Name: Nicole Markewich Subject:

Date: Grade:

(approximately day __ of this unit)

|Materials/Aids Required: case studies, poster paper, markers, chalk/chalkboard |

|Unit | |

|Topic |Business Ethics |

|Content |Applying an ethical decision making model |

|Teaching |Case Study |

|Strategy | |


| |Given an ethical issue, all students will be able to apply all six steps of an ethical decision making model to a |

|1 |business case. |

| |Given a business case, all students will work cooperatively in a group(exhibiting the following behaviour: on task, |

|2 |sharing ideas, active listening) to apply all steps of an ethical decision making model to a business case. |

|Pre Requisite Learning: ethical decision making model. |


|Set: (Time: 0-5 minutes). Greet students. Ask students to recall the steps in the ethical decision making model. (1. Problem |

|recognition. 2. Identification of Alternative Courses of Action 3. Evaluation of Alternative Courses of Action 4. Estimation of |

|Probabilities 5. Calculation of Expected Values 6. Justification of the Course of Action Chose). Record the answers on the board. |

|Once the answers are recorded on the board, ask students the significance of each step. Engage in discussion and questioning to |

|ensure student comprehension. |

|Development: |

|1. (Time: 5-10 minutes) Advise students that today they will be applying the ethical decision making model to a business |

|situation. Students are to work in groups and work through the case/situation using each step of the ethical decision making model.|

|Students will be provided with poster paper/markers to record their responses. Provide students with the rubric for this |

|assignment. Review the rubric and explain to students how the assignment will be graded and what the expectations are. Ask for |

|someone to tell you what the assignment is and what the expectations are and write them on the board. Advise students to get into |

|groups of 3-4 (see classroom management) Students will be given thirty-five minutes to complete this task. Hand each group a copy |

|of the case, a summary sheet of the steps (see attached) and poster paper. |

|2. (Time: 10-45 minutes) Students work in groups. As students are working in groups circulate through the groups to ensure that |

|students are on task. At this time also make observations about students’ ability to work in groups (see attached observation |

|sheet). Provide any clarification or assistance that students or the groups require. Provide time prompts (ie. You have been |

|working for 10 minutes; you should be on step 2. You have 8 minutes left, you should be working on your justification etc..). |

|3. (Time: 45-55 minutes) Bring work groups back to the larger group. Ask groups to state what the ethical problem is. Record all |

|answers on the board. Ask students to share their ideas for alternative courses of action. Record all answers on the board. Next, |

|ask students to share their evaluations of these alternatives. Time permitting allow students to share their estimation of |

|probabilities and calculation of expected values. Allow students to also share their justifications of the course of action taken. |

|If there were alternative courses of action taken, ask students if they would be willing to revise their recommendation or take on |

|another groups recommendation. Why or why not? Allow all willing participants to share their responses. |

|Closure: (Time: 55-60 minutes) Exit slip/writing: Students will spend five minutes writing a reflection of on the ethical decision |

|making process. Some questions to consider are: What did I learn? Why is an ethical decision making process important for me? Where|

|else can I use this ethical decision making process in my life? Reflections are to be handed in on the teacher’s desk before |

|students leave the class. Thanks students for their participation and dismiss students. |


|Obj. #1 |Student posters will be graded using the evaluation provided (see attached) |

|Obj. #2 |While students are working in groups, circulate through the groups and not how students are working. Are the |

| |cooperating, listening, contributing. Although there is not a specific grade for this lesson, these |

| |observations will be used to determine students overall participation and work grades. (see attached) |

|Target for Professional Growth: Preparation and Debriefing. How do I prepare the students for the task? How to I debrief the task? |

|Common Essential Learnings: |

| |

|Critical and Creative Thinking Students will be required to think critically about the information they are provided. They must |

|be able to look critically at an ethical issue and determine alternatives to the problem. |

|Communication Students must have/use communication skills in order to introduce their ideas and opinions to the class. They are |

|also required to listen and respond to others ideas. They will be required to communicate in both large and small groups. |

|Personal and Social Values and Skills Students must be able to demonstrate the social skill of working in groups. They must also |

|understand and apply personal and social values as they apply to an ethical business issue. |

|Independent Learning: Although students have been presented with an ethical decision making model, and with a business case/issue, |

|they must exhibit some independent learning if they choose to create their own case/scenario. |

|Classroom Management: Some classroom management issues that may present themselves in this lesson are and ensuring that all |

|students participate in the discussions and ensuring that all students stay on task throughout the lesson. |

|In addition the formation of groups needs to be considered. If this class is responsible enough, allow them to create their own |

|groups. If there were problems in the past have pre designed groups. |

|Adaptive Dimension: Allow students to create their own ethical business issue/scenario. Once the issue/scenario has been created |

|the students must apply the ethical decision making model. |


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