

Patients with active C.difficile infection should not be ambulating in the hall


Transport and ambulation

Cleaning & Disinfection of Environment/ patient care supplies

Isolation / Cohorting patients

Areas receiving patient should be prepared with appropriate equipment to manage patient


No alcohol hand rub for hand washing on exit. Upon entrance acceptable.

Hand washing for patients after stooling, before

meals and oral meds

Hand washing support for bedbound patient

Stool charting consistent for HCW

Freshly passed stool in a clean leak proof container sent to lab for C.diff rapid toxin assay w/in 1 hour of collection

Dispatch used for cleaning patient room and restroom for every contact isolation room, by environmental svcs.

Commodes will not be shared between patients

No rectal thermometers

Hand washing signs

Patient care areas (including over bed table) cleaned & disinfected daily by bedside staff; more often if soiled

Bedpans cleaned with dispatch after use or disposed of

Commodes will be cleaned and disinfected daily when soiled & between patients

Cohorting 2 positive patients permitted as long as both patients are positive (symptomatic or with 24 hrs of symptoms)

Gown and gloves worn when entering patient room

There should be no other infectious disease process present or suspected in cohorted patients

Cohorted patients should not share the same commode

Contact precautions for duration of symptoms + 24 hrs.

Visitors should wash hands with soap and water when arriving and leaving room


C. Difficile


Visitors should not use patient bathroom or sit on bed

Visitors involved in direct patient care should wear a gown and loves, and wash hands prior to leaving

Visitors should be instructed to turn off faucet with a paper towel

Transport as contact isolation patient. Gloves to be worn

If ambulation in the hall is deemed medically necessary, patient should be continent and wash hands prior to leaving room. Patient in

johnny /robe.

Notify accepting area of C. diff contact precautions


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