Cases - Weebly

Cases |What happened |DECISION |Amendment | |

|Marbury v. Madison | |Established the concept of _______ _______: the Supreme court has | |

| | |the final authority to find acts of government unconstitutional | |

|Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier |Students wrote an article the principal|Schools ____ filter or limit information that is placed into a | |

| |would not allow to be published in the |school newspaper. | |

| |school newspaper | | |

|New Jersey v. T.L.O. |2 students caught smoking in bathroom, |Schools are only required to have “_________ suspicion” to search | |

| |sent to VP, asked to open purses, VP |students | |

| |found rolling paper used for marijuana,| | |

| |asked students to dump out purses, | | |

| |found money, marijuana, and list of | | |

| |people owing her money | | |

|Bethel School District v. |Obscene Speech at assembly |Schools may ______ the profane, obscene lewd speech of a student | |

|Fraser | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Tinker v. Des Moines |Students wore black arm bands |A student does ____ shed his rights at the door. Black armbands | |

| |protesting Vietnam War, they were |to protest the Vietnam War can be worn since they are not | |

| |suspended |______________. | |

|In re Gault |Sent to juvenile detention for an |__________ are provide due process as well as adults | - due process |

| |alleged obscene phone call, no lawyer, | | |

| |no witnesses, | | |

|McCulloch v. Maryland |Maryland tried to put a tax on a branch|A _______ cannot tax a _________institution |____________clause | |The Supremacy Clause |

| |of the Bank of the US | | | | |

|Gibbons v. Ogden |Ogden had NY state license to ferry |The __________ gov’t has the power over the __________ to regulate|____________clause |

| |people from NYC to NJ, Gibbons also |interstate commerce. Federal ferry license prevails over a State | |

| |ferried people but had no state license|Ferry License (no NY monopoly) | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Dred Scott v. Sandford |Sandford lived in MO (a slave state) |States cannot deprive a person of his right to _____________ | |

| |took Dred Scott to IL (a free state) | | |

| |and Scott said he was now free | | |

|Plessy v. Ferguson |Plessy (1/8 of African decent) sat in |Established the concept of “____________ but _______” in public | |

| |white only train car, would not move |facilities | |

| |when asked | | |

|Brown v. Board of Education |Mr. Brown wanted his daughter to attend| Schools were desegregated. Separate is _________ | |

| |the neighborhood school (she was black | | |

| |and the school was for whites) | | |

|Swann v. Board of Education |Mr. Swann said CMS was not integrated |Court ordered ______________ to integrate schools | |

| |even though Brown v. Board of Ed said | | |

| |that segregation is not okay | | |

|Korematsu v. United States |Mr. Korematsu said not Constitutional |Justices ruled for ____________________. Said that times of | - due process |

| |for people of Japanese decent to be |national hardship and extreme times can allow some individual | |

| |forced to move to internment camps |rights to be taken away | |

|Furman v. Georgia |Georgia death penalty law vague and so |Capital Punishment and the enforcement of the death penalty cannot| |

| |most death row inmates were Black men |be __________ biased | |

| | | | |

|Gregg v. Georgia |Sentenced to death for 2 counts murder |Upheld sentences of death – death penalty itself does not violate | |

| |sentenced to death |the ___________________ | |

|Gideon v. Wainwright |Gideon charged with crime, at that time|All accused persons are entitled to a _________________, even if | |

| |in FL lawyers only given for death |they cannot afford one. | |

| |penalty and insanity cases, he had no | | |

| |money to pay a lawyer and was found | | |

| |guilty | | |

|Miranda v. Arizona |Miranda arrested but not told his right|A person must be read his or her ___________ before being | |

| |to not confess to the crime, he signed |arrested. | |

| |a confession and was convicted | | |

|Mapp v. Ohio |Police searched Mapp’s house with a |____________ obtained evidence _____________ be used in court. | |

| |fake warrant and found illegal material| | |

|Olmstead v. US | |“Reasonable expectation of privacy” did not include | |

| | |_________________. 4th amendment does not protect individuals form| |

| | |wiretapping. And this evidence may be used in court. | |

|Engel v. Vitale |School board required students to say a|A school cannot require students to _________. This court case | |

| |prayer at beginning of each day |upheld separation of ______________ and ______ | |

|Texas v. Johnson |Texas had a law against desecrating the|The Government cannot limit a citizen’s right to burn the ________| |

| |Flag, Mr. Johnson burned a Flag in | | |

| |protest | | |

|Roe v. Wade | |A state___________ take away a woman’s right to an abortion | |

| | | | |

|Schenck v. US |Anti-Vietnam leader who urged men to |Free speech is limited during times of war and 1st Amendment |1st |

| |resist the draft |rights are not absolute | |

|Regents of the University of |A white student was not accepted in to |Schools cant use admissions quotas and admit students solely based|14th |

|California |the school and several minority |on race | |

| |students with lower scores were | | |


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