Business Management 12

Business Management 12

Business Management 12 ? Crown copyright, Province of Nova Scotia, 2003 Prepared by the Nova Scotia Department of Education. Contents of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part provided the intended use is for non-commercial purposes and full acknowledgment is given to the Nova Scotia Department of Education.

Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

Main entry under title.

Business management 12 / Nova Scotia. Department of Education. English Program Services . ?

ISBN: 0-88871-830-6

1. Business education--Outlines, syllabi, etc.?Nova Scotia. 2. Business education?Nova Scotia--Curricula 3. Education?Nova Scotia? Curricula I. Nova Scotia. Department of Education.






Course Design and Components Outcomes

Background ........................................................................................ 1 Rationale for Business Management Education................................... 2 The Nature of Business Management 12............................................. 2

Features of Business Management 12 .................................................. 5 The Four-Column Spread ................................................................... 5

Essential Graduation Learnings and Business Management 12 ............................................................... 7

Business Management 12 Outcomes ................................................... 8 Specific Curriculum Outcomes ........................................................... 9 Outcomes Arranged by Course Unit ................................................. 11

Contexts for Learning and Teaching

Principles of Learning ....................................................................... 57 The Senior High School Learning Environment ............................... 60 Meeting the Needs of All Students .................................................... 62 The Role of Technology .................................................................... 65

Assessing and Evaluating Student Learning


Effective Assessment and Evaluation Practices ................................... 67 Using a Variety of Assessment Strategies............................................ 69

Appendix A: Sample Scope and Sequence ......................................... 75 Appendix B: Rubrics ......................................................................... 77 Appendix C: Getting Started ............................................................ 83 Appendix D: Internet Web Sites ....................................................... 89 Appendix E: Resources ..................................................................... 91 Appendix F: Checklist Sample .......................................................... 93




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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