Creating a Campus Portal Parent Account

[Pages:10]Creating a Campus Portal Parent Account

The Campus Portal provides parents/guardians and students access to student information and school communications. Please visit your school office to receive the Campus Portal Activation Key that will allow you to create a Campus Portal Parent account*. To comply with Federal Privacy laws, you may be asked to present identification before receiving the Activation Key.

*Note: If you already have an account, an activation key is not necessary .The Activation Key is only needed the first time the user accesses the Campus Portal. During the account creation process, the user will be required to establish a username and password for subsequent logins.

Access the Campus Portal web site

Step 1: or.jsp

First Time Account Creation

Step 2: On the Login page, expand the Help option. Options for forgetting your password or other login problems display.

Step 3:

Select the If you have been assigned a Campus Portal Activation Key, click here option. An Activating your Campus Portal Account screen displays.


Enter your Activation Key

Step 4:

Enter the Activation Key the school has assigned to you.

Once the Activation Key has been used to create an account, it cannot be used again.

Step 5:

Click the Submit button. The Activation Key will be verified, and when approved, a screen will prompt the user to create a username and password.

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User Name and Password Creation

Step 6: Enter a Username. Use an alphanumeric (both letters and numbers) username.

Step 7:

Enter a Password. Use an alphanumeric password. Passwords should be at least 6 characters long and it must meet three of the four qualifications: a. A lower case letter (a - z) b. An upper case letter (A ? Z) c. A number (0 ? 9) d. A symbol (@, %, &, etc.)

Step 8: Re-enter the password in the Verify Password field.

Once your account has been created, you may wish to store your password in a secure location.

Step 9: Click the Create Account button.

This action will create the username and password. The username and password will be verified, and upon approval, the portal account will be created.

Success! Use the Click Here link on the account creation page to enter the username and password to access the Portal information.

Enter the User Name and Password you created. Click Sign In

Schools create households to which the student belongs, depending on the information provided about parent and guardian rights, living arrangements, etc. Parents and guardians will only have access to the students which they have been given permission, to ensure student privacy. Students who have access to the Portal only have access to view their own data. For this reason, we strongly discourage sharing of usernames/passwords.

Accessibility to various modules within the Campus Portal is determined by the school. Therefore, access for one school or building may vary from access for another school. Some tabs and features may not be available for some users.

The Portal is also available as an app for Android, iPhones, iPads and iPad Touch devices. Log into your Campus Portal Parent account to find instructions on how to download the app and configure the appropriate settings.


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Navigating the Campus Portal

Accessibility to various screens described in this guide is determined by the school. Access for one school or building may vary from access for another school. Some tabs and features may not be available for some users. The following provides a summary of the areas that MAY be visible, depending on the school. Some areas may not be available. Once logged in, an index of accessible information for the household as a whole is listed in the navigation pane located on the left hand side. Sign Out and Home buttons appear in the top right corner, with the Name of the individual logged into the Portal appearing next to these buttons. Clicking the Home button will take the user back to the homepage seen upon signing in. This page contains the Family and User Account sections of the navigation pane. When a user first logs in the Messages tab located in the Family section is selected.

Use the Select Student drop down in the top left of the screen to view all of the students a user has rights to view and select a student to view Portal information for that student only. Only students with an enrollment in the current year or an enrollment next year will display in the list.

Students can be enrolled in multiple calendars or schools. When this is the case, another dropdown menu will indicate which enrollment information is currently being viewed and will allow the user to view the information from other enrollments in the current year.


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When signed in as a parent, the Family and User Account navigation panes appear on the left side of the screen. When a student is selected in the Select Student option, an information section specific to that student will appear above the Family section in the navigation pane. The tabs in the Family section apply to all students to which that user has rights. For example, when accessing the Calendar tab from the Family section, a calendar will display assignments, day events and attendance for all of the students, whereas when accessing the Calendar tab from the student section, only information specific to that student will appear on the calendar.

External links, located at the bottom of the navigation panes, will lead to school or district websites and open in a separate browser window to increase the security of the Campus Portal.

Campus Portal Tools: Messages

The Messages tab is selected by default. Its contents are divided into three sections: District Notices, School Notices and the Inbox. If a section contains no information it will be closed by default.

A count of all messages is noted next to the message type. An indication of new messages since the last visit will appear in the left hand navigation pane. The new message is also noted by a NEW flag and the message toggle field lists the number of new messages in that section.

Messages Display Notices are sorted by start date and display until the expiration date is reached.

The Inbox displays student related messages ordered from newest to oldest.

Users can view notices at any time by selecting the Messages tab or by clicking the Home button in the top right of the Portal.


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Campus Portal Tools: Calendar

The Calendar tab, displays all day events, assignments and attendance events. The calendar defaults to the current month but users are able to view previous months and future months by clicking the black arrow buttons on either side of the month and year.

Attendance Events Clicking on an Attendance Event (bell icon) will produce an additional screen over the Calendar which provides the details of the attendance event, including what class periods the event affected and the status of the event.


Assignments Clicking on an Assignment icon takes the user to another screen which provides the details of the assignment that the teacher has entered. This can include a description of the assignment and the date due. Clicking the browser back button will return the user to the calendar.

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Campus Portal Tools: Schedule

The Course Schedule lists the student's classes in each period and term, along with the time and location the class meets. If a school uses a rotating day or alternating day schedule, the day the class meets will be listed.

Parents can use this tool to find out the classes the student is taking along with the teacher's name and room number. This tool is primarily used at the middle and high school levels.

Navigating the Student's Schedule: Clicking the teacher's name with an Email icon next it will generate an email in the user's preferred email program.

A Paper icon appears under the teacher's name indicating a newsletter has been posted. Clicking the Date will open the most recent newsletter in a new tab of the browser in PDF format. This teacher newsletter provides a way for teachers to communicate with parents and eliminates the need for a teacher to print off announcements and other types of communication. A newsletter will remain available until the end date selected by the teacher.

Clicking the Name of a course when a grade book icon appears next to it will send the user to the student's Grade book for that course, which includes assignments and grades.

From within the Grade book, clicking the name of an Assignment will open a screen which provides the details for that specific assignment. This screen including assignment detail and allows parents to see missing and late assignments. Clicking Back to the complete Grade book will return the user to the Grade book screen.


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Campus Portal Tools: Attendance

The Attendance Tab can be accessed after a specific student has been chosen from the Switch Student menu. This section is updated in real time, as the teacher or attendance clerk enters daily or period attendance.

The attendance calendar at the top of the attendance screen provides color-coded absence and tardy information for the selected student. The current day is outlined in blue. Clicking the black arrow icons will allow the user to view previous and future months. All instructional days can be selected. Non-instructional days are grayed out and cannot be selected.

The attendance colors are defined as follows.

Color Code


Green Excused

Parents have notified the school with a reason for the absence and school attendance policy determines this it to be an excused absence, such as illness, funerals, medical appointments, etc.

Red Unexcused School has determined that the absence is not excused as defined by the attendance policy.

Grey Exempt These are usually school-sponsored events, such as field trips, concerts or athletic activities.

The reason for the absence has not been verified by school staff.

Yellow Unknown

Attendance taken by the teacher displays in yellow until it has been verified by school staff and an excuse type has been assigned.

Clicking on an instructional day will generate a detail window including any absence or tardy information for that day.

Below the Calendar, four tabs allow users to view summaries of attendance information by Course, by Period, by Day and by Term. Dates in the summary tabs can be selected to generate a detail window. Selectable links appear in blue text.


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Campus Portal Tools: Grades

The Student Grades tab displays recent assignments that have been graded and a list of term grades by course. Parents and students are able to see all grading tasks and grades and can easily view all assignments for a particular course. Parents and students are also able to view any newsletters the teacher has sent, and can email or call the teacher for more information on the student (as long as the school has recorded that information). The following lists the items available on the Student Grades tab.

At the top of the Grades tab, a list of Recently Graded Assignments displays. This section works like a news feed, where assignments scored and saved by the teacher in the Assignments tool are instantly viewable in the Portal, noting when the score was last updated. Additional information about the assignment is found when clicking on the name of the assignment.

Assignments display in the Recently Graded Assignments list as follows: Assignments display in the recent assignment list for 14 days once the students score has been entered or modified. Assignment flags display to the right of the assignment name. Assignments marked as Missing or Cheated will display even when a score has not been entered. Dropped and Exempt assignments will not display in the recent assignments list. If an assignment is marked as Turned In, Incomplete or Late, it only displays in the recent assignments list when a score has been entered. Unscored activities do not display in the recent assignments list. If a teacher modifies an existing score it will display in the recent assignments list for 14 days.


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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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