Title II Disability Workbook

Title II Disability WorkbookTable of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Instructions PAGEREF _Toc12168190 \h 3Trial Work Period and Extended Period of Eligibility PAGEREF _Toc12168191 \h 4Substantial Gainful Activity PAGEREF _Toc12168192 \h 15Cessation and Benefit Termination PAGEREF _Toc12168193 \h 19Case Studies: Putting it all Together PAGEREF _Toc12168194 \h 27Appendix – Answer Keys PAGEREF _Toc12168195 \h 40InstructionsThis Title II Disability Workbook provides you with scenarios that you can use to practice estimating when a beneficiary will use Trial Work Period (TWP) months, perform Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA), use their cessation and grace period, suspend and restart their cash benefit, and terminate. Each scenario includes a short narrative, a blank Trial Work Period and Extended Period of Eligibility (EPE) chart, and a few questions for you to answer after you’ve completed the chart.In the Appendix you will find the answer key to each of the scenarios. We have listed the answer keys in the same order as the scenarios in this workbook. After you have completed each scenario, compare your answers to the answer key. If your answer is different than the answer key, review the relevant sections, which includes units 3 and 4 of module 3, and contact your Technical Assistance (TA) Liaison to review the related concept. Link to Module 3 ()Link to the Technical Assistance Liaison contact information ()Tips for using the TWP/EPE ChartWrite or type in the following information:Next to “YEAR 1:” write or type the calendar year the row will reflect. For example, “Year 1: 2019”. Repeat this for each row you use on the TWP/EPE chart.In the row labeled, “Countable Earnings” write or type the beneficiary’s gross wages for each month. Once the beneficiary has completed the Trial Work Period, if you estimate the beneficiary can use SGA tools, be sure to list the estimated earnings after those deductions, which is called countable earnings.In the row labeled “Benefit Status” write or type ‘TWP”, “EPE”, “Cessation”, “Grace Period”, “Termination”, or “EXR” to indicate the status for each month. Also note “due SSDI” or “no SSDI” to indicate whether the beneficiary should expect or not expect to be due a benefit in each month. Be sure to use the acronym that is relevant to the beneficiary.Trial Work Period and Extended Period of EligibilityUse these activities to practice estimating when a beneficiary has, or will, use up their TWP, as well as when their EPE will start and stop.Directions and Tips:Read the first scenario. Enter the beneficiary’s earnings on the TWP/EPE Chart. Note on the chart when you estimate TWP months were (or will be) used and when EPE will start and stop. Repeat those steps for each scenario. You can find the TWP threshold for each year at POMS DI 13010.060 (). We encourage you to re-read Module 3 Unit 4 of the CWIC and Community Partner Training Manual () either before or after you complete these activities.Albert ScenarioAlbert was entitled to Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) in July 2018. He hasn’t worked since his date of entitlement. He has been offered a job and will earn $1,000 per month in gross wages starting June 2020. In the chart below enter Albert’s estimated earnings. If his earnings are high enough, note his estimated TWP months, his EPE starting month, and his EPE ending month. Then answer the questions below the chart.Year 1 AlbertYEAR 1:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 2 AlbertYEAR 2:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 3 AlbertYEAR 3:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 4 AlbertYEAR 4:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 5 AlbertYEAR 5:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusWhat month and year do you estimate will be Albert’s 9th TWP month?What month and year do you estimate will be Albert’s 1st EPE month?What month and year do you estimate will be Albert’s 36th EPE month?See Answer Key for AlbertBrianna ScenarioBrianna was entitled to Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) in March 2016. She had gross wages of $1,100 per month from September 2017 through February 2018. She stopped working at the end of February 2018. She worked again from May 2019 through April 2020 earning $650 per month in gross wages. It’s now October 2020 and she plans to accept a job making $1,200 per month in gross wages starting this month. In the chart below enter Brianna’s earnings (past and future). If her earnings are high enough, note her estimated TWP months, her EPE starting month, and her EPE ending month. Then answer the questions below the chart.Year 1 BriannaYEAR 1:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 2 BriannaYEAR 2:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 3 BriannaYEAR 3:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 4 BriannaYEAR 4:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 5 BriannaYEAR 5:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 6 BriannaYEAR 6:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 7 BriannaYEAR 7:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusWhat month and year do you estimate will be Brianna’s 9th TWP month?What month and year do you estimate will be Brianna’s 1st EPE month?What month and year do you estimate will be Brianna’s 36th EPE month?See Answer Key for BriannaCaroline ScenarioCaroline was entitled to Social Security Childhood Disability Benefit (CDB) in March 2013. She had gross wages of $900 per month from April 2014 through September 2014. She worked again from March 2016 through August 2019 earning $500 per month in gross wages. It’s now February 2020 and she plans to accept a job making $1,000 per month in gross wages starting this month. In the chart below enter Caroline’s earnings (past and future). If her earnings are high enough, note her estimated TWP months, her EPE starting month, and her EPE ending month. Then answer the questions below the chart.Year 1 CarolineYEAR 1:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 2 CarolineYEAR 2:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 3 CarolineYEAR 3:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 4 CarolineYEAR 4:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 5 CarolineYEAR 5:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 6 CarolineYEAR 6:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 7 CarolineYEAR 7:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 8 CarolineYEAR 8:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 9 CarolineYEAR 9:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 10 CarolineYEAR 10:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusWhat month and year do you estimate will be Caroline’s 9th TWP month?What month and year do you estimate will be Caroline’s 1st EPE month?What month and year do you estimate will be Caroline’s 36th EPE month?See Answer Key for CarolineSubstantial Gainful ActivityUse these activities to practice estimating when a beneficiary’s work activity will likely be considered SGA.Directions and Tips:Read the first scenario. Estimate the beneficiary’s countable earnings. Remember, when estimating countable earnings you estimate the use of SGA tools you believe the beneficiary will likely be eligible to use. Estimate if the beneficiary’s work activity is likely SGA or not. Repeat those steps for each scenario. You can find the SGA guideline for each year at POMS DI 10501.015 (). You are encouraged to re-read Module 3 Unit 3 of the CWIC and Community Partner Training Manual () either before or after you complete these activities. Ellen ScenarioEllen has a traumatic brain injury, receives Disabled Widows Benefits (DWB), and is in her Extended Period of Eligibility. After looking at her BPQY and talking with her about her past work you confirm that she has not used her cessation and grace period. It has been at least 18 months since she last worked. Ellen will start a job on May 1, 2020, working 30 hours per week, making $10 per hour ($1,299 per month, based on 4.33 weeks per month). She tells you her job coach helped her submit a letter to Social Security the last time she worked that explained the amount of help the job coach provided her at work. You contact the job coach and find out the coach will help Ellen at her job 4 hours per week.Which SGA tools are a possibility considering Ellen has not used her Cessation and Grace Period yet?Do you estimate Ellen will be able to use one or more of the SGA tools? If so, which one(s)? What do you estimate Ellen’s countable earnings will be? Do you estimate Ellen will be doing SGA level work when she begins this job? See Answer Key for EllenFred ScenarioFred has arthritis and a degenerative joint condition. He spends $225 per month on physical therapy, acupuncture, and massage therapy to manage his conditions. He also takes several medications, which add up to about $70 per month in co-pays. He receives SSDI and is in his 36-month Extended Period of Eligibility. Earlier in his EPE he did SGA level work, as a result he used his Cessation and Grace Period. Fred has been offered a job that will start July 1, 2020 and he will earn $1,500 per month.Which SGA tools are a possibility considering Fred has used his Cessation and Grace Period yet?Do you estimate Fred will be able to use one or more of the SGA tools?If so, which one(s)?What do you estimate Fred’s countable income will be? Do you estimate Fred will be doing SGA level work when he begins this job? See Answer Key for FredGinger ScenarioGinger has chronic mental illness, receives SSDI, and is in her Extended Period of Eligibility until March 2021. She did SGA work earlier in her EPE (in 2019), as a result she used her cessation and grace period. It’s November 2020 and Ginger contacts you for help in understanding if her SSDI is going to stop. She tells you Social Security is reviewing her work since January 2020, which is when she started a new job. She explains that she was earning about $1,300 to $1,500 per month as a waitress from January through May 2020. She lost the job because she was not able to manage her mental illness at work and her boss became frustrated with her. She spends about $30 on medication co-pays and another $70 on co-pays for doctor appointments. She tells you she was just as fast as all the other waitresses and she did not need any extra help from her co-worker or supervisor.Which SGA tools are a possibility considering Ginger has used her Cessation and Grace Period?Do you estimate Ginger will be able to use one or more of the SGA tools? If so, which one(s)? What do you estimate Ginger’s countable income will be? Do you estimate Ginger was doing SGA level work at this job? See Answer Key for GingerIsabelle ScenarioIsabelle has an intellectual disability, receives CDB, and is in her Extended Period of Eligibility. Prior to January 2020, she had not done SGA level work, so she has not used her cessation and grace period. It’s August 2020 Isabelle’s case manager contacts you for help. Isabelle got a letter from Social Security explaining that they are reviewing her work since January 2020. The case manager explains that Isabelle had a job earlier in the year, she worked 35 hours per week and made $10 per hour. Her monthly gross wages were about $1,515 per month working at the local grocery store from March 2020 through May 2020. Isabelle lost the job because funding for her job coach ended and she was not able to do the job without that support. The job coach was helping her on the job 5 hours per week. The case manager is concerned Isabelle is going to lose her CDB because of this job. Which SGA tools are a possibility considering Isabelle has not used her Cessation and Grace Period yet?Do you estimate Isabelle will be able to use one or more of the SGA tools? If so, which one(s)? What do you estimate Isabelle’s countable earnings will be? Do you estimate Isabelle did SGA level work with this job?See Answer Key for IsabelleJenda ScenarioJenda is deaf and uses a sign language interpreter to communicate with people who do not know American Sign Language (ASL). She receives SSDI and is in her Extended Period of Eligibility. She has not done SGA level work. Jenda started a job in March 2020 as a machinist at a local manufacturing plant. She is working 40 hours a week, making $1,325 per month. Jenda tells you that she does not have an interpreter at work, it does take her more time to communicate with her co-workers who do not know ASL, and she is therefore not able to meet the same production goals as the other employees. Her employer recently completed an Employee Work Activity Questionnaire for Social Security and rated her productivity at 90% of other employee’s productivity. Which SGA tools are a possibility considering Jenda has not used her Cessation and Grace Period yet?Do you estimate Jenda will be able to use one or more of the SGA tools? If so, which one(s)? What do you estimate Jenda’s countable earnings will be? Do you estimate Jenda will be doing SGA level work when he begins this job?See Answer Key for JendaHank ScenarioHank is statutorily blind, receives CDB, and completed his 36-month Extended Period of Eligibility about 2 years ago. He has never done SGA level work. Hank started a job in April 2020, making $2,500 per month. He spends $100 each month on a door-to-door transportation service for people with disabilities to get to and from work. He has a guide dog, which assists him in navigating around his workplace. He spends about $200 a month on guide dog expenses. Out of a 40-hour work week, Hank needs about 3 hours per week of extra support from his co-workers due to his visual impairment. His employer determines he is receiving extra help 7.5% of the time. Hank contacts you for help in understanding if his CDB is going to stop.Which SGA tools are a possibility considering Hank has not used his Cessation and Grace Period yet?Do you estimate Hank will be able to use one or more of the SGA tools? If so, which one(s)? What do you estimate Hank’s countable earnings will be? Do you estimate Hank will be doing SGA level work when he begins this job? See Answer Key for HankCessation and Benefit TerminationUse these activities to practice estimating when a beneficiary will cease or terminate entitlement to their Title II disability benefit.Directions and Tips:Read the first scenario, fill in the TWP/EPE chart, then answer the questions below the TWP/EPE chart. Repeat those steps for each scenario. You can find the SGA guideline for each year at POMS DI 10501.015 (). You are encouraged to re-read Module 3 Unit 3 of the CWIC and Community Partner Training Manual () either before or after you complete these activities.Lindsey ScenarioYou are working with Lindsey, who receives SSDI. Lindsey worked on and off while she attended classes to become a paralegal. After she completed her coursework a local attorney’s office offered her a job. She began working in August 2019 making $2,000 a month. After speaking with her, you determine she does not have any Impairment Related Work Expenses (IRWEs), nor does she appear to have a Subsidy or Special Condition. Her countable earnings are likely to be $2,000 a month. Lindsey’s BPQY shows that her 9th TWP month was July of 2017 and no cessation month has occurred as of the last work review, which Social Security did in July 2019. Lindsey has come to you in June 2020 to find out what is going to happen to her SSDI benefit now that she is steadily employed.Year 1 LindseyYEAR 1:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 2 LindseyYEAR 2:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 3 LindseyYEAR 3:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 4 LindseyYEAR 4:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusWhat was Lindsey’s 1st EPE month? When will Lindsey reach her 36th EPE month? When did Lindsey’s Cessation month occur? What are the two months following the Cessation month? If Lindsey continues to work at this job making $2000 a month, when will Social Security suspend her SSDI? If Lindsey continues to work at this job making $2000 a month, when will Social Security terminate her SSDI? See Answer Key for LindseyDesmond ScenarioDesmond receives SSDI. He worked in the past, but cannot remember any details about his past employment. After meeting with Desmond you request a BPQY, which shows that Desmond used his 9th TWP month in December of 2015. He has not worked since December of 2015. Desmond started a position in March of 2020 working as a maintenance technician making $1,800 per month. After speaking with him you determine he does not have any IRWEs, nor does he appear to have a Subsidy or Special Condition. His countable earnings are likely to be $1,800 a month. Desmond has come to you in April 2020 to find out what is going to happen to his SSDI.Year 1 DesmondYEAR 1:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 2 DesmondYEAR 2:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 3 DesmondYEAR 3:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 4 DesmondYEAR 4:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 5 DesmondYEAR 5:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 6 DesmondYEAR 6:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusWhat was Desmond’s 1st EPE month? When did Desmond reach his 36th EPE month? When will a Cessation month occur? What two months follow the cessation month? If Desmond continues to work at this job making $1,800 a month, when will Social security terminate his SSDI? See Answer Key for DesmondPaul ScenarioYou have been working with Paul for several years. Paul came to you in 2015 right out of high school. Paul is receiving a Childhood Disability Benefit (CDB) drawing off his deceased father. Paul completed his TWP in October of 2017. He has been working in the same job since February of 2017 making $1,400 per month. Paul has an IRWE of $300 per month for his medications, which Social Security has approved since November 2017. Paul called you in January 2020 because his medications have been changed and he will only need to pay $100 each month starting February 2020. Paul and his family have reached out to you because they are concerned about his countable income increasing and how that will impact his CDB benefit.Year 1 PaulYEAR 1:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 2 PaulYEAR 2:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 3 PaulYEAR 3:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 4 PaulYEAR 4:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusWhat was Paul’s 1st EPE month? When will Paul reach his 36th EPE? When will a Cessation month occur? What two months follow the cessation month? If Paul continues to work at this job making $1,400 a month and have only $100 in IRWEs, when will Social Security suspend his CDB?If Paul continues to work at this job making $1,400 a month and have only $100 in IRWEs, when will Social Security terminate his CDB?See Answer Key for PaulCase Studies: Putting it all TogetherErika ScenarioErika became entitled to SSDI in January 2015. She worked from March 2016 through June 2016, earning $1,000 per month. She then began working again December 2016, earning $1,200 per month in gross wages, and continued to earn this amount through 2020. After speaking with her you determine she does not have any IRWEs, nor does she appear to have a Subsidy or Special Condition. Her countable earnings are likely to be $1,200 a month. Fill in the TWP/EPE chart below then answer the questions listed below the chart.Year 1 ErikaYEAR 1:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 2 ErikaYEAR 2:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 3 ErikaYEAR 3:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 4 ErikaYEAR 4:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 5 ErikaYEAR 5:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusWhat month and year do you estimate will be Erika’s 9th TWP month? What month and year do you estimate will be Erika’s 1st EPE month? What month and year do you estimate will be Erika’s 36th EPE month? Will Cessation occur? If so, when will Cessation and the Grace Period occur? In what month (if any) will Social Security suspend Erika’s SSDI?Will Social Security terminate Erika’s SSDI benefits? If so, when?See Answer Key for ErikaDuane ScenarioDuane was entitled to SSDI in June 2016. He had gross wages of $1,000 per month from August 2017 through February 2018. He worked again from October 2019 through April 2020 earning $1,100 per month in gross wages. He did not have any IRWEs, Subsidy, or Special Conditions during that time. It’s now November 2020 and he plans to accept a job making $1,300 per month in gross wages. After speaking with him you determine he will not have any IRWEs, nor does he appear to have a Subsidy or Special Condition. As a result, you expect his countable earnings will be $1,300 per month. In the chart below enter Duane’s earnings (past and future). Fill in the TWP/EPE chart below then answer the questions listed below the chart. Assume that the SGA amount in future years will remain at the 2020 SGA guideline of $1,260.Year 1 DuaneYEAR 1:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 2 DuaneYEAR 2:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 3 DuaneYEAR 3:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 4 DuaneYEAR 4:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 5 DuaneYEAR 5:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 6 DuaneYEAR 6:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusWhat month and year do you estimate will be Duane’s 9th TWP month? What month and year do you estimate will be Duane’s 1st EPE month? What month and year do you estimate will be Duane’s 36th EPE month? Will cessation occur? If so, when will Cessation and the Grace Period occur? In what month (if any) will Social Security suspend Duane’s SSDI? Will Social Security terminate Duane’s SSDI benefits? If so, when?See Answer Key for DuaneMonica Part 1 ScenarioMonica receives $960 per month of CDB. She began her first job August of 2017 making $1,300 a month and she worked through the end of June 2018. She did not have any IRWEs, Subsidy, or Special Conditions during that time. Monica does not go back to work until January of 2020, when she begins working full time as a veterinary assistant making $1,800 a month. Monica has also told you that her impairment is significantly worse and she now has medical expenses and uses assistive technology at work. You helped Monica submit a $600 per month IRWE request, which Social Security approved. Fill in the TWP/EPE chart below then answer the questions listed below the chart. Assume that the SGA amount in future years will remain at the 2020 SGA guideline of $1,260.Year 1 MonicaYEAR 1:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 2 MonicaYEAR 2:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 3 MonicaYEAR 3:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 4 MonicaYEAR 4:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 5 MonicaYEAR 5:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusWhat month did Monica’s 9th TWP month occur? What month and year do you estimate will be Monica’s 1st EPE month?What month and year do you estimate will be Monica’s 36th EPE month? Will cessation occur? If so, when will Cessation and the Grace Period occur?In what month (if any) will Social Security suspend Monica’s CDB check?Will Social Security terminate Monica’s CDB benefits? If so, when?See Answer Key for Monica Part 1Monica Part 2 ScenarioMonica received a surgery in 2021 that improved her impairment enough that she no longer had the medical expenses or the assistive technology at work. Social Security terminated her CDB due to SGA level work in November of 2021. In January 2022 her medical condition worsened again and she was unable to continue her level of full- time work. Monica reduced her hours and began earning $1,000 per month. Fill in the TWP/EPE chart below then answer the questions listed below the chart. Assume that the SGA amount in future years will remain at the 2020 SGA guideline of $1,260.Year 6 MonicaYEAR 6:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 7 MonicaYEAR 7:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusWould Monica have any options to begin her CDB again? HYPERLINK \l "_Monica_Part_2" See Answer Key for Monica Part 2Leonard ScenarioLeonard receives SSDI. He worked from August 2017 through December 2018 making $845 per month. Leonard quit his job the end of December 2018 and did not go back to work until August of 2019, when he began earning $1,400 a month. He has not had any IRWEs, Subsidy, or Special Conditions since August 2019. It is now January of 2020. Leonard is still working at the same job, but he has received a promotion and will begin making $1,500 per month in January 2020. Fill in the TWP/EPE chart below then answer the questions listed below the chart. Assume that the SGA amount in future years will remain at the 2020 SGA guideline of $1,260.Year 1 LeonardYEAR 1:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 2 LeonardYEAR 2:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 3 LeonardYEAR 3:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 4 LeonardYEAR 4:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 5 LeonardYEAR 5:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusYear 6 LeonardYEAR 6:JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecCountableEarningsBenefitStatusWhat month did Leonard’s 9th TWP month occur?What month and year do you estimate will be Leonard’s 1st EPE month? What month and year do you estimate will be Leonard’s 36th EPE month? Did a cessation month occur? If so, when will Cessation and the Grace Period occur? When will Social Security suspend Leonard’s SSDI check? When would Social Security terminate Leonard’s SSDI?? Leonard continues to work at the $1,500 dollar level through December of 2027. He is now unable to work in his current position and quits his job. Does Leonard have any work incentives available to him? HYPERLINK \l "_Leonard" See Answer Key for Leonard Appendix – Answer KeysTrial Work Period and Extended Period of Eligibility ExercisesAlbert Answer KeyWhat month and year do you estimate will be Albert’s 9th TWP month? February 2021What month and year do you estimate will be Albert’s 1st EPE month? March 2021What month and year do you estimate will be Albert’s 36th EPE month? February 2024Go back to Albert problemBrianna Answer KeyWhat month and year do you estimate will be Brianna’s 9th TWP month? December 2020What month and year do you estimate will be Brianna’s 1st EPE month? January 2021What month and year do you estimate will be Brianna’s 36th EPE month? December 2023 HYPERLINK \l "_Question_2_Brianna:" Go back to Brianna problemCaroline Answer KeyWhat month and year do you estimate will be Caroline’s 9th TWP month? October 2020. Since Caroline did not use all 9 TWP months within a rolling 60-month time period, the earnings from April-September 2014 do not count. Therefore, her first TWP month was February 2020.What month and year do you estimate will be Caroline’s 1st EPE month? November 2020What month and year do you estimate will be Caroline’s 36th EPE month? October 2023Go back to Caroline problemSubstantial Gainful Activity ExercisesEllen Answer KeyWhich SGA tools are a possibility considering Ellen has not used her Cessation and Grace Period yet? IRWE, Subsidy/Special Conditions, Unsuccessful Work Attempt, and Averaging Do you estimate Ellen will be able to use one or more of the SGA tools? YesIf so, which one(s)? Special ConditionsWhat do you estimate Ellen’s countable earnings will be? $1,125.80 (4 hours/week x 4.33 weeks/month = 17.32 hours/month of a job coach. 17.32 hours x $10/hour = $173.20 Special Condition deduction. $1,299 - $173.20 = $1,125.80)Do you estimate Ellen will be doing SGA level work when she begins this job? No ($1,125.80 is below the 2020 SGA guideline of $1,260).Go back to Ellen problemFred Answer KeyWhich SGA tools are a possibility considering Fred has used his Cessation and Grace Period yet? IRWE and Subsidy/Special ConditionsDo you estimate Fred will be able to use one or more of the SGA tools? YesIf so, which one(s)? IRWEWhat do you estimate Fred’s countable earnings will be? $1,205 ($1,500 - $225 - $70 = $1,205)Do you estimate Fred will be doing SGA level work when he begins this job? No ($1,205 is below the 2020 SGA guideline of $1,260)Go back to Fred problemGinger Answer KeyWhich SGA tools are a possibility considering Ginger has used her Cessation and Grace Period? IRWE and Subsidy/Special Conditions. She cannot use Averaging or Unsuccessful Work Attempt since Cessation has occurred. Do you estimate Ginger will be able to use one or more of the SGA tools? YesIf so, which one(s)? Impairment Related Work Expenses. It appears she does not have a Subsidy or Special Conditions. She cannot use Averaging or Unsuccessful Work Attempt since Cessation has occurred.What do you estimate Ginger’s countable earnings will be? $1,200 to $1,400 based on a $100/month IRWE ($1,300-$100 = $1,200, $1,500-$100 = $1,400)Do you estimate Ginger was doing SGA level work at this job? In some months yes, in other months no. Months her countable earnings were below the 2020 SGA guideline of $1,260 Social Security would likely find she is not doing SGA. It appears there may be some months she was doing SGA. You would want to ask her to provide you with pay stubs for that period of time, look for any paid time off, which is deducted when calculating countable earnings, and estimate the months countable earnings may not be SGA.Go back to Ginger problemIsabelle Answer KeyWhich SGA tools are a possibility considering Isabelle has not used her Cessation and Grace Period yet? IRWE, Subsidy/Special Conditions, Unsuccessful Work Attempt, and AveragingDo you estimate Isabelle will be able to use one or more of the SGA tools? YesIf so, which one(s)? Unsuccessful Work Attempt (UWA) and Special Conditions What do you estimate Isabelle’s countable earnings will be? $1,298.50 ($1,515 - Special Condition of $216.50, which is calculated by taking Isabelle’s hour wage of $10 times 5 hours per week of job coaching times 4.33 weeks per month.) Do you estimate Isabelle did SGA level work with this job? No. While she has approximately $1,298.50 of countable earnings, which is SGA, it appears the period of work meets the criteria of an UWA. If Social Security determined that this period is an UWA, her work activity will not be considered SGA.Go back to Isabelle problemJenda Answer KeyWhich SGA tools are a possibility considering Jenda has not used her Cessation and Grace Period yet? IRWE, Subsidy/Special Conditions, Unsuccessful Work Attempt, and AveragingDo you estimate Jenda will be able to use one or more of the SGA tools? YesIf so, which one(s)? Subsidy and AveragingWhat do you estimate Jenda’s countable earnings will be? $1,192 ($1,325 X .90 = $1,192)Do you estimate Jenda will be doing SGA level work when he begins this job? No, but she will be close so she will need to track her SGA deductions carefully. If her earnings fluctuate above and below SGA Social Security may average her countable income.Go back to Jenda ProblemHank Answer KeyWhich SGA tools are a possibility considering Hank has not used his Cessation and Grace Period yet? IRWE, Subsidy/Special Conditions, Unsuccessful Work Attempt, and AveragingDo you estimate Hank will be able to use one or more of the SGA tools? YesIf so, which one(s)? IRWE, Subsidy, and AveragingWhat do you estimate Hank’s countable earnings will be? $2,012.50 (IRWEs would be $200 + $100 = $300. Subsidy would be 3 hours per week x 4.33 weeks per month, or 13 hours per month of extra help from co-workers. 13 hours divided by 173 total hours worked is 0.075, or a 7.5% potential Subsidy. $2,500 x .075 (7.5%) = $187.50 Subsidy deduction. $2,500 - $300 IRWE - $187.50 Subsidy = $2,012.50.Do you estimate Hank will be doing SGA level work when he begins this job? No, his countable income of $2,012.50 will be less than the blind SGA guideline of $2,110 for 2020, but he will be close so he will need to track his SGA deductions carefully.Go back to Hank problemCessation and Benefit Termination ExercisesLindsey Answer KeyWhat was Lindsey’s 1st EPE month? August 2017When will Lindsey reach her 36th EPE month? July 2020When did Lindsey’s Cessation month occur? August 2019What are the two months following the Cessation month? Grace Period, September 2019 and October 2019If Lindsey continues to work at this job making $2,000 a month, when will Social Security suspend her SSDI? November 2019, the month after her grace period.If Lindsey continues to work at this job making $2,000 a month, when will Social Security terminate her SSDI? August 2020, because she will be doing SGA after the end of the 36-month EPE.Go back to Lindsey problemDesmond Answer KeyWhat was Desmond’s 1st EPE month? January 2016When did Desmond reach his 36th EPE month? December 2018When will a Cessation month occur? March 2020What two months follow the cessation month? Grace Period, April 2020 and May 2020If Desmond continues to work at this job making $1,800 a month, when will Social security terminate his SSDI? June 2020. He has completed his EPE, cessation and grace months, and his countable earnings are over SGA.Go back to Desmond problemPaul Answer Key What was Paul’s 1st EPE month? November 2017When will Paul reach his 36th EPE? October 2020When will a Cessation month occur? February 2020 (countable earnings of $1300 a month with $100 IRWE)What two months follow the cessation month? Grace Period, March 2020 and April 2020If Paul continues to work at this job making $1,400 a month and have only $100 in IRWEs, when will Social Security suspend his CDB? May 2020If Paul continues to work at this job making $1,400 a month and have only $100 in IRWEs, when will Social Security terminate his CDB? November 2020, the month after the EPE ends. Paul has already used his cessation and grace period during the EPE.Go back to Paul problemCase Studies: Putting It All Together ExercisesErika Answer KeyWhat month and year will be Erika’s 9th TWP month? April 2017What month and year do you estimate will be Erika’s 1st EPE month? May 2017What month and year do you estimate will be Erika’s 36th EPE month? April 2020Will Cessation occur? If so, when will Cessation and the Grace Period occur? Yes. Cessation would be May 2017, Grace Months June-July 2017. In what month (if any) will Social Security suspend Erika’s SSDI? SSDI would be suspended from August 2017-December 2018. Starting January 2019, earnings would be below SGA and there for her SSDI would be due again.Will Social Security terminate Erika’s SSDI benefits? If so, when? When her EPE ends she will not be doing SGA, therefore her SSDI will not terminate.Go back to Erika ProblemDuane Answer KeyWhat month and year do you estimate will be Duane’s 9th TWP month? November 2019What month and year do you estimate will be Duane’s 1st EPE month? December 2019What month and year do you estimate will be Duane’s 36th EPE month? November 2022Will cessation occur? If so, when will Cessation and the Grace Period occur? Yes, Cessation would be November 2020, Grace Months December 2020 -January 2021.In what month (if any) will Social Security suspend Duane’s SSDI? February 2021Will Social Security terminate Duane’s SSDI benefits? If so, when? December 2022, the month after the EPE ends.Go back to Duane ProblemMonica Part 1 Answer KeyWhat month did Monica’s 9th TWP month occur? April 2018What month and year do you estimate will be Monica’s 1st EPE month? May 2018What month and year do you estimate will be Monica’s 36th EPE month? April 2021Will cessation occur? If so, when will Cessation and the Grace Period occur? Yes, Cessation would be May 2018, Grace Months June & July 2018.In what month (if any) will Social Security suspend Monica’s CDB? None. In 2018 her benefit will not be suspended because her work activity is below SGA by the time the Grace Period ends. In January 2020, when she begins working again her countable earnings ($1,800 - $600 IRWE = $1,200) are below SGA.Will Social Security terminate Monica’s CDB benefits? If so, when? Her CDB is not projected to terminate because her countable earnings are estimated to be below the SGA guideline.Go back to Monica Part 1 problemMonica Part 2 Answer KeyWould Monica have any options to begin her CDB again? She could file for Expedited Reinstatement of Benefits (ExR), since her entitlement was terminated due to her work activity, and she later became unable to work at SGA level due to her impairment.Go back to Monica Part 2 problemLeonard Answer KeyWhat month did Leonard’s 9th TWP month occur? November 2019What month and year do you estimate will be Leonard’s 1st EPE month? December 2019 What month and year do you estimate will be Leonard’s 36th EPE month? November 2022Did a cessation month occur? If so, when will Cessation and the Grace Period occur? Yes, Cessation would be December 2019, Grace Months January & February 2020.When will Social Security suspend Leonard’s SSDI? March 2020When would Social Security terminate Leonard’s SSDI? December 2022Leonard continues to work at the $1,500 dollar level through December of 2028. He is now unable to work in his current position and quits his job. Does Leonard have any work incentives available to him? No, he is outside the 60 month ExR time period so he will need to start a new application for SSDI.Go back to Leonard problem ................

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