Morning Plenary SessionElectronic Proposal Routing and Submissions – It’s Now or NeverSuspicious Minds can finally rest. We will have A Little Less Conversation and show The Wonder [to] You. We are All Shook up to demo myProposals. There is no Return to Sender on this one; regardless, we hope you Can't Help Falling in Love with it. Bryan Bachman, Assistant Director, Data & Systems, Sponsored Programs AdministrationBrian Rogers, Associate Director, Proposals, Sponsored Programs AdministrationAfternoon Concurrent Session #1Ten Best Tips & Techniques to Conduct Clinical Research with CarleHuman Subjects Research presents numerous opportunities and challenges for Investigators who are pushing the continuum of translational research towards clinical application. With a growing infrastructure, Carle is ready to help you and your Investigators navigate the clinical environment and regulations, to ensure safe and meaningful participation of our patients in research. This short session will cover a Top Ten List of ways that Carle and Illinois can help each other in understanding and operationalizing human subjects research. Molly Caldwell, Human Subject Protection Manager, Carle Foundation Hospital Kathy Dams, Director, Grants Administration & Research Operations, Carle Foundation HospitalUnraveling the Mysteries of the Activity Reporting SystemThe certification process for employees on sponsored projects includes information in the Activity Reporting System (ARS) collected by the Division of Management Information. Research administrators can use ARS data to help track reported effort and cost share in their departments, and if authorized, may be responsible for updating activities. We will look at how ARS processes and displays departmental inputs in combination with other University data sources, and what reports are available to help viewers and updaters make decisions. Liz Stern, Associate Director, Division of Management Information Direct Costs – Case Studies Interactive session focusing on an overview of cost principles as they relate to allowability, allocability, reasonableness, and consistent treatment. Discussion of case study situations encountered in determining the allowability of costs as presented to the CASE Committee and what questions to ask. Overall focus on the importance of adequate justification and correct cost principle determination to arrive at consistent decisions. Come ready to make some decisions!Ryan Holmes, Senior Coordinator, Audit & Compliance, Sponsored Programs AdministrationTosha Waller-Mumm, Associate Director, Audit & Compliance, Sponsored Programs Administration Campus Wellbeing Services: Work/ Life Balance Work-life balance is one of the most important drivers of employee attraction and commitment, according to Corporate Executive Board research. In the current economic environment, employees are increasingly feeling stretched and stressed by the pull of work and home obligations. Lack of work-life balance is cited as a major stressor by workers. This session helps people gain some tools for getting back a sense of equilibrium between their professional and personal lives. Michele Guerra, Director, Wellbeing Services Center Afternoon Concurrent Session #2Conflict Management Plans: Why and How Don't be intimidated by conflict management plans. Attend this breakout session to get tips and resources that will help you identify potential areas of conflict and guide faculty through the management process. Chris Wilson oversees the development and periodic review of over 20 conflict management plans in ECE, and Linda serves as a campus resource on conflicts of commitment and interest issues. Linda Lee Drozt, Senior Regulatory Research Coordinator, Office of the Vice Chancellor for ResearchChristina Wilson, Assistant Director, Sponsored Projects Administration, Electrical & Computer Engineering Strategies for Developing Successful Research Collaborations Funding agencies are putting an increased emphasis on addressing research questions that require the formation of collaborative, multi-disciplinary teams. As a result, it is important for research development professionals to utilize various strategies to form and maintain research collaborations. We will discuss some of these strategies and the lessons learned from building internal and external collaborations at Illinois. Maggie Berg, Research Development Manager, Interdisciplinary Health Science Institute Gillian Snyder, Research Development Manager, Interdisciplinary Health Science Institute Ruth Sosnoff, Associate Director, Interdisciplinary Health Science Institute Human Subject Payments vs. Participant Support Costs This session will explore the difference between human subject payments and participant support costs. We will examine how each category of expense is defined and treated, both at proposal stage and when charging expenses in Banner. Using real-life examples, we will explore case studies to demonstrate the differences and discuss the appropriate treatment of these costs. Sarah Lorbiecki, Assistant Director, NSF Awards, Sponsored Programs AdministrationDepartment Roundtable DiscussionsTable #1: Best Practices for Award ManagementDo you have a great tool that you or your department use to help manage grants? Having problems communicating with your PIs? Is there a point in the award lifecycle that is a constant issue? Let's share ideas and solutions!Susan Mynatt, Sponsored Research Business Analyst, School of Chemical SciencesTable #2: How to Keep Your PIs Up-To-DateJoin your colleagues for a roundtable discussion about ways to notify your PIs of essential information without overload. Please come and share your ideas and challenges on this important topic. Linda Adams, Grants & Contracts Associate, Prairie Research Institute Torie Strole, Grants & Contracts Coordinator, Prairie Research InstituteTable #3: Effort Tracking at the Departmental Level – How do I keep track of it all?At this roundtable discussion, we will discuss the federal and campus policies regarding effort, how policy affects effort and ways departments are tracking effort. After a high-level overview of definitions, guidelines, and purposes of effort tracking, we will share departmental systems and methods for tracking PI effort. The discussion will delve into effort tracking form the proposal stages through award, academic year effort vs. summer salary and ways to handle the little, tricky nuisances that can come up!Kendra Shaffer, Assistant Director, Fine & Applied Arts Administration Table #4: Transition of NSF Proposal Preparation from FastLane to This session will cover the transition of the Proposal Preparation module from Fastlane to , and the new functionality and features available to users. Topics to be discussed include new proposal features, types of proposals supported, changes to proposal sections, helpful tips & tricks, and future changes planned through subsequent releases. Geoff Dehler, Coordinator, Engineering Business Services CenterTable #5: Tips & Tricks for Tracking Compliance Issues This session will focus on sharing standard practices for tracking all things sponsored research. A few items at the top of the list include: human subjects, FCOI, subcontract monitoring, travel reimbursements, and PI effort. Feel free to bring specific concerns and/ or your own tips and tricks to share.Kara Haley, Grants & Contracts Coordinator, Beckman Institute Afternoon Plenary SessionOverview of New Research Policies & ProceduresThis capstone session will focus on reviewing new campus policies and procedures impacting the administration of the institutional sponsored portfolio. An update will be provided as to the status of the new and proposed policies and their associated procedures. In addition, we will solicit audience feedback as we discuss a few key policies and practices that are in draft or are being conceptualized.Linda Gregory, Director, Post-Award, Sponsored Programs AdministrationDave Richardson, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research, Office of the Vice Chancellor for ResearchAmy Roessler, Director, Data & Systems, Sponsored Programs AdministrationLinda Williams, Director, Pre-Award, Sponsored Programs Administration ................

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