Backstage Beauty in the spotlight with the help of New ...

TranscriptBackstage Beauty in the spotlight with the help of New Business Assistance with NEIS(Music plays throughout)Martina: I believe that anyone can start the NEIS program and really build up a successful business. I didn't finish high school, I was a single mum who was pregnant at 17 and I just put everything into the business and doesn't matter where you come from you can really start a business with nothing and build it up to be successful. My name is Martina and I own Backstage Beauty.I always thought it would be fun to work for myself and be able to get out of a store and do makeup for fashion shows and models and weddings and that sort of thing. I had considered running my business previously, it had always been a thought in the back of my head. I just never knew where to start it was I guess overwhelming not knowing anything about running a business, I didn't have family or friends that had businesses. So it was something I always wanted but didn't see a way of starting I guess. I found out about the NEIS program online and I thought it was a really good opportunity. In the NEIS program we started off by doing a Certificate IV in a Small Business Management. There we learnt all the elements that were required for starting a business and running a business. And then we worked on a business plan and submitted our business plan at the end of the program. And then once we had finished the business plan and began our business we had a business mentor who helped us along the way for a year. Throughout the program I received an allowance from NEIS as well, which it just helped support you for the first year because I found in the first year there's a lot of expenses involved in the business. I've grown my business over the past almost five years and each year's just been a little step higher. First year definitely the hardest, but now five years later got a team of 12 girls and we do over 150 weddings a year. I would really recommend these to anyone that's thinking about starting their own business. As hard as it seems to start a business, and it's quite overwhelming, and I think the program really helps you set you up and just give you everything that you need at the start. As well as that mentoring, because yeah, without that I think I would definitely have given up in the first year and it's just priceless the help and support that you get throughout the program. ................

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