
Rio Del Oro Physical Education

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Dear _________________________________________,

Over Winter Break from school I would like to make sure to get the exercise my body needs to stay healthy. I know we will be busy with family and friends, but can you please help me to stay active? My favorite physical activity is:


Another physical activity we can do as a family is:


Let’s do that together!

When I get back from Winter Break I would like to be able to tell Ms. Flatau what kind of exercise I participated in. If you can remind me, I will bring back a picture I drew of the physical activity I participated in. Then Ms. Flatau will post it in her P.E. classroom so all of my schoolmates will see what I did over the break. Thank you for your help!

Your student,


*This assignment is directly linked to Standards 3, 4, and 5 of the

Physical Education Model Content Standards for California Public Schools Grades K-12.

Rio Del Oro Physical Education

My Physical Activity over Winter Break


Name: _____________________________________________________________

Over our Winter Break I exercised to keep my body healthy. Here is a picture I drew of the physical activity I participated in.

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