
• Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)

• Calcium chloride

• phenol red solution


1. Place one spoon full of sodium bicarbonate in beaker #1

2. Place one heaping spoon full of calcium chloride in beaker #2

3. Measure ~25ml of phenol red and pour in beaker #1. Swirl to dissolve sodium bicarbonate

4. Measure ~25ml of phenol red and pour in beaker #2. Swirl to dissolve calcium chloride

5. Mix the contents of beaker #1 and #2 IN THE SINK!!!!!

6. Wash the contents of the beakers for the next group

Conclusion: Was the change physical or chemical?

Remember to indicate the reasons or characteristics that helped you to decide if it was a chemical or physical change


Materials: Sodium Chloride, Beaker, Water


7. Fill half of your beaker with water.

8. Take a large pinch of sodium chloride and place it in the water.

9. Swirl to mix

Conclusion: Was the change physical or chemical?

Remember to indicate the reasons or characteristics that helped you to decide if it was a chemical or physical change.


Materials: Alka-seltzer, Beaker, Water


1. Fill half of your beaker with water.

2. Take half of a tablet of alka-seltzer.

3. Dump water in the sink

Conclusion: Was the change physical or chemical?

Remember to indicate the reasons or characteristics that helped you to decide if it was a chemical or physical change.


Materials: Chalk, Mortar, and Pestle


1. Place a piece of chalk in the mortar

2. Grind the chalk by crushing it with the mortar

3. Dump the contents on the paper

Conclusion: Was the change physical or chemical?

Remember to indicate the reasons or characteristics that helped you to decide if it was a chemical or physical change.


Materials: Steel wool, matches, beaker


1. Put a small bit of steel wool into the beaker.

2. Light a match and throw it onto the steel wool. If it doesn’t catch then light another match and try again.

Conclusion: Was the change physical or chemical?

Remember to indicate the reasons or characteristics that helped you to decide if it was a chemical or physical change.


Materials: Ice, Aluminum block, Plastic block


1. Place one ice cube on the plastic block

2. Place one ice cube on the aluminum block

3. Observe

Conclusion: Was the change physical or chemical?

Remember to indicate the reasons or characteristics that helped you to decide if it was a chemical or physical change.


Materials: Magnesium strips, Bunsen burner


1. Grab a strip of magnesium with the tongs

2. Place the tip of the magnesium strip in the hottest part of the flame

3. Once ignited remove the magnesium strip from the flame

Conclusion: Was the change physical or chemical?

Remember to indicate the reasons or characteristics that helped you to decide if it was a chemical or physical change.


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