Senate and Assembly Education Committees

JOINT INFORMATION HEARINGSENATE COMMITTEE ON EDUCATIONandSENATE BUDGET AND FISCAL REVIEWSUBCOMMITTEE NO. 1 ON EDUCATIONSenators Carol Liu and Marty Block, ChairsAccountability for Postsecondary Education Performance: A Framework for informing State Budget and Policy to meet Public Needs AgendaWednesday, February 26, 20149:00 a.m.John L. Burton Hearing Room (4203)1.Welcome and Hearing Purpose 2.Current Budget Proposal / Performance and Goals Department of FinanceMollie Quasebarth, Principal Program Budget AnalystLegislative Analyst’s OfficePaul Golaszewski, Principal Fiscal and Policy Analyst 3.Meeting Public Needs WorkforceLande Ajose, Deputy Director, California Competes, Higher Education for a Strong EconomyEquity, Access, SuccessEstela Mara Bensimon, EdD, Co-Director and Professor, USC Center on Urban EducationCost, Affordability, EfficiencyNancy Shulock, Director, Institute for Higher Education Leadership & Policy4.Lessons from other States Martha Snyder, Senior Associate, HCM StrategistsSarah Ancel, Associate Commissioner for Policy and Legislation, Indiana Commission for Higher Education 5.Public Postsecondary Education Segments University of CaliforniaAimée Dorr, Provost & Executive Vice PresidentCalifornia State UniversityEphraim P. Smith, Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Academic OfficerCalifornia Community College Chancellor’s OfficePatrick Perry, Vice Chancellor6.Public Comment BACKGROUND MATERIALSCurrent Budget Proposals pp16-29Related LegislationSB 195 (Liu, Chapter 367, Statutes of 2013) 94 (Chapter 50, Statutes of 2013) Added the following sections:EC 89295 92675 63 (Chapter 73, Statutes of 2005) Added Education Code section 84754.5’s Needs: WorkforceCredential Crunch Jobs and Education Data’s Needs: Equity, Access, SuccessWe Have Goals, Now What? Estela Mara Bensimon, Alicia C. Dowd, David Longanecker & Keith Witham (2012) Campaign for College Opportunity Reports 2 -California’s Needs: Cost, Affordability, EfficiencyInstitute for Higher Education Leadership and Policy Reports pp 16-17, pp 28-29 from Other States HCM Strategists A BETTER HIGHER EDUCATION DATA AND INFORMATION FRAMEWORKFOR INFORMING POLICY: The Voluntary Institutional Metrics Project Commission for Higher Education’s Strategic Plan \s The Public Agenda for Tennessee Higher Education 2010-2015 of the Ohio Higher Education Funding Commission ................

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