?School level action plan North Cambridge Academy Strategies to be deployed to manage staff safety in line with H&S risk assessment:Strategies and actions are informed by and follow DFE guidance:Planning guide for Secondary schools (DfE 14 May 2020)Actions for education and childcare settings to prepare for wider opening form 1 September 2020 (updated 18th May2020)Opening schools for more children and young people: initial planning framework for schools in England (DfE 12 May 2020)Coronavirus (COVID-19): implementing protective measures in education and childcare settings (DfE 12 May 2020)Coronavirus (Covid-19): Guidance for Schools and other educational settings (DfE 4 June 2020)Guidance for schools: Coronavirus (Covid-19). (DfE 2 July 2020)Other school specific actions taken, and arrangements made in line with the mitigation planareaAction takenSchool level document, reference or action taken if requiredIn place (date)Site and preparationIdentification of year group zones.Access to classrooms to be from outside where possible.In the event of a child or adult developing symptoms on site follow government guidance – isolate in dedicated room and toilet, send home, clean room and any toilet used.Confirm and communicate year group zones to families, children and staff.Rota for breaks and lunchA rota for the use of the main large space if applicable for option groups, during lunchtime and breaks.Each group has their own dedicated zone with staggered lunches and breaks to ensure nil cross over. Additional signage also put up in key areas.1/9/20Staff and families clearly communicated with around how and when to enter the site to ensure social distancing is maintained and no one with symptoms or having tested positive enters the school siteParent letter sent with information on safety measures, timings for every year group, identification of entrance and exit points and one-way system where possible for accessing the site. 21/8/20Incidences of symptoms of and positive testing for Covid 19 to be dealt with in line with government guidance including. In the event of a child or adult developing symptoms on site they will be isolated in a dedicated room with a toilet. They will be then sent home/collected. The room & toilet will be cleaned.In the event of a confirmed case in a class grouping follow government guidance close only that specific class group and area for 14 days – children and staff from that class to self-isolate for 14 days.No child or adult to enter school if they have been informed, they should isolate by the NHS test and trace service.Staff informed of reporting process through the sharing of policy and briefing.1/9/20Additional equipment and supplies to be in place to meet enhanced cleaning and handwashing – including bins wipes/cleaning spray, disposable hand towels (per class group and additional admin areas as needed) medical PPE packs 2 per school to deal with suspected cases of COVID 19Class cleaning products/packs provided for each class.CPD for all staff regarding additional cleaning requirements in each class.Regular handwashing.Cleaning of desks and equipment at the end of every lesson for zoning exempt subjects.1/9/20Desks to be organised facing forwards in rows and as far as part of as possible.Surplus materials/furniture to be removed from teaching rooms.Ensure integrity of identified groups within school, limited gatherings across groups, none where social distancing can't be maintained (whole House assemblies/full staff meetings).Classrooms set up as per the guidance. Class teacher will evaluate safety regularly.Seating plans will be written for each zoned classroom3/9/20Design of a one way/zoning system for school and site, where possible to minimise contact between groups at lunch, breaks, collection and drop off times.One-way system applied for Lunch/BreaksKeep to the left when moving through corridorsUse outside transit space in line with NCA Covid Secure Booklet where possibleExit and entrance points identified for all groups 3/9/20Staff kitchen to be used one at a time and maintain social distancing in the staff room. Staff workplaces/offices to have reduced capacity or be made out of action if they not Covid secure.Any other place outside of the classroom, staff should always practice social distancing.Staff should have their own mug spoon plate etc, wash up, wipe surfaces before/ after use and throw away the cloth. Tea towels removed and replaced with paper / disposable towels1 member of staff only in the staff kitchen at a time.Social distancing always within the staffroom, and around the site.Use of own flask/ cutlery advised Shared with staff through briefing1/9/20Behaviour policy reviewed to ensure Covid safety rules are followedSee behaviour appendix.Staff informed of behaviour expectations and implementation of amended policy in briefing. Appendix shared with children/parents in advance and on the day.3/9/20Travelling to and from school Parents and students made aware that travelling to school carries risk and they must Socially isolate when travelling to school Use the drop-off window when travelling by car.Masks are worn where transport is shared/public.Travel in a socially distanced mannerUse bike or walk if possible Limit use of public transportNot to congregate at pinch points such as the Londis shop Groups should be released form school at staggered times to ensure all of the above 21/8/20Staffing availability to be reviewed in light increased absences and plans put in place to manage provision. Reduction in provision if necessary, to maintain a safer environmentStaff: Use normal absence reporting systems for absence, or if personal situation changes.Risk assessments carried out on all staff who are defined as critically vulnerable – they will not be attending school at this time.Consult BAME representative to review risk assessmentBAME groups self-identify and risk assessment carried out. OngoingGuidance for parentsStaff and families clearly communicated with around how and when to enter the site to ensure social distancing is maintained and no one with symptoms or having tested positive enters the school siteDo not enter school unless necessary (e.g. safeguarding conversation)Parent letter sent with information and timings and route map.Clear markings and signs available on gates and playground areas. Social distancing and behaviour expectations adhered to.No parents are expected to enter the building unless prearranged/emergency/safeguarding21/8/203/9/20OngoingGuidance for staffPersonal protection and policyRead and understand the risk assessment and procedures and routines in place including the NCA Covid Secure Handbook document and behaviour principals during COVID 19.Risk assessment and all staff guidance documents shared during briefing/website/TEAMS. 1/9/20Guidance for staffroutinesWhen walking around their zone students to avoid touching walls and surfaces and maintain (as far as possible) social distancingSchool Level Action Plan completed. Shared with staff during briefing.1/9/20Breaks to be staggered and zoned. Duty staff to supervise and socially distanceSchool Level Action Plan completed. Duty rota to be shared with staff during briefing2/9/20Lessons in different groups to be varying lengths to ensure breaks do not cross. Breaks to be staggered one group at a time with either one member of staff supervising or a socially distanced supervisor monitoring.School Level Action Plan completed. Shared with staff during briefing. 1/9/20First aid available from trained staff or from 111 or from NHS First aid trained member on site where possible. OngoingToilet areas to be zoned per year group. Adequate hand wash facilities are available for all staff and students including soap and water, including hand sanitiser stations.School Level Action Plan completed. Shared with staff during staff briefing & highlight zoned toilet areas are key supervision points to avoid overcrowding.Hand washing/gel is encouraged on transition. 1/9/20Staff should encourage good respiratory hygiene by promoting the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach.Distribute tissues and hand gel around all rooms21/8/20Guidance for teachersTeaching and class organisationRules and classroom culture developed and shared with children with reference to the behaviour policy and expectations during COVID 19At the start of term expectations are shared with all students and regularly reinforced by all staff.Behaviour policy addendums are also shared and made explicit to all pupils 3/9/20Ongoing3/09/20Ensure that the collection of books and physical student work complies with the guidance on sharing and using different materials. E.g. Books and paper can be handled by the teacher after a gap of 48 hours or earlier if they are cleaned meticulously.Each student’s equipment will be stored in their working place, with their bags under their desk. Each student will be responsible for their own books and folders.OngoingAll lesson tasks will be adjusted to individual activities modelled and done on own desksCL’s to monitor in line with their professional association guidanceOngoingMaximise use of whiteboards etc for show me and assessing understanding to reduce the need for lots of paper contactChildren will have an individual WB, pen and paper towel for use.3/9/20Teacher to remain at front of class as far as possible to try and keep a 2 m or reasonable distance where possibleSpace within rooms to do so.3/9/20Ensure quality online planning and development of a collaborative approach within and across schools. Support CPD of staff to enhance ability to make the most of technology to manage workload and support pedagogy whilst following social distancing in classrooms Review school calendar and meetings schedule to remove any unnecessary burdens. Maximise use of online virtual technology for meetings where possibleCL’s to liaise with Subject Trust leads on good practice and CPD opportunities.SLT to review calendar on regular basis and update staff accordingly.Mental Health Lead to review support and processes regularlyOngoing ................

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