Professional and Vocat ional Licensing Division Depart m ent of Com m erce and Consum er Affairs

State of Hawaii


Dat e:

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Tim e:

10: 02 a.m .


Queen Liliuokalani Conference Room King Kalakaua Building, 1st Floor

335 Merchant St reet

Honolulu, Hawaii 96813

Present :

John K. Kaya, D.V.M., Chairperson Alan Kaufm an, D.V.M. Elwood I . Kit a, Mem ber Wendy L. Mah, Mem ber Jenee Odani, D.V.M., Mem ber Michael O. Wolt m on, D.V.M., Mem ber Mellissa Yuen, D.V.M., Mem ber Lynn Bhanot , Execut ive Officer Lori Nishim ura, Secret ary

Ab sen t :

Shari Wong, Deput y At t orney General ( " DAG" )


The agenda for t his m eet ing was filed wit h t he Office of t he Lieut enant Governor, as required by Hawaii Revised St at ut es ( " HRS" ) sect ion 92- 7( b) .

Call t o Order:

There being a quorum present , t he m eet ing was called t o order at 10: 02 a.m . by Chairperson Dr. Kaya.

Ad d it ion s/ Revisions t o Agenda:


Welcom e and I ntroduction of New Board Mem bers:

Chairperson Dr. Kaya welcom ed t hree ( 3) new Board m em bers t o t he m eet ing; Dr. Odani, Dr. Wolt m on, and Dr. Yuen, and requested for all the Board m em bers and staff to introduce them selves.

Minut es of t he Septem ber 21, 2011 Board Meet ing:

I t was m oved by Dr. Wolt m on, seconded by Ms. Mah, and unanim ously carried to approve the m inutes of the Septem ber 21, 2011 Board m eeting as circulated.

Board of Vet erinary Exam iners Minut es of t he January 18, 2012 Meet ing Page 2

Ap p licat ion s:

Execut ive Officer Bhanot inform ed new Board m em bers on t he procedures the Board follows on applications whereby applicants who m eet the licensing requirem ents are pre- approved by the Licensing Branch. These pre- approved applicant files are t hen forwarded to the Board to ratify that approval. She noted that restoration applications and applicat ions with " yes" answers, ( applicant s who disclose disciplinary action against them and/ or crim inal convictions) , are always forwarded to the Board for approval.

Execut ive Officer Bhanot st at ed t hat current ly ent ire applicat ion files for ratifications are brought to the m eeting, but through an inquiry by t he Applicat ions Sect ion Supervisor and Office Assistant, they asked whether the Board would like to ratify the approval based on t he review and approval by t he Licensing Branch. Discussion ensued concerning the reliabilit y of a review / approval by t he Licensing Branch; Ms. Bhanot st at ed that in her experience with this Board, she has not com e across any license that was m iss- issued. She further stat ed that the Licensing Branch relies on a checklist t o ensure t hat an applicant has m et all the requirem ents.

After further discussion, the consensus of the Board m em bers, being that m ost were new to the Board, were to keep the procedure the sam e ? " m ore com fortable to review the files" .

A. Rat ificat ion of I ssued Tem porary Perm it

After discussion, it was m oved by Dr. Kaufm an, seconded by Dr. Yuen, and unanim ously carried t o rat ify t he following tem porary perm its issued:

( 1) AYLI NG, Kirk C. ( 2) BAI LLI E, Susan R. ( 3) BENANDER, Benj am in J. ( 4) BENANDER, Carey E. ( 5) BERGKNUT, Malia H.K. ( 6) PRESSLER, Whit ney A. ( 7) SWARTZ, Aleisha A.

B. Rat ificat ion of I ssued License

Aft er discussion, it was m oved by Mr. Kit a, seconded by Dr. Yuen, and unanim ously carried t o rat ify t he following applications for licensure:

Board of Vet erinary Exam iners Minut es of t he January 18, 2012 Meet ing Page 3

New Business:


Correspondence: A.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)

AYLI NG, Kirk C. BAI LLI E, Susan R. BERGKNUT, Malia H.K. GLOVER, David A. KAPUST, Alana R. LABRECQUE, Lisa M. LAU, Eileen J. PEGG, Erik J.L. POMES, Paul B. PRESSLER, Whit ney A. SUGHRUE, Kalia E. THOMAS, Kara S. WELLER, Scot t A.

HRS 471- 8 Exam inat ions; Qualificat ions of Applicant s

Chairperson Dr. Kaya raised an inquiry from a colleague regarding whether a foreign school graduate who is licensed in the State of Wisconsin, but was not required t o have t heir educat ion evaluat ed by t he Educat ional Com m ission for Foreign Vet erinary Graduat es ( " ECFVG" ) , can obt ain a license t o pract ice in Hawaii. The prospect ive applicant 's educat ion was com plet ed in Japan about 18 years ago. Also, in 2005, the applicant passed a specialized area in veterinary m edicine. Discussion ensued, whereby Dr. Wolt m on suggest ed t hat AVMA m ay have required ECFVG or Test of English as a Foreign Language ( " TOEFL" ) . He also st at ed t he applicant m ay possibly be granted approval based on Hawaii Adm inist rat ive Rule ( " HAR" ) sect ion 16- 101- 7 Validat ion of Experience, if t hey pract iced in Wisconsin for t en out of t welve years prior t o subm it t ing an applicat ion. The consensus of the Board was for the prospective applicant to subm it validation of experience in accordance with HAR sect ion 16- 101- 7.

Sept em ber 16, 2011 Em ail from Everet t S. Kaneshige Re: Vet erinarian Services

Execut ive Officer Bhanot st at ed t he Board received a Septem ber 16, 2011 em ail inquiry from the Departm ent's Deput y Direct or, Mr. Kaneshige, in regards t o veterinarians with working dogs entering the state as part of an Urban Search and Rescue t eam ; guidance was requested concerning credentialing of veterinarians who enter the state in a disaster response situation.

Board of Vet erinary Exam iners Minut es of t he January 18, 2012 Meet ing Page 4

Ch ai r p er so n ' s Report : Vet er in ar y Pract ices:

Legislat ion:

Discussion ensued whereby Dr. Kaufm an suggested that the issuance of tem porary licenses m ay be the " clean and easy way" to address this type of situation, and Dr. Woltm on added that it would also be dependent on t he count y official or Governor for FEMA declarat ion. Chairperson Dr. Kaya suggest ed deferring t o t he st at ut e. Dr. Odani st at ed t hat t he USDA m ay have it s own procedure during a disast er situation.

Dr. Kaufm an stated that those service dogs should already have a pet passport in place prior to com ing to Hawaii, which Dr. Woltm on added was due to the quarantine and rabies restrict ion.

Chairperson Dr. Kaya st at ed his report w ould be pert aining to Veterinary pract ices, continuing education, as well as Legislat ion; cont inuing educat ion bill proposal for t he 2012 legislat u r e.

A. Cont inuing Educat ion ( " CE" )

Chairperson Dr. Kaya st at ed t hat he, along wit h Represent at ive Hashem , Dr. Ako, represent ing Haw aii Vet erinary Medical Associat ion ( " HVMA" ) , Dr. Furut ani, represent ing Hawaii Vet erinary Societ y ( " HVS" ) , Execut ive Officer Bhanot , and Lee Ann Teshim a, Board of Pharm acy's Execut ive Officer, m et t o discuss and obt ain inform at ion for the association to pursue proposing a bill to require continuing education.

A. Cont inuing Educat ion Bill Proposal for t he 2012 Legislat ure

The proposed bill was dist ribut ed t o Board m em bers for their review and/ or suggested edits. After a lengthy discussion, the Board supported the intent to require continuing education; and recom m ended the following suggested am endm ents.

The Board suggest ed clarifying t hat only courses

approved by the Board, the Hawaii Veterinary

Medical Associat ion, t he Am erican Associat ion of

Vet erinary St at e Boards' Regist ry, or ot her board-

approved organizations will be accepted to m eet

the m inim um twenty credit hour continuing

education requirem ent;

The Board suggest ed redefining credit hour t o

reflect fift y m inut es of instruction;

Board of Vet erinary Exam iners Minut es of t he January 18, 2012 Meet ing Page 5

Execut ive Of f icer 's Report :

The Board com m ent ed t hat we should not

discrim inat e live or on- line courses;

The Board also suggest ed am ending t he language

to align the continuing education requirem ent with

other licensing areas under the departm ent to

clearly state that the failure to renew a license on

or before June 30 of each even- num bered year

shall const itute the forfeiture of the license until

such tim e that the continuing education

requirem ents are m et and the license is restored.

Dr. Kaufm an and Mr. Kit a left t he m eet ing at 11: 56 a.m .

A. Nat ional Board of Vet erinary Medical Exam iners ( " NBVME" )

Execut ive Officer Bhanot provided t he following sum m ary concerning inform at ion from NBVME:

January NBVME Meet ing: Hilt on Head, Sout h Carolina January 27?28, 2012.

Fall NAVLE I t em Review Meet ing: 15 of t he 19, 2011 NAVLE it em writ ers m et at t he NBME office in Philadelphia Novem ber 9- 10, 2011 t o review newlywritten item s. Nearly 700 item s were j udged to be accept able and were added t o t he NAVLE it em bank. New NAVLE it em s approved at t he fall review m eet ing will be used for the first tim e on exam inat ion form s developed for the 2012- 2013 testing cycles.

NBVME Office Move: Lease on present office suit e expires April 2012, preparing an offer on new space in a building about four blocks south of the present location in downtown Bism arck.

NBVME Exam inat ion Updat es: The Novem ber ? Decem ber 2011 testing window for the North Am erican Vet erinary Licensing Exam inat ion ( " NAVLE" ) ran from Novem ber 14- Decem ber 10, 2011. For t he fall exam ination, there were 3,814 candidate eligibility files, an increase of 25 from fall 2010.


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