
TEXTBOOK: Butterworth, J and Thwaites, G; Thinking Skills, Cambridge University Press (2005).

Welcome to AICE Thinking Skills. This course is helps students to develop a specific set of intellectual skills, independent of subject content. It also enables students to approach their other subjects with an improved ability to understand, analyze and resolve problems. The Thinking Skills course is designed to give students a specific and transferable set of skills for solving problems, critical thinking and reasoning, to encourage students to apply these skills to realistic scenarios and to develop students’ abilities to understand and engage confidently in argument and reasoning.

The course is broken into two broad sections to correspond to the AICE Thinking Skills Exam. They are: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving. Critical Thinking is characterized by a meticulous and rigorous approach to analytical thinking. It is focused on the rational processes of: analyzing arguments; judging the relevance and significance of information; evaluating claims, inferences, arguments and explanations; constructing clear and coherent arguments; and forming well-reasoned judgments and decisions. The Problem Solving component includes the ability to analyze numerical and graphical information (based on real life situations) and apply the right numerical techniques to find new information or derive solutions.

MATERIALS to be purchased by student: A one-inch, hard backed 3-ring binder with standard divider tabs. Students are expected to keep all notes, homework and returned assignments, tests and quizzes in a prescribed order in this binder for review at any time. A calculator, notebook paper, pencils and black or dark blue ballpoint pens will also be needed. Work done on spiral notebook paper will not be accepted; it will be returned without grading and marked as late when resubmitted on regular notebook paper. Work completed in ink must be done with black or dark blue ballpoint pens.


All grading (portfolios, quizzes, tests, assignments and projects) will be based on a point system. Points for each assignments range from 200 points (major tests) to 30 points (short assignments). Please bring any grading discrepancies to my attention immediately. Your nine-week grade is based upon the percentage of points you earn out of the total points available for the quarter. The total points available will vary for each nine weeks, but is usually around 500 to800 points. It is your responsibility to keep up with your points.

|Grading Areas |Grading Scale |

| | |

|EXAMS and PROJECTS: Exams will be given at the end of each chapter, or unit. They will be worth 100 to 200 points. | |

|QUIZZES: Quizzes will happen throughout the course with or without warning. They are worth between 20 and 60 points | |

|depending on difficulty and length. | |

|ASSIGNMENTS: Take home assignments may be assigned in addition to normal homework. They are worth 30 to 100 points. | |

|PORTFOLIOS: Portfolios will be kept in a one inch, hard backed, 3-ring binder and contain homework, class work, |Above 90 A |

|warm-ups, literacy log assignments and other material as directed. They will be collected and evaluated approximately |89 – 80 B |

|every two to three weeks. They will be worth approximately 50 points every time they are graded. Homework and class |79 – 70 C |

|work will be evaluated with an emphasis on demonstrated effort rather than absolute correctness. |69 – 60 D |

|CLASS PARTICIPATION: Students start each nine weeks with 100 points. These points are “earned” based on the |Below 60 F |

|assumption that the student is prompt, prepared for class, participating in discussions, and maintaining appropriate | |

|classroom behavior. Points are deducted for failing to meet these expectations. | |


As a review, or to reinforce the current topic, a “Bell Ringer” or warm-up assignment will normally be posted on the board each day. Begin this work quietly when the bell rings. We will review it in class. They should be kept in your portfolio and will be evaluated with an emphasis on demonstrated effort rather than absolute correctness.

I am normally available Mondays and Tuesdays after school for one-on-one or small group assistance. If you are planning to come by, let me know. This syllabus and other class information are posted on my web site:

The following policies and procedures are to help you understand what is expected of you in this class. They are designed to help you spend more time participating successfully in classroom activities and learning with less confusion, wasted time and disruption.

Class Policies

1. Be in your assigned seat and working on the assigned bell ringer when the tardy bell rings.

2. Bring ALL books and materials to class and take them with you when you leave.

3. Follow directions the first time they are given.

4. Treat each person in this room with respect and dignity.

5. Follow all procedures and policies in the MHS Handbook and DCPS Code of Conduct.

6. There will be no eating, chewing, or grooming yourself and no drinking except for water from a clear, screw-topped bottle.

7. There will be no sleeping, no heads on desks and no heads in hands or on walls.

8. No IPODs, cell phones, or similar devices can be active or appear in use by any student.

This classroom is a “No Whining Zone”. That means that there will be no whining, for ANY reason. Everything that I do is in your best interest, so please respect the “No Whining Zone”.

Following guidelines will result in: A stress-free learning environment

A pleasant and orderly classroom atmosphere

Not Following Guidelines will result in:

1st -- Warning and documentation

2nd -- Loss of participation points

3rd -- Action Plan, Parental Contact

4th -- Disciplinary Referral

Severity Clause: I reserve the right to skip a step if I deem it necessary. Any student who uses profanity, fights, damages school property (this includes the property of the teacher and other students), or is disrespectful (as defined by the teacher) will be sent to the office IMMEDIATELY.

Class Procedures

CHAMPs: I will use the CHAMPs system to convey my expectations for student behavior in various classroom settings, or activities. The CHAMPs acronym stands for:

Conversation: Can students talk to each other during this activity/transition?

Help: How can students ask questions during this activity/transition?

Activity: What is the task/objective of this activity/transition?

Movement: Can students move about during this activity/transition?

Participation: What does appropriate student work behavior look/sound like?

The CHAMPs expectations will be listed on the board, or posted in the room for common activities such as lectures and group work.

Entering the Room: Please enter quietly / Take out your materials / Place your book bag/purse in the back of the room / Have a seat / Review the agenda / Begin bell ringer assignment.

Getting Your Attention: I will stand in front of the class / Raise my hand / When you see my hand go up, you should raise your hand / Wait for everyone to be quiet / Begin speaking.

Paper Heading: In the upper right corner of the first page on all assignments, PRINT:


Title of Assignment



On subsequent pages, place your last name and the page number in the upper right corner.

Finish Class work Early (“What do I do next?”): Work on unfinished assignments / Review vocabulary words / Read ahead in the textbook /Start working on tonight’s homework / Select one of the past AICE Thinking Skills Examination papers from the class library and review the questions.

Calculators: Calculators are to be used to complete work and not to play games during class.

After an absence: You will have as many days as you were absent to turn in make-up work, or make up a missed test. Assignments are posted in the “Make-up Work” area in the classroom. You are responsible for obtaining regular assignments missed due to absence. If an assignment requires a worksheet or handout, make sure you obtain the worksheet/handout (available in the “Make-up Work” area). It is your responsibility to find out what assignments were given and complete them in the allotted time. Students who are absent shall receive a grade of zero for work, or tests missed. On the day a student returns from an absence, they are expected to turn in all work that was due on the day of the absence. Students will receive full credit for all absence make-up work completed within the allotted time. Again, it is your responsibility to schedule and make-up missed tests. Assignments submitted late will suffer a 50% reduction in grade. No work will be accepted more than two weeks after the due date.

Scheduled Check Out: Please let me know as you enter the classroom. / Quietly raise your hand to get my attention / Pack your materials, sign out on the clipboard near the door and leave at the scheduled time / If it is an emergency, quickly get my attention and I will assist you.

Classroom Discussions: PLEASE participate / I want to hear what you have to say / Make all questions and comments relevant to the current discussion / If your question is off the topic, write it down and ask later.

Moving Around the Room: You must ASK permission / Do not ask during a classroom discussion, or lecture unless it is an emergency.

Materials: Students should always come to class with their book, class notebook, notebook paper, pencils, pens and calculator.

Class Dismissal: The teacher dismisses you, not the bell / Do not start packing up prior to the bell / Wait until the teacher finishes and directs you to retrieve your backpacks from the back of the room / Retrieve your backpack/purse, pack up your materials and return to your seat / Wait until the teacher officially dismisses you with: “Have a nice day!”

Announcements: No matter what is going on in class, students should be silent during announcements. Please be sure that you give the announcements your full attention and do not distract others around you who are attempting to listen. This applies for both P.A. system announcements and daily closed-circuit TV announcements.

Homework: Homework is mandatory. All assignments that are included in your grade must be turned in. Assignments submitted late will suffer a 50% reduction in grade. No work will be accepted more than two weeks after the due date.

When you are tardy: Enter quietly / Sign the Tardy Log by the door / If you have a note place it in the basket by the Tardy Log / Place your book bag/purse in the back of the room / Take out your materials and have a seat.

Hall Passes: Hall passes are for emergencies only. Students should plan ahead and take care of bathroom, drinking fountain, etc. before class starts. I allow two emergency bathroom passes per nine week period. Bathroom pass slips are distributed at the beginning of each nine week period. You should detach one of the bathroom pass slips and present it when requesting to use the bathroom during class. Bathroom pass slips may not be shared or traded. Only one student is allowed out of class at a time. Any time you leave class before the bell rings (for any reason), you must sign out on the clipboard near the door with the date, time and where you are going. Sign back in when you return.

Safety Net: I am normally available Monday and Tuesday afternoons for tutoring, extra help and make-up work. You should let me know you will be coming by to ensure I’m in the room. Other times can be arranged by making an appointment. I am also available most mornings at around 6:45 AM and many students find it beneficial to stop by before school if they are having a problem with the homework. Students who score less than 70% on an exam will be allowed to re-take the exam. Exam re-takes are only given before or after school and must be completed within two weeks following the original exam. The two exam scores will be averaged together for the exam grade, not to exceed 75%.


With parents' help and support, this will be an interesting and productive year. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to call. In order to ensure that parents have read and understand the information in this syllabus, please return the signed recognition form below.

I have read and understand Mr. Sample’s Class Syllabus.

________________________________________________ Period: _____

Student Name (printed)

_______________________________________ _________

(Student Signature) (Date)

______________________________________ _________

(Parent/Guardian Signature) (Date)


(Parent/Guardian E-mail)


(Parent/Guardian E-mail)

___________________________ ___________________________

(Parent/Guardian Phone Number) (Parent/Guardian Phone Number)

Note: I use parent/guardian e-mail addresses as a means to communicate your student’s performance in class to include sending progress reports and scholarship warnings

Parents should make sure they have registered for the Grade Portal on the DCPS

website to view their student’s grades, attendance, and discipline information.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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