
Community Health Status Report Overview Indicators 2018 - 2019?Domain and IndicatorData SourceOld #New #Maternal/ Women's Health Indicators?Medi-Cal insured deliveries per 100 live birthsCalifornia Center for Health Statistics, Vital Statistics, Birth Statistical Master File. 1-BPre-pregnancy Health Insurance per 100 females delivering a live birthMIHA (Maternal Infant Health Assessment Survey).1-D1-CPrenatal care in the first trimester per 100 females delivering a live birthCalifornia Center for Health Statistics, Vital Statistics, Birth Statistical Master File. 1-DPre-pregnancy overweight or obesity per 100 females delivering a live birthBirth statistical master file1-EMistimed or unwanted pregnancy per 100 females delivering a live birthMIHA (Maternal Infant Health Assessment Survey).2-D1-FSubstance use diagnoses per 1,000 hospitalizations of pregnant females age 15 to 44Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD). Hospital discharge data.2-H1-GAny smoking during the 1st or 3rd trimester per 100 females with live birthsMIHA (Maternal Infant Health Assessment Survey). 2-C1-HGestational diabetes per 1,000 females age 15 to 44 delivering a live or still-born infant in-hospitalOffice of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD). Hospital discharge data.2-A1-IBirths conceived within 18 months of a previous live birth per 100 females age 15 to 44 delivering a live birthCalifornia Center for Health Statistics, Vital Statistics, Birth Statistical Master File. 2-B1-JCesarean births per 100 low risk females delivering a live birthCalifornia Center for Health Statistics, Vital Statistics, Birth Statistical Master File. 1-KPrenatal depressive symptoms per 100 females delivering a live birthMIHA1-LPostpartum depressive symptomsMIHA1-F1-MHad a routine checkup with doctor in the last year per 100 females age 18-44CHIS (California Health Interview Survey).1-NEver been diagnosed with heart disease per 100 females age 18 and olderCHIS (California Health Interview Survey).1-B1-OUninsured per 100 female population age 18-64Small Area Health Insurance Estimates (SAHIE).2-E1-PMood disorder hospitalizations per 100,000 female population age 15 to 44Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD). Hospital discharge data.2-F1-QAssault hospitalizations per 100,000 females age 15 to 44Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD). Hospital discharge data.2-G1-RDomestic violence calls per 100,000 populationCalifornia State Department of Justice. Office of the Attorney General. Domestic Violence-Related Calls for Assistance. 2-I1-SCurrent smoker per 100 females 18 and olderCHIS (California Health Interview Survey) 2-J1-TBinge drinking in the last year per 100 females age 18 and olderCHIS (California Health Interview Survey)// (SAMSHA, NSDUH)1-UTotal Early Syphilis*, Cases and Incidence Rates for Females, per 100,000State CDPH STD dataInfant Health3-C2-ABirths less than 37 weeks gestation per 100 live birthsCalifornia Center for Health Statistics, Vital Statistics, Birth Statistical Master File. 3-D2-BBirths weighing less than 2,500 grams per 100 live birthsCalifornia Center for Health Statistics, Vital Statistics, Birth Statistical Master File. 3-E2-CBirths weighing less than 1,500 grams per 100 live birthsCalifornia Center for Health Statistics, Vital Statistics, Births Statistical Master File. 2-DTdap immunizations during pregnancy per 100 females delivering a live birthUse MIHA data2-EExclusive Breastfeeding 3 months after delivery per 100 live births2013-2015 MIHA4-E2-FExclusive in-hospital breastfeeding per 100 females delivering a live birthCalifornia Department of Public Health, Center for Family Health, Genetic Disease Screening Program, Newborn Screening Data, 20123-B2-GDeaths at age less than 1 year per 1,000 live birthsCalifornia Office of Health Information and Research, Death Statistical Master FileChild and Adolescent Health1-A3-AUninsured per 100 population age 0 to 18Small Area Health Insurance Estimates (SAHIE).4-B3-BPercentage of overweight and obese public school students in grade 7As cited on , Babey, S. H., et al. (2011). A patchwork of progress: Changes in overweight and obesity among California 5th-, 7th-, and 9th-graders, 2005-2010. UCLA Center for Health Policy Research and California Center for Public Health Advocacy. Funded by RWJF; California Department of Education, Physical Fitness Testing Research Files. 3-CEstimated percentage of children ages 0-17 who have experienced two or more adverse experiences as of their current ageChild and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative, Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health, Advancing data-in-action partnerships for children and children with special health care needs in California counties and cities using synthetic estimation from the 2011/12 National Survey of Children’s Health and 2008-2012 American Community Survey (Jun. 2016).3-DPercentage of children and teens who walked/biked/skated to school in last weekCalifornia Health Interview Survey3-EPercentage of public school students in grade 9 who experienced depression-related feelings(estimated percentage of public school students in grade 11 who, in the previous year, felt so sad or hopeless almost every day for two weeks or more that they stopped doing some usual activities)California Healthy Kids Survey via 3-FPercentage of public school children in grade 9 who perceive that their school is very safeCalifornia Healthy Kids Survey via 3-GPercent of public school students in grade 11 who report NO binge drinking in the last monthCalifornia Healthy Kids Survey - 11th grade3-HPercent of public school students in grade 11 who report NO E-cigarette use in the last monthCalifornia Healthy Kids Survey via 3-IPercent of public school students in grade 11 who report NO marijuana usage in the past month California Healthy Kids Survey via 5-J3-JSubstance abuse hospitalizations per 100,000 population age 15 to 24Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD). Hospital discharge data. 5-I3-KMental health hospitalizations per 100,000 population age 15 to 24Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD). Hospital discharge data. 5-B3-LBirths per 1,000 females age 15 to 19California Center for Health Statistics, Vital Statistics, Birth Statistical Master File. 5-C3-MBirths within 18 months of a previous birth per 100 females age less than 20 delivering a live birthCalifornia Center for Health Statistics, Vital Statistics, Birth Statistical Master File. 3-NGonorrhea rate per 100,000 female population age 15 to 19CDPH STD Branch5-K3-OChlamydia rate per 100,000 female population age 15 to 19California Department of Public Health, STD Control Branch (data reported through 08/19/2013)3-PMotor vehicle injury hospitalizations per 100,000 population age 0 to 14Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD). Hospital discharge data. 5-D3-QDeaths per 100,000 population age 1 to 4 yearsCalifornia Office of Health Information and Research, Death Statistical Master File. 5-E3-RDeaths per 100,000 population age 5 to 14 yearsCalifornia Office of Health Information and Research, Death Statistical Master File. 5-F3-SDeaths per 100,000 population age 15 to 19California Office of Health Information and Research, Death Statistical Master File. 5-G3-TDeaths per 100,000 population age 20 to 24California Office of Health Information and Research, Death Statistical Master File. Population6-A4-ATotal Population California Department of Finance Population Estimates 6-B4-BTotal Population African American California Department of Finance Population Estimates 6-C4-CTotal Population American Indian/ Alaska Native California Department of Finance Population Estimates 6-D4-DTotal Population Asian/ Pacific Islander California Department of Finance Population Estimates 6-E4-ETotal Population Hispanic California Department of Finance Population Estimates 6-F4-FTotal Population White California Department of Finance Population Estimates Social Determinant of Health7-A5-APoverty (0-200% FPL) per 100 population age 18 to 64Small Area Health Insurance Estimates (SAHIE).7-B5-BPoverty (0-200% FPL) per 100 population age 0 to 18Small Area Health Insurance Estimates (SAHIE).7-E5-CSingle mothers living in poverty per 100 single mothers2012 American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates. 7-D5-DUnemployment per 100 people in the employment marketState of California Employment Development Department.7-G5-EHigh school dropout per 100 students in grades 9-12As cited on , California Dept. of Education, California Basic Educational Data System (CBEDS). 5-FFelony arrests per 1,000 children age ages 0-17 years?As cited on , California Dept. of Justice, Arrest Data7-F5-GChildren receiving free or reduced price meals at school per 100 studentsAs cited on , California Dept. of Education, Free/Reduced Price Meals Program & CalWORKS Data Files, (May 2013); U.S. Dept. of Education, NCES Common Core of Data, (May 2013).7-C5-HChildren in foster care per 1,000 children age 0 to 17Child Welfare System point-in-time count of children and adolescents age 0 to 17 in foster care placement as of 01-July annually, by place of residence; Data from UC Berkeley5-IPercentage of adults with 4 or more ACEs Center for Youth Wellness, Public Health Institute analysis of BRFSS data5-JFood insecurity during pregnancy per 100 females delivering a live birthMIHA5-KQuartile ranking for income inequality ratio (Ranking of ratio of household income at the 80th percentile to income at the 20th percentile)?RWJ County Health Rankings (from ACS)5-LPercentage of households with severe housing problems?RWJ County Health Rankings Data8-A5-MNumber of days with ozone above regulatory standardsAs cited on , Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network (Jul. 2013).CYSHCN6-APercentage of public school children enrolled in special education with an autism reporting data from CDE; consult CDE for recommendations6-BPercentage of public school children enrolled in special reporting data from CDE6-CNumber of CSHCN enrolled in CCSCMSNet6-DPercentage CCS CSHCN receiving transition services (ages 13-17)CMSNet – County performance measure6-E% of children 0-18 with one or more major reporting ACS data6-FRate of emergency department visits for Asthma (ages 0-17)Emergency Department Data ................

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