General Books

Library Resources for Career Changers

General Books

|CC |Career transitions: a faith based approach, ten points for success |

|248.88 Holmes |By Darren H. Holmes / Right Attitude Pub., 2008 |

|CC |Changing course, changing careers |

|331.702 Bailey |By Mary Ann Bailey / WetFeet, 2005 |

|CC |The everything alternative careers book: leave the office behind and embark on a new adventure! |

|331.702 Mannion |By James Mannion / Adams Media, 2004 |

|CC |Do what you love for the rest of your life: a practical guide to career change and personal renewal |

|650.1 Griffith |By Bob Griffiths / Ballantine Books, 2001 |

|CC |Back in control: how to be sane, productive, and inspired in your career transition |

|650.1 Wilson |By Grimard Wilson / Sentient Publications, 2004 |

|CC |It’s your career, take control! |

|650.14 Beck |By Catherine B. Beck / Davies-Black Pub., 2004 |

|CC |What color is your parachute?: a practical manual for job-hunters and career-changers, 2008 edition |

|650.14 Bolles |By Richard Nelson Bolles / Ten Speed Press, 2007 |

|CC |Career of gold: defeat age bias by re-careering for the second half of your life |

|650.14 Bracken |By Don Bracken / Today’s Books, 2007 |

|CC |50 plus!: critical career decisions for the rest of your life |

|650.14 Dilensch |By Robert L. Dilenschneider / Citadel Press, 2002 |

|CC |The ultimate guide to getting the career you want: and what to do once you have it |

|650.14 Dowd |By Karen O. Dowd / McGraw-Hill, 2004 |

|CC |Working identity: unconventional strategies for reinventing your career |

|650.14 Ibarra |By Herminia Ibarra / Harvard Business School Press, 2003 |

|CC |I don’t know what I want, but I know it’s not this: a step-by-step guide to finding gratifying work |

|650.14 Jansen |By Julie Jansen / Penguin Books, 2003 |

General Books, continued

|CC |Your dream career for dummies |

|650.14 McClella |By Carol L. McClelland / Wiley, 2005 |

|CC |The career coward’s guide to changing careers: sensible strategies for overcoming job search fears |

|650.14 Piotrows |By Katy Piotrowski / JIST Works, 2008 |

|CC |Second acts: creating the life you really want, building the career you truly desire |

|650.14 Pollan |By Stephen M. Pollan and Mark Levine / HarperResource, 2003 |

|CC |Be hunted!: 12 secrets to getting on the headhunter’s radar screen |

|650.14 Reynolds |By Smooch S. Reynolds / Wiley, 2001 |

|CC |What to do with the rest of your life: America’s top career coach shows |

|650.14 Ryan |you how to find or create the job you’ll love |

| |By Robin Ryan / Fireside, 2002 |

|CC |The seasons of your career: how to master the cycles of career change |

|650.14 Sanborn |By Kathy Sanborn and Wayne R. Ricci / Contemporary Books, 2003 |

|CC |Reinvent your career: attain the success you desire and deserve |

|650.14 Solovic |By Susan Wilson Solovic / Career Press, 2003 |

|CC |Fearless career change: the fast track to success in a new field |

|650.14 Stein |By Marky Stein / McGraw-Hill, 2005 |

|CC |Escape the mid-career doldrums: what to do next when you’re bored, burned out retired, or fired |

|650.14 Worthing |By Marcia L. Worthing and Charles A Buck / John Wiley, 2008 |

General Reference

|R BUS |The directory of executive recruiters, 2007-2008, 35th edition |

|658.3111 Executive |By Kennedy Information, 2006 |

Situation Specific Books

|BUS |Working longer: the solution to the retirement income challenge |

|331.3 Munnell |By Alicia H. Munnell and Steven A. Sass / Brookings Institution Press, 2008 |

|CC |Rewired, rehired or retired?: a global guide for the experienced worker |

|331.398 Critchle |By Robert K. Critchley / Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer, 2002 |

|CC |How to find a job after 50: from part-time to full-time, from career moves to new careers |

|650.14 Cummings |By Betsy Cummings / Warner Business Books, 2005 |

|CC |Change your career: nursing as your new profession |

|610.069 Arnoldus |By Barbara Arnoldussen / Kaplan, 2007 |

|CC |Change your career: transitioning to the nonprofit sector: shifting your focus from bottom line to a better |

|650.1 Otting |world |

| |By Laura Gassner Otting / Kaplan, 2007 |

|BUS |Working after retirement for dummies |

|650.14 Epstein |By Lita Epstein / Wiley, 2007 |

|CC |If I don’t do it now…: career makeovers for the working woman |

|650.14 Robinson |By Pamela Robinson and Nadine Schiff / Pocket Books, 2001 |

|CC |Don’t retire, rewire!: 5 steps to fulfilling work that fuels your passion, suits your personality, and fills |

|650.14 Sedlar |your pocket |

| |By Jeri Sedlar / Alpha Books, 2007 |

|CC |101 career alternatives for teachers: exciting job opportunities outside the profession |

|650.1402 Gisler |By Margaret M. Gisler / Prima Pub., 2001 |

|BUS |101 businesses you can start with less than one thousand dollars: for retirees |

|658.11 Shepherd |By Heather L. Shepherd / Atlantic Pub. Group, 2007 |

|BUS |The 100 best businesses to start when you don’t want to work hard anymore |

|658.1141 Rogak |By Lisa Rogak / Career Press, 2004 |

|CC |The baby boomer’s guide to the new workplace |

|658.14 Fein |By Richard Fein / Taylor Trade Pub, 2006 |

|BUS |The best home businesses for people 50+: opportunities for people who believe the best is yet to be! |

|658.1402 Edwards |By Paul and Sarah Edwards / Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, 2004 |

|CC |The $100,000+ career: the power of networking for executive job change |

|658.409 Davies |By John Davies / Sourcebooks, 2006 |

|CC |Becoming a manager: how new managers master the challenges of leadership |

|658.409 Hill |By Linda A. Hill / Harvard Business School Press, 2003 |

Resumes, Cover Letters and Interview Tips

|CC |Expert resumes for career changers |

|650.14 Enelow |By Wendy S. Enelow / JIST Works, 2005 |

|CC |202 great cover letters |

|650.142 Betrus |By Michael Betrus / McGraw-Hill, 2008 |

|CC |Best career transition resumes for $100,000+ jobs |

|650.142 Enelow |By Wendy S. Enelow / Impact Publications, 2006 |

|CC |The career change resume |

|650.142 Isaacs |By Kim Isaacs and Karen Hofferber / McGraw-Hill, 2003 |

Suggested Websites


Job Finder Advisory: Finding Reliable Advice for Career Change in the 21st Century

- “The Job Finder Advisory is the ultimate career and job search site offering customized, comprehensive and free expert career and job-hunting advice. Our customized application is a unique tool that will offer advice and tips based on your individual background, such as your education, your current job search status, and many other parameters. The system is interactive and will give you tips following questions asked.”

The interchange Desk: Career change and job search advice for the transitioning worker

-“A growing repository of articles, advice, ideas, suggestions and resources especially for people making, or considering, a career change.”


Quintessential Careers: your job search starts here

--“ Quintessential Careers is the ultimate career, job, and college site, offering comprehensive free expert career and job-hunting advice (through articles, tools, tips, samples, and tutorials), as well as links to all the best job sites.” This page is specifically geared for career-changers.

U-Turn Ahead: Changing my career…changing my life

--This is a collection of best blogs and websites for career changers

--’s Human Resources article: “Create the life you want with a mid-career crisis: by Susan M. Heathfield that includes websites, books and other resources of interest to career changers.


Career Voyages: Good jobs, better pay, brighter future

--The Department of Labor’s website addressing the resource needs of career changers including links to a wide variety of additional websites.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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