MSU .docx

Ottawa Hybrid 2014Round 4Packet by Michigan State (MSU)1. This author wrote about Staika earning a living as a blood donor in a story where the classicist George Grebe delivers disability cheques in the ghetto. In another work, he created the biographer “Chick,” who visits an academic dying of AIDS in Paris. This author of “Looking for Mr. Green” and a fictional portrait of Allan Bloom began another book with the thought: “If I’m out of my mind, it’s alright with me.” A bootlegger’s son retreats to the Berkshires when separated from his daughter Junie, before grabbing an old gun and peeping at his ex-wife in a book by this man, who wrote of a hero’s second wife cheating with his friend Valentine. For 10 points, name this author whose character Moses writes unsent letters to Einstein and Heidegger, author of Ravelstein and Herzog.ANSWER: Saul Bellow2. Olympic medalist Lloyd Eisler portrayed this character “on ice,” though this character is usually portrayed by Richard White. He has dreams of owning a “rustic hunting lodge” and is known for using “antlers in all of [his] decorating”, though he takes someone calling him “primeval” as a compliment. He consults Monsieur D’Arque to help lock up his love interest’s father and is often accompanied by the bumbling Lefou. At the climax of the film he first appears in, he stabs the protagonist after a fight amongst gargoyles, but falls to his death from a castle roof. A handsome man that all the village girls except Belle swoon over, for ten points, name the villain of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast.ANSWER: Gaston 3. This country’s Tungurahua Volcano is located just outside its city of Ba?os de Agua Santa, a tourist destination, which has been repeatedly evacuated due to eruptions. The source of the Pastaza River is in this country on the slopes of a volcano that is part what Alexander von Humboldt named the “Avenue of the Volcanoes;” that volcano could destroy this country’s city of Latacunga and threaten its capital and is called Cotopaxi. The island of Baltra in this country, also known as South Seymour, is home to the Charles Darwin Research Station and part of a chain whose largest is Isabela. This country largest city is Guayaquil. For ten points, name this South American country with the Galapagos Islands and capital Quito.ANSWER: Republic of Ecuador [or República del Ecuador]4. This band sang that “The all-American dream is getting 15 for free,” and in one of their videos, a couple meets when their red and blue cars crash into each other. Andrée-Anne Leclerc sang on a bilingual remix of a song by this band, which did the albums Storms and The Show Must Go and asked: “Was it something I said or just my personality?” Another song described meeting a kid whom the singer knows from school after seducing his mother. Named after a town that went up for sale, band of the slow song “Perfect” sang “I’ll be the shipwreck that takes you down” on a song that goes: “Take off your clothes, turn on the stereo.” For ten points, name this band led by Jacob Hoggard that made the songs “Cha-Ching,” “Don’t Talk to Strangers,” and “Kiss You Inside Out.”ANSWER: Hedley5. TV shows this network began developing but chose not to air in the past few years include Day One, Thick and Thin, Wonder Woman, and an adaptation of The IT Crowd. In 2012, this network burnt off all six episodes of the show Bent by airing them two at a time on Wednesdays, and its attempted to bring back some of its former stars with the shows Go On and The Marriage Ref. Once run by Jeff Zucker, this network gets some ratings off Hollywood Game Night, Revolution, and Hannibal, and a 2009 fiasco involved a late-night host leaving this network for TBS. Featuring a generally unsuccessful lineup of Thursday-night sitcoms, for ten points, name this major network, which sometimes does worse than Univision and which used to air the shows Friends and Seinfeld.ANSWER: National Broadcasting Company 6. Alkenes and this compound react in the Koch-Haaf reaction, while this compound and hydrochloric acid are combined in standard Friedel-Crafts conditions in the Gatterman-Koch process. With chlorine gas, this molecule can form the compound phosgene, and alongside hydrogen gas, this molecule catalyzes hydroformylation reactions. Water gas is created when this compound is mixed with hydrogen gas, and nickel is extracted and purified with this compound in the Mond process. A potent cytochrome C oxidase inhibitor is, for ten points, this product formed alongside soot and water vapour in incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons with formula CO. ANSWER: Carbon Monoxide [or CO early]7. This man’s painting Capri served as inspiration for another work that depicts a man clapping his hands under two guitars hanging on a wall. This artist’s forays into watercolor included a painting showing men napping in boats in his Gondolier’s Siesta, as well as some Muddy Alligators. The same person created another work in which one of the titular figures plays with a doll to the right of a girl leaning against a giant blue vase. This creator of the Triumph of Religion series for the Boston Public Library and El Jaleo painted another work in which two young girls hold Chinese lanterns in a garden in addition to one “controversial” depiction of Virginie Gautreau in a low-cut dress. For 10 points, identify this American artist of Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose, and Portrait of Madame X.ANSWER: John Singer Sargent8. A 2010 scandal involving the wife of the First Minister of Northern Ireland evoked comparisons to this fictional family, partially due to a shared last name. Murray Hamilton played the father of this family, a law partner of the protagonist’s father. The mother of this family tells the protagonist that she and her husband used to have sex in a Ford. That protagonist is later set up on a date with the daughter in this family, whom he takes to a strip club. Eventually the protagonist falls for that daughter, played by Katherine Ross, and follows her back to Berkeley. That daughter of this family runs away from the altar at her wedding to be with Benjamin Braddock, despite the fact that he had an affair with her mother, played by Anne Bancroft. Simon and Garfunkel wrote a song about the mother of, for ten points, what family from The Graduate?ANSWER: Robinson9. DC42, Rac, and Rho activates this protein in response to extracellular signals. Cofilin depolymerizes and profilin helps regulate the binding sites of this protien, which comes in G and F forms and three or more form a nucleus of this protein. CWASp activates Arp2/3 and create 70 degree branching in polymers of this protein, which is capped by CapZ and tropomodulin. A calcium binding protein, Troponin, is used to expose a site on this protein that allows for a certain ATP binding protein to move along this protein. For 10 points, name this protein that associates with myosin in muscles in order for muscle contraction and form the micro-filaments of the cytoskeleton. ANSWER: Actin 10. This player was drafted out of BYU in 1976 and made his professional debut after an injury to Mark Fidrych opened a rotation spot. Currently a TV analyst, he controversially accused Clay Buchholz of doctoring baseballs in 2013. He led one decade in wins, games started and innings pitched, but also hits, runs and home runs given up. He allowed seven runs in 4 and ? innings with a chance to clinch game 5 of the 1992 World Series, but he is best known for a scoreless 10-inning performance in Game 7 the year before, which won him the Series MVP. A controversial candidate for the Baseball Hall of Fame, he fell short on the 2014 ballot in his final chance to be voted in. For 10 points, name this longtime ace who led the Tigers, Blue Jays and Twins to World Series titles.ANSWER: Jack Morris11. One work by this author has the protagonist’s friend Ziplock Murphy die following a fall from a rooftop while escaping from the Clarissa Farina Institute for Parentally Challenged Boys. That work by this author sees Myshi Corp’s Ellen Faustino manipulate the title group, who attempt to neutralize the Parasites feeding on human pain. Another series by this author include includes characters such the wrestler “Jade Princess”, better known as Juliet Butler and her older brother Domovoi. Much of the action in that series by this author takes place underground in Haven City, the original home of main antagonist Opal Koboi. For 10 points, name this author who wrote The Supernaturalist as well as the Artemis Fowl series.ANSWER: Eoin Colfer12. Nikolai Lebedenko developed one of these devices, which was positioned on a tricycle with two extraordinarily large front wheels. In addition to inventing the searchlight, JFC Fuller developed much of the theory behind the use of these devices. Little Willie was the first completed prototype of this type of device. Before being killed in the Great Purge, Mikhail Tukhachevsky developed tactics for the use of these devices that were put into use by Georgy Zhukov and Ivan Konev at the Battle of Kursk, the largest battle of these devices in history. These devices were first used at the Battle of the Somme. For ten points, name these military vehicles, variants of which include the T-34 and the various different Panzers.ANSWER: tanks13. Although this person claimed to have “retired” in 1985, his power centre in Pailin was still attacked that year. During his retirement, he ordered the execution of his chosen successor, Son Sen. This man expounded “Anka,” led the KPRP, and created “Office 100.” This man’s forces defeated Lon Nol, and he implemented a four-year plan to grow more food that actually resulted in lots of deaths instead. This man’s government was eventually overthrown by Vietnam, but only after his Killing Fields massacred intellectuals, farmers, and anyone who wouldn’t join one of his agricultural collectives. For ten points, name this “Brother Number 1” who governed Cambodia as head of the Khmer Rouge.ANSWER: Pol Pot [or Saloth Sar]14.This artist played under the words “Love live six-string storytellers” in a Wranglers commercial and sang: “She had a shiny little beamer with the ragtop down” on one song. Currently signed to Broken Bow records and headlining the Burn It Down Tour, this artist sang about a “couple guys in first class on a flight from New York to Los Angeles” who “never drove through Indiana” on his album My Kinda Party. He also did a euphemistic song that offered: “We can go slow or make it go faster.” This artist noticed “memory lane up in the headlights” on a country-rap song about drunk-driving and “swerving like I'm George Jones.” For ten points, name this singer of “Fly Over States,” “Big Green Tractor,” and “Dirt Road Anthem.”ANSWER: Jason Aldean15. In the 1956 film version of Anastasia, Ingrid Bergman’s character does this action when nervous, convincing the Dowager Empress that Anastasia is indeed the lost daughter of Tsar Nicholas II. In the season 2 premiere of House, Cameron agonizes over a diagnosis of terminal cancer in a walk-in clinic patient who frequently claimed “but it’s just” this. The sound of this is interspersed with the (*) count-in of the Beatles’ song “Taxman”; it may be an artifact of a flubbed prior recording on the tape. In StarCraft Brood War, clicking on a medic repeatedly causes her to tell you to “turn your head and” do this. For ten points, name this bodily function that clears the respiratory tract.ANSWER: coughing [prompt on “clearing the throat”; do not accept “sneezing”]16. The Mayan Awilix is this type of deity, as is the Inuit Igaluk. According to the Kalevala, a goddess of this type was formed after Illmatar allowed a bird to lay an egg on her leg. Besides Kuu, a Chinese deity of this type was separated from her husband after consuming a magic pill, while a Hindu deity of this type possessed a chariot pulled by ten white horses. Another deity of this type killed Uke Mochi and was born from either a white copper mirror held by Izanagi, or from washing out of Izanagi’s right eye. Besides Chang’e and Tsukuyomi, a different deity of this type is a daughter of Hyperion and sister of Helios. For 10 points, identify this type of deity including Selene and Luna.ANSWER: Moon deities 17. One of this author’s poems calls time an “endless song” before closing with,“I kiss you and the world begins to fade.” This poet of “The Land of Heart’s Desire” proclaimed “if they have sinned, nobody knows,” about young men who “cough in the ink til the world’s end,” in “The Scholars.” Another work by this poet begins, “I have met them at the close of day,” and states that “too long a sacrifice/ Can make a stone of the heart.” This poet discussed living alone in a “bee-loud glade” and proposed planting “nine bean rows” by a house of “clay and wattles” in a poem that begins, “I will arise and go now.” For 10 points, name this author of “The Lake Isle of Innisfree,” who wrote that “A terrible beauty is born” in “Easter 1916.”ANSWER: William Butler Yeats18. One debate in this work inspires the auto-tuned Alphabet Game to be posted on YouTube. One Chinese-speaking character who is told “Jesus forgives you” on this show has a Sun Conure, quotes “When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d” and answers calls from six time zones with “yes” or “no” responses. Another character wonders if she is party to a murder before being thrown in front of a train. This show’s protagonist is cuckolded by the photographer Adam Galloway, and chokes a dying dog to death in this show’s first episode. Billionaire Raymond Tusk and staffer Doug Stamper are on this show, in which alcoholic gubernatorial candidate Peter Russo dies in a garage with his car running. For 10 points, identify this Netflix political drama with Robin Wright and Kevin Spacey.ANSWER: House of Cards19. TEAM AND POSITION REQUIRED. One Hall of Famer who played this position for this team is Bobby Bell. In both 1989 and 1990, first round drafts picks were used to fill this position for this team. The second of those picks, Percy Snow, never recovered from a knee injury in a scooter accident at training camp in his second season. The first was a nine-time Pro Bowler and holds the NFL’s single-game sack record but died in 2000 after a car accident. In 2012, one of them, Jovan Belcher, killed his girlfriend and committed suicide at this team’s facility. For ten points, name this shared team and position of 2013 Pro Bowlers Derrick Johnson, Justin Houston and Tamba Hali, along with Hall of Famer Derrick Thomas, a defensive position at Arrowhead.ANSWER: Kansas City Chiefs Linebacker [Accept Either for Team, prompt on partial]20. A 2010 Christopher Ferguson works speculates that its main finding could be due to its participants seeing videos as instruction or wanting to please the experimenter. It cited experiments by Blake and Schachter and Hall’s 1952 “Group-derived restraints and audience persuasion,”, and one variation of it was performed in 2000 using Tetris and Wolfenstein. Another variation was called the “Mister Rogers Study,” and this experiment was followed up by one that tested differences between learning and performing. It alternately called participants “strong fighters” or “big bullies.” Demonstrating a theory of social learning theory, participants used toy guns and mallets to strike the title objects. For ten points, identify this experiment on childhood aggression performed by Albert Bandura.ANSWER: Bobo Doll experiment TB1. On his way to a ceremony honouring several cosmonauts, this man survived an assassination attempt by Viktor Ilyin. This man was stationed with naval infantry when his forces held their ground at Malaya Zemlya, an incident that was described in detail in his namesake trilogy. This man’s namesake doctrine was used to justify the invasion of Czechoslovakia and stated that attempts by Communist nations to liberalize would result in military intervention. This man’s government implemented the Helsinki accords, but his terrible economic policies led to two decades of stagnation. For ten points, name this Soviet leader who succeeded Nikita Khrushchev.ANSWER: Leonid Brezhnev1.These bodies are formed from stars that are not massive enough to become a black hole but are too heavy to become a white dwarf. For ten points each:[10] Name these celestial bodies, which are pulsars when they rotate quickly.ANSWER: Neutron stars[10] The surface of neutron stars is made of this element, which, due to the extremely strong magnetic fields, polymerizes to extreme density. It has the lowest binding energy per nucleon.ANSWER: Iron[10] No neutron star, or anything else made of degenerate matter, can have a mass higher than this limit, which is between 1.5 and 3 solar masses. ANSWER: Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff Limit [or TOV Limit]2. Wes Anderson films are known for often re-using the same actors, like Owen and Luke Wilson and Bill Murray. For ten points each, name these actors who have only appeared in one Wes Anderson movie. [10] One of this legendary actor’s last film roles was as the patriarch of the title family in The Royal Tenenbaums. ANSWER: Gene Hackman [10] This Australian actress played journalist Jane Winston-Richardson, the love interest of Steve Zissou in The Life Aquatic. She is better known for appearing as Queen Elizabeth I in two films.ANSWER: Cate Blanchett[10] In Anderson’s first film, Bottle Rocket, this man played Mr. Henry, who helps the protagonists plan a robbery, then steals all the furniture from one of their homes. He is best known for playing the oldest Corleone son in The Godfather. ANSWER: James Caan 3. For ten points each, answer these questions about teams who failed to win soccer’s World Cup. [10] Hosting in this year, Brazil suffered the come-from-behind shocker called “the Maracanazo” to lose to Uruguay 2-1 after leading at halftime, which meant losing the 4-team round robin final (they had needed only a tie). This year marked Uruguay’s last World Cup title.ANSWER: 1950[10] This country fell victim to Diego Maradona’s Hand of God. In 1950 they lost to the US 1-0 in the Miracle on Grass.ANSWER: England[10] This team didn’t make it out of its group in 1994. Their defender Andrés Escobar, was brutally murdered upon returning home in response to an own goal he “scored” against the United States. ANSWER: Republic of Colombia [or República de Colombia]4. Identify these indie games that Connor Teevens purchased in various steam sales last year. For ten points each:[10] Connor bought this 2-D sidescroller during last year’s Steam Summer sale. This Playdead game centers on a boy trying to find his sister. He’s often chased by a giant spider.ANSWER: Limbo [10] Connor recently bought this insanely hard Subset Games RTS in which the player controls the crew of a single spaceship. It’s name comes from the ship’s method of propulsion.ANSWER: Faster Than Light[10] Perhaps the best game that Connor bought last year was this Bossa studios production in which the player must transplant various organs without letting the patient die. Its alien level is particularly hilarious.ANSWER: Surgeon Simulator 20135. This work’s thinly-veiled sexual overtones include the lines “she suck’d and suck’d and suck’d the more/ She suck’d until her lips were sore.” For 10 points each:[10] Identify this poem where Lizzie and Laura are enticed by the title character’s “fruit” and their calls of “come buy, come buy.”ANSWER: “Goblin Market”[10] This Pre-Raphaelite author of In the Bleak Midwinter and sister of Dante Gabriel wrote “Goblin Market.”ANSWER: Christina Rossetti[10] J.K. Rowling’s novel The Cuckoo’s Calling takes its title from this mournful Rossetti poem which asks “why were you born when the snow was falling?’ and states “you should have died at the apples’ dropping.”ANSWER: “A Dirge”6. Many TV characters frequent diners. For 10 points each,[10] On Gilmore Girls, Lorelai and Rory got their daily coffee fix at this diner. Its grumpy owner was one of Lorelai’s main love interests. ANSWER: Luke’s Diner[10] Leslie Knope loves to get waffles at this Pawnee diner on Parks and Recreation. ANSWER: JJ’s Diner[10] Much of the action on Happy Days took place at Arnold’s Drive-In, a diner in this city. This city’s downtown now features a creepy bronze statue of The Fonz.ANSWER: Milwaukee, WI7. This novel was partially inspired by Philippe Honoré, and its protagonist is a member of the Maggiore Quartet. For ten points each:[10] Identify this novel in which violinist Michael Holme has an affair with the pianist Julia and must deal with her impending deafness. ANSWER: An Equal Music[10] This massive novel by the author of An Equal Music centres on Rupa Mehra’s search for the title figure for her daughter, Lata. It’s set in the fictional Indian city of Brahmpur.ANSWER: A Suitable Boy[10] This Indian author of The Golden Gate wrote both An Equal Music and A Suitable Boy.ANSWER: Vikram Seth 8. This war is divided into three phases, the second of which included an ill-fated attempt to capture Syracuse. For ten points each:[10] Name this was between Athens (sometimes masquerading as the Delian League) and a namesake Spartan-led league. It’s named for the peninsula on which Sparta sits.ANSWER: Peloponnesian War[10] Athenian power was based largely on the strength of its navy. Unfortunately for Athens, Lysander defeated its navy at this last battle of the war. .ANSWER: Battle of Aegospotami[10] The first phase of the Peloponnesian War was ended by this treaty in 421 BCE. Among its terms were returning Amphipolis to Athens, which never happened. Predictably, it was abandoned soon after.ANSWER: Peace of Nicias9. This man gained early fame for his collection 20th Century Ghosts, and his novel Horns as recently adapted into a film starring Daniel Radcliffe. For ten points each:[10] Identify this author and son of Stephen King who penned Heart-Shaped Box. ANSWER: Joe Hill [10] Hill is the author of this IDW graphic novel series illustrated by Gabriel Rodriguez. It centres on Tyler, Kinsey, and Bode’s struggles against the spirit-inhabiting Dodge. ANSWER: Locke and Key[10] Hill’s most recent novel was this one, in which Vic McQueen battles against the Rolls Royce Wraith-driving Charlie Manx who tries to bring Vic’s son Wayne to Christmasland. ANSWER: NOS4A2 [accept “Nosferatu”]10. Answer these questions about the family of Mia Farrow and Woody Allen, for 10 points each.. [10] Farrow and Allen raised this son, activist and MSNBC personality. On Father’s Day 2012, he tweeted that his family calls it “brother-in-law’s day.” a shot at Allen’s marriage to his former stepdaughter. ANSWER: Ronan Farrow[10] Mia Farrow recently admitted that it was possible that this legendary singer, not Allen, might be Ronan’s father. He was married to Farrow briefly in the 1960s. ANSWER: Frank Sinatra[10] Woody Allen is not the only controversial director with ties to Mia Farrow. Farrow’s breakout film role was as the titular character in this Roman Polanski horror film.ANSWER: Rosemary’s Baby11. Some of these figures include Ghee Linto and Damballa. For ten points each:[10] Identify these spirits of Haitian Vodou that serve as intermediaries between humanity and the divine.ANSWER: Loas [10] This Loa of the Crossroads is always the first and last spirit evoked in a Vodou ceremony. He serves as an intermediary between humanity and all other loa. ANSWER: Papa Legba[10] This is the name of the unknowable supreme deity in Vodou. He is also recognized in Odinani and Yoruba traditions.ANSWER: Bondye12. One work by this man for chorus and orchestra was subtitled The Nine Splendid Stags and his namesake pizzicato is denoted by a circle with a vertical line running through the top. For ten points each:[10] Identify this creator of Cantana Profana and Concerto for Orchestra who also composed the one-act ballet The Wooden Prince. ANSWER: Béla Bartók [10] Bartók also created this other one-act opera based on a story of the same name by Charles Perrault. In it, Judith discovers several dead wives of the title character.ANSWER: Bluebeard’s Castle[10] This set of five solo piano pieces by Bartók includes “With Drums and Pipes” and “The Chase.” It opens with the Hungarian folk song “Stork, Stork.”ANSWER: Out of Doors 13. Answer these questions about the influential Elephant Six Collective, for 10 points each. [10] The most well-known member of the collective is this Jeff Mangum-led band. This is the least-profilic group in the collective whose only albums are On Avery Island and the critically-lauded In the Aeroplane Over the Sea. ANSWER: Neutral Milk Hotel[10] Including the song “Holland 1945,” In the Aeroplane Over the Sea is a concept album about this girl and her uncomfortable romance with Peter van Pels.ANSWER: Anne Frank[10] This other Elephant 6 band made the albums Fun Trick Noisemaker and Her Wallpaper Reverie, and their lead singer performed the song “Stephen Stephen” on The Colbert Report’s “Rock'n'Awe Countdown to Guitarmageddon.”ANSWER: Apples in Stereo14. This politician gained his current office by defeating Jon Corzine. For 10 points each:[10] Name this current governor of New Jersey, who previously prosecuted Hemant Lakhani for trying to sell missiles as US Attorney.ANSWER: Chris Christie[10] In 2014, it was revealed that a Christie had authorized closing several approach lanes to this structure straddling the Hudson River between New York and Fort Lee, for the latter’s mayor did not endorse Christie’s re-election bid. ANSWER: George Washington Bridge[10] The George Washington Bridge is managed by this organization. It also controls New York-area airports and owned the World Trade Center buildings.ANSWER: Port Authority of New York and New Jersey [or PANYNJ]15. For 10 points each, name these Lakers point guards who have played with Kobe Bryant. [10] The Lakers’ starting point guard during Kobe’s rookie season was this player, who averaged nearly 15 points and 7 assists per game in his 5 seasons in LA, but was traded to the Nuggets before any of the Lakers’ title wins. He was known for wearing high socks.ANSWER: Nick Van Exel[10] This player, drafted out of Arkansas-Little Rock in the same draft class as Kobe, was the Laker’s starting point guard for most of Kobe’s career. He is notable for hitting a buzzer beater with 0.4 seconds remaining in a playoff game against the Spurs, and currently plays for Oklahoma City. ANSWER: Derek Fisher[10] In a recent interview Kobe called this player, his point guard from 2005 to 2007, “the worst”, and said that the Lakers let him “walk-on” because they were too cheap to sign a good point guard. His lack of effort in a Greek league game in 2011 may have saved the global economy from total collapse.ANSWER: Smush Parker16. This novel was adapted from Matthew Lewis’s The Monk, and its title substance causes the protagonist to pursue the princess Aurelie. For ten points each:[10] Identify this novel in which the Capuchin monk Medardus is plagued by the Count, his half-brother and doppelg?nger.ANSWER: The Devil’s Elixirs[10] The Devil’s Elixirs was written by this German Romantic author with the musical alter-ego Johannes Kreisler, who is the subject of some “Tales” by Jaques Offenbach.ANSWER: E.T.A Hoffman[10] Freud’s “The Uncanny” discusses Hoffmann’s portrayal of this character, who will steal your eyes. In Hans Christian Andersen’s version, he’s called Ole Lukoje and he just puts dust in your eyes so you have sweet dreams.ANSWER: sandman17. Answer some questions about oceanic currents in the Atlantic Ocean, for ten points each:[10] This current, which runs through the western Atlantic Ocean east of Florida, is extremely powerful. It brings warm water to Europe and is responsible for Europe’s temperate climate.ANSWER: Gulf Stream[10] This current flows south from the Arctic Ocean east of North America. It mixes with the Gulf Stream between Newfoundland and North Carolina. ANSWER: Labrador Current[10] This location of relative calmness is surrounded by the North Atlantic current, Gulf Stream, Canary Current, and North Atlantic Equatorial Current. This “sea” is named after the masses of seaweed present. ANSWER: Sargasso Sea 18. Answer the following about history which was touched by the pen of Pierre Berton, for 10 points each.[10] This group was written about by Berton with the subtitle: “A Thirties Melodrama.” Hailing from Callander, Ontario, these sister were made wards of the state and were the subject of a Judicial review under Gloria Epstein.ANSWER: The Dionne Quintuplets [or Clear-Knowledge Equivalents][10] One of Berton’s other texts call this “The Last Good Year.” This year had Lester Pearson as Prime Minister during a World Exposition in Montreal, and it saw the launch of Toronto’s GO Transit system.ANSWER: 1967[10] Berton wrote a take-down of this first Bishop of Toronto, an ultraconservative Anglican clergyman who negotiated the surrender of York in 1813.ANSWER: John Strachan19. This man’s de facto solo album The Final Cut contains such songs as “Not Now John” for ten points each:[10] Identify this man who currently makes most of his money with The Wall tour and also made bank for the In the Flesh tour.ANSWER: Roger Waters[10] Rogers waters served as bassist for this English psychedelic rock band that released such albums as Wish You Were Here and Dark Side of the Moon.ANSWER: Pink Floyd [10] This album by Pink Floyd features such tracks as “Fat Old Sun” and “Alan’s Psychedelic Breakfast” as well as the title twenty-three minute instrumental track.ANSWER: Atom Heart Mother20. In this problem, V(x) [say: V of x] is zero within a region and infinite outside of it. For ten points each:[10] Name this problem taught in introductory quantum mechanics and can also be used as an approximation of more complicated physical problems.ANSWER: Infinite square well [or Particle in a box, or obvious equivalents][10] In the general solution for the wavefunction of an infinite square well particle, the particle’s wavefunction involves an exponential term multiplied by a term containing this function of the position. This function also graphs the velocity of a simple harmonic oscillator which begins at maximum displacement from the centre. ANSWER: Sine[10] The wavefunction of the one-dimensional infinite quantum well is multiplied by this term, which serves to normalize it and makes sure that the probability of finding the particle somewhere inside the well is 1.ANSWER: square root of 2 over L [or radical 2 over L, accept things like “the length” or “x” or “a” instead of L]21. In this adaptation of Run Punch, the obnoxious Melanie Ralston is shot by Louis Gara in a mall parking lot. For ten points each:[10] Identify this film where the Samuel L. Jackson-portrayed Ordell Robbie is duped by the title Pam Grier-played character.ANSWER: Jackie Brown [10] Jackie Brown was directed by this filmmaker who cast Jamie Foxx as the title Character in Django Unchained and Uma Thurman in Kill Bill.ANSWER: Quentin Tarantino [10] Tarantino also wrote this Robert Rodriguez-directed film in which Harvey Keitel plays a pastor and Salma Hayek becomes a vampire.ANSWER: From Dusk till Dawn22. In this show’ episode “His Last Vow” the title character steals Mycroft’s computer and shoots Charles Magnussen to protect Mary from her past. For ten points each:[10] Identify this show in which the namesake “consulting detective” played by Benedict Cumberbatch solves crimes along with Martin Freeman. ANSWER: Sherlock[10] In “His Last Vow” Charles Magnussen used this mental device to store information about Watson’s wife and Sherlock uses this location as a mnemonic device to solve the mystery during “The Hound of Baskerville.”ANSWER: Mind Palace (accept Memory Palace)[10] The BBC’s Sherlock is written by this man who joined with Steven Spielberg to write the 2011 The Adventures of Tintin and followed Russell T. Davies as the lead writer for Doctor Who.ANSWER: Steven Moffat ................

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