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THE ORDER OF THE HOLY CROSSORDO 2021Holy Cross Monastery EditionWest Park, NYThe Ordo of the Order of the Holy Cross is the official calendar of feasts and fasts observed in our community along with their rank or degree of solemnity. This Ordo follows the calendar authorized by the Chapter of the Order in 2017. It may be used with The Monastic Breviary in either its 1976 or revised forms, with the service books published by the Camaldolese Benedictines, or with any other authorized form of the daily office.Observances listed as First Class feasts begin with First Vespers on the preceding evening and generally take precedence over all other observances. Second Class feasts do not have a First Vespers; their Vespers take precedence over the Saturday Vespers preceding an ordinary Sunday. Third Class feasts are observed with their own office, elements of which are taken either from the Proper or the Common of Saints in the service books used. Fourth Class feasts, also called Optional Commemorations, do not have their own office but may be commemorated at Matins [or Lauds] and Vespers or observed at the Eucharist of the day or both. A table of such commemorations recently observed in our Order can be found at the end of this booklet. Local communities or households will need to determine if and how they wish to observe them.In this Ordo, First and Second Class feasts that are impeded are transferred to the next day of lesser rank. Local communities or households may choose to transfer them to some other available day in the week that follows their assigned date.A table of abbreviations used in the Ordo can be found at the end of the calendar along with notes on liturgical colors.Eucharistic LectionaryYear B Golden Number: 8Daily Office LectionaryYear One Sunday Letter: c 2020NOVEMBER28SaFeriaVp Advent II29SuAdvent I (+ William E. Harris OHC 1970)30MoSt. Andrew the Apostle, II (Common 2)DECEMBER1TuAdvent Feria2WeAdvent Feria 3ThFrancis Xavier, Mis, III (Common 4)4FrAdvent Feria, 5SaAdvent Feria Vp Advent II II6SuAdvent II Com Nicholas of Myra, B Pa7MoAmbrose, B D, III (Common 5)8TuConception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, III (Common 1)9WeAdvent Feria10ThAdvent Feria Com Thomas Merton, Mon 11FrAdvent Feria (+ Stephen Kator OHC 1987)12SaAdvent FeriaVp Advent III I13SuAdvent IIICom John of the Cross, D, III 14 MoAdvent Feria15TuAdvent Feria16WeAdvent Feria Ember Day 17ThAdvent Feria Ant Mag O Wisdom*18FrAdvent Feria Ant Mag O Adonai Ember Day19SaAdvent Feria Ant Mag O RootEmber DayVp Advent IV II20SuAdvent IV Ant Mag O Key 21MoSt. Thomas the Apostle, II (Common 2) Ant Mag O Dayspring 22TuAdvent Feria Ant Mag O King23WeAdvent Feria Ant Mag O Emmanuel*In general Western usage, the O Antiphons begin on December 17 with O Wisdom and conclude on December 23 with O Emmanuel. In English usage, they begin on the 16th and O Virgin of Virgins is added on the 23rd.24ThVigil of the Nativity 25Fr THE NATIVITY OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, I 26SaSt. Stephen, Deacon & Martyr, II (Christmastide)Vp Christmas II27SuChristmas I28MoSt. John, Apostle & Evangelist, II (Christmastide)29TuThe Holy Innocents, II (Christmastide)30WeChristmas Season 31ThChristmas SeasonVp Holy Name2021JANUARY1FrTHE HOLY NAME OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, I (Proper Office)2SaChristmas SeasonVp Christmas IIII3SuChristmas II (+ George Ewald OHC 1986)4MoChristmas Season (+ Vern Linwood Adams OHC 1963)5TuChristmas SeasonVp Epiphany6WeTHE EPIPHANY OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, I (Proper Office)7ThFeriaOrdinary of the Week resumes 8FrFeria (+ James Henry Gorham OHC 1937) 9SaFeriaVp BaptismI10SuTHE BAPTISM OF CHRIST, I [Epiphany I] (Proper Office)11MoFeria 12TuAelred of Rievaulx, Mon, III (Common 6)13WeFeria14ThFeria15FrMartin Luther King, M, III (Common 3)16SaFeria (+ William Ryland Downing Turkington OHC 1995)Vp Epiphany IIII17SuEpiphany II (+ Alpheus A. Packard OHC, 1972)Com Antony, Mon, III18MoThe Confession of St. Peter the Apostle, II (Common 2) The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity begins19TuFeria20WeFeria21ThAgnes, M, III (Common 3)22FrFeria (+ Cecil Redding Couch OHC 2011)23SaFeriaVp Epiphany IIII24SuEpiphany III25MoThe Conversion of St. Paul, II (Common 2) The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity concludes26TuFeriaCom Titus and Timothy27WeJohn Chrysostom, B D, III (Common 5)(+ Abishai Woodward OHC 1936; + Jessie McVeigh Harrison OHC 1959) 28ThThomas Aquinas, D, III (Common 5)29FrFeria30SaFeriaVp Epiphany IVII31SuEpiphany IVCom Samuel Shoemaker, PWFEBRUARY1MoFeria Vp Presentation2TuTHE PRESENTATION OF OUR LORD JESUS IN THE TEMPLE, I (Proper Office)3WeFeria4ThFeria5FrFeria6SaFeriaVp Epiphany VI7SuEpiphany V 8MoFeria 9TuFeria (+ Joseph Parsell OHC 1994)10WeScholastica, Mon, III (Common 6)11ThFeria12FrFeria (+ Robert Augustine Brown OHC 1994)13SaAbsalom Jones, Pa, III (Common 4)Vp Last Epiphany II14SuLast Sunday after the EpiphanyCom Cyril & Methodius, Mis, III 15MoFeria 16TuFeriaAdd Alleluias to Dismissal at Vespers17WeAsh Wednesday18ThLenten Feria19FrLenten Feria20SaLenten Feria (+ Roy Parker OHC 2020)Com Frederick Douglass, PWVp Lent II21SuLent I22MoLenten Feria (+ Howard Bonnell Spencer OHC 1996)23TuPolycarp, B M, III (Common 3)24WeSt. Matthias the Apostle II (Common 2)Ember Day25ThLenten Feria26FrLenten FeriaEmber Day27 SaLenten FeriaCom George Herbert, PaEmber DayVp Lent IIII28SuLent IIMARCH1MoLenten FeriaCom David, B Pa2TuLenten Feria (+ Roy Jude Arnold OHC 1991) Com Chad, B Pa3WeLenten FeriaCom John and Charles Wesley 4ThLenten Feria 5FrLenten Feria6SaLenten Feria Vp Lent IIII7SuLent IIICom Perpetua and her Companions, MM8MoLenten Feria9TuGregory of Nyssa, B D, III (Common 4)10WeLenten Feria Com Harriet Tubman, PW11ThLenten Feria (+ Edwin C. Whitall OHC 1969)12FrLenten Feria 13SaLenten FeriaVp Lent IV II14SuLent IV15MoLenten Feria (+ Sydney Atkinson OHC 1975)16TuLenten Feria17WePatrick, B Mis, III (Common 4)18ThLenten Feria Com Cyril of Jerusalem, B Vp Joseph19FrST. JOSEPH, I (Proper Office)20SaLenten FeriaVp Lent VI21SuLent V22MoLenten Feria23TuLenten Feria24WeLenten Feria (+ Lincoln Taylor OHC 1984) Com Oscar Romero, MVp Annunciation 25ThTHE ANNUNCIATION OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, I (Proper Office)26FrLenten Feria (+ Sturges Allen OHC 1929)27SaLenten Feria (+ Herbert Hawkins OHC 1977)Vp Sunday of the PassionII28SuSunday of the Passion [Palm Sunday]29MoMonday in Holy Week 30TuTuesday in Holy Week31WeWednesday in Holy WeekAPRIL1ThMAUNDY THURSDAY2FrGOOD FRIDAY3SaHOLY SATURDAYI4SuSUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION [EASTER SUNDAY]5MoMonday in Easter Week6TuTuesday in Easter Week7WeWednesday in Easter Week8ThThursday in Easter Week9FrFriday in Easter Week10SaSaturday in Easter WeekVp Easter IIII11SuEaster II12MoEastertide Feria13TuEastertide Feria (+ Ronald Haynes OHC, 2016)14WeEastertide Feria15ThEastertide Feria16FrEastertide Feria17SaEastertide FeriaVp Easter IIII18SuEaster III19MoEastertide Feria20TuEastertide Feria21WeAnselm of Canterbury, B D, III (Common 6)22ThEastertide Feria23FrEastertide Feria24SaEastertide Feria Vp Easter IVII25SuEaster IV26MoSt. Mark the Evangelist, II (tr.) (Common 2)27TuEastertide Feria28WeEastertide Feria (+ John Baldwin OHC 1980) 29ThEastertide Feria Com Catherine of Siena, T D 30FrEastertide FeriaMAY1SaSt. Philip & St. James, Apostles, II (Common 2)Vp Easter VI2SuEaster V Com Athanasius, B D, III3MoEastertide Feria4TuEastertide Feria5WeEastertide Feria (+ Douglas Brown OHC 2006) 6ThEastertide Feria (+ Charles Webb OHC 1944;Jack Harbert OHC 1987; James Andrew Colquhoun, 2015)7FrEastertide Feria 8SaDame Julian of Norwich, C, III (Common 5)Vp Easter VIII9SuEaster VI Com Gregory of Nazianzus, B D10MoEastertide FeriaRogation Day11TuEastertide FeriaRogation Day12WeEastertide FeriaRogation DayVp Ascension13ThASCENSION DAY, I (Proper Office)14FrPachomius, Mon, III (Common 6)15SaEastertide FeriaVp Easter VIII16SuEaster VII17MoEastertide Feria18TuEastertide Feria 19WeDunstan, B Pa, III (Common 6) 20ThEastertide Feria 21FrEastertide Feria22SaEastertide FeriaVp PentecostII23SuTHE DAY OF PENTECOST, I (Proper Office)24MoFeriaCom Jackson Kemper, B MisThe Ordinary of the Week resumes with Proper 325TuBede, Mon D, III ( Common 5) (+ William Mayo OHC 1946)26WeAugustine of Canterbury, B Mis Mon, III (Common 6)Ember Day27ThFeria28FrFeriaEmber Day 29SaFeriaEmber DayVp TrinityI30SuTRINITY SUNDAY, I (Proper Office)31MoThe Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary II (Tr.) (Common 1)JUNE1TuJustin, M, III (Common 3)2WeFeriaVp Corpus Christi3ThCORPUS CHRISTI, I (Proper Office)Com Martyrs of Uganda & Janani Luwum, MM, III 4FrFeria5SaBoniface, B M, III (Common 3)Vp Pentecost IIII6SuPentecost II – Proper 57MoFeria8TuFeria 9WeColumba, Mon, III (Common 6)10ThEphrem, D, III (Common 4) (+ Michael Stonebraker OHC 2008)11FrFeria12SaSt. Barnabas the Apostle, II (Common 2)Vp BarnabasI13SuPentecost III – Proper 614MoBasil the Great, B D, III (Common 5) (+ Bernard van Waes OHC 2008)15TuFeria 16WeFeria17ThFeria18FrFeria19SaRomuald, Mon, III (Common 6)Vp Pentecost IVII20SuPentecost IV – Proper 721MoFeria22TuAlban, M, III (Common 3) (+ Dominic Taylor OHC 1960) 23WeFeriaVp Nativity of John24ThTHE NATIVITY OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST, I (Proper Office)25FrFeria26SaFeriaVp Pentecost VI27SuPentecost V – Proper 828MoIrenaeus, B M, III (Common 3)Vp Peter & Paul29TuST. PETER & ST. PAUL, APOSTLES, I (Proper Office)(+ James Otis Sargent Huntington OHC 1935; Paul Hayes OHC 1988)30WeFeriaJULY1ThFeria2FrFeria3SaFeriaII4SuPentecost VI – Proper 95MoFeria6TuMartyrs of the English Reformation, III (Common 3)[Lattimer, Ridley, Cranmer, Fisher, & More] 7WeFeria8ThFeria9FrFeria10SaFeria Vp BenedictI11SuST. BENEDICT, I (Proper Office) (+ Louis Lorey OHC 1929)12MoFeria [Mass of Proper 10 may be used]13TuFeria 14WeFeria15ThFeria16FrFeria17SaFeria (+ Frederick Sill OHC 1952)Vp Pentecost VIIIII18SuPentecost VIII – Proper 1119MoFeria20TuFeria 21WeFeria22ThSt. Mary Magdalene, Apostle, II (Common 2)23FrFeria24SaFeriaVp Pentecost IXI25SuPentecost IX – Proper 1226MoSt. James the Apostle, II (Common 2)27TuFeria Com William Reed Huntington, Pa 28WeFeria29ThFeria Com Mary and Martha of Bethany, CC30FrWilliam Wilberforce, C, III (Common 4)31SaIgnatius Loyola, Mon, III (Common 6)Vp Pentecost XAUGUSTII1SuPentecost X – Proper 132MoFeria3TuFeria 4WeFeria 5ThFeriaVp of Transfiguration6FrTHE TRANSFIGURATION OF OUR LORD, I (Proper Office)7SaFeriaVp Pentecost XII8SuPentecost XI – Proper 14Com Dominic, Mon, III 9MoFeria10TuFeria11WeFeria 12ThFeria13FrFeria14SaFeria Com Jonathan Myrick Daniels, MVp MaryII15SuST. MARY THE VIRGIN, I (Proper Office)16MoFeria [Mass of Proper 15 may be used]17TuFeria 18WeFeria19ThFeria20FrBernard, D Mon, III (Common 6)21SaFeria (+ Karl Tiedeman OHC 1968)Vp Pentecost XIIII22SuPentecost XIII – Proper 1623MoFeria (+ Robert Erskine Campbell OHC 1977)24TuSt. Bartholomew the Apostle, II (Common 2)25WeFeria (+ Joseph Bessom OHC 1965) 26ThFeria (+ Samuel B. DeMerell, OHC 2016)27FrFeria (+ James Boniface Adams OHC 1997)28SaAugustine of Hippo, B D, III (Common 5)Vp Pentecost XIV II29SuPentecost XIV – Proper 17 (+ Raymond Gill OHC 1989)Com Beheading of John the Baptist, III30MoFeria31TuAidan, B Mis Mon, III (Common 6)SEPTEMBER1WeFeria Com David Pendleton Oakerhater, C2ThFeria (+ Francis Parker OHC 1958)3FrGregory the Great, B D, III (Common 5)4SaFeriaCom Paul Jones, PW Vp Pentecost XVI5SuPentecost XV – Proper 186MoFeria7TuFeria 8WeThe Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, II (Common 1)9ThFeria Com Constance and her Companions, FS10FrFeria 11SaFeriaVp Pentecost XVIII12SuPentecost XVI – Proper 1913MoCyprian, B M, III (Common 3) (+ Allan E. Smith OHC 2006)Vp Holy Cross14TuEXALTATION OF THE HOLY CROSS, I (Proper Office)15WeFeriaEmber Day16ThFeria 17FrFeriaEmber Day18SaFeriaCom Edward Bouverie Pusey, FS PaEmber DayVp Pentecost XVIII19SuPentecost XVII – Proper 20Com Theodore Of Tarsus, B Pa20MoFeria21TuSt. Matthew, Apostle & Evangelist, II (Common 2)22WeFeria (+Anthony Gerald Stevens OHC 2007)23ThFeria24FrFeria (+Alan G. Whittemore OHC 1960)25SaSergius, Mon, III (Common 6)Vp Pentecost XVIIIII26SuPentecost XVIII – Proper 2127MoFeria (+Nicholas Radelmiller OHC 2014)Com Cosmas and Damien, MM28TuFeriaVp Michael29WeST. MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS, I (Proper Office)30ThFeriaCom Jerome, Mon Pa OCTOBER1FrFeria 2SaFeriaVp Pentecost XIXI3SuPentecost XIX – Proper 224MoFrancis of Assisi, Mon, III (Common 6)5TuFeria 6WeFeriaCom Bruno, MonVp Dedication7ThDEDICATION, I (tr.)Centennial Observance8FrFeria9SaFeriaVp Pentecost XXII10SuPentecost XX – Proper 2311MoFeria12TuFeria13WeFeria (+ Donald Ashton, Postulant 1963) 14ThFeria (+ William Sibley OHC 2008)Com Samuel Schereschewsky, B15FrTeresa of Avila, D, III (Common 6) 16SaFeriaVp Pentecost XXII17SuPentecost XXI – Proper 24Com Ignatius of Antioch, B M, III 18MoSt. Luke the Evangelist, II (Common 2)19TuFeria20WeFeria21ThFeria22FrFeria23SaSt. James of Jerusalem, Brother of our Lord, II (Common 2)Vp JamesII24SuPentecost XXII – Proper 2525MoFeria26TuFeria 27WeFeria28ThSt. Simon & St. Jude, Apostles, II (Common 2)29FrFeria30SaFeriaVp Pentecost XXIIII31SuPentecost XXIII – Proper 26Vp All SaintsNOVEMBER1MoALL SAINTS, I (Proper Office)2TuAll Souls, II (Common 16)3WeFeriaCom Martin of Porres, Mon4ThFeria Com Frank Weston, B Mis5FrFeria (+ Joseph Smyth OHC 1976)6SaFeriaVp Pentecost XXIVII7SuPentecost XXIV – Proper 27Com Eleanor Roosevelt, FS8MoFeria9TuDeparted Members of the Community, III (Common 16)10WeFeriaCom Leo the Great, B D11ThMartin of Tours, B Pa, III (Common 4) 12FrFeria13SaFeriaVp Pentecost XXVI14SuPentecost XXIV – Proper 28Com Consecration of Samuel Seabury, B15MoFeriaCom Departed Associates and Benefactors16TuFeria (+ Shirley C. Hughson OHC 1949)17WeFeria18ThHilda of Whitby, Mon, III (Common 6)19FrFeria20SaFeria (+ Liston J. Orum OHC 1928)Vp Christ the KingII21SuCHRIST THE KING, I – Proper 29 (Proper Office)22MoFeriaCom Cecilia, M23TuFeria Com Clement of Rome, B24WeFeriaVp Father Founder25ThJAMES OTIS SARGENT HUNTINGTON, I (Proper Office)26FrFeriaCom Soujourner Truth, PW27SaFeriaVp Advent II28SuAdvent IEucharistic Lectionary Year C beginsDaily Office Lectionary Year Two beginsABBREVIATIONSAnt – AntiphonB – BishopC – ConfessorCom – commemorate D – DoctorFS – Faithful ServantFol – followingK – King M – MartyrMag – Magnificat Mis – Missionary Mon – MonasticPa – PastorPW – Prophetic WitnessT – TeacherTr – Transferred Theol – Theologian Vp – VespersCollect of All Saints of the Benedictine Family [March 21]We give you thanks, almighty God, for the Saints of the Benedictine family: and we pray that the zeal of the holy monks and nuns of the ages may inspire us to holiness of life; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit one God, now and forever. AmenOPTIONAL COMMEMORATIONS AND FOURTH CLASS FEASTSThese are traditional observances in the OHC calendar. Any of these as well as any others authorized by the local Province or diocese of the Church may be observed if and as desired. These feasts are entirely optional and are observed at the discretion of the local household, but some at least should be observed or commemorated to connect the local household to the history and culture of the wider church and of its own Province. Each household will need to carefully consider the extent and nature of such observances. Those in bold face were previously observed as second or third class.GeneralJanuary: 10: William Laud; 13: Hilary; 19: Wulfstan; 20: Fabian; 22: Vincent; 24: Francis de Sales; 26: Timothy & Titus; 30: CharlesFebruary: 3: Anskar; 4: Cornelius the Centurion; 5: Martyrs of Japan; 9: Cyril of Alexandria; 15: Thomas Bray; 16: Gilbert; 21: Peter Damian; 22: Joseph of Arimathea; 27: George HerbertMarch: 1: David; 2: Chad; 3: John & Charles Wesley; 7: Perpetua and her Companions; 10: Forty Martyrs of Sebaste; 11: Edward King; 18: Cyril of Jerusalem; 20: Cuthbert; 21: All Saints of the Benedictine Family; 22: Thomas Ken; 23: Gregory the Illuminator; 27: Charles Henry Brent; 29: John Keble; 31: John DonneApril: 1: Frederick Denison Maurice; 2: James Lloyd Breck; 3: Richard of Chichester; 11: George Augustus Selwyn; 19: Alphege; 23: George; 29: Catherine of Siena; 30: Abbots of ClunyMay: 3: Finding of the Cross; 4: Monica; 7: Stanislaus; 9: Gregory of Nazianzus; 20: Alcuin; 24: Vincent of Lerins ? Jackson Kemper (same date); Pentecost week: First Book of Common PrayerJune: 2: Martyrs of Lyons; 6: Norbert; 13: Anthony of Padua; 16: Joseph Butler; 18: Bernard Mizeki; 26: John & PaulJuly: 14: Bonaventura; 19: Vincent de Paul; 24: Thomas a Kempis; 26: Parents of the BVM; 29: Mary & Martha (& Lazarus) of BethanyAugust: 5: Oswald; 7: John Mason Neale; 9: John Mary Vianney; 10: Laurence; 11: Clare; 13: Jeremy Taylor; 18: Helena; 25: LouisSeptember: 2: Martyrs of New Guinea; 9: Peter Claver; 16: Ninian; 18: Edward Bouverie Pusey; 19: Theodore of Tarsus; 20: John Coleridge Patteson & Companions; 26: Lancelot Andrewes; 27: Cosmas & Damian; 30: JeromeOctober: 1: Remigius; 2: Holy Guardian Angels; 6: Bruno; 9: Robert Grosseteste; 13: Edward the Confessor; 14: Samuel Schereschewsky; 19: Henry Martyn ? Jesuit Martyrs of North America (same date); 21: Hilarion; 26: Alfred the Great; 29: James Hannington & CompanionsNovember: 3: Martin de Porres ? Richard Hooker (same date); 4: Frank Weston; 5: Elizabeth, Mother of John the Baptist; 6: Saints of the Old Testament; 7: Willibrord; 10: Leo the Great; 12: Charles Simeon; 13: Departed Benefactors; 16: Margaret of Scotland; 17: Hugh of Lincoln; 19: Elizabeth of Hungary; 20: Edmund; 22: Cecilia; 23: Clement of RomeDecember: 1: Nicholas Ferrar; 2: Channing Moore Williams; 4: John of Damascus; 5: Clement of Alexandria; 6: Nicholas; 12: Jane Frances de Chantal; 13: Agatha & Lucy; 29: Thomas of Canterbury.LocalIn the United States: January 23: Phillips Brooks; March 22: James DeKoven; July 17: William White; July 27: William Reed Huntington; August 18: William Porcher DuBose; September 1: David Pendleton Oakerhater; September 10: Constance & Her Companions; September 12: John Henry Hobart; November 14: Consecration of Samuel Seabury; November 28: Kamehameha & EmmaIn Canada: January 12: Marguerite Bourgeoys ? John Horden (same date); February 9: Hannah Grier Coome; March 10: Robert Machray; April 30: Marie de l'Incarnation; August 30: Robert McDonald; September 4: First Anglican Eucharist in Canada; September 10: Edmund James Peck; September 18: Founders, Benefactors & Missionaries of the Church in Canada; December 31: John WestIn South Africa: January 14: Richard Benson of Cowley; January 23: Yona Kanamuzeyi; January 29: Charles Frederick Mackenzie; February 4: Manche Masemola of Sekhukhuneland; February 9: James Mata Dwane; February 20: Mother Cecile of Grahamstown; March 9: Maqhamusela Khanyile of Zululand; September 1: Robert Gray; October 3: Anthony, Earl of Shaftesbury; November 3: The Martyrs of Mbokotwana; November 8: Martyrs & Confessors of Our Time; December 5: Peter MasizaAny feast may be observed with greater dignity and at a higher rank if so desired by the local house.Liturgical ColorsThere are no absolute rules about the colors of vestments, though since the Council of Trent Western usage became strictly prescribed. Traditionally, however, the best vestments, whatever their color, were worn for the greater feasts. The following color scheme is currently common in Anglican usage:Seasonal Colors:Christmas and Eastertide: white or goldAdvent: violet or deep blueLent: violet or Lenten (unbleached) arrayPassiontide/ Holy Week: deep red or violet (white may be used on Maundy Thursday; black on Good Friday)Pentecost: redSeason after Epiphany and Pentecost: greenFeast Days and Special Occasions:Of our Lord and Mysteries of the Faith and of Saints, unless otherwise noted: white or goldFeasts of Mary: white or blueFeasts of Apostles and/or Evangelists: redFeasts of Martyrs: redDeparted: black or violet or whiteExceptions or Clarifications:St. John the Evangelist (December 27): whiteConfession of St. Peter (January 18): whiteConversion of St. Paul (January 25): whiteFinding of the Cross (May 3): redNativity of St. John Baptist (August 29): redExaltation of the Holy Cross (September 14): red ................

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