Dmv california form reg 138


Dmv california form reg 138

There are three ways in California to notify the DMV that you have donated your car: online, by mail or in person. You can find more information and forms for each notification method below: 1. TO COMPLETE THE NOTICE OF TRANSFER AND LIABILITY FORM ONLINE: PREFERRED METHOD* If possible, we highly recommend completing forms online instead of by mail, so you may easily save and print out a copy for your records that includes a date/timestamp. Also, when completed online, a receipt can be printed ensuring it's been received. Click the button to go to dmv. and follow the instructions on the first page. DMV. Please print and complete the Notice of Transfer and Release of Liability (REG 183) Form. Submit to your local field office. Click HERE to locate your local field office. Access Form Please print and complete the Notice of Transfer and Release of Liability (REG 183) Form. Mail the completed Notice of Transfer & Release of Liability Form (REG 138) to: Department of Motor Vehicles Notice of Transfer and Release of Liability Motor Vehicle Division Unit P.O. Box 942859 Sacramento, CA 94259-0001 Access Form Featured Resource Are You Overpaying for Car Insurance? The California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) makes many of its CA forms available online, while others are offered only at DMV offices or by mail. You'll find many downloadable forms below. If a form is not available online, you can contact the DMV at (800) 777-0133 or visit your local DMV office for a copy. Please visit our other pages for CA Driver's Handbooks and Motorcycle Manuals. REG 343 Application for Title or Registration Use this form to apply for a title and register your vehicle when you buy a vehicle or move to the state. REG 135 Bill of Sale Bill of sale serves as receipt and proof of purchase for private vehicle transactions in California. DL 691 Application for Non-Commercial Restricted Driver License for Financial Responsibility Actions Apply for a CA restricted driver's license, which you can use to drive to work, school, or medical appointments. DL 410 FO California Driver License Renewal by Mail Eligibility Information Use this form to determine your eligibility for mail-in renewal AND renew your California driver's license by mail (if eligible). DL 207 Driver License Record Correction Request Complete this form to request the correction of inaccurate information about a CA traffic violation and/or conviction on your driving record. DMV 14 Notice of Change of Address Notifies the California DMV of your new address AND can be used to update your driver's license, registration and tags, and disability parking placards. DL 546A Physician's Health Report Have your doctor fill out this form to get your medical certification for 45-foot motorhome endorsements AND/OR driving instructor qualifications in CA. Not valid for CDL applications. DL 62 Report of Vision Examination Vision examination form to be completed by a medical professional. May be required to apply for OR renew your California driver's license. DL 142 Request for Cancellation or Surrender of a Driver License or Identification Card Form to cancel your CA driver's license/ID OR the driver's license of a minor who%u2019s in your custody or had your permission to apply. INF 70 Request for Record Information Order another Driver's CA driving record OR vehicle record for purposes allowed by law. Can also be done online. INF 1125 Request for Your Own Driver License/Identification Card (DL/ID) or Vehicle/Vessel Registration (VR) Information Record Complete this form to request your own California driving record OR registration record. INF 1301A Requests for National Driver Register (NDR) Record Checks Complete this form to request a National Driver Register (NDR) Record for yourself OR an employee in California. REG 5090 Affidavit of Non-Use Send this form to notify the CA DMV when you plan on cancelling a vehicle's insurance. This form does not cancel your car registration. REG 227 Application For Duplicate or Paperless Title Complete this form to request a duplicate CA title OR paperless title, which you can use while transferring ownership of a vehicle. REG 195 Application for Disabled Person Placard or Plates Application for a California disability parking placard OR license plate. You can also use this form for temporary disability placard renewal or replacement. REG 156 Application for Replacement Plates, Stickers, Documents Request replacement license plates, registration stickers, disability placards, disability IDs, and registration documents in California. REG 65 Application for Vehicle License Fee Refund Use this form to request a registration fee refund if your car is totaled or not repairable in CA. REG 17 California Legacy License Plate Pre-Order Form Form used to pre-order the legacy license plates scheduled for issue in January 2015. REG 102 Certificate of Non-Operation Notify the DMV that you do not or will not drive or park your vehicle on public streets so that you are not charged registration fees. REG 3060 Disabled Person or Disabled Veteran License Plate Certification Form Must complete this form AND keep it in your vehicle if you have a CA disabled person or disabled veteran license plate. REG 230 Motorized Bicycle Instructions/Application Use to apply for OR replace your CA motorized bicycle plate and ID, OR to transfer ownership of motorized bicycle DMV 14 Notice of Change of Address Notifies the California DMV of your new address AND can be used to update your driver's license, registration and tags, and disability parking placards. REG 4017 Permanent Trailer Identification (PTI) Certification Complete this form to apply for Permanent Trailer Identification (PTI) in California. You can also use this form to transfer OR add ownership on trailers without titles. REG 17 Special Interest License Plate Application Complete this application to apply for special interest California license plates connected to organizations or causes. REG 5036 Statement of Construction Form is required with your registration application for custom-built vehicles and trailers in CA. REG 256 Statement of Facts You can use this form to provide additional information for other California DMV forms OR to correct information on existing CA DMV documents. REG 352 Year of Manufacture (YOM) License Plate Application Apply for permission to retain your vehicle's original license plates in CA. OL 165 Application for Salespersons License Apply for OR renew your California license to sell motor vehicles. REG 138 Notice of Transfer and Release of Liability Notifies the CA DMV that you have transferred or sold your vehicle so you are not held liable for what occurs with or in the vehicle while the buyer is registering the car in their name. REG 4017 Permanent Trailer Identification (PTI) Certification Complete this form to apply for Permanent Trailer Identification (PTI) in California. You can also use this form to transfer OR add ownership on trailers without titles. REG 260 Power of Attorney Grants power of attorney for someone to sell a vehicle on your behalf in CA. REG 139 Vehicle Emission System Statement (SMOG) Give this completed form to the buyer if your car passed a smog inspection in CA before you decided to sell it. REG 262 Vehicle/Vessel Transfer and Reassignment Form Combination form for odometer disclosure, bill of sale, and power of attorney. Not available online. You must contact the California DMV for a copy. DL 207 Driver License Record Correction Request Complete this form to request the correction of inaccurate information about a CA traffic violation and/or conviction on your driving record. DS 699 Request for Driver Reexamination Submit this form to report a potentially unsafe driver in California. INF 70 Request for Record Information Order another Driver's CA driving record OR vehicle record for purposes allowed by law. Can also be done online. INF 1125 Request for Your Own Driver License/Identification Card (DL/ID) or Vehicle/Vessel Registration (VR) Information Record Complete this form to request your own California driving record OR registration record. INF 1301A Requests for National Driver Register NDR Record Checks DL 208 Traffic Accident Record Correction Request Use this form to request a correction on a car accident record in CA. SR 1 Report of Traffic Accident Occurring in California Form This report is required for accidents that caused any injuries, a death, or more than $750 in property damage. DL 939 10 Year History Record Check Include with California CDL applications and renewals if you%u2019ve held any driver's license in a different name OR a different state. MC 706 M Application for Motor Carrier Permit Application and instructions for a CA permit to operate as a motor carrier. DL 170 ETP Certificate of Driving Skill Form is filed with the DMV to certify your commercial vehicle driving skills as evaluated by an examiner. Only for those in ETP. REG 4008 Declaration of Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW)/Combined Gross Vehicle Weight (CGW) Required disclosure of vehicle weight for commercial vehicles in California of at least 10,001 lbs. gross or combined gross vehicle weight (GVW/CGW). MCSA-5876 Medical Examination Report You must submit this medical form when applying for a CDL OR other special vehicle classes (e.g. school buses or farm vehicles) in CA. REG 5045 Nonresident Military (NRM) Exemption Statement Complete this form to request registration exemption if you're a military service member stationed in CA but not a CA resident. REG 5046 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Status of Forces Agreement Use this form to apply for registration exemption if you're a non-U.S. resident, member of a foreign military, and stationed in CA. 76 Voter Registration and Absentee Ballot Request Federal Post Card Application If you're a U.S. citizen living out of your voting jurisdiction, use this form to register to vote AND/OR request an absentee ballot.

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