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Curriculum Vitae

Marta Vides Saade @fruta_dela_vide https://

Office 201.684.7669


Ph.D. 2003 Graduate Theological Union

Ethics & Social Theory

M.Div. 1994 Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley

J.D. 1981 Santa Clara University, School of Law

B.A. 1978 University of San Francisco, Cum Laude

B.A. Government. B.A. Sociology

Data Analysis: General – Microsoft Word, including xls; Legal – Lexis/Nexis, including Concordance; Relativity; Data – Banner for internal corporate data system; Simple Model for Climate Assessment Policy (SIMCA+P) Umetrics for Multivariate Data Mining; Statistical package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) for data gathering, predictive analysis and modeling; Qualtrics – online survey and other similar data software; Educationa/Presentation/document-sharing: – efolio, Luminis, Moodle, Google.


Associate Professor, Law and Society, Ramapo College of New Jersey (2004-present. Tenured 2007).

Visiting Professor, Department of Business Administration, Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield, IA (Summer 2014)

Member, California Bar State Bar Association, active, in good standing.

Selected Professional Experience

Director, College Honors Program, Ramapo College of New Jersey, (2008 to 2012)

Adjunct Professor, International Law & Ethics, School of Graduate & Professional Studies, Manhattanville College, Purchase, NY. (M.S. International Management, Fall 2013, 2014)

Specialist/Especialista, Legal Education/Eseñanza en Educación Jurídica, Programa “Preparando a las escuelas de derecho en México para el nuevo sistema de justicia penal" Centro de Estudios sobre la Enseñanza y el Aprendizaje del Derecho (CEEAD), Nuevo Leon, Monterrey, México. (Sponsored by USAID, 2011.)

Planning Consultant, On legal and indigenous dispute resolution issues for Ramapough Lenape Nation, “Tribal Leadership and Dispute Resolution: Honoring Traditional Judicial Pathways,” August 24-26, 2007 conference. National Indian Justice Center, Trauma Response Services at Care Plus NJ, Inc., NJ Division of Mental Health Services.

Project Coordinator: Teaching Methodology, Building Legal Capacity in Latin America Project. Joint Project of Stanford Law School and Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas – División de Estudios Jurídicos, sponsored by Hewlett Foundation (2001-August 2004). See authored article: “Teachers without Borders” at:

Lecturer in Law, Stanford Law School/Gould Negotiation and Mediation Program, 1996-2004.

Technical Advisor, Appointment, Equipo de Apoyo (Technical Support/Advisory Team), Comisión de Esclarecimiento La Verdad Sobre 1932, a truth commission established by the Fundación Jose Feliciano Ama (FAMA), direct descendants of the Nahuat-Pipil of Izalco in collaboration with Nahuat, Lenca and Cacaopera peoples of El Salvador, at the Foro Internacional sobre el Genocidio y La Verdad, El Salvador 1932-Izalco 2007, Izalco, El Salvador (2007-2008).

Principal Investigator: “Assessing Restorative Justice in Juvenile/Police/Community Collaborations: Multivariate Data Mining for Predictors of Program Effectiveness,” Collaboration with Passaic Vicinage Probation Division. (2007-2008)

Consultant, “Closing the Deal,” Workshop Series in Managerial-Legal Department Collaboration, Hewlett-Packard Company, Palo Alto, CA (1997-1998).

Contract Chaplain, Federal Correctional Institution, Pleasanton, CA (1993-1995)

Interim Director, Center for Women and Religion, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, CA (1994-1996)

Interim Directing Attorney/Fund Development Assistant, La Raza Centro Legal, San Francisco, CA (1991)

Directing Attorney, Public Interest Law Firm, San Jose, CA (1988-1991)

Managing Attorney, Legal Services for Children, Inc., San Francisco, CA (1987-1988).

Selected impact & class action reported cases from legal practice work above-listed:

Maura F. Daly et. al. v. Tommy Derrick, et. al.

Sixth Appellate District, State of California, (1991)

(Amicus Curiae supporting application of the delayed discovery rule in a sexual molestation case in which plaintiffs partially blocked the incidents.)

Branson v.Winter, Santa Clara Superior Court Case No. 7807

(Consent Decree enforcement of Settlement Agreement on habeas corpus petition challenging jail conditions at Santa Clara County men’s facility.)

Fischer v. Winter, United States District Court, Northern District of California

(Consent Decree enforcement challenging conditions of confinement at Santa Clara County women’s facility. Institutional compliance issues with Special Master oversight.)

Eleanor Riese v. St Mary’s Hospital and Medical Center

196 Cal.App.3d, mdfd. 197 Cal.App.3d 1089a.

California Supreme Court Docket S004002 (1988)

(Amicus Curiae supporting the right of involuntarily committed psychiatric patients to make their own decision concerning use of anti-psychotic medication absent a court determination or emergency.)

Kristina B. v. People of California

San Mateo Superior Court No. 326419 (1988)

(Writ of Habeas Corpus asserting the right of a minor to a due process hearing before admission by her parents to a private psychiatric hospital.)

Selected Courses Taught:

Law School/Graduate School: Negotiation; Mediation; Lawyering Skills; Professional/Legal Ethics; International Law & Ethics.

Ramapo College of New Jersey: Law, Justice and Morality; Law & Society; Juvenile Justice; Criminal Law; Law Enforcement, Crime, & Community; Economic Ideologies (Honors); Ethics in Dispute Resolution (Honors); Sociolegal Research & Writing/Legal Rhetoric; Contemporary Issues in Law and Society – Religion in Law; Comparative Legal Systems/Global Legal Order; Readings - Justice, Race and Class; Readings - Propaganda and Law; Readings - Immigration; Readings - Scope & Limits of International Human Rights Talk; Directed Readings/Thesis Supervision (Senior Capstone).

Graduate Courses in Ethics & Social Theory: Liberation Theology (SCU, Graduate Program in Pastoral Ministry, 2005); Beyond Beijing: the Relevance of Theo-Political Analyses (SFTS, D.Min., 1996); Our Cry for Life – Feminist Theology from Latin America (PSR, M.A., 1996); Introduction to Feminist Theologies (PSR, M.A. 1994); Introduction to Feminist Biblical Hermeneutics (PSR 1994).

Selected Publications

Article “Who Bought the Rain? A review of international laws prohibiting the collection of rain water.” New York Times, 2014, forthcoming.

Article “Social Work Values and Restorative Justice” Chapter 23 in Restorative Justice Today: Applications of Restorative Interventions, Spring 2012, Sage Publications.

Article “The American Way: Los Abogados Latinoamericanos como Estudiantes de Maestría

En los Estados Unidos de América,” co-authored article, in Boletín Mexicano de Derecho Comparado. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México (UNAM), boletín num 130 enero-abril de 2011.

Entries Various entries and side bars for edited 2-volume, 780 pp encyclopedia Hispanic American Religious Cultures. Entries: “Dia de Los Muertos, Exilio, Huitzilopochtli, Hermeneutical Circle, Limpias, Mayahual, Tlazolteotl, and Plan Espiritual de Aztlan,” Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2009.

Article “Restorative Justice, Empowerment Theory and Transformative Spirituality: Searching for Authentic Strategies in China, Hong Kong, India and Korea.” Chapter 14 in edited volume entitled Restorative Justice East and West, Katherine van Wormer (ed.), Hong Kong: Casa Verde Press, December 2007.

Article “Entertaining Angels Con Pasión,” Symposium: Strangers No Longer: Immigration Law and

Policy in the Light of Religious Values, 83 Detroit Mercy Law Review 901, Summer 2006.

Selected Appointments

Member, Honors Task Force, RCNJ Provost Appointment, February 2008.

Member, Ombudsperson Search Committee, 2007-2008, RCNJ President Appointment.

Chair, Law & Society, Tenure-Track Faculty Line Search, 2005-2006, RCNJ Dean Appointment.

Convener, Law & Society, Spring 2006.

Santa Clara University, School of Law, Board of Visitors, 1991-1997.

Santa Clara County Superior Court, Judge Pro Tem, 1996.

Santa Clara County Redistricting Task Force, County Supervisor Appointment 1991.

California Department of Education, Advisory Committee on the Education of Homeless Children

and Youth, State Appointment, 1988-1989.

Selected Presentations & Consultations

5/2013: Mississippi River Water Walk 2013,

4/8/2011: “Ecological Impacts” Symposium: Spill Effects, Teaching about BP in the Gulf, New Jersey and Beyond. Sponsored by the Sustainability Studies Program. Co-panelists: Dr. John H. Paul, University of South Florida, Dr. Harry Allen and Dr. Mark Sprenger, US EPA Environmental Response Team, NJ.

1/7/2010: "Liberation Ethics, Global Economics and U.S. Public Policy" sponsored by the African American and Latino/a Working Groups of the Society of Christian Ethics, Annual Meeting, San Jose, CA.

2/28/2008: “Restorative Justice Rightly Understood,” ADR Educators Annual Conference, sponsored by UC Hastings School of Law, San Francisco, CA.

5/30/2008: “Seeking Accountability after Mass Atrocity: Implications for Victims and Justice,” With Collaborative Research Network-Human Rights, speaking on restorative justice and conceptualizing community, Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, May 29-June 1, 2008, Montreal Canada.

4/26/2007: Moderator “Money Matters: Financial Independence & Career Opportunities – Especially for Students.” Sponsored by the Minority Faculty and Staff Association Lecture Series. Panelists: Marylyn Higgins, Commerce Bank, Paramus NJ; Nick Thomas, Financial Specialist, Assist. VP, Wachovia Bank, Englewood NJ.

4/20/2007: “Public Discourse: When Gender, Race & Sports Meet Law, Media & the Market – Imus and the Rutgers Women’s Basketball Team Considered.” Co-Sponsored by the Minority Faculty and Staff Association Lecture Series and Phi Alpha Delta. Panelists: Lawrence Aaron, Bergen Record; Lydia Cotz, Civil Rights Lawyer.

3/7/2007: “Civil Rights: How Our Lives Have Changed Post 9/11.” Sponsored by the Minority Faculty and Staff Association. Panelists: Lydia Cotz, Civil Rights Lawyer, Lt. Harvey Murphy, Mahwah Police Dept.; Officer David Vega, Mahwah Police Dept.; Sgt. Todd Harris, Ridgewood Police Dept.; Co-Moderator: Jessica Willis, student.

3/16/2005: “Ten Years after the 1995 Beijing Conference on Women: A Colloquium.” Reflections on NGO Networks in Beijing, on the10th anniversary of the Fourth UN Conference on Women/Non-Governmental Forum.

1/2001: “Principios y Habilidades de Negociación” training at Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador, San Salvador.

8/2000: “Principios y Habilidades de Negociación” training at Universidad Católica de Temúco, Chile.

Selected Awards

Small College Website Award, First Place, National Collegiate Honors Council, Director, College Honors Program. 2011.

Women Leaders of RCNJ, Beta Kappa Sigma, Black and Latina Sorority, March 2007.

John Minor Wisdom Professionalism and Public Interest Award, American Bar Association, Litigation Section, Chicago, IL, 1991.

Public Interest Lawyer of the Year Award, Santa Clara University, School of Law, 1991.


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