theKickStation Guide / User ManualFor New and Advanced Sneaker Resellers support@thekickstation.io4) Captcha Queue Guide (Captcha Solver)Basics: This is your manual captcha solver! Some websites require captcha in order to check out, so this bot makes you solve a captcha in order to check out the item you want. You should already have the captcha queue open before a release is about to happen, but if you don’t it will automatically open when the bot requests a captcha! ADDING SOLVERSYou can add as many captcha solvers as you want just by clicking ADD SOLVER.As you can see in this picture I have 10 captcha solvers open: center17843500You can also see in that picture that ADD SOLVER is on the bottom left.REMOVING SOLVERSYou can remove a solver by DOUBLE CLICKING the trashcan at the top. Yes you must double click a single click will not work. center9715500GOOGLE LOGIN (1 CLICKS)Now what I would say is the most IMPORTANT part of the captcha solver “Google Login” in other words this for 1 clicks. What are 1 clicks? This when you have to simply click the captcha box and it will be a green check. This is important because the faster you solve a captcha the faster the bot checks out. We understand that sometimes google will give slow captchas where you will need to click 3 screens of choosing cars. With google login, you have a better chance of getting 1 clicks. Log into your Gmail accounts on each captcha solver (solver 1, solver 2, solver 3 etc.… it is better if you log into each solver with different Gmails) in order to have a higher chance of getting good captchas.IF YOU DON’T LOG INTO A GMAIL ACCOUNT ON EACH SOLVER YOU PLAN ON USING IT IS LIKELY YOU GET A LONG AND SLOW CAPTCHA WHERE IN THAT CASE IT WILL BE HARD TO COMPETE WITH OTHER BOTS.GOOGLE LOGIN is located on the bottom, to the right of ADD SOLVER that we just spoke about. Here is a picture showing the process: center000ReloadThis reload option is basically a refresh of the solver screen, you can constantly click this if you know a captcha is coming. This is basically to be milliseconds faster during a release.You can also use this option if you get a bad captcha that is long or a validation error, reload will give you a new captcha.center762000The reload button is to the right of google log in, all you need to do is simply click it once.CLEAR COOKIEScenter81407000The clear cookies option is here to help and give you a fresh session. Only use this if you want to log out of the current Gmail account on the solver and start a new session. It comes in very handy when switching Gmails and it gives you a clean session! Clear cookies is to the right of reload at the bottom: Proxy SupportJust in case for whatever reason Google decides to ban you or give you errors there is a proxy option. With this, your captcha solver will now be using the proxy you enter. This may make your captcha solver slower or faster, this depends on the proxy you are using so please keep note of that and test your proxies on the captcha solver. This is not needed if you are not getting errors. All you need to do is input the proxy and then click apply! center22606000 ................

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