
Cambridge AICE Exams Retake Opportunities – Fall 2018If you did not pass one of your Cambridge exams in the spring of 2018, you may have the opportunity to retake it this fall. This is an option for all students, but it is especially important for…Students who did not pass AS level and are in A-Level courses this year Students trying to earn the AICE Diploma Considerations:Retake exams are available in October and November 2018. See the calendar below.Students are responsible for the cost of retakes - $98.80 each. Students seeking to earn the AICE Diploma through retakes must also pay the diploma fee of $117.33. Students should contact their teachers from last year to get information regarding study materials and possible review opportunities.AICE Exam Retake Calendar – Fall 2018Oct. 12General Paper - PM345 Thinking Skills Paper 2 - AM8910111215 Math Paper 1 - AMHistory Paper 1 - PM1617 Math Paper 6 - AM18 English Language Paper 1 – AMPsychology Paper 1 - PM1922Psychology Paper 2 - PM23English Language Paper 2 - AM24History Paper 2 - PM2526293031Nov. 12567891213141516 Thinking Skills Paper 1 - AM*Marine Science & Global Perspectives are not available for retakes in the fall. Retakes are possible in the spring of 2019.If you would like to retake any exams, please complete the form below and return it to Mr. Trotter in room 161 by Tuesday, September 11.Name: ____________________________________Please check the course(s) you would like to retake.General Paper ____ History AS _____English Lang ____Math ____ Thinking Skills ____Psychology ____AICE Diploma _____How many total exams __________ x $98.90 = __________________ AICE Diploma Fee: $117.30I wish to order the exams indicated above, and I agree to pay all associated fees by Wednesday, September 19. ___________________________________ _______________________SignatureDatePlease make checks payable to John Overton High School.40084742126500AICE DIPLOMA TRACKERNotes: _______________________________________Student Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________Candidate Number: ______ ______ ______ ___________________________________________________Minimum 7 credits with at least one exam from Groups 1, 2, and 3 + Global PerspectivesGroup 1Math & SciencesGroup 2LanguagesGroup 3Arts & HumanitiesGroup 4InterdisciplinaryCourseGradeDate of SeriesCourseGradeDate of SeriesCourseGradeDate of SeriesCourseGradeDate of SeriesChemistry ASEnglish Language ASMusic ASGeneral Paper ASMarine Science ASEnglish Language APsychology* ASThinking Skills ASMath ASUS History ASCore RequirementGlobal Perspectives & ResearchPsychology* ASUS History ACourseGradeDate of SeriesGlobal Perspectives & Research ASYear of Graduation: ___________________________________________________________________AICE Diploma Planning Guide*Psychology may be used to meet the requirement for Group 1 or Group 3, but not both categories. ................

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