1 - DCFirst

|Which of the following bones contains the inferior orbital |The orientation of the inferior articular facets in the lumbar |

|Fisher? |is? |

|Ethmoid |Posterior and medial |

|Sphenoid |Posterior and lateral |

|Frontal |Anterior and medial |

|Maxillary |Anterior and lateral |

| | |

|What passes through foramen rotunderm? |Dermatomes to middle finger is from where in the brachial Plexus?|

|Maxillary nerve |C5 |

|Mandibular nerve |C6 |

|Middle meningeal artery |C7 |

|Ophthalmic nerve |C8 |

| | |

|Which of the following is transmitted through foramen ovale? |Which of the following cranial nerves originates from the 2nd |

|Mandibular nerve |pharyngeal arch? |

|Maxillary nerve |5 |

|Mental meningeal artery |7 |

|Ophthalmic nerve |9 |

| |10 |

|Foramen spinosum contains? | |

|Middle meningeal artery |Which of the following cranial nerves is not Parasympathetic? |

|Maxillary nerve |3 |

|Optic nerve |6 |

|Internal carotid artery |7 |

| |11 |

|The crista ampularis is a feature of which of the following? | |

|Endolymphatic duct |Which of the following cranial nerves goes through the cribriform|

|Perilymphatic duct |plate |

|Cohlear duct |1 |

|Semicochlear duct |2 |

| |3 |

|Obstruction of foramen of Monroe produces greatest build-up of |4 |

|pressure in? | |

|Lateral ventricle |Cranial nerve II axis the cranial vault via? |

|3rd ventricle |Superior orbital fissure |

|Fourth ventricle |Optic canal |

|Aqueduct of Sylvius |Supraoptic canal |

| |Foramen rotundrum |

|Cerebrospinal fluid is normally contained within what space? | |

|Epidural |The gray rami communicuntes contain which of the following |

|Subdural |fibers? |

|Subarachnoid |Preganglionic sympathetic |

|Peridural |Preganglionic parasympathetic |

| |Postganglionic sympathetic |

|Primal tracks dessucate? |Postganglionic parasympathetic |

|Pons | |

|Medulla |What part of the vertebra bears the greatest amount of weight? |

|mid brain |Facets |

|internal capsule |Body |

| |Pedicles |

| |Lamina |

| | |

|The most common direction for a disc to herniate is? |The trigeminal nerve goes through the cerebral- spinal fluid |

|Central |through which cistern? |

|Lateral |Superior |

|Posteriomedial |Pontine |

|Posterolateral |Lumbar |

| |Chyli |

|What fibers direct pain? | |

|Free nerve endings |Tectospinal tract response to? |

|Meissners corpuscles |Rotation of cervical spine |

|End bulbs of Krause |Rotation of thoracic spine |

|Organ of ruffini |Rotation of lumbar spine |

| |Find hand movement |

|The internal jugular vein drains which of the following? | |

|Sigmoid sinus |Which of the following vertebra has a pair of full costal facets |

|Superior sagittal sinus |and one pair of demi facets? |

|Occipital sinus |T1 |

|Straight sinus |T-3 |

| |T10 |

|What splanchnic nerve is derived from spinal nerve T-10/11? |T12 |

|Greater ( T5—T9 | |

|Lesser ( T10—T11 |Oculomotor nerve innervates which of the following? |

|Least ( T12 |Orbicularis oculi |

|Pelvis |Risorius |

| |Levator palpebrae superioris |

|At which level of the spinal cord is the conus medullaris found? |Obicularis oris |

|L1 L2 | |

|L4 L5 |The pons is supplied by which of the following arteries? |

|L5 S1 |Basilar |

|S2 S3 |Internal carotid |

| |For vertebral |

|Globus pallidus will transmit info to? |Superior cerebellar |

|Red nucleus | |

|Putnam |The fourth ventricle is continuous with? |

|Cortex |Subarachnoid space |

|Thalamus |Subdural space |

| |Epidural space |

|Which cell will extend from the pre-motor cortex all the way down|Lateral ventricles |

|the spinal cord? | |

|Pyramidal cell |The superior continuation of the PLL is the? |

|Purkinje cells |Tectorial membrane |

|Alpha motor neuron |Ligamentum flavum |

|Sensory cells |Ligamentum nuchae |

| |Supraspinous ligament |

|Cerebro, ponto, & cerebellar involves? | |

|Initiation of skilled movements |The nuchal ligament is a continuation of? |

|Fine hand movements |Supraspinous ligament |

|Coordination of movements |Ligamentum flavum |

|Crude touch |Tectorial membrane |

| |ALL |

| | |

| | |

|A posterior ponticle results from calcification of which of the |Which of the following cranial nerves innervates the superior |

|following ligaments? |oblique muscle of the eye? |

|Capsular |Trochlear |

|Anterior alanto-occipital |Oculomotor |

|Lateral alanto-occipital |Abducens |

|Posterior-alanto-occipital |Optic |

| | |

|Which part of the vertebra contains a groove for the vertebral |What cranial nerve root innervates the base of the skull to the |

|artery? |vertex of the skull? |

|Dense |C-1 C-2 |

|Condyles |C-2 C-3 |

|Posterior arch |C-3 C-4 |

|Anterior arch |C-4 C-5 |

| | |

|Which of the following vertebra does not have a bifid spinous |Which of the following supplies cutaneous innervation to lower |

|process? |back? |

|C-2 |Anterior primary rami |

|C5 |Posterior primary rami |

|C6 |Thracodorsal nerve |

|C7 |Axillary nerve |

| | |

|At which vertebral level does the vertebral artery enter the |Which of the following contains perilymph? |

|spine? |Petrous portion of temporal |

|C5 |Occipital |

|C6 |Sphenoid |

|C7 |Frontal |

|T1 | |

| |Which of the following is a Excitatory to the pars compacta of |

|Which ligament attaches the TVP of L5 to the Iliac Crest? |the substantia nigra? |

|Superior band of iliolumbar ligament |Dopamine ( inhibitory |

|Inferior band of iliolumbar ligament |Glycine |

|Ligamentum flavum |Glutamate |

|Supraspinotous ligament |Gaba( inhibitory |

| | |

|Which rib has both vertebral chondral and false rib? |The posterior groove on the odontoid process is for what |

|Five |ligament? |

|Eight |Transverse |

|Eleven |Apical |

|Twelve |Alar |

| |Cruciate |

|Coupling motion in the cervical spine during lateral flexion of | |

|the neck causes the vertebral body to? |At the tip of a lateral aspect of dense there are two small |

|Ipsilateral rotation |groups for the attachment of? |

|Contralateral rotation |Alar( check ligament |

|Flexion |Apical |

|Extension |Transverse |

| |Cruciate |

|Posterior chamber of the eye is located between? | |

|Iris to lens |Distraction of the posterior columns results in loss of? |

|Cornea to iris |Temperature sensation |

|Cornea to lens |Pain sensation |

|Lens to retina |Vibrations sensation |

| |Motor function |

|The clivus is composed of the sphenoid bone and the? |The uncus and anygduloid receive fibers from? |

|Ethmoid |Optic nerve |

|Parietal |Trigeminal nerve |

|Occipital |Olfactory bulb |

|Temporal |Facial nerve |

| | |

|Which of the following is a remnant of the notocord? |Which of the following is an example of a fiberocartilegous |

|Nucleus pulposis |joint? In |

|Annulus fibrosis |Symphsis |

|Vertebral endplate |Syndesmosis |

|Vertebral body |Gonphosis |

| |Condyler |

|The splenius capitis muscle inserts into? | |

|EOP |The joint between occiput and C-1 is which type? |

|Mastoid process |Condyler |

|Ligamentum nache |Trochoid |

|TVP of C-1 and C-2 |Saddle |

| |Hinged |

|The spinal cord is widest at? | |

|C-1 |Apopyseal joints are used with structures for articulation of? |

|C6 |Spinal processes |

|T12 |Articular processes |

|L3 |Bodies |

| |Lamina |

|What is the function of the emissary vein? | |

|To connect the intracranial venous sinuses with the veins outside|Which of the following cranial nerves innervates the medial |

|the cranial |peterygoid muscle? |

|To connect the prostatic vein to lumbar veins |5 |

|To connect veins in the hand |7 |

|Connect IVC to SVC |9 |

| |10 |

|Normal orientation of the thoracic TVP is? | |

|45 degrees anterolateral |What are the biggest nerve innervates the laryngeal muscle? |

|45 degrees posterolateral |Recurrent laryngeal nerve |

|Lateral |Inferior Recurrent laryngeal nerve |

|10 degrees anterior inferior |Cardiac branches |

| |Esophageal branches |

|There is no intervertebral disc in which of the following | |

|locations? |Which of the following segmental levels comprise the phrenic |

|C-1 C-2 |nerve? |

|C-2 C-3 |C-1 C-2 |

|T-11 T-12 |C-3 C-4 C-5( keep the body alive |

|L-5 S-1 |C-5 C-6 C-7 |

| |C-6 C-7 C-8 |

|Auditory fibers are contained in the? | |

|Medial longitudinal fasciculus |Superior petroseal vein drains into? |

|Medial lemniscus |Sigmoid sinus |

|Lateral lemniscus |Cavernous sinus |

|Superior colliculus |Transverse sinus |

| |Superior sagittal sinus |

| | |

| | |

|The parotid gland is innervated by which of the following nerves?|Location of her vertebral venous plexus? |

|3 |Epidural |

|7( runs through it |Subdural |

|9 |Subarachnoid |

|10 |Peridural |

| | |

|Climbing fibers in the cerebellum originate in? |What is confluent with the central canal of SC? |

|Peduncles |Foramen of Monroe |

|Nucleus solitaries |Lateral ventricle |

|Nucleus amibigous |3rd ventricle |

|Olivary nucleus |4th ventricle |

| | |

|The vertebral arteries enter the skull through which foramen? |Which ligaments is broadest in the C-spine region, narrows in the|

|Stylomastoid foramen |T-spine & attaches IVD? |

|Foramen spinosum |Posterior longitudinal |

|Jugular foramen |Anterior longitudinal |

|Foramen magnum |Ligamentum flavum |

| |Interspinous |

|Somatic visceral primary neurons are derived from? | |

|Mesoderm |Which of the following has no rods and cones? |

|Endoderm |Fovea |

|Ectoderm |Macula |

|Neural crest cells |Periphery of retina |

| |Optic disc |

|Preganglionic parasympathetic fibers of oculomotor nerves synapse| |

|at what ganglion? |What separates cerebus prom cerebellum? |

|Submandibular |Cavernous sinus |

|Pterygopalatine |Tentorium cerebelli |

|Optic |Falx cerebelli |

|Ciliary |Falx cerebri |

| | |

|The inability to move the jaw laterally indicates damage to which|Physiologically, during extension of the lumbar spine the IVF’s |

|of the following cranial nerves? |? and the spinal canal? |

|V |Shortens, shortens |

|VII |Shortens, lengthens |

|VII |Lengthens, shortens |

|X |Lengthens, lengthens |

| | |

|What ligament attaches Lamina to Lamina? |Innervation of the Deltoid muscle is from? |

|Posterior longitudinal |C-3 C-4 |

|Anterior longitudinal |C-5 C-6 |

|Supraspinous |C-7 C-8 |

|Ligamentum flavum |T-3 T-4 |

| | |

|Which of the following is derived from the 3rd brachial arch? |Mammillary processes of lumbar spine are located on? |

|Stylopharygeus |Lamina |

|Medial ptyerotid |Pedicles |

|Masseter |Inferior articular processes |

|Obliqularis oculi |Superior articular processes |

| |Microglial cells are derived from? |

| |Meschymal cells |

| |Ectoderm |

| |Endoderm |

| |Mesoderm |


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