Do You Know What Your Neighbors


Your Neighbors, The Smiths, Got Exactly What They Deserved –

And It Could Happen To You Next!

|You Might Be Surprised When You Find Out! |They will be moving on August 14th. The Smiths are |years, and gives some insightful tips on how to make |

| |really excited about the move and are looking forward|sure you avoid them. |

|You may remember that less than 60 days ago your |to moving into their new four-bedroom colonial home |If you’re going to be selling your house in the next |

|neighbors, the Smiths, put their house on the market |in River Oaks, just in time for the new school year. |six to 12 months, this report could save you |

|with John Adams of ABC Realty. |John has prepared a special report called The 10 |thousands of dollars and help you sell your house |

|Well, they got what they deserved – a buyer for their|Dumbest Mistakes Smart People Make when Buying or |much faster. |

|beautiful home! |Selling a Home. |To receive a free copy call 1-800-555-5555, ext 12, |

|The home was on the market only 47 days and they got |In this report he addresses some of the most costly |24-hours for a 24-hour Free Recorded Message. |

|the price they wanted. |mistakes he has seen people make over the | |

Your Neighbors, The Smiths, Got Exactly What They Deserved –

And It Could Happen To You Next!

|You Might Be Surprised When You Find Out! |They will be moving on August 14th. The Smiths are |years, and gives some insightful tips on how to make |

| |really excited about the move and are looking forward|sure you avoid them. |

|You may remember that less than 60 days ago your |to moving into their new four-bedroom colonial home |If you’re going to be selling your house in the next |

|neighbors, the Smiths, put their house on the market |in River Oaks, just in time for the new school year. |six to 12 months, this report could save you |

|with John Adams of ABC Realty. |John has prepared a special report called The 10 |thousands of dollars and help you sell your house |

|Well, they got what they deserved – a buyer for their|Dumbest Mistakes Smart People Make when Buying or |much faster. |

|beautiful home! |Selling a Home. |To receive a free copy call 1-800-555-5555, ext 12, |

|The home was on the market only 47 days and they got |In this report he addresses some of the most costly |24-hours for a 24-hour Free Recorded Message. |

|the price they wanted. |mistakes he has seen people make over the | |


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