Glaucoma UK PhD Studentship Award 2020Application Form1.Lead SupervisorTITLE:SURNAME:FIRST NAME:ADDRESS:EMAIL:PHONE:POSITION & EMPLOYER:WILL THIS BE THE HOST INSTITUTION?PLEASE ATTACH A CURRENT CV Detailing education, publications, grant awards and membership of professional bodies 2.Co-Supervisor (if applicable)TITLE:SURNAME:FIRST NAME:ADDRESS:EMAIL:PHONE:POSITION:PLEASE ATTACH A CURRENT CV Detailing education, publications, grant awards and membership of professional bodies 3.CollaboratorsAre there any collaborators on the project? Yes / NoIf yes, please provide full contact details and attach a letter of support from them, stating their willingness to collaborate and how they will contribute to the research. 4.Abstract (max 250 words)5.Details of proposed researchPlease include the following headings:The proposed research question (max 100 words)The aims and background of the research (max 1700 words)The plan of investigation, methods and techniques, including any calculations used to determine the number of participants or animals required (max 1500 words)The expected outcomes and how they will be evaluated (max 250 words)Any contingency plans (max 400 words)Potential clinical benefit (max 250 words)Timetable and milestones (max 200 words)References relevant to the research (max 15)6.Lay description (max 650 words)Please use plain language to outline the objectives of the research, why it matters, the methodology, what has already been found, and the possible long-term impact on patients’ lives and health. Have – or will - patients be involved in the design or implementation of the research? (max 350 words)7.Sight Loss and Vision Priority Setting Partnership (PSP)The following 10 priorities for glaucoma research have been identified by the PSP. Which single priority best describes your proposed research? No.1. What are the most effective treatments for glaucoma and how can treatment be improved?2. How can loss of vision be restored for people with glaucoma?3. How can glaucoma be stopped from progressing?4. What can be done to improve early diagnosis of sight-threatening glaucoma?5. What causes glaucoma?6. What is the most effective way of monitoring the progression of glaucoma?7. How can glaucoma patients with a higher risk to progress rapidly be detected?8. Why is glaucoma more aggressive in people of certain ethnic groups, such as those of West Africanorigin?9. How can glaucoma be prevented?10. Is there a link between treatment adherence and glaucoma progression and how can adherence be improved?8.Research Ethics Committee approvalDoes the project require Research Ethics Committee approval?Yes / NoIf yes, has approval been obtained?Yes / NoPlease confirm the expected date of approval9.Use of animalsDoes the research include procedures to be carried out on animals in the UK under the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act? Yes / NoIf yes please give full details of:The number and species/model to be used including details of any sample size calculations and statistical advice sought (max 250 words)Explain how you have considered the 3Rs (Replacement, Reduction & Refinement) (max 350 words)Have approvals been given by the Home Office (in relation to personal, project and establishment licences)? Yes / No / Not required10.FinancePlease detail the sums you are requesting, adding additional lines if neededYear 1Year 2Year 3TotalStipendPhD feesConsumablesEquipmentAnimalsOther expensesOpen access publicationsTotalPlease provide further details where you feel this would be helpful (max 350 words)11.Other supportIs this research currently being supported by any other organisation?Yes / NoIf yes, please give details.Is this application being submitted elsewhere?Yes / NoIf yes, to which organisation and when is a decision expected?12.Training environmentPlease list the PhD and MD students supervised in the last 5 years by the Lead Supervisor (including dates, field and status/outcome).Please detail the PhD and MD students supervised in the last 5 years by the Co-Supervisor (including dates, field and status/outcome).Please provide details of the host institution or department’s experience of glaucoma or eye research, relevant collaborations and resources available (max 400 words).Please provide details of the Studentship training programme, including systems for monitoring progress, availability of taught courses, opportunities to present etc (max 400 words).13.Peer reviewers Please suggest two independent reviewers to peer review the application, giving title, full name, departments / institutes, institutions and email address. NB. We may send your application to other reviewers of our choice. 14.DeclarationLEAD SUPERVISORI confirm that:I will be responsible for the leadership and day to day supervision of the research project I have read Glaucoma UK’s Terms and Conditions and agree to abide by themMy contract with the host institution lasts at least as long as the duration of the PhD StudentshipOrMy Co-Supervisor’s contract with the host institution lasts at least as long as the duration of the PhD Studentship Signed Lead SupervisorDatedPrint name Signed Co-SupervisorDatedPrint nameHEAD OF DEPARTMENTI confirm that I have read this application and that, if granted, the PhD Studentship will be accommodated and administered in the Department.I confirm that this research can be accommodated within the resources (including space) already available and that the presentation and scientific cases are of sufficient high standard to bear scrutiny by external referees.SignedDatedPrint name CHECKLISTPlease confirm you have attached:CV of Lead SupervisorCV of Co-Supervisor if applicableLetters of support from collaboratorsPlease list1.2.3. if applicable, etc.Glaucoma UK is the operating name of the International Glaucoma Association, a charity registered in England and Wales no. 274681 and Scotland no. SCO41550 ................

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