INFORMATIONAL COPY - San Diego County, California

The Board of Supervisors of the County of San Diego ordains as follows:

Section 72.124. of the San Diego County Code is amended to read as follows:


The Road Commissioner shall locate and establish restricted parking on certain highways or portions thereof to emergency vehicles as defined in Vehicle Code Section

165, or to one or more of the types of emergency vehicles as defined therein, where a

Civil or Traffic Engineer licensed by the State of California has determined traffic safety

and/or roadway operation will be enhanced and the proposed installation shall be

supported by the adjacent property owner(s) and Community Planning/Sponsor Group

(where applicable). If there is opposition to the proposed installation, the matter will be

reviewed by the San Diego County Traffic Advisory Committee as a full item and a

recommendation will be submitted to the Board.   

When the Board determines by resolution that it is necessary to restrict parking on certain highways or portions thereof to emergency vehicles as defined in Vehicle Code Section 165, or to one or more of the types of emergency vehicles as defined therein, the County engineer shall appropriately sign or mark such highways or portions thereof, and when so signed or marked no person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle on any such highway or portion thereof in violation of the restriction stated on or indicated by such signs or markings.

PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS 5th day of December, 2007

CCSF, 84.10, 2/76

Approved as to Form and Legality

by County Counsel ______________________________ Thomas L. Bosworth

Senior Deputy County Counsel


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