|The extrensic muscles of the eye are derived from which of the |Which of the following is not an infrahyoid muscle? |

|following? |Sternohyoid |

|1st brachial arch |Omohyoid |

|2nd brachial arch |Thyrohyoid |

|Occipital somites |Mylohyoid |

|Pre-optic somites | |

| |The cell bodies of the gustatory fibers from the anterior 2/3 of |

|Which type of articulation is located between vertebral arches? |the tongue are located in what ganglion? |

|Synarthosis |Pterygopalatine |

|Syndesmosis |Solitary |

|Synchondrosis |Geniculate |

|Symphysis |Superior vagal |

| | |

|What suboccipital muscle rotates the atlas on the axis? |The TVP forms the attachment for which of the following muscles? |

|Obliques capitus superior |Levator scapulae |

|Obliques capitus inferior |Transverse thoracis |

|Rectus captis posterior major |Internal costalis |

|Rectus captis posterior minor |External costalis |

| | |

|The pelvic diaphram is primarly made up of what muscle? |The occular motor nerve does not innervate which of the following|

|Levator ani |eye muscles? |

|Piriformis |Superior oblique |

|Coccygeus |Medial rectus |

|Obturator externus |Inferior rectus |

| |Inferior oblique |

|A typical thoracic vertebra has how many zygapophseal joints? | |

|2 |Which vertebral structure forms the superior & inferior borders |

|4 |of the IVF? |

|6 |Lamina |

|8 |Anterior IVD |

| |Pedical |

|Vertebral formation is a result of which of the following ? |Posterior IVD |

|Endochondral Os | |

|Mesenchymal Os |The costal border of a typical rib lies along the ? groove & the |

|Intermedually Os( Clavical & parital |? surface? |

|Chondroitin |Superior, internal |

| |Superior, external |

|Which receptors are not sensory to the epidermis? |Inferior, external |

|End bulb of Krause( Cold |Inferior, internal |

|Meissner corpuscles( Fine touch | |

|Merkel’s endings( Deep touch |Inflammation around the pisiform bone may affect which of the |

|Riffini corpuscles( Heat |following nerves? |

| |Musculocutaneous |

|The glabella is part of which of the following bones? |Median |

|Maxillary |Ulnar |

|Occipital |Radial |

|Frontal | |

|Paritial |The feature that is unique to the C-sine is? |

| |Vertebral notch |

|Axons of the optic nerve are formed by which of the following |Accessory process |

|cells of the retina? |Pars interarticularis( Lumbar spine |

|Horziontal |Transverse formaina |

|Bipolar | |

|Acrominal |The visual pathway does not include which of the following? |

|Ganglion |Medial geniculate body |

| |Optic radiation |

|Flexion of the hip is the primary action of which of the |CN II |

|following muscles? |Geniculocalcarine fiber |

|Psoas | |

|Piriformis |The spinal nerve from L4—S3 form which of the following nerves? |

|Gluteus medius |Sicatic |

|Biceps femoris |Femoral |

| |Obturator |

|What structure is located between the articulating surfaces of |Pudendal |

|the TMJ? | |

|Articular capsule |The carotid canal goes through which bone? |

|Synovial membrane |Sphenoid |

|Sphenomandibular ligament |Temporal |

|Articular disc |Occipital |

| |Maxillary |

|Which of the following ligaments would sustain damage in | |

|hyperextension of the C-spine? |Fast conducting axons are made of ? Fibers with ? diameter? |

|ALL |Myelinated, large |

|Interspinous ligament |Myelinated, small |

|Nuchal ligament |Unmyelinated, large |

|Supraspinous ligament |Unmyelinated, small |

| | |

|Which of the following ligaments has attachments to the disc? |The embroyological developmenet of extensor muscles are derived |

|PLL |from? |

|Cruciate ligament |Epimeric |

|ALL |Appomeric |

|Flaval ligament |Splanchic |

| |Brachiomeric |

|Due to the positioning of the ligaments a disc herniation will | |

|go? |What is the name of the ligament that connects the external |

|Anterior |occipital protuberance with the SP of C7? |

|Posterior |Flaval |

|Posterolateral |Infraspinous |

|Anterolateral |Nuchal |

| |Supraspinatous |

|Which ligament separates the greater sciatic foramen from the | |

|lesser sciatic foramen? |The coupling action of lateral flexion with ? is due to the |

|Iliolumbar |orientation of mid-cervical articular facets? |

|Sacrospinous |Ipsilateral rotation |

|Arcuate |Flexion |

|Sarcotuberous |Extension |

| |Contralateral rotation |

|Failure of the pupil to constrict when stimulated by a bright | |

|light indicates loss of integrity of? |The rib articulates with the sternal notch is @? |

|Ciliary muscle |1 |

|Dilator pupillae |2 |

|CN III |3 |

|CN IV |5 |

|Inflammation of the parotid gland inhibits which nerve? |Which of the following attaches to the coronoid process of the |

|Hypoglossal |mandible? |

|Glossopharyngeal |Masseter |

|Vagus |Medial pterygoid |

|Facial |Lateral pterygoid |

| |Temporalis |

|Which structure lies between the temporal & spenoid bones? | |

|Foramen lacerum |Which of the following are stimulated by preganglionic |

|Foramen ovale |sympathetic fibers? |

|Foramen orbital fissure |Anterior pitutary |

|Foramen rotundem |Posterior pitutary |

| |Adrenal cortex |

|Rods and cones of the retina synapse @ which of the following |Adrenal madulla |

|cells? | |

|Ganglion |The dorsal funiculus supplies which of the following structures? |

|Amacrine |Fasciculus gracilis |

|Horizontal |Spinothalamic |

|Bipolar |Corticospinal |

| |Medial longitudinal fasciculus |

|Which rib is a true rib but not a typical rib? | |

|1 |The medullary pyramids contain which fibers? |

|3 |Reticulospinal |

|5 |Vestibulospinal |

|7 |Corticospinal |

| |Rubrospinal |

|Portion of the lumbar vertebrae that is between the superior & | |

|inferior articular process is? |Which of the following pednucles connects the pons to the |

|Mammillary process |hindbrain? |

|Costal tubercle |Lateral cerebellar |

|Articular pillar |Middle cerebellar |

|Pars interarticularis |Superior cerebellar |

| |Inferior cerebellar |

|Which of the following nerves supplies the SCM? | |

|Spinal accessory |Which of the following is derived from dura matter? |

|Supraclavicular |Choroid |

|Suprascapular |Lens |

|Subscapular |Retina |

| |Sclera |

|Which of the following comprise the white rami communicants? | |

|Preganglionic sympathetic |Which of the following supplies stimulation to the zygapophyseal |

|Postganglionic sympathetic |joints? |

|Preganglionic parasympathetic |Ventral rami |

|Postganglionic parasympathetic |Dorsal rami |

| |White rami communicants |

|Muscles derived from the 1st pharyngeal arch are supplies by |Gray rami communicants |

|which of the following CN? | |

|III |The carotid tubercle is located on which vertebrae? |

|V |C-5 |

|VII |C-6 |

|X |C-7 |

| |T-1 |

|Which of the following is a auditory receptor? |The cerebellum & pons are part of which primitive structure? |

|Organ of corti |Rhombencephalon |

|Cristae ampullaris |Rhombencephalon |

|Utricle |Prosencephalon |

|Saccule |Mesencephalon |

| | |

|Which of the following types of glial cells form myelin around |Which bone undergoes intermembranous ossification? |

|the axons of the CNS? |Parietal( also clavical |

|Oligondendrocytes |Maxillary |

|Astrocytes( form BBB |Zygomatic |

|Ependymal( AKA: corcoid plexus( what produces CFS |Mandible |

|Schwan cells( Peripheral nervous system | |

|NOTE( CFS( produced in lateral ventricles of corcoid process. |The final synapse for the somesthetic sensory neurons are located|

|Moves to 3rd ventricle by way of foramen of monroe. Goes from |in the? |

|3rd to 4th ventricle by way of aquaduct of sylvia. From 4th |Medulla |

|ventricle it goes to the subarachnoid space by way of foramen of |Pons |

|luskuf & magendie. Then it goes to the spinal cord then to |Thalamus |

|superior sagital sinus & is reabsorbed by arachnoid villi. |Cerebellum |

| | |

|The dorsal lateral fasciculus does not transmitt sensation of? |The dorsal root ganglion, autonomic ganglion, & schwan cells are |

|Pain |derived from which of the following embronic structures? |

|Vibration |Somites |

|Proprioception |Neural crest |

|2 point discrimation |Mesoderm |

| |Sclertome |

|The limbic system is not responsible for which of the following ?| |

|Effect hormones |Which of the following is the pathway for conscious |

|Regulate body temperature |proprioception in the brainstem? |

|Control emotion |Medial lemnicus |

|Initiate muscle contraction |Spinothalamic tract |

| |Lateral lemnicus |

|The long thoracic nerve innervates which of the following |Central tegmental tract |

|muscles? | |

|Latissimus dorsi |The gray matter of the spinal cord primarily consist of? |

|Serratus anterior |Unipolar cells |

|Levator scapulae |Nodes of ranvier |

|Subscapularis |Mylinated cells |

| |Nerve cell bodies |

|On which part of the rib is the costal groove located? | |

|Shaft |Which muscle attaches to the articular process of C-3 through |

|Tubercle |C-6? |

|Head |Semispinalis muscle |

|Neck |SCM & trapezius |

| |Splenus capitus & clavical |

| |Rhomboic & pectoralis minor |

| | |

| | |

|The anterior superior aspect of the vertebral body of S-1 is the |The superior cerebral veins drain into which of the following? |

|sacral? |Occipital |

|Alar |Inferior sagital |

|Apex |Superior sagital sinus |

|Promontory |Straight |

|Cornu | |

| |At the level of the T-4, T-5 vertebrae, which structure is |

|Which of the following structures is found in the cistern of the |located anteriorally on the sternum? |

|lumbar region of the spine? |Angle of louis |

|Cauda equina |Jugular notch |

|Denticulate ligament |Xyphoid |

|Coccygeal ligament |Gladiolus |

|Mengies of spinal cord | |

| |Which of the following muscles is supplied by the facial nerve? |

|Which of the following structures does not attach the axis to the|Posterios digastric |

|occipital bone? |Levator palpebrae |

|Tectorial membrane |Mylohyoid |

|Alar ligament |Massater |

|Apical ligament | |

|Dedticulate ligament | |

| | |

|The spinothalamic & medial lemiscal tracts send neurons through | |

|the thalamus to which of the following gyrus? | |

|Postcentral | |

|Precentral | |

|Angular | |

|Cingulate | |

| | |


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