
Electronics Usage FAQQ: What is Miss Greer’s cell phone policy for the classroom?A: Because every student has a laptop, cell phones will be prohibited for use during class time. When students come into class, they will place their cell phone in a designated pocket on silent. Offenses will be handled according to the procedures indicated in the student handbook. There will be times, however, where cell phones may be useful for certain assignments. I will be very clear about when it is appropriate to use a cell phone for an assignment.Q: Can I use my phone as a calculator?A: All students are required to have a calculator for math class and should bring it to science class every day in case it is needed. I do not have a class set of calculators.Q: What if I need to talk to my parents/guardians during the school day?A: Parents who need to contact their student should call the main office. Students are in school to learn, and excessive phone calls and text messages from parents/guardians disrupt learning for others. If a student needs to call a parent/guardian for any reason such as getting a ride home from school, I have a phone in my classroom that can be used.Q: Can I charge my phone in class even if I am not using it?A: No Q: When should I bring my laptop to class?A: Every single day. Daily question of the day assignments will be assigned on Google Classroom, and many other assignments will be completely digital to make an effort to use less paper.Q: What happens if I forget my laptop, or I forgot to charge it?A: Students who come to class unprepared will not be able to participate in the day’s activities. The assignment must be completed at home or it then becomes late and students will not receive full credit.Q: Can I charge my laptop in class?A: No. Students must charge the laptops at home. Chords around the room can pose a danger for those walking around. Chargers are to be left at home. This is a district policy.Q: What are Miss Greer’s expectations for laptop use during class?A: I will be very clear about which websites and apps students can use during class. There will be times when the laptop is to be used solely to complete an assignment or test. Teachers will be using a program called Happara to monitor and ensure students are using the school-issued computer for appropriate educational purposes. ................

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