|Earthquake |Terremoto |Hurricane |Huracán |
|Tornado |Tornado |Typhoon |Tifón |
|Volcano |Volcán |Explosion |Explosión |
|Volcanic eruption |Erupción volcánica |War |Guerra |
|Epidemic |Epidemia |Accident |Accidente |
|Flood |Inundación |Drought |Sequía |
|Famine |Hambre, hambruna |Oil slick |Marea negra |
|Rabies |Rabia |Yellow fever |Fiebre amarilla |
|Malaria |Malaria |Leprosy |Lepra |
|Cholera |Cólera |Thyphoid |Tifus |
|Allergy |Alergia |Health problems |Problemas de salud |
|Storm |Tormenta |Wind |viento |
|To erupt |Entrar en erupción, estallar |To spread |Extender |
|To starve |Morir de hambre |To shake |Sacudir |
|To Suffer from |Sufrir |To Break out |Estallar |
|To Explode |Explotar |To Sweep |Barrer, arrastrar |
|To injure |Herir (people) |To damage |Dañar (cosas) |
|To Destroy |Destruir |To drown |Ahogar |
|To devastate |Devastar | | |
|To Extinguish |Extinguirse |To pollute/ To |Contaminar |
|To become extinct | |contaminate | |
|To die out | | | |
| | |Contaminant |Contaminante |
|To threaten |Amenazar |To fume |Despedir gases |
|To endanger |Poner en peligro |To kill |Matar |
|To ravage |Saquear, provocar estragos |To spoil |Echar a perder, estropear |
|To conserve |conservar |To threaten |Amenazar |
| | |Threat |Amenaza |
|To release gases into the air |Despedir gases |To melt |derretir |
|Sea level |Nivel del mar |Surface |superficie |
|Bin |Contenedor |To Throw away |Tirar, arrojar |
|Rate |Tasa | | |
|Casualty |Muertos y heridos | Victim |Víctima |
|Survivor |Superviviente |Refugee |Refugiado |
|Dead |Muerto |Wounded |Herido |
| | | | |
| | | | |
|Water contamination |Contaminación del agua |Air pollution |Contaminación atmosférica/ del agua |
|Environmental pollution |Contaminación medioambiental |Noise/Acoustic pollution |Contaminación acústica |
|Nuclear radiation |Radiación nuclear |Organic |Orgánico |
|Radioactive substance |Sustancia radioactiva |Radioactivity |Radioactividad |
|Radioactive waste |Residuos radioactivos |Weather, |Tiempo atmosférico |
| | |Climate | |
|Oil pollution/contamination |Contaminación petrolífera |Deforestation |Deforestación |
|Reforestation |Repoblación forestal |Wind power |Energía eólica |
|Ozone layer |Capa de ozono |Environmentalist |Ecologista |
|Ozone |Ozono |Ozone-friendly |Que no daña la capa de ozono |
|Heat |Calor |Atmosphere |Atmósfera |
|Industrialisation |Industrialización |Average temperature |Temperatura media |
|Coal |Carbón |Dry |Seco |
|Environment |Medio ambiente |Environmental |medioambiental |
|Environmentally friendly |Que no daña el medio ambiente|Extinction |Extinción |
|Degree |Grado |Humankind/ |Humanidad, raza humana |
| | |Mankind/ | |
| | |Human race | |
|Global warming |Calentamiento global |Greenhouse effect |Efecto invernadero |
|Solar panel |Panel solar |Illegal hunting |Caza ilegal |
|Litter |Basura |Recycling |Reciclaje |
|Acid rain |Lluvia ácida |Oil spill |Vertido de petroleo |
|Overpopulation |Sobrepoblación |Natural resources |Recursos naturales |
|Carbon dioxide |Dióxido de carbono |CFCs |Clorofluorocarbono |
|Wildlife |Fauna y flora |Habitat (destruction) |(Destrucción del) Hábitat |
|Extinction |Extinción |Sewage |Aguas residuales |
|Sewage farm/plant |Estación depuradora |Sulphur dioxide |Dióxido de azufre |
|Toxic waste |Residuos tóxicos |Waste disposal |Eliminación de residuos |
|Nuclear fallout |Caída radioactiva/nuclear |Ocean/Waste dumping |Vertido de residuos al mar/ Vertido |
| | | |de basura |
|Invasive species |Especies invasivas |Dam |Presa, dique |
|Toxic waste |Residuos tóxicos |Starvation |Hambre |
|Malnutrition |Desnutrición |Exhaust fumes |Escape de gases |
|Smog |Niebla tóxica |Soil contamination |Contaminación de la tierra |
|Poverty |Pobreza |Slum |Barrio bajo |
|Heavy metals |Metales pesados |Illegal hunting/fishing |Caza o pesca ilegal |
|Drinking water |Agua potable |Renewable energy sources |Fuentes de energía renovables |
|Energy Conservation |Conservación de la energía |Green car |Coche que no contamina |
|Desertification |Desertización |Climate change |Cambio climático |
|Overhunting |Exceso de caza |Overfishing, whaling |Exceso de pesca |
|Unemployment |Desempleo |Crime |Delito |
|Drug addiction |Adición a las drogas |Sea level rise |Aumento del nivel del mar |
|Nuclear safety |Seguridad nuclear |Illiteracy |Analfabetismo |
|Quality of life |Calidad de vida |Organic farming |Agricultura y ganadería orgánica |
|Wildlife management |Control o manejo de la fauna |Obesity |Obesidad |
| |y la flora | | |
|Slash-and burn agriculture |Agricultura de tala y quema |Fossil fuels |Combustible fósil |
|Rubbish dump |Vertedero de basura |Bottle bank |Recogida de vidrio |
|Ultraviolet light |Luz ultravioleta |Industrial affluence |Prosperidad en la industria |
|Endangered species |Especies en peligro de |To waste / waste |Desperdiciar/desperdicio |
| |extinción | | |
|Smoke emissions from factories |Emisión de humo/gases de las |Aerosol spray |aerosoles |
| |industrias | | |
|Pesticides |Pesticidas |Fertilizers |Fertilizantes |
| | |Chemicals |Sustancias químicas |
|Wind/Air power |Energía eólica |Hydro-electric power |Energía hidroeléctrica |
|Atomic/ Nuclear power |Energía nuclear |Electric power |Energía eléctrica |
|Hydraulic power |Energía hidroeléctrica |Endangered species |Especies en peligro de extinción |
|Eco-friendly products |Productos ecológicos, que no |Tram |tranvía |
| |dañan al medio ambiente | | |
|Water shortage |Escasez de agua |Forest fire |Incendio forestal |
|Healthy |Saludable |Harmful |Dañino |
|Sterile |Estéril |Harsh |Violento, duro, severo |
|clean |limpio |Favourable |Favorable |
|Flourishing |Próspero, floreciente |Ecosystem |Ecosistema |
|Ecological |Ecológico |Ecologist |Ecologista |
|Physical world |Mundo físico |Solar system |Sistema solar |
|World |Mundo |Sun |Sol |
|Star |Estrella |Planet |Planeta |
|Moon |Luna |Satellite |Satélite |
|Comet |Cometa |Hemisphere |Hemisferio |
|Northern hemisphere |Hemisferio Norte |Southern hemisphere |Hemisferio Sur |
|Pole |Polo |North Pole |Polo Norte |
|South Pole |Polo Sur |Equator |Ecuador |
|Earth |Tierra |Continent |Continente |
|Ocean |Océano |Sea |Mar |
|River |Rio |Lake |Lago |
|Country |País |City |Ciudad |
|Village |Pueblo |Capital city |Capital |
|Desert |Desierto |Oasis |Oasis |
|Forest |Bosque |Rainforest |Selva tropical |
|Rainbow |Arcoiris |Valley |Valle |
|Mountain |Montaña |Jungle |Selva |
|Savanna |Sabana |Steppe |Estepa |
|Waterfall |Catarata |Island |Isla |
|Mountains range |Cadena de montañas, sierra |To travel round the world|Viajar alrededor del mundo |
|To go into space |Ir al espacio |It is 3 hours behind |Tres horas menos que Londres |
| | |London | |
|A time difference between 2 places |Diferencia horaria entre 2 |It is 3 hours ahead of |Tres horas más que en Londres |
| |lugares |London | |
|To fly over |Volar sobre |To go diving |Hacer submarinismo |
|To travel |Viajar |To climb |Escalar |
|Laws and acts to protect the |Leyes y decretos para |Turn off lights when you |Apagar las luces cuando no estás en |
|environment |proteger el medio ambiente |leave a room |una habitación |
|Cycle or walk |Ir en bici o a pie |Plant a tree |Plantar un árbol |
|Arrange clean-up days in your area |Fijar días de limpieza de tu |Use public transport |Usar transporte público |
| |zona | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
|Use environmentally-friendly |Utilizar productos buenos |To renew |Renovar |
|products |para el medio ambiente | | |
| | | | |
|To save energy/water.. |Ahorrar (energía, agua…) |To throw away |Tirar (basura…) |
|To protect |proteger |To sort waste |Clasificar basura |
|To improve |mejorar |To preserve |Preservar |
|To sort out |Ordenar, organizar |To recycle |reciclar |
|Recyclable |Reciclable |Recycled |Reciclado |
|Recycling |Reciclaje | | |
|Arctic |Ártico |Powerful |Poderoso |
|Aerosols |Aerosoles |Car fumes |Humo del coche |
|Coastal area |Area costera |Coastal habitat |Hábitat costero |
|Coral reef |Arrecife de coral |Drought |Sequía |
|Fishing |Pesca |Forest fires |Incendios forestales |
|Iceberg |Iceberg |Life support system |Equipo de mantenimiento de vida |
|Litter/Rubbish |Desperdicios, basura |Marine life |Vida marina |
|Oil |Petróleo |Oil spill |Vertido de petróleo |
|Rubbish dump |Vertedero |Wildlife |Fauna y flora |
|To cut down |Talar, reducir |To absorb |Absorber |
|To blow |Soplar |To burn |Quemar |
|To drop/To dump (litter, rubbish) |Arrojar (desperdicios) |To Spread |Extenderse |
|To starve |Pasar hambre |To use |Usar, utilizar |
|To Build on the coast |Edificar en la costa |To cut down rainforests |Talar selvas tropicales |
|Changing weather patterns |Patrones climáticos |Cost-effective |Rentable |
| |cambiantes | | |
|Efficient |Eficaz |Renewable |Renovable |
|Rising sea levels |Niveles del mar crecientes |Blocks of ice |Bloques de hielo |
|Efficiency |Eficacia |Energy souces |Fuentes de energía |
|Environmental disaster |Desastre medioambiental |Fossil fuels |Combustible fósil |
|Hydroelectric power |Energía hidroeléctrica |Nuclear power |Energía nuclear |
|Renewable sources |Fuentes de energía renovable |The poles |Los polos |
|Versatility |Versatilidad, polivalencia |Warming process |Proceso de calentamiento |
|Wave |Ola |Weather pattern |Patrón climático |
|To warm up |calentarse |To boil |hervir |
|To dam |Embalsar |To drown |Ahogarse |
|To freeze |Congelarse |To invest |Invertir |
|To melt |Fundir (se) |To stabilize |Estabilizar |
|To trap |Atrapar |Put something on the |Poner algo en la orden del día |
| | |agenda | |
|To raise global temperatures |Subir las temperaturas |Take something seriously |Tomarse algo en serio |
| |globales | | |
|Extinct |Extinguido |Rare |Poco frecuente |
|Successfully |Con éxito |Agricultural land |Tierra agrícola |
|Biodiversity |Biodiversidad |Artificial environment |Ambiente artificial |
|Conservation issues |Cuestiones de conservación |Farming |Ganadería |
|Hunting |Caza |Marsh |Pantano |
|Native species |Especie autóctona |Natural hábitat |Hábitat natural |
|Oil slick |Marea negra |Oil tanker |Petrolero |
|Pest |Plaga |Poacher |Cazador, pescador furtivo |
|Poisonous substances |Sustancias venenosas |Protected species |Especie protegida |
|Reserved area |Zona reservada |Seagull |Gaviota |
|Water supply |Suministro de agua |To clean up |Limpiar |
|To disappear |Desaparecer |To endanger |Poner en peligro |
|To house |alojar |To preserve |Preservar |
|To reproduce |reproducirse |To spoil |estropear |
|To survive |Sobrevivir |To make an effort ( to do|Hacer un esfuerzo (para hacer algo) |
| | |sth) | |
|Play a role |Jugar un papel |To restore the balance |Restablecer el equilibrio entre |
| | |between | |
|Fishing industry |Industria pesquera |Health care |Asistencia sanitaria |
|Industrial Revolution |Revolución industrial |To investigate |Investigar |
| | |Investigation |Investigación |
|Living standard |Nivel de vida |Public opinion |Opinión pública |
|To manufacture |Producir |Package |Envoltorio, paquete |
|To produce | | | |
|To purchase |Adquirir |To reuse |Reutilizar |
|To throw away |Tirar (la basura) |Factory |Fábrica |
|Natural resource |Recurso natural |Waste |Desperdicio |
|To bring about |Dar lugar a |To carry out |Llevar a cabo algo |
|To deal with |resolver |To face up to |Enfrentarse a |
|To look into |investigar | | |
|To investigate | | | |
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