raleigh

• Next meeting March 7th

Closed Session – The Council entered into closed session at 7:42 p.m. for the purpose of discussing legal matters per G.S. 143.318.11(a)(1) by a motion from Alderman Yount, seconded by Alderman Franklin. The Council returned to the regular meeting at 7:56 p.m. by a motion from Alderman Franklin, seconded by Alderman Yount.

Drexel Property Donation Agreement - A motion was made by Alderman Propst, seconded by Alderman Franklin to enter into the Real Property Donation Agreement between Drexel Properties LLC owned by Fred Godley to the Town of Drexel and the vote was unanimous.


FEBRUARY 7, 2017

Adjournment - With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. upon a motion from Alderman Franklin, seconded by Alderman Orders.

TOWN CLERK_________________________________

MAYOR _____________________________

ALDERMAN _____________________________


ALDERMAN _____________________________



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