“How Marilyn Cured Her Fibroids Once And For All Using A Special All-Natural Blend That’s Quickly Becoming The Most Sought After Remedy To Permanently Treat Fibroids.”{Insert pic of smiling lady here}?Consisting of a unique and highly effective combination of organic herbs and powerful enzymes, this revolutionary natural treatment is safe for women of ALL ages - and works wonders on ALL types of fibroids - regardless of their size, location or how long you’ve had them. PLUS, it dramatically enhances the chances of conception and helps you get pregnant FAST. Doctor Approved“I strongly recommend AFHF (actual name revealed later on in this letter) for my patients who are looking for a safer option to cure their fibroids.”My Name is Dr Albert Gonzales. It's been discouraging having to operate fibroid patients and see the fibroids reoccur in just a few months. I have always wished to do better for my patients, but the scope of medical treatments for fibroids is limited. Medically, all I can do is give drugs and suggest surgery. I came across AFHF and it's proven effective for all my fibroid patients. I feel so confident recommending this solution, because my patients tell me it has enabled them to resume their normal lives.Knowing how effective this product can be, it made me realized that many fibroid surgeries are not actually necessary. This wise alternative has actually saved thousands of women from unnecessary surgery and complications. From my professional experience, I believe AHFH is extremely effective, easy to use, contain natural ingredients that I found safe and powerful enough to shrink any types of fibroids and even works great for patients with complicated cases. Dr. Albert E. GonzalesMichigan, USAObstetrics & GynecologyClick Here To Order Now or read on to discover more about this amazing, all-natural fibroid treatment everybody’s raving about…Pls insert a smiling pic hereDear Friend,If you’ve been suffering from uterine fibroids for a while now, then you know how frustrating and painful this condition can be…Extensive bleeding and clotting, abnormal bloating, pain during sexual intercourse and constant cramping leaves you feeling weak and downright depressed. The emotional and physical toll it takes on you – as well as the negative impact it has on your personal, social and perhaps even professional life, can be quite devastating. That’s why I’m not exaggerating when I say that the revolutionary solution for fibroids I’m about to reveal could change your health for the better. Best of all, this safe and inexpensive remedy is available and being used successfully by women of all ages, right now. Even while most doctors and medical experts are continuing to prescribe synthetic drugs and various surgical procedures that are costly, dangerous and often times, woefully ineffective. Now I know this might seem pretty hard to believe. That’s why I’d like to tell you Marilyn’s story…It all started when she began experiencing unusually heavy periods for 3 consecutive months…An Alarming Diagnosis…She developed severe cramping during this time and the pain was so agonizing, it made her want to pull her hair out and scream, or curl up into a ball and cry. To make matters worse, she also started gaining weight around her waist - and to her utmost horror - this area soon became hard as a rock and painful to touch. By this point, Marilyn knew something was seriously wrong and decided to immediately consult a doctor.The diagnosis caused her to go into panic mode: uterine fibroids. “I’d suggest going in for surgery asap,” advised her doctor. “There are quite a few surgical procedures available these days including uterine artery embolization, myomectomy and hysterectomy. In fact, I recommend you undergo a Myomectomy without delay. “However, according to a recent article that Marilyn came across in the American Journal Of Gynecologists, not only do the above methods carry certain risks (eg: the occurrence of wound infections, internal scarring, incontinence, vaginal prolapse and difficulties in conception, is quite high), each procedure may cost up to $42, 619 – a pretty steep sum indeed. Afraid that surgery was too risky an option, she then asked her doctor for an alternative treatment that could be used to alleviate her condition. “Well, I recommend traditional birth control pills to control heavy periods and naprosyn to ease your cramps. I can also give you some hormonal therapy injections to help shrink your fibroids, but this is only a short-term solution.”Still not entirely satisfied, Marilyn then decided to call up her close friend who happened to be a specialist in Hypnobirthing. The latter advised her to stay away from artificial drugs due to the potentially damaging side effects they may cause. For instance, taking naprosyn on a regular basis might result in slurred speech, convulsions, nausea, numbness, dark urine and black, bloody or tarry stools. On the other hand, the extensive use of birth control pills can lead to blurred vision, severe leg pain, shortness of breath, blood pressure problems and an increased risk in breast cancer. Additionally, she explained that the sole reason these drugs are so readily available and widely used is “the understandable desperation of those having to deal with fibroids and a rigorous promotional campaign by big pharmacies.”All in all, treatments like these hardly do anything to cure the root cause of this condition, aren’t really effective for everyone, and if they do have a positive impact, it only lasts for a limited time…before your fibroids crop up once more, forcing you to go through your ordeal all over again. From Despair To Hope…But in the midst of this disheartening piece of news, Marilyn’s friend handed her a torch of hope…She described a powerful new herbal remedy that helped a 38 year old mother-of-three heal her uterine fibroids permanently in just 3 weeks, after she had suffered from cramping and abnormal bleeding for nearly seven and a half months. This woman was finally able to enjoy a healthy, pain-free life once again, thanks to this little-known organic supplement. Marilyn took the doctor-recommended naprosyn for only six days. On the 7th day though, she opted not to consume her usual dosage because she wasn’t seeing any improvements. Instead, she decided to take the solution her friend suggested. Within four days, she says, she “started feeling a whole lot better.”Her bleeding began to reduce. She no longer felt full in the stomach. The constant cramping she used to get in the past screeched to a rapid halt. On her next visit to the doctor, he had a chat with her and tested her for a while. After jotting down some notes on his clipboard, he finally turned to her and said “Frankly, I’m amazed by the progress you’ve made. Usually, naprosyn doesn’t work this fast.”Marilyn then revealed that she had stopped taking the drug and was consuming a completely natural remedy instead.Her doctor wasn’t in the least bit upset; in fact, he excitedly told her “There are plenty of fibroid patients that need exactly that. I honestly think you’re onto something groundbreaking.”Now you’re probably wondering…‘What caused this amazing transformation in Marilyn?No magic. Just pure science and good old Mother Nature. But before we go any further, let me introduce myself…Who Am I And Why Should You Listen To Me?My name is Melissa Adams and I’m a specialist in Traditional Gynecology. In addition to this, I’m also a Master Herbalist with over 35 years experience in the field of alternative medicine. 10 years ago, I asked myself…Is it possible to come up with an organic remedy that shrinks and melts away uterine fibroids on a permanent basis? Can a condition as exasperating and difficult as fibroids really be cured – without having to spend thousands of dollars on wallet-burning surgery procedures or resort to other chemical treatments?Well, I decided to take advantage of my experience in the medical field to try and come up with a solution that would work beyond a shadow of doubt. I’ll come to this in just a moment. First, let me share with you…Some Shocking Facts About Fibroid Treatments You Need To Know…You’ve probably been prescribed all sorts of pharmaceutical drugs to keep your fibroids at bay, right?Well, here’s the real truth about these synthetic treatments:Drugs such as Synarel (Nafelin), Lupron, Zoladex (Goserelin), Danazol and Tamoxifen that block estrogen production (one of the key reasons for the occurrence of fibroids in your body), have been proven to cause damaging side effects including vaginal dryness, uterine sarcoma, hot flashes, increased risk of developing cancer of the lining of the uterus (endometrial cancer), development of fluid filled sacks (cysts) in the ovaries and ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. Additionally, some women may even start their menopause early and their periods may not return once they stop taking these drugs. Worse, there’s a strong chance their fibroids will re-emerge and grow back twice the size they were previously. Pretty alarming, wouldn’t you agree?Now let’s take a quick look at another commonly prescribed option – surgery. As I mentioned before, the problem with surgical procedures is that they fail to tackle the root cause (excess estrogen) of fibroids. In fact, several medical studies show that the latter often grow back a few months after surgery. Furthermore, Myomectomy, Laparoscopic and Hysterectomy (removal of the entire uterus) operations also carry numerous risks - from wound infections and internal scarring to incontinence and difficulty to conceive. The bottom line is this:While the above-mentioned options may provide temporary relief, the risks associated with them far outweigh the benefits. And I’m sure you’ll agree with me that it’s a smart idea to avoid taking them in the first place.Now you’re probably asking yourself…Is There A Safe Way To Cure Fibroids - Permanently?Absolutely. It has been scientifically and clinically confirmed that herbs and other natural elements are instrumental in effectively preventing the production of excess estrogen and successfully shrinking fibroids once and for all. In fact, to investigate the direct effect of herbs on fibroids, they were studied in a vitro-experiment. Interestingly, it was found that they significantly reduced fibroids, arrested cell proliferation, induced cell apoptosis and eliminated fibroid-related symptoms.What’s more, a clinical study involving one hundred and twenty cases of fibroid sufferers was conducted, where the latter were treated with special herbal concoctions. Afterwards, an ultrasound scan carried out on all patients showed a dramatic reduction in the size of their fibroids. In addition to this, many women reported experiencing other positive improvements such as the ceasing of irregular menstruations, reduced bleeding and cramping and the easing of the pain in the waist and abdomen. All in all, the total efficacy rate of the natural remedies used in the experiment was measured at an astonishing 95.53%.Now that you know the effectiveness of herbal treatments, you’re already thinking of switching to an all-natural solution to heal your fibroids completely. On that note…Earlier on in this letter, I mentioned I was working on creating a powerful and effective organic remedy for curing this condition for life. Well, after 8 years of painstaking research and implementation…and another 2 years of intensive tests and private trials…and after hundreds of glowing testimonials from females of different age groups, I’m finally ready to reveal it to the public and make it available for women all over the world. And for a limited time only, I’m giving YOU an exclusive opportunity to try out this proven natural treatment for yourself – and almost instantly experience the welcome relief it brings you…Introducing…The AntiFibroid Herbal Formula – The Only SAFE, All-Natural Solution That’s PROVEN To Cure Your Fibroids Quickly, Easily And Painlessly – Once And For All.{Insert pic of product here}“I’ve Finally Found A Fibroid Treatment That Works”“I have been through a lot of pain since the past 5 years. My uterus had multiple fibroids, which made my life miserable during periods. The pain was just unbearable. I never went to work or ate food during those 3 days every month! I used to fear the time actually. I tried modern medicines with no results. As a last resort, I consulted a naturopath, who suggested AFHF.After taking just one bottle, my pain subsided considerably. The flow got regulated and the severe cramps I used to experience were much fewer. For the first time in 5 years, I reported to work during those days. I am on my second bottle now and my scan shows my uterus fibroid has shrunk! I feel just great. I am so relieved!”Marie Mathew, Queensland, Australia At last…you don’t have to suffer in pain and live in discomfort any longer. The AntiFibroid Herbal Formula is a special herbal blend that is practically guaranteed to get rid of your fibroids for life.It can be used to treat all types of fibroids including: Intracavitary fibroids found inside the cavity of the uterusSubmucous fibroids found partially in the cavity and partially in the wall of the uterusIntramural fibroids located within the wall of the uterusSubserous fibroids found on the outside wall of the uterusPedunculated fibroids - connected to the outer or inner wall of uterus by a stalkCervical fibroids - grows on or near the cervixCalcified fibroids - developed calcium deposits that become very hardInterligamentous fibroid - grows sideways between the ligaments Parasitic fibroid - attaches itself to another organWho Is This For?This product belongs on your shelf – or, better still, at your fingertips - if: ?? You’ve been suffering from fibroids for some time now and are desperate to get rid of the accompanying ‘baggage’ (read bloating, heavy bleeding, severe clotting and painful cramps) it brings – once and for all. All it takes is a few days for the AntiFibroid herbal blend to start working its magic on your fibroids. Regardless of their size or location, this powerful remedy will shrink and dissolve them swiftly, painlessly and naturally – and finally put that smile back on your face again. ?“My Abdomen Is Flat Again And I Look Like A Model!” “I was the laughing stock at my office because of my bloated stomach. (Little did they know that it was caused by my fibroids). People used to ask me when I am due because I looked nine months pregnant!Worse, I had to take sanitary napkins wherever I went, as the lumps could start coming out, without warning. I was sick and tired of dealing with the constant pain, blood stains and mood swings. Fortunately, one of my colleagues recommended AntiFibroid Herbal Formula.She had tried it and was extremely happy with the results. Seeing that this product was ‘Doctor-approved,’ I went ahead and ordered it for myself. And the verdict is in…In the last 4 months, my bleeding has reduced considerably. It is almost normal now. I no longer have a bloated stomach – in fact, my tummy has returned to its normal state – nice and flat!What’s more, the sizes of my fibroids have reduced from 14.5cm to 2.1cm, which is fantastic news for me. I strongly recommend AFHF to all women with small or large fibroids who want to shrink them in just a few weeks – using a safe and natural treatment.Teresa Kobi, Ghana ? You’re experiencing spotting between periods/painful periods/ irregular menstrual cycles.?? You’ve had surgery once before to remove your fibroids, but they’ve reared their ugly head again - and you’re seeking a natural (and cheaper) alternative to expensive surgery this time around. Look no further, for you’re just minutes away from getting access to the solution you’ve been seeking for all this while. ??? You’re yearning to have a beautiful, healthy child, but your fibroids are preventing you from getting pregnant/causing miscarriages. Put a STOP to your heartache forever by opting for the AntiFibroid Herbal Formula - the most effective anti-fibroid treatment available today.“I Conceived Naturally Within 8 Weeks”“It’s just been 8 weeks of taking the Body Cleansing Kit and the AntiFibroid Herbal Formula - and I am finally pregnant!I am 42 years old and had almost lost hope for a baby. The doctors said I wouldn’t be able to conceive because of my fibroids. They told me that the FSH and progesterone acted weirdly and my eggs couldn’t develop.I’d already spent a fortune on 4 IVFs with absolutely zero results. So in desperation, I tried some other fibroid products on the net – they turned out to be a total waste of money. Nothing really seemed to work. At this point, I had mentally prepared myself to lead a childless life. Thankfully, I saw your website a couple of months back. But because nothing seemed to work for me, I didn’t have the courage to order. My husband though encouraged me to give one last try. I went ahead and invested in your product…and the rest as they say is history! Within just 8 weeks, I have conceived! Both hubby and I are eagerly awaiting our baby. It’s so difficult to wait now that it’s finally happened.Bless you…You have given us great joy!”Lisa Saliture, Manhattan, UK?? You’re looking to enjoy pain-free sexual intercourse once more. You can look forward to having passionate and unbridled sex with your partner within weeks of consuming AntiFibroid – the only safe and organic anti-fibroid formula that’s practically guaranteed to banish your troublesome fibroids for good. “My Sexual Life Improved And My Fibroids Are 85% Gone!”“I used to feel terrible pain during intercourse, so much so that I used to abstain from it. As a result, my boyfriend and I were on the verge of breakup!The ultrasound showed 7 fibroids, of which one was very large. Doc advised I get it removed, but I wasn’t ready for it. As luck would have it, one of my close friends suggested I give the AntiFibroid Herbal Formula a try. Within 2 weeks of using this wonderful solution, I could feel the difference. The pain in my lower abdomen ceased completely. More importantly, my medical reports show that the fibroids in my uterus are 85% gone! Thanks a ton… I am extremely happy and so is my boyfriend!” Susan D’Costa, New Jersey, USAYou’re a menopausal female whose fibroids haven’t shrunk. You suffer from Adenomyosis (excess tissues) or have seedling fibroids that cause your uterus to expand and become bulky. ?? Someone you love is suffering from this wretched condition. Be a good Samaritan and ease their pain and discomfort by letting them know about this revolutionary remedy that is proven to work. “AFHF Saved My Mom From Continuous Bleeding Problems”“My name is Russ and I just want to say thank you for saving my mother’s life! My mom, Patricia, is 60 and had still not reach menopause.Worse, she used to bleed continuously. Considering her age, doctors had warned that if the condition persisted, it could lead to serious complications and may affect her vital organs. She lost weight and looked terribly weak because of the constant loss of blood. As a result, she was frequently on blood transfusion. The doc prescribed various medicines and zoladex injections, but nothing seemed to work. Incidentally, we have a history of fibroids in our family. My sister too had fibroids. Seeing two of my beloved family members suffer forced me to search online for a permanent cure.I came across AntiFibroid Herbal Formula and since it was 100% natural, I ordered it for both of them and urged them to take it on a regular basis. Let me first talk about the improvement my mom experienced:Within 2 weeks, the blood flow reduced and she could finally sleep peacefully. In just about a month, the bleeding stopped completely. My mom’s much much better now. Her stomach no longer looks bloated and she looks and feels healthy and energetic once more. My sister had been trying for a child for past 4 years, but was not able to conceive due to fibroids. After consistently taking AFHF, she is now 3 months pregnant. All of us are absolutely thrilled! Melissa, I have no words to explain our gratitude towards you. Thank you for all you’ve done for us!Russ F., Washington DC, USAClick Here To Order NowAlright, at this stage, you must be wondering…What Separates The AntiFibroid Herbal Formula From The Rest Of The Fibroid Solutions Out There?Simple. This product is unique because it is rich in highly potent organic herbs and natural systemic enzymes – a superior blend that gives it a comprehensive edge over any other fibroid supplement currently available in the market. What’s so special about systemic enzymes? Well, for starters, they act as a biocatalyst that safely speeds up the healing process by targeting the fibroids and breaking it down faster, thereby tripling the efficacy of the treatment.According to Dr. James Howenstine, MD, a respected figure in the field of medicine, the occurrence of side effects is rare and practically non-existent when you take a remedy that contains a sufficient quantity of systemic enzymes. Plus, even if you raise the recommended dosage, it will not result in any problems whatsoever, unlike the chemical-laden pharmaceutical drugs sold in your local drug store. That’s not all though…Treatments that include a high percentage of systemic enzymes are astonishingly effective in blocking the enlargement and development of existing uterine fibroids. What types of enzymes does the AntiFibroid Herbal Formula contain?It consists of Nattokinase and Serrapeptase (recognized as the most potent natural enzymes) among others, as well as a number of powerful therapeutic gynecologic herbs. Now, the various fibroid formulas been sold in the market do not contain essential systemic enzymes that enable the complete breakdown of tumor masses. And the few that do contain them, include very very little of it. Due to this reason, these products often fail to break down and effectively shrink fibroids. On the other hand, the AntiFibroid Herbal Formula utilizes the best of both worlds – a superior concoction of wild herbs and the best fibrin-fighting enzymes available today. This incredible combination prevents proliferation of cell tissue, dissolves tough fibrin deposits completely and eliminates every single fibroid inside your body, ranging from tiny nodules to grapefruit-size fibroids, without any side effects at all. And here’s the best part:It contains NO traces of dodgy chemicals or artificial ingredients, making it totally safe for consumption. Here’s another good reason why this solution is miles ahead of the rest of the products out there:The majority of natural fibroid treatments only consist of regular herbs; this means you’ll have to be prepared to wait for ages (I’m talking several months to a year), before you start seeing results. What sets the Anti Fibroid Herbal Formula apart is that in addition to containing several high quality herbs, it’s boosted with plenty of premium natural enzymes – a potent combo that dramatically speeds up results. In fact, you can notice a significant improvement in your condition in as little as 12 hours. What’s more, for those of you that are trying to conceive, consuming the Anti Fibroid Herbal Formula on a regular basis makes you fertile and increases your chances of giving birth to a beautiful and healthy bundle of joy. This is yet another unique advantage that the rest of the fibroid treatments currently been sold do not offer. “Got Pregnant At 45 Years After Using The Anti Fibroid Herbal Formula”“Hello Melissa, I’ve good news…I’m pregnant. Just took the test yesterday and I’m so elated…I owe this to AHFH!You see, for a long time, I suffered from multiple uterus fibroids. Doctors had clearly told me there was no hope, not even through IVF.I have spent past 8 years in near depression wanting to have a child. My neighbor recommended the AntiFibroid Herbal Formula to me. She was happy with the results and insisted that I try it too. Within the first 2 months, my cycle got regulated. And in the 3rd month, I received the good news! My doctor is surprised too. Considering my age (I am 45), I had really given up hopes of conceiving, but God’s wishes and your product produced the miracle! I am sincerely thankful to AFHF and strongly recommend it to those who wish to bring joy into their lives!Anna Brown, Vancouver, CanadaMoving on…Here’s Just A Glimpse At Some Of The Magical Properties Found In The AntiFibroid Herbal Formula…Chaste TreeThis wonderful plant is known to help suppress the over-production of estrogen and is frequently used to balance hormones and treat troublesome menstrual symptoms. Many medical studies have proved this. 3162300-963930For instance, according to research conducted by the IHCS (Institute for Health Care and Science) in Germany, 52% of women that consumed a supplement containing chaste tree experienced dramatic improvements in menstrual symptoms such as headaches, bloating and irritability. Furthermore, this particular ingredient also lowers estrogen levels while boosting progesterone levels – and possesses superb anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial effects that help the body to speedily melt away fibroids. 3086100104140Red RaspberryRed raspberries are used to control severe menstrual bleeding and to tone and strengthen uterine muscles. A rich source of nutrients (including iron and vitamins A, B, C and E), it is extremely helpful in maintaining the balance of the reproductive system. Echinacea This particular herb has long been used to keep benign growths and tumors such as fibroids at bay. In addition to this, echinacea relieves pain, strengthens the immune system and vastly reduces inflammation. 2971800-1315085For example, the Phytomedicine Journal published a study that described the results of a test experiment. They noticed that echinacea boosted the functioning of the immune system by around 120%, which is very impressive. What’s more, a team of German health researchers discovered that large doses of this herb effectively healed wounds in less than a week! Serrapeptase Obtained from silkworm intestines, this powerful enzyme was first used in Asia and Europe, before becoming popular in the US during the mid-1990s. Serrapeptase is known to ease pain and inflammation when taken multiple times daily. It is also useful in destroying ‘dead’ material in the body – including fibroids and scar tissue. 2971800-1278890The fibroid cells gradually enlarge until they turn into rubber-like masses. The enzyme then targets these masses by eliminating the cells that trigger the growth of the fibroids. Click Here To Order Now3105150-3175 DandelionAlso referred to as ‘Taraxacum Officinale,’ dandelions belong to the Compositae/Asteraceae family and is widely used in Arab, Chinese and North American medicine. This amazing medicinal plant drastically reduces the size of the estrogen-fueled fibroids and helps the body utilize estrogen in a more efficient manner. NattokinaseNattokinase is an enzyme taken from the substance that’s obtained as a result of fermenting a soy product called ‘natto.’ 3086100-753110Although Japanese have included this ingredient in their breakfasts for centuries, its medicinal effects were only realized in 1980, when Dr. Hiroyuki Sumi discovered the positive effects it had on blood clotting, during a Chicago-based research program.Nattokinase has also been proven to dissolve fibroids. In fact, several studies report that regular doses of this enzyme help to shrink and gradually dissolve fibroids that cause women to endure heavy bleeding and painful periods. Salvia Root A traditional Chinese herb that has gained popularity in the West for its various healing properties. Salvia root purifies and detoxifies the blood and is widely regarded as one of the most effective blood circulation tonics out there. In addition to this, it’s also been known to aid in preventing the growth of bacteria and reducing pain and inflammation. 3151505-1675765More importantly, this herb is believed to ease clotting and keep fibroids at bay. 308610038100 Green Tea According to an article published by the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology in 2010, green tea is believed to greatly reduce the size of fibroids and slow down its growth. This has also been confirmed by a recent study put out by the Centre for Women’s Health Research at Meharry Medical College. Click Here To Order Now318135053975 Safflower Mostly consumed in oil form, safflower is yet another powerful herbal extract that does wonders when it comes to containing and controlling uterine fibroids. 314134553975 Milk Thistle Also known as Silybum Marianum, milk thistle is a traditional Chinese herb that’s used to shrink fibroid cysts. While it’s typically utilized to heal liver complications, it contains a compound called ‘silymarin’ that breaks down surplus estrogen in your system, which in turn helps shrink uterine fibroid cysts. 295275079375PapainPapain is obtained from papaya and is considered an effective aid to conquering fibroids. It also helps in easing pain and inflammation and is a recommended herbal extract for treating fibroid symptoms. 317182557785 Bulrush Commonly referred to as ‘cat-tail pollen,’ bulrush is an aquatic plant that grows abundantly in swamplands and marshlands worldwide. It usually blooms during the summer (June and July) and is often used as a remedy to help women with uterine fibroids. 303847548260 Curcumin An extract of Turmeric (one of the most popular spices available in the market), curcumin is a promising treatment option to tackle fibroids.It transforms estrogen to estrone (an extremely mind form), which prevents the growth of uterine fibroids and helps reduce the size of existing ones. 317182566040 Partridge Berry An excellent herb for nourishing and purifying the uterus, the partridge berry also helps protect against miscarriage. In fact, it’s recommended for women that have infertility problems due to hormonal imbalance. When taken regularly, there’s a good chance this condition can be corrected, regardless of how persistent it may seem. 308610057785 Cinnamon One of the most frequently-used spices around the world, cinnamon is a fantastic remedy for curbing heavy menstrual bleeding that occurs due to uterine fibroids. Hence, doctors and health experts have no hesitation recommending it to fibroid patients of all ages. Bromelain Bromelain is a substance extracted from the stems of pineapples. Initially, it was produced in only 3 countries (Taiwan, Japan and Hawaii). Later, European researchers developed a keen interest in this extract and by 1995, it became the 13th most common herbal product in Germany. 3133725-1336675Bromelain reduces inflammation and shrinks fibroid issues, making it a valuable natural solution when it comes to combating uterine fibroids. Pancreatin Produced in the exocrine cells of the pancreas, pancreatin is an enzyme that aids in the digestion of proteins, starches and fats. It is available in powder, capsule or tablet form as a medical supplement for patients – and is mainly used to treat pancreatitis, uterine fibroids, kidney disease and cystic fibrosis. Self-Heal Herb Also known as ‘prunella vulgaris,’ this Chinese herb is utilized for various medicinal purposes, including the treatment of fibroids. Due to its anti-estrogen properties, it restricts the growth of abnormal cells and keeps fibroids at bay. The self-heal herb is also useful for stopping bleeding and expediting the healing process of scars and wounds. Important Keep in mind that when taken individually, these ingredients are highly unlikely to produce the same fantastic results you can expect when you take the Anti Fibroid Herbal Formula. That’s because the latter contains a special organic blend that cannot be found anywhere else – either online or offline. As mentioned before, this is an outstanding treatment developed after years and years of rigorous research and trials – and one that is proven to shrink, melt and ultimately destroy your fibroids – once and for all. “My 9cm Fibroid Became 3cm In Just 60 Days!”Hello,I had a huge 9cm uterus fibroid and my GP told me it was too risky to operate, as I also had high blood pressure.The constant cramps, big lumps and low energy stopped me even from carrying on with my routine work. I felt exhausted all the time. A few months ago, I read about the AntiFibroid Herbal Formula online and placed an order with the hope it would bring me some relief.Well, within the first 2 weeks, I felt a considerable improvement. The lumps and dark clots came in less frequently. My abdomen looked flatter and I didn’t feel breathless anymore while walking.After 60 days, I underwent another scan. My GP was in sheer shock to see my large fibroid lump of 9cm reduce to just 3cms within such a short period of time.Purchasing AFHF was probably one of the best decisions I’ve ever made!”Name Withheld Due To Privacy ReasonsClick Here To Order NowOk, at this point, you’re thinking…How Much Does The AntiFibroid Herbal Formula Cost?Before we get into that, tell me:If someone were to offer you a safe and natural solution that’s guaranteed to successfully get rid of your fibroids for forever - how much would you be willing to invest in order to gain access to it? $597?$497?$397?Well, the good news is you don’t have to invest anywhere near this to get your hands on the AntiFibroid Herbal Formula. You see, to enable as many women as possible to benefit from this special organic blend, for a very limited time only, I’m giving you the opportunity to purchase it for just $200 $180. When compared to the cost of surgery (Myomectomy, Hysterectomy or Fibroid Embolization can cost up to $15,000, notwithstanding the fact your fibroids may grow back after a while), $180 is an absolute drop in the ocean. Wouldn’t you agree? But to set your mind completely at ease, I encourage you to…Put This Groundbreaking Organic Anti Fibroid Herbal Formula To The Test For A Full 30 Days Completely At MY Risk – Not Yours?I’d love to tell you more about this breakthrough solution for vanquishing fibroids, but with results this astonishing, you really have to see for yourself. Having said that, I know that some of you out there might be pretty skeptical. That’s why the AntiFibroid Herbal Formula is backed by a zero-risk, iron clad 30 day guarantee. You can opt for a single order or qualify for a discount and save money by choosing to order in bulk. Either way, you’ll be patting yourself on the back for making one of the most beneficial investments you can ever make when it comes to finally curing your fibroids and regaining your good health. If, for whatever reason, you decide this is not for you, simply shoot me an email within 30 days of your purchase and I’ll promptly and cheerfully refund every single penny you paid. No questions asked and no hassle whatsoever. However, I’m confident it won’t come to this. As you already know, the AntiFibroid Herbal Formula is guaranteed to work wonders on your fibroids and grant you the relief you so desperately seek.It’s up to you to take advantage of this unique solution and put an end to your suffering at long last. Click Here To Order Now“My Painful Symptoms Came To A Screeching Halt And I Was Able To Avoid A Hysterectomy”“My name is Andrea, I am 39 years old. Something was wrong with me, but I didn't know what. My periods were so heavy and my bulging belly made me look 6 months pregnant. I tried everything to tone down – diet exercise – nothing helped. I went online to see if these might be symptoms of something more serious. All information seemed to suggest I had fibroids, so I told my doctor about my findings.He sent me for a scan and 4 large fibroids were found in my uterus. I was quite disappointed by the explanation – all anyone would tell me was the fibroids had to removed and my only option was a hysterectomy. Well, this was not the news I wanted to hear! I was still planning to have children, for one, and secondly, a dear childhood friend of mine tragically passed away during the surgery, just a few months earlier.I made up my mind that there had to be an alternative.That is when I found your website. A natural fibroid remedy what just what I was looking for. I was already familiar with the hazards of surgery and I had no desire to experience the horrible side effects I heard fibroid medications could cause. It only took a few testimonials from other women to convince me this was the fibroid cure for me!I’ve now been taking the AntiFibroid Herbal Formula for around 3 weeks - and I feel fabulous. The results are better than I ever thought possible. Previously, I used to spend at least one week every month in bed because of heavy bleeding, fatigue and back pain. I don’t have to suffer this way anymore! All in all, I highly recommend this product to anyone suffering from fibroids. If you take AFHF on a regular basis, you can easily shrink your fibroids naturally and permanently. I finally have my life back, and I was also able to keep my uterus! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Andrea K, Wisconsin, USAYou Are Now At A Crossroads…Which Path Will You Choose?If you’ve read this far, it’s obvious you care about eliminating your fibroids and restoring your body’s healthy balance as soon as possible. Which means you may well be at a crossroads this very minute. One path leads to resigned acceptance of your condition and the continued experience of the despair and discomfort that comes with it. The other path of course leads to a tried and tested way of shrinking and dissolving uterine fibroids – quickly, naturally and permanently. So wouldn’t you agree that the logical thing to do now is give the AntiFibroid Herbal Formula a try and see for yourself if all that I say is true? Because with my 30 day money-back guarantee, you have absolutely nothing to lose and plenty to gain by using this safe, organic remedy that’s rapidly becoming the most sought after treatment to get rid of fibroids forever. So go ahead, take that first step towards full recovery by placing your order right away. It’ll be one of the best decisions you’ll make today, this month or possibly this year.“Calcified Fibroids Made My Life A Misery, But The AntiFibroid Herbal Formula Melted Them All Away”“My name is Ella and I have had fibroids for as long as I can remember. I was first diagnosed with fibroids when I was 19 years old and the doctor said it was calcified fibroids 6.2 cm and 2.8 cm in diameter. They took so much blood that I became anemic. I had to have blood transfusions to control the problem.While doing some research on the internet, I stumbled upon your website and decided to order a supply of AFHF.Fast forward 3 weeks…and all of my fibroids have completely disappeared! No more blood transfusions and no re-growths. Melissa, thank you so much for making this product available. I’ve never felt better in my life. Ella G, Florida, USAAcceptance FormBecause I want to put this revolutionary, all-natural fibroid solution in the hands of as many women as possible, for a limited time only, I’m allowing you to take advantage of this offer at a generously discounted rate. Click on any one of the options below to get started.1 Months Supply Of AntiFibroid Herbal Formula (Usual Price $200 Limited Time Offer $180 saving $202 Months Supply Of AntiFibroid Herbal Formula (Usual Price $400 Limited Time Offer $340 saving $60*BEST VALUE*3 Months Supply Of AntiFibroid Herbal Formula (Usual Price $600 Limited Time Offer $450 saving $150You may also order via TelephoneUSA:UK:Rest Of The World: Click Here For Frequently Asked QuestionsYours for a fibroid-free life,Pls insert a smiling pic here Dr Hellen Dr. Hellen [Pls insert qualifications]PS. Remember, only a very limited quantity of the AntiFibroid Herbal Formula is being sold. There’s a HUGE demand for it and once it’s gone, it’s gone. That means if you miss the boat this time around, you’ll have to sign up to the waiting list to be notified when it’ll be made available again. And because you’re looking to cure your fibroids and gain relief as fast as possible, you don’t want this happening to you, so you’re clicking on this link and placing your order right away. PPS. Here’s yet another glowing review that arrived in my inbox a couple minutes ago…“The AntiFibroid Herbal Formula Saved Me A Ton Of Money”“Dear Melissa, Around 6 months back, I had acute pain in my lower abdomen coupled with heavy bleeding. My doctor found 13 small fibroids my uterus and said that the only uterine treatment was surgery. I am working for a small business house. I’m not covered with insurance and simply couldn’t afford the surgery. So I decided to look out for an alternative uterine fibroids treatment. Fortunately, I heard about AntiFibroid Herbal Formula from a co-worker who regularly visits Naturopathy. I really had no option but to try your product.And I’m so glad I did!The pain subsided within the first week. By the second week, I began to feel normal and the bleeding stopped completely.When I went for a checkup, 9 of the fibroids had dissolved, while 4 had shrunk in size. Not only I am relieved, but I’ve saved thousands of dollars by using AFHF.Thank you so much! Jessica C., SoCal, USAPPPS. Again, keep in mind that you’re covered by my 100% money back guarantee. If, for some reason, this product fails to live up to your expectations, simply send me an email and I shall refund your money right away. No questions asked. So don’t delay or postpone your decision. Act now and start making use of the AntiFibroid Herbal Formula to swiftly conquer your fibroids and put a complete stop to your pain and misery – once and for all! ................

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