2113470DEMOCRITUS UNIVERSITY OF THRACEDepartment of Forestry and Management of the Environment and Natural Resources Research manager: Professor. Georgios Tsantopoulos conduct number: +30 25520 41118Dear student,The present questionnaire consists a basic research instrument which will enable me to perform the research for writing my thesis. It aims at investigating the views of the undergraduate students in the Department of Forestry and Management of the Environment and Natural Resources on renewable energy sources. All information you are providing is strictly confidential and will be used for research purposes only. To answer the following questions, please mark with X the box corresponding to your answer. Best regards,Evangelia Karasmanaki QUESTIONNAIREDo you consider that renewable energy sources consist a necessary solution offering economic growth to a region?Do not know(1)Strongly disagree(2)Disagree(3)Neither agree or disagree(4)Agree(5)Strongly agree (6)In your opinion, is it necessary to reduce lignite dependence for electricity production and transition to environmentally friendlier energy sources?Strongly disagree(1)Disagree(2)Neither agree or disagree(3)Agree(4)Strongly agree(5)Do you consider that the Greek state has invested in renewable energy?Do not know(1)Strongly disagree(2)Disagree(3)Neither agree or disagree (4)Agree(5)Strongly agree(6)Do you agree with the construction of new lignite plants in regions of Greece where lignite reserves are located?Strongly disagree(1)Disagree(2)Neither agree or disagree (3)Agree(4)Strongly agree(5)How will areas be affected if lignite plants are replaced with renewable energy installations? Please assess the possible effects positively or negatively.Effects:Highly negativeHighly positive12345678910Life qualityLocal economyLocal labor market Tourism developmentLandscape enhancementLocal fauna conservationLocal flora conservationLivestock farmingAgricultureEvaluate the following energy production technologies based on which types you prefer to be further developed in Greece. Rate the types from 1 to 10.To be less developedTo be more developed12345678910Lignite combustionCoal combustionOil combustion Natural gas combustionHydropowerWind energySolar energyNuclear fuelsBiofuelsWhat are your feelings about a possible energy shortage due to lignite exhaustion in the future?NeverRarelySometimesUsuallyAlways(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)FearOptimismAnxietyAngerIndifferencePessimismConcernDo you find it necessary to establish stricter legislation with severe penalties against energy producers who generate high emissions while maintaining a high electricity cost? Yes (1)No(2)To achieve energy revolution while avoiding perilous changes in climate…Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeither agree or disagreeAgreeStrongly agree(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)All direct and indirect fossil fuels subsidies should be gradually abolished.Stricter energy efficient standards to household appliances, buildings and vehicles should be applied.Investors should be provided with fixed and stable yields.Better labelling schemes with complete environmental information on products should be applied. What is the best way to transition smoothly to an energy production system which is based exclusively on renewable energy sources?Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeither agree or disagreeAgreeStrongly agree(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)More efficient use of all existing energy sources.Gradual adoption of environmentally friendlier technologies and renewable energy sources that provide the necessary energy quality. Would you invest in a renewable energy system in the future (e.g. as a house owner)?Yes (1)No (2) Are you interested in working in the renewable energy sector after your studies?Not at all(1)Slightly(2)Moderately(3)Very(4)Extremely(5) To what degree do you agree with the following reasons for installing photovoltaic systems or wind turbines?Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeither agree or disagreeAgreeStrongly agree(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)Subsidies for the purchase of the systemSubsidies for the maintenance of the systemFixed and guaranteed incomeLower-risk investment for savingsHigher profitability compared to other investmentsTax exemptions due to installation cost Tax exemptions due to maintenance cost New job positions-unemployment reductionEnhanced social prestige-entrepreneurial activity Reduction in pollutionImproved air quality Increased energy independence of our country To what degree do you agree with the following daily practices? Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeither agree or disagreeAgreeStrongly agree(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)I am willing to switch off the lights when leaving a room or use energy efficiency light bulbs. I am willing to recycle.I am willing to re-use or give my old clothes to the needy.I am willing to buy products travelling short distance.I am willing to buy organic products.I am willing to turn off the tap while brushing teeth or shaving.I am willing to reduce the consumption of meat and cured meat products.I am willing to cover short distances on foot.I am willing to use the bicycle.I am willing to use public transport instead of the car.12. I am willing to turn the thermostat down at 18?C.I am willing to buy products with less or recyclable packaging. Who do you consider is more or less responsible for the environmental problems of our country?Not at allSlightlyModeratelyVeryExtremely(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)StateEnvironmental organizationsMunicipalitiesBusiness and industryOurselvesEducation/schoolInsufficient protection of diminishing natural resourcesInsufficient knowledge of energy saving measures Which of the following media do you use for your information on daily topics?Information sources:Not at allVery much 12345678910Family and friendsNational television and radio networksLocal television and radio networksNational newspapersLocal newspapersNews websitesWebsites of particular interestSocial mediaScientific publications How much money are you willing to pay to reduce energy production with lignite and to reinforce renewable energy sources?Not willing to pay(1)Up to 10€ per month(2)Up to 20€ per month(3)Up to 40€ per month (4)50€ or more per month(5) Gender:Male (1)Female (2) Year of study: ……………………. Parental profession:FatherMotherEmployed in the public sectorEmployed in the private sectorFree-lancerHouseholdCrop or livestock farmerUnemployedPensioner Parental educational level:FatherMotherCompulsory educationSecondary educationHigher education12700327660Please provide your personal information in the participation list once you have completed the questionnaire.Thank you for your contribution!00Please provide your personal information in the participation list once you have completed the questionnaire.Thank you for your contribution! ................

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