RFP Service

Prepared BySUPPLY CHAIN SERVICES* * *REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 140172.JPAUTOMATED HIGH VOLUME CALL ANSWERING AND PLACEMENT HOSTED SOLUTION* * *This document is an electronic copy of the Bid Forms in MS Word 7.0 which contains fill-in fields. The document is labeled RFP Proposal Fill-in Forms. Proposers may use the Forms provided to submit Proposals. Please provide responses to all items in the blocks (fill-in fields) following each item. The fill-in fields will expand to accommodate your answer if needed. Pictures, charts, and graphs may also be inserted into the fill-in fields. They may be submitted as separate documents if necessaryNote: The content of the RFP Proposal Fill-in Forms is identical to that posted in Adobe format on the EBSS Web site. Page numbering may vary when complete as a result of the fill-in-fields.THE INDEX SECTION OF THE DOCUMENT IS NOT PROTECTED AS A FORM TOC \o "1-2" \h \z \u 6.PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS PAGEREF _Toc393086727 \h 6-16.1.PROPOSAL AGREEMENT NO. 140172.jp PAGEREF _Toc393086728 \h 6-26.2.SAFETY COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE PAGEREF _Toc393086729 \h 6-36.3.NONCOLLUSION STATEMENT PAGEREF _Toc393086730 \h 6-46.4.PUBLIC RECORD INDEMNITY AGREEMENT PAGEREF _Toc393086731 \h 6-56.5.PROMPT PAYMENT PROGRAM PAGEREF _Toc393086732 \h 6-66.6.SEED PROGRAM SMALL BUSINESS DECLARATION PAGEREF _Toc393086733 \h 6-76.7.DESIGNATION OF PRIME CONTRACTOR, SUBCONTRACTORS AND SUPPLIERS PAGEREF _Toc393086734 \h 6-86.8.DETAILED PROPOSAL PAGEREF _Toc393086735 \h 6-106.9.BID SCHEDULE PAGEREF _Toc393086736 \h 6-176.10.OPTIONAL ITEMS PAGEREF _Toc393086737 \h 6-186.11.IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE PAGEREF _Toc393086738 \h 6-19PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTSTO FACILITATE SMUD’S PROPOSAL REVIEW PROCESS, IT IS REQUIRED THAT EACH PROPOSAL CONTAINS ALL OF THE INFORMATION WITHIN THIS SECTION AND IS ORGANIZED IN THE SEQUENCE THAT THE ITEMS APPEAR IN THIS SECTION.THE PROPOSER SHALL SUBMIT ONE (1) ORIGINAL OF THE COMPLETE PROPOSAL IN HARD COPY AND ONE (1) IN ELECTRONIC (ON THUMB DRIVE) FORMAT.ADDITIONALLY, THE PROPOSER SHALL SUBMIT THREE (3) HARD COPIES OF JUST SECTION 6.8, DETAILED PROPOSAL, AND ONE IN ELECTRONIC FORMAT ON THE SAME ELECTRONIC MEDIA (THUMB DRIVE).SEE THE TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR A LISTING OF THE CONTENTS WITHIN THIS SECTION.PROPOSALS SHALL BE PRINTED ONE-SIDED, 8-1/2 X 11” SIZE AND EASILY REMOVABLE FROM ANY BINDING -- E.G. no glued or spiral binding. SMUD will provide an electronic copy of the Proposal Forms in MS Word 7.0 (or newer) which contains fill-in fields. The document is labeled RFP Proposal Fill-in Forms. Proposers may use the Forms provided to submit Proposals. Please provide responses to all questions in the block (fill-in fields) following every question. The fill-in fields will expand to accommodate your answer. Pictures, charts and graphs may also be inserted into the fill-in fields or may be attached as a separate documents if necessaryNote: The content of the RFP Proposal Fill-in Forms is identical to that posted in Adobe format on the EBSS Web site. Page numbering may vary when complete as a result of the fill-in-fields.PROPOSAL AGREEMENT NO. 140172.jpPROPOSAL AGREEMENT: In compliance with Request for Proposal No.140172.JP, AUTOMATED HIGH VOLUME CALL ANSWERING AND PLACEMENT HOSTED SOLUTION the undersigned hereby proposes and agrees to provide the services described, at the rates and dollar limits defined in the Proposal Rate Schedule attached hereto.It is understood that this proposal constitutes a firm offer that cannot be withdrawn for ninety (90) calendar days after the submission date for the proposals.The undersigned certifies that he/she has examined and is familiar with the content of this Request for Proposal; also that he/she has checked all the figures shown in the proposed Rate Schedule and other attachments hereto and understands that the Sacramento Municipal Utility District will not be responsible for any errors or omissions on Contractor's part in preparing this proposal.The undersigned further agrees, if awarded the contract, that he/she will commence the work within the time set forth and will perform the work in accordance with the contract documents attached to this Request for Proposal.Attached hereto and made a part thereof by this reference are proposal forms pages 6-3 through 6-9, the Detailed Proposal and the Bid Schedule.PROPOSER :Company: FORMTEXT ?????Street Address: FORMTEXT ?????City: FORMTEXT ?????State: FORMTEXT ???Zip: FORMTEXT ?????Signed: FORMTEXT ?????Print Name: FORMTEXT ?????Title: FORMTEXT ?????Telephone: FORMTEXT ?????Fax: FORMTEXT ?????Email: FORMTEXT ?????Date: FORMTEXT ?????SAFETY COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATEI, FORMTEXT ????? the undersigned,(Print Company Representative Name) FORMTEXT ????? of(Print Company Representative Title) FORMTEXT ?????hereby certify the(Print Company Name)information contained herein and that undersigned is duly authorized to certify that:Contractor has an effective Injury and Illness Prevention Program which meets the requirements of all applicable laws and regulations, including, but not limited to, California Labor Code Section 6401.7. (This section does not apply if Contractor does not perform any work under this agreement within the State of California.) and agrees that it is fully responsible for the acts and omissions of its subcontractors and all persons either directly or indirectly employed by Contractor.The above-named person has the authority and responsibility for implementing and administering Contractor’s Injury and Illness Prevention Program.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this Safety Compliance Certificate under the penalty of perjury of the laws of the State of California on:Signed: FORMTEXT ?????Print Name: FORMTEXT ?????Date: FORMTEXT ?????NONCOLLUSION STATEMENTTO BE EXECUTED BY PROPOSER AND SUBMITTED WITH PROPOSALI, FORMTEXT ?????am the(Print Company Representative Name) FORMTEXT ?????of(Print Company Representative Title) FORMTEXT ?????the party making the(Print Company Name)foregoing bid, that the bid is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation; that the bid is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the Bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other Bidder to put in a false or sham bid, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any Bidder or anyone else to put in a sham bid, or that anyone shall refrain from bidding; that the Bidder has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the bid price of the Bidder or any other Bidder, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the bid price, or of that of any other Bidder, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the contract of anyone interested in the proposed contract; that all statements contained in the bid are true; and, further, that the Bidder has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her bid price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative thereto, or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership, company association, organization, bid depository, or to any member or agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham bid.Signed: FORMTEXT ?????Print Name: FORMTEXT ?????Title: FORMTEXT ?????PUBLIC RECORD INDEMNITY AGREEMENT FORMTEXT ?????(“Proposer”) shall indemnify, defend and hold SMUD,(Print Company Name)its directors, officers, agents, and employees (collectively, “Indemnitees”) harmless against all claims or causes of action brought against Indemnitees seeking to cause the release or disclosure of Proposer’s Proposal and related materials submitted to Indemnitees in response to SMUD Request For Proposal No. 140172.JP, AUTOMATED HIGH VOLUME CALL ANSWERING AND PLACEMENT HOSTED SOLUTION.In the event Proposer fails or refuses to indemnify or defend Indemnitees upon a timely request as provided hereunder, Proposer shall unconditionally waive all claims against, completely release and forever discharge Indemnitees from any and all claims, damage, loss, expense and liability Proposer may incur arising from or in any way connected to Indemnitees release of Proposer’s Proposal and materials related thereto.It is agreed that in the event of any litigation arising hereunder, the Proposer at the request of SMUD shall submit to the jurisdiction of any court of competent jurisdiction within the State of California and will comply with all requirements necessary to give such Court jurisdiction, and that all matters arising hereunder shall be determined in accordance with the law and practice of such court. It is further agreed that service of process in any such litigation may be made in the manner provided for in Section 415.40 of the California Code of Civil Procedure or in any other manner provided for in said code for service upon a person outside the State of California.ACCEPTED FOR PROPOSERCompany: Signed: FORMTEXT ?????Print Name: PROMPT PAYMENT PROGRAMSMUD has a prompt payment program for small businesses which are certified by the State Department of General Services.Under the program, SMUD will guarantee payment of invoices within 20 calendar days from the date of inspection and acceptance by SMUD or the date correct invoices are received, whichever is later.If SMUD fails to meet the 20 calendar days payment guarantee, the small business will be paid interest on the unpaid invoice at prime plus 2% APR. Late interest payments, if applicable, will be made without an additional invoice from the small business.To participate in this program, please indicate “prompt payment” below and provide evidence of certification with your bid.Bidder is eligible for, and is requesting, a prompt payment program: FORMCHECKBOX YES FORMCHECKBOX NOPROPOSER:Company: Signed: FORMTEXT ?????Print Name: SEED PROGRAM SMALL BUSINESS DECLARATIONComplete this form to apply for SEED Program consideration. To qualify for the SEED Program, a firm must have a current certification as a Small Business from the California Department of General Services. In addition, the firm must qualify as a SMUD ratepayer for the preceding six months by receiving SMUD electric service at the principal office* listed by the Department of General Services. If your firm or one of your proposed subcontractors qualifies under these criteria, SMUD will validate all submitted information and determine the proposing firm’s SEED Program qualification.To expedite the verification process:1)Submit a copy of the most recent SMUD statement for the principal office shown on your DGS Small Business applicationOR2) FORMTEXT ????? If the firm leases its principal space from a property management company or a landlord and the SMUD utilities are included in the lease, please initial in the blank space provided above and attach a copy of the current lease showing the dates of occupancy, principal office of property and signatures of both partiesANDSubmit a copy of the current Small Business certification notice from the California Department of General Services.Proposed SEED firm: FORMTEXT ?????Contact Name: FORMTEXT ?????Title: FORMTEXT ?????Phone Number: FORMTEXT ?????I hereby certify that this firm qualifies for the SEED Program as defined above. This firm has been certified as a Small Business by the California Department of General Services.I hereby swear that I am duly authorized to legally act on behalf of the above named company.Signed: FORMTEXT ?????Print Name: FORMTEXT ?????Title: FORMTEXT ?????Date: FORMTEXT ?????If you or one of your proposed subcontractors is not certified by DGS and would like to become certified for future contracting opportunities, please refer to SEED or contact SMUD Supplier Diversity at (916) 732-5623 or email SEEDmgr@ .*Principal office means where the business is headquartered and conducts the management and operations of the business.DESIGNATION OF PRIME CONTRACTOR, SUBCONTRACTORS AND SUPPLIERS(TO BE COMPLETE BY ALL BIDDERS/PROPOSERS)The following are the names and business locations of the prime contractor and all subcontractors who will perform work or labor or render service to the Proposer in or about the work, or who will specially fabricate and install a portion of the work or improvement according to detailed drawings contained in the plans and specifications (as applicable) together with a statement of the portion of the work to be done by each subcontractor.SEED Program - The Proposer may only count toward its SEED Program subcontracting credit those expenditures to subcontractors or contractors under a subcontractor that perform a commercially useful function. In addition, each contractor or subcontractor claiming SEED Program qualification shall complete the SEED PROGRAM SMALL BUSINESS DECLARATION.Firm(Name and Address)Work, Material or Service (Provide Brief Description)Supplier Diversity/SEED Program Status Percent (%)(Of Total Proposal Price)Dollar Amount(Of This Firm's Work, Material or Service)1.PROPOSER/PRIME CONTRACTORName FORMTEXT ?????Address FORMTEXT ?????City, State, Zip FORMTEXT ?????Primary Contact FORMTEXT ?????Phone # FORMTEXT ?????License Number & Classification FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????SEED QualifiedYes No FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX FORMTEXT ___ %of Total Proposal$ FORMTEXT _________Amount ofTotal Proposal2.SUBCONTRACTORName FORMTEXT ?????Address FORMTEXT ?????City, State, Zip FORMTEXT ?????Primary Contact FORMTEXT ?????Phone # FORMTEXT ?????License Number & Classification FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????SEED QualifiedYes No FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX FORMTEXT ___ %of Total Proposal$ FORMTEXT _________Amount ofTotal Proposal3.SUBCONTRACTORName FORMTEXT ?????Address FORMTEXT ?????City, State, Zip FORMTEXT ?????Primary Contact FORMTEXT ?????Phone # FORMTEXT ?????License Number & Classification FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????SEED QualifiedYes No FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX FORMTEXT ___ %of Total Proposal$ FORMTEXT _________Amount ofTotal Proposal4.SUBCONTRACTORName FORMTEXT ?????Address FORMTEXT ?????City, State, Zip FORMTEXT ?????Primary Contact FORMTEXT ?????Phone # FORMTEXT ?????License Number & Classification FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????SEED QualifiedYes No FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX FORMTEXT ___ %of Total Proposal$ FORMTEXT _________Amount ofTotal ProposalDESIGNATION OF PRIME CONTRACTOR, SUBCONTRACTORS, AND SUPPLIERS(Continuation Page ; may be duplicated as needed)SUBCONTRACTORName FORMTEXT ?????Address FORMTEXT ?????City, State, Zip FORMTEXT ?????Primary Contact FORMTEXT ?????Phone # FORMTEXT ?????License Number & Classification FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????SEED QualifiedYes No FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX FORMTEXT ___ %of Total Proposal$ FORMTEXT _________Amount ofTotal ProposalSUBCONTRACTORName FORMTEXT ?????Address FORMTEXT ?????City, State, Zip FORMTEXT ?????Primary Contact FORMTEXT ?????Phone # FORMTEXT ?????License Number & Classification FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????SEED QualifiedYes No FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX FORMTEXT ___ %of Total Proposal$ FORMTEXT _________Amount ofTotal ProposalSUBCONTRACTORName FORMTEXT ?????Address FORMTEXT ?????City, State, Zip FORMTEXT ?????Primary Contact FORMTEXT ?????Phone # FORMTEXT ?????License Number & Classification FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????SEED QualifiedYes No FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX FORMTEXT ___ %of Total Proposal$ FORMTEXT _________Amount ofTotal ProposalSUBCONTRACTORName FORMTEXT ?????Address FORMTEXT ?????City, State, Zip FORMTEXT ?????Primary Contact FORMTEXT ?????Phone # FORMTEXT ?????License Number & Classification FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????SEED QualifiedYes No FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX FORMTEXT ___ %of Total Proposal$ FORMTEXT _________Amount ofTotal ProposalSUBCONTRACTORName FORMTEXT ?????Address FORMTEXT ?????City, State, Zip FORMTEXT ?????Primary Contact FORMTEXT ?????Phone # FORMTEXT ?????License Number & Classification FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????SEED QualifiedYes No FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX FORMTEXT ___ %of Total Proposal$ FORMTEXT _________Amount ofTotal ProposalDETAILED PROPOSALEvaluation Criteria 1.Pass/Fail Requirements Proposer’s IVR application must provide a similar look, feel, and experience as SMUD’s outage application on SMUD’s IVR. SMUD will provide the IVR recordings. The call-flow diagram will be provided to potential proposers upon receipt of a signed Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement, available on our website as Attachment A to this solicitation.Proposer must have a secure and acceptable method for transmitting and receiving outage information, in real-time, to and from SMUD.Proposer must be able to receive take-back-and-transfer calls from the Verizon network at a sufficiently high volume (1,500 simultaneous calls) to meet our outage call requirements.Proposers systems must be built with a high level of redundancy and resiliency.Proposer must be able to receive a list of contacts with customer information, initiate automated outbound calls, and interact with a customer through an automated script (IVR). (Outbound dialing campaign capabilities using automation only).Proposed system must be available 24 hours per day, 365 days per year.Proposer must have a minimum of five (5) years’ experience in providing High Volume Call Answering (automated IVR only) design, development, and maintenance services.If short listed, the proposer must submit a System Security Plan (SSP) that meets the requirements as described in Section 2.8 of this RFP. The SSP must be approved by SMUD’s Information Security Office. Sign below as acknowledgement of your ability to meet all mandatory requirements.____________________________________________________________Company NameDate____________________________________________________________Print NameSignatureEvaluation Criteria 2. SEED Program Evaluation Points (10%)Ten evaluation points will be awarded to SEED qualified prime Proposers. Non-SEED prime Proposers will receive up to ten evaluation points on a pro-rata basis for proposing at least 20% subcontracting which utilizes SEED subcontractors. Details are in the Supplier Education & Economic Development section of this document.Evaluation Criteria 3. Proposer's Experience and Qualifications (20%)Provide a brief description of your system’s capabilities including any that were not part of the RFP requirements but may offer SMUD strategic advantages in the future.Response: FORMTEXT ?????Provide a minimum of three (3) and a maximum of five (5) references using similar HVCA services. Weight will be given to Proposers with utility references, and whose HVCA requirements and environment are similar to those of SMUD’s. The Proposer must provide the following information for each reference:Company name, address, telephone number and extensionName and title of reference contactDate of installation Service AreaCustomer SatisfactionProposers are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the information provided. SMUD may consider a proposal non-responsive and disqualify the Proposer if SMUD is unable to reach a listed reference due to inaccurate or incomplete information. SMUD representatives may contact references to clarify and validate submitted documentation. (Include as an attachment to your submitted proposal)Response: FORMTEXT ?????Proposer must have a minimum of five (5) years’ experience in providing HVCA design, development, and maintenance services in the areas covered by this RFP. The Proposer must provide the following information: State the length of time that the Proposer has provided HVCA serviceState your companies approximate market share of the U.S. HVCA market.Describe any strategic alliances (e.g., software manufacturers, manufacturers of critical hardware components, etc.) that enhance the Proposer’s position in the market as it relates to this proposal. For any strategic alliances related to this proposal, specify the length of time that the alliance has been in place, what components are being supplied, whether you are acting as the prime contractor for ensuring the product proposed operates as intended, and include references where you and the alliance partner have worked together in similar situations. Discuss any currently pending mergers, sell-off, reorganizations, or litigation involving your company and the potential effects of those actions on SMUD.Response: FORMTEXT ?????Evaluation Criteria 4.Technical and Functional Requirements (30%)Responses to ALL categories must be complete and detailed and MUST demonstrate how the requirement will be met. Statements of “read and comply” will NOT be accepted.Customers must be able to report outages using a touch-tone phone as well as voice response. The voice response is not a natural language application - it is directed dialogue. This feature should be available in English and Spanish. Explain how you will meet this requirement. Response: FORMTEXT ?????During major outage within SMUD’s service area,. the HVCA remote application must have the ability to process 1,500 simultaneous calls received from the Verizon Network and assuming an average call length of 90 seconds, the ability to process 24,000 calls per hour. Explain how you will meet this requirement.Response: FORMTEXT ?????Customers must be able to transfer to a live agent at SMUD when reporting an emergency outage. SMUD will supply AT&T PRIs and DNIS routing via 800 numbers. Explain how you will meet this requirement. Response: FORMTEXT ?????SMUD requires the ability to provide customers with general announcements (Prerecorded and on demand recordings). Explain how you will meet this requirement.Response: FORMTEXT ?????The proposed application must be capable of providing estimated outage restoration times to customers when SMUD has provided that information via the HVCA Real Time Link. Explain how you will meet this requirement. Response: FORMTEXT ?????The proposed application MUST utilize a Secure Private Network link for all data transfers to and from SMUD. This will be subject to review and acceptance by the SMUD corporate security team.Response: FORMTEXT ?????SMUD currently utilizes Verizon as the 800 services provider. SMUD intends to maintain the advanced network routing currently in place with Verizon. How will you accept Verizon 800 service calls at your facilities?Response: FORMTEXT ?????Can the service you provide interface with the network features provided by the carrier? Provide examples of this advanced routing mechanism. Response: FORMTEXT ?????SMUD will not allow the HVCA application to connect directly to SMUD's CIS for the purposes of identifying and authenticating callers. SMUD will provide an extract of its customer’s information for the proposer to use locally within their systems. An updated extract of this data would be provided weekly. Explain how you will meet this requirement.Response: FORMTEXT ?????SMUD expects to receive the outage report and provide a response of the outage status in a real-time manner. Please list and describe your methods for connecting to SMUD’s system(s) for the purpose of sending and receiving power outage information. If secure web services is an option, please explain that approach.Response: FORMTEXT ?????The proposed system must be available 24 hours per day, 365 days a year. Please describe your customer support process and structure as well as your proposed service level.Response: FORMTEXT ?????SMUD’s Distribution Systems Operations (DSO) Dispatcher must be notified of any downtime necessary for upgrades or preventive maintenance. Explain how you will meet this requirement.Response: FORMTEXT ?????We expect the system to answer at least 99% of all inbound calls within 20 seconds. Explain how you will meet this requirement. Response: FORMTEXT ?????The demands for this service are primarily seasonal (Dec. - Apr., June - Oct.). The nature of the traffic, as a result of widespread outages, is a high volume (surge) of calls simultaneously. Customers will call back periodically to obtain status of their restoration. As a function of restoration time, the customers' call volume continues to be high after large storms for typically up to eight hours. Please describe how contention for both inbound and outbound applications on the Interactive Voice Response System is handled between your customers and how SMUD’s service priority will be handled during widespread outages or natural disasters. State the maximum rate per hour possible if higher than the SMUD minimum required. Response: FORMTEXT ?????SMUD must have the ability to monitor, real time, the activity of the calls handled through the automated reporting system. Explain how you will meet this requirement. Response: FORMTEXT ?????Please specify the methods for live monitoring your system by the customer including how the system access is administered and limited by role.Response: FORMTEXT ?????Provide a sample of reports that can be generated to track usage. Specify reporting retention provided.Response: FORMTEXT ?????List all languages that may be offered as a prompt selection. Currently, SMUD is using English and Spanish for our inbound application.Response: FORMTEXT ?????The proposer must have business policies that guarantee that it will not reuse or sell customer's telephone numbers or addresses. In addition, the proposer must agree to an NDA provided by SMUD corporate security ensuring that SMUD customer information will be protected at all times. Explain how you will meet this requirement. Response: FORMTEXT ?????The proposer must provide consultation and assistance in the preparation of the IVR logical flow designs and in the development of all scripting. Once an NDA is in place, SMUD will provide the IVR call flow designs to the proposer. Explain how you will meet this requirement.Response: FORMTEXT ?????State the level of commitment in labor-hours for the development and on-going modifications. Explain how you will meet this requirement. Response: FORMTEXT ?????If there is any development or technical work required on SMUD’s side to accommodate the implementation of the proposer’s solution, SMUD may need to contact a technical resource or resources within the vendor’s organization for consultation. State whether a contact person will be available for technical consultation and their availability. Explain how you will meet this requirement. Response: FORMTEXT ?????The proposer shall submit a logical flow chart of their proposed design(s). This flow chart should meet or exceed the requirements outlined in this Request for Proposal. Please include in this flow chart the ability to provide a general announcement and on demand announcements. Explain how you will meet this requirement.Response: FORMTEXT ?????The proposer should have technical resources available for the purpose of assisting and establishing any required telephony/carrier provisioning and/or set up necessary to support the transferring of calls between the proposer’s IVR and SMUD. Explain how you will meet this requirement.Response: FORMTEXT ?????SMUD will provide voice recordings for the applications to ensure a seamless customer experience. State your requirements in order to accept voice recordings from SMUD. Response: FORMTEXT ?????Provide a detailed description of the communication network, defining types and number of facilities used and their route diversity to ensure service reliability.Response: FORMTEXT ?????Provide an overview of the building facilities that ensure system reliability (such as back-up generator, computer room monitoring).Response: FORMTEXT ?????Provide Service Level Agreements and performance guarantees that will be associated with this contract.Response: FORMTEXT ?????Identify the methods available for SMUD to provide a list of telephone numbers to call as well as other information necessary for the completion of the customer interaction.Response: FORMTEXT ?????SMUD requires the vendor to be able to place upward of 500 simultaneous calls or a total of 60,000 calls per hour for an application with an average interaction time of 00:30. Explain how you will meet this requirement.Response: FORMTEXT ?????SMUD requires the vendor to commence the placing of calls within 1 minute of receiving the campaign files. Explain how you will meet this requirement. Response: FORMTEXT ?????SMUD expects the vendor’s outbound dialer platform to be able to recognize live answers, answering machines, error tones, etc. and respond appropriately. Explain how you will meet this requirement. Response: FORMTEXT ?????Describe the reporting capabilities of your outbound platform. Include real-time monitoring as well as historical results.Response: FORMTEXT ?????Explain your platforms ability to regulate the call rate (number of simultaneous call placed or calls placed per hour) and explain how SMUD personnel may be able to interact with your platform to adjust the call rate.Response: FORMTEXT ?????Identify the formats and information provided in the results file at the end of a campaign run. Explain how that results file is accessible to SMUD personnel.Response: FORMTEXT ?????Evaluation Criteria mercial Terms (Price) and Compliance with SMUD's Contractual Terms (40%)This section includes the cost information contained in the Bid Schedule section of this Request for Proposal.The Proposer shall note all exceptions taken to this Request for Proposal including the contract terms and conditions of the contract included in the Sample Contract section of this Request for Proposal. SMUD reserves the right to reject any proposal based on noncompliance with the attached contract terms and conditions.Response: FORMTEXT ?????BID SCHEDULERFP No. 140172.JPIn accordance with this Request for Proposal, the Proposer agrees to provide the services described in the Scope of Services, at the rates shown in this Schedule.The quantities shown below are approximate only and being given as a basis for the comparison of proposals. SMUD does not, expressly, or by implication, propose or agree that the actual quantities of work will correspond therewith, but reserves the right to increase or decrease the amount of any portion of the work shown, or to omit portions of said work, as may be deemed advisable by SMUD. Payment will be made on the basis of quantities actually performed.SMUD may request additional information from any or all Proposers after the initial evaluation of the proposals to clarify terms and conditions. ITEM NO.DESCRIPTIONQTY.UNITUNIT PRICETOTAL AMOUNTONE TIME COSTS1.HVCA and HVCP Application Programming1Lump SumXXXXX$ FORMTEXT ?????2.Announcement Recording (SMUD provided voice talent)1Lump SumXXXXX$ FORMTEXT ?????3.Hardware11Lump SumXXXXX$ FORMTEXT ?????4.Software21Lump SumXXXXX$ FORMTEXT ?????5.Set-up charges1Lump SumXXXXX$ FORMTEXT ?????6.Telco One-time Installation Charges1Lump SumXXXXX$ FORMTEXT ?????7.Other one-time costs not captured in Lines 1-7) 31Lump SumXXXXX$ FORMTEXT ?????RECURRING CHARGES8.Service Charge for HVCA Services(including hardware)60Months$ FORMTEXT ?????$ FORMTEXT ?????9.Services Charges for HVCP Services(including hardware)250Campaigns$ FORMTEXT ?????$ FORMTEXT ?????10.HVCA Service Time300,000Minutes$ FORMTEXT ?????$ FORMTEXT ?????11.HVCP Service Time3,000,000Minutes$ FORMTEXT ?????$ FORMTEXT ?????12.Real time data link60Months$ FORMTEXT ?????$ FORMTEXT ?????13.HVCA Call redirection (forwarding) charge30,000Calls$ FORMTEXT ?????$ FORMTEXT ?????14.HVCP Call redirection (forwarding) charge30,000Calls$ FORMTEXT ?????$ FORMTEXT ?????15.Any other recurring charges required but not captured in Lines 1- 1441Lump SumXXXXX$ FORMTEXT ?????16.TOTAL OF LINE ITEMS 1-15$ FORMTEXT ?????1Please provide a breakdown of costs included in Line Item 3.Response: FORMTEXT ?????2Please provide detail below for any items included in Line 4Response: FORMTEXT ?????3Please provide a breakdown of costs included in Line Item 7.Response: FORMTEXT ?????4Please provide a breakdown of costs included in Line Item 15.Response: FORMTEXT ?????Note: SMUD’s evaluations for award will include SEED Price Advantage calculationsOPTIONAL ITEMSThese costs will not be evaluated as part of the overall pricing score.Itemize costs, one-time setup and recurring, of any optional items not included in the scope. Be specific.Item No.DescriptionCostDescriptionHourly RateProfessional Services$_______________In case of discrepancy between the words and numbers of the bid price, the words shall govern. In case of discrepancy between the unit prices bid and the extensions thereon, the unit prices shall govern. In case of an error in the addition of the total bid amount for all bid items the corrected total shall govern.The rates proposed above shall remain fixed for the duration of the contract unless otherwise approved in writing by SMUD. IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULEProvide an implementation schedule based on days from signing of contract.PROPOSER:Company: FORMTEXT ?????Street Address: FORMTEXT ?????City: FORMTEXT ?????State: FORMTEXT ?????Zip: FORMTEXT ?????Signed:Print Name: FORMTEXT ?????Title: FORMTEXT ?????Telephone: FORMTEXT ?????Fax: FORMTEXT ?????Email: FORMTEXT ?????Date: FORMTEXT ????? ................

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