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| |Business Brokers Network |

| |“America’s Largest Network of Business Brokers” |


May 12, 2009

Current Economic Conditions Underscore for All BBN Affiliates the Benefits of Using BBN Twelve (12) Step PROVEN PROCESS TO MARKET AND SELL BUSINESSES

In Today’s Economic Climate, Businesses that:

• Produce A Cash Profit, and

• Are Listed Following The BBN Proven Process, and

• Are Presented Correctly in the Marketplace

• SELL, SELL, SELL! Others Do Not Sell!!

The Good News: Benefits for BBN Affiliates

Affiliates benefit from following The BBN Proven Process to Market and Sell Businesses. Those Affiliates that follow the process increase, by about tenfold, the likelihood that they will sell the business, close the transaction and collect the brokerage commission.

Important Announcement!!!

Previously Announced Advanced Affiliate Training Conference is Canceled Due to the Current Economic Situation. Our June 2009 Training Conference Includes Three Topics Originally Planned for the Advanced Training Conference. Likewise, August & October 2009 Training Conferences Will Include Other Advanced Topics Originally Planned for the New Advanced Training Conference.

Make Your Plans Now: Attend the June 2009 Training Conference

The Reason For This Change Is To Help You Save On Costs and Travel Due To Current Economic Conditions – Affiliates’ Need This Important Training Information!!!


2009 BBN Training Conferences Will Cover in Depth Selected Portions of the Twelve (12) Step BBN Proven Process To Market and Sell Businesses: From Collecting Business Information to Successfully Complete Transfer of Ownership

January 2009 BBN Training Conference was a great success.

• Twenty nine (29) BBN Affiliates attended the two day Training Conference.

• One point of focus was being prepared to talk and meet with business owners that respond to the mass mail program.

• A second point of focus was to Collect Business Information (BIO) and Assist With Business Valuation of the BBN Proven Process To Market And Sell Businesses

• This Training Conference included the process to present the RWS Sample Business Valuation and to deliver the Completed Business Valuation to the business owner.

• A number of Affiliates stated that the information presented was exactly what they needed to learn and hear about.

April 2009 BBN Training Conference continued the great start from January’s Training Conference.

• Twenty (20) BBN Affiliates attended the two day Training Conference.

• One main point of emphasis was to study, review and discuss in detail the Standard Listing Agreement, BBN Forms 339 & 340.

• A second point of emphasis was to learn how to successfully use the Standard Listing Agreement and get the best result for the BBN Affiliate.

• Day one of the Training Conference included steps needed to develop and complete the Confidential Memorandum (Marketing Document) and to learn to prepare an expanded Confidential Memorandum for larger businesses with colorful design, graphics and alternative methods of presentation.

• This Training Conference included an interactive demonstration to present the Sample RWS Business Valuation and to deliver the Completed RWS Business Valuation to the business owner.

• Attendees’ comments about the June Training Conference were very complimentary. Understanding the Standard Listing Agreement is essential to effective business brokering.

Think about it: BBN Training Conferences Make BBN Affiliates Smarter Business Brokers

Plan Now to Attend the

June 23rd & 24th BBN Training Conference

How RWS Business Valuations, A Professional Marketing Plan, Working Capital Statistical Analysis and Financing Impact Offers To Purchase and Letters of Intent (LOI’s)

Four New Advanced Business Brokerage Topics – New Material Never Before Presented

• Working Capital – Statistical Analysis to Measure Working Capital Dollars in the Business Compared to Working Capital Dollars Needed to Operate the Business.

• A Complete Detail Explanation: Why the RWS Business Valuation is The Best Business Valuation of Its Kind in the Industry.

• A Complete Detail Explanation: Why the RWS Business Valuation is The Best Business Valuation of Its Kind in the Industry.

• A Complete Detail Explanation: Why the RWS Business Valuation is The Best Business Valuation of Its Kind in the Industry.

• A Complete Detail Explanation: Why the RWS Business Valuation is The Best Business Valuation of Its Kind in the Industry.

• How Using the Five-Star Featured Businesses to Sell - An Exclusive Website Helps Affiliates Obtain Quality Listings and Collect Non Refundable Retainers.

• What Is The Benefit To Business Owners’ for Their Business To Be Included On The BBN Five-Star Website? An In-Depth Presentation Including Benefits & Marketing Strategy.

Other Business Brokerage Topics Included In This Training Conference

• Professional Marketing Plan for Small, Medium or Large Businesses. How are they different? And Why?

• Target Marketing the Decision Makers – Simplified!

• Handling the Offer to Purchase & Letter of Intent (LOI)

• Orchestrate Buyer/Seller Negotiations

• How Do You Get Your Business Sale Financed in Today’s Market?

Plan to Attend June 2009 Training Conference: Training Does for Business Brokers What Advertising Does for Retailers!! It Generates New Business!!!

*Attendance Certificate: Business Transfer Specialist (BTS)

Training is the difference between success and failure!

2009 Dates for Remaining BBN Affiliate Training Conferences

June 23rd & 24th

August 25th & 26th

October 27th & 28th

Note: All Training Conferences in 2009 are on Tuesdays and Wednesdays

Details at – Affiliate Members Area


2009 New Advanced BBN Affiliate Training Conference in Dallas, Texas- Schedule Change

Advanced BBN Training Conference Key Topics are Included in the June, August & October 2009 Training Conferences. This adjustment is made to help you control costs of training and transportation. We want you to benefit from this new information which will greatly benefit all BBN Affiliate Business Brokers.

The Good News: Benefits for BBN Affiliates

Affiliates benefit from following The BBN Proven Process to Market and Sell Businesses. Those Affiliates that follow the process increase, by about tenfold, the likelihood that they will sell the business, close the transaction and collect the brokerage commission.

Remember: Learning is a life-long process!



I was on the computer in my home office when my eight year- old son asked what I did for a living.

“I’m a consultant,” I said. “What’s a consultant?” “It’s someone who watches people work and then tells them how to do it better.”

“We have people like that in my class,” he said, “but we call them pests.”

Submitted by Katie Adams and published on Page 78 of Readers Digest, June 2009 issue.

BBN’S Five-Star Featured Businesses for Sale Website

The Five-Star Featured Businesses for Sale Website is an excellent marketing tool for all BBN Affiliates. Business owners are favorably impressed with the quality and type of businesses listed on this website.

Advertising Techniques Now Being Used To Promote the BBN Five-Star Featured Businesses For Sale – An Exclusive Website Include:

• This website appears on all BBN Affiliate Websites that are on the BBMS

• Many BBN Affiliates advertise this website on all Mass Mail letters

• Many BBN Affiliates advertise this website on all Target Marketing for Buyers letters

• Many BBN Affiliates include on their emails a reference near their signature suggesting the reader visit the BBN Five-Star Featured Businesses For Sale – An Exclusive Website

I suggest that each BBN Affiliate practice using the businesses on this website as a major marketing and discussion tool when you talk to business owners about marketing and selling their business. Business owners are highly attracted to the idea of their business being displayed for sale on a website with only the best of the best businesses available for sale.

This process will assist BBN Affiliates to get better listings; not just larger businesses, but businesses that produce positive cash flow and will sell in today’s market. Additionally, business owners are far more agreeable to paying a non refundable retainer when they know their business will be marketed by a competent BBN Business Broker that is part of an established national organization with a sound business reputation for marketing and selling businesses.

Attend the June 2009 BBN Affiliate Training Conference and Learn How Business Owners Benefit When Their Business Is Included On The BBN Five-Star Featured Businesses For Sale – An Exclusive Website!!!

Updated: Sample RWS Business Valuation

In August 2008 the SBA issued revised guidelines for its lending. Two important economic changes impact the Sample RWS Business Valuation as follows:

• The loan repayment time period is increased from seven (7) years to ten (10) years; a 43% increase in repayment time. This is a timely and beneficial change with significant advantages to:

1. Business Buyers

2. Business Sellers

3. Business Acquisitions

4. Business Brokers

• The current interest rate used in the new Sample RWS Business Valuation is 7%; not as high as the 9% interest rate used in the previous Sample RWS Business Valuation.

• Cash Flow Coverage on Page 4 of the RWS Business Valuation is larger for all businesses as a result of these two (2) changes.

Contact Don Smith at RWS Business Valuation Services to order your new Sample RWS Business Valuation. ** Don’s contact information is as follows: Telephone: 1-972-680-3012

Email: donsmith.smith@

** New MVA Report price is $75 each; plus $10 shipping and handling: total amount $85.

New Information: I recently completed reading a very good book that I want you to know about. The title of this book is: Judgment – How Winning Leaders Make Great Calls. The authors are Noel M. Tichy, a professor at the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan and Warren G. Bennis, a professor and distinguished professor of business administration at the University of Southern California.

This book contains excellent case studies from the authors’ who are also accomplished business consultants working with a number of different Fortune 500 businesses, including some that we have recently seen in the headlines of newspapers and business magazines. They bring a wealth of information from their consulting experience at McKenzie & Company. The authors not only describe their work, but include excellent tools to help readers understand their concepts and to use in your own work..The book is one you may want to read and then read again.


Summary: Active Affiliate Status Information

To maintain Active Affiliation Status, Affiliates must be actively involved as a Business Broker and participate with BBN as outlined in detail in your Service Agreement.

Please make certain that you are complying with all terms of your BBN Service Agreement, including payment of Service Fees to BBN. BBN Form 501, Sold Business Fact Sheet, is to be completed and submitted to BBN with your payment of applicable service fees for each closed transaction. Service fees are due and payable immediately following close of the transaction.

Keep up your good work and contact us when you have questions or need assistance.


Zack Tannery

Vice President, Affiliate Services


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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