
|[pic] |Government Gouvernement | | |

| |of Canada du Canada | | |


|This form is to be used for fulfilling the information requirements prescribed in the New Substances Notification Regulations (Chemicals and Polymers)|

|[NSNR (Chemicals and Polymers)] of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA 1999). |

| |Departmental Use Only |

|The NSN package must be submitted to: | |

| |NSN Reference No.: |

|Mailing Address: | |

| Executive Director, Program Development and Engagement Division |Date Received: |

|Department of the Environment | |

|Ottawa ON K1A 0H3 | |

| |Mail Log No.: |

|Courier Deliveries: | |

|Executive Director, Program Development and Engagement Division | |

| Department of the Environment |Total number of pages: |

|8th floor, Fontaine Building | |

|200 Sacré-Coeur Blvd. | |

|Gatineau QC J8X 4C6 | |


|The NSN Reporting Form serves as an aid for complying with the NSNR (Chemicals and Polymers) of CEPA 1999. Notifiers may reproduce this form, or |

|portions thereof, for notification purposes. The form is also available electronically from the New Substances website |

|(). |

|Additional explanations necessary for fulfilling prescribed information requirements and completing this notification form are included in the |

|Guidelines for the Notification and Testing of New Substances: Chemicals and Polymers. Hard copies of the Guidelines may be obtained from Environment |

|Canada, for a fee, by contacting the Substances Management Information Line at 1-800-567-1999 (toll free in Canada), or (819) 938-3232 for callers |

|outside of Canada; or via The Guidelines are also available on the aforementioned New Substances website. |

|This form is divided into four sections: parts A to D. Part A is used for administrative and substance identity information while Part B and Part C |

|are for technical information. Part D is used for any additional information that may be provided with the notification. |

|Before completing Part B or Part C of the form, you should ensure that you are providing information appropriate for the quantity and category of |

|substance you intend to manufacture or import (refer to section 3.4 of the Guidelines). Part B contains four sections: (1) Physical and Chemical |

|Information Requirements; (2) Ecotoxicity Information Requirements; (3) Health Toxicity Information Requirements; and (4) Genotoxicity Information |

|Requirement. Part C contains one section: Biochemical or Biopolymer Information Requirements. Part B contains five columns and Part C contains four |

|columns which consist of: Submit with Schedule; Data Codes; Value & Conditions; Attachment Number; and Confidential Information. Explanations of the |

|use of these columns are provided on page 2 of this form. Part D contains two sections: (1) Other Requirements; and (2) Additional Information and |

|Attachments. |

|Also included are two appendices. Appendix I is for Manufacture, Import, Use, Exposure and Release Information (Known and Anticipated) and Appendix II|

|is the New Substances Fee Payment Form. |

|Ce formulaire est disponible en français, sur demande, en communiquant avec La ligne d’information de la gestion des substances au 1-800-567-1999 |

|(sans frais au Canada) ou au (819) 938-3232 (de l'étranger). Le formulaire est aussi disponible en ligne au

|Data Codes, Attachments and Confidential Information |

| |

|In addition to the list of information requirements, Part B contains five columns and Part C contains four columns which consist of: Submit with |

|Schedule; Data Codes; Value & Conditions; Attachment Number; and Confidential Information. The following explains the use for each of these columns. |

| |

|Submit with Schedule: This is a quick reference column that allows you to determine, at a glance, which schedule requires the information to be |

|provided. Take note of the footnotes for certain exceptions and conditions associated with certain data elements. It is important to note that if lower|

|schedule notifications are not submitted, the information prescribed in them is still required to be submitted with the higher schedule notification. |

| |

|Data Codes: A Data Code is a reference to indicate: whether data are provided; the type of data being submitted; or whether a request for waiver of |

|information is being submitted. The Data Codes with explanatory notes are: |

| |

|D = test data on notified substance |

|This code is used when the data provided were generated on the notified substance using protocols consistent with these listed in Tables 8-1 to 8-4 of |

|the Guidelines. This code is to be used even if the information is provided under the Additional Information Requirements of the schedules (refer to |

|section 6.5 of the Guidelines). |

| |

|A = alternative procedures |

|This code is used when the data provided were generated using: (1) an alternative test protocol; (2) structure–activity relationships (SARs), including|

|surrogate data and quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSARs); or (3) other calculation methods (refer to section 8.4.3 of the Guidelines). |

|This code is to be used even if the information is provided under the Additional Information Requirements of the schedules (refer to section 6.5 of the|

|Guidelines). |

| |

|W = waiver requested |

|This code is used when the data required are being requested to be waived. Requests for a waiver of prescribed information must be accompanied by |

|justifications that satisfy any of the waiver criteria listed in subsection 81(8) of the Act (refer to section 8.7 of the Guidelines.) |

| |

|N/A = not applicable |

|This code is used if the NSNR specify that the provision of information is not required under certain conditions. For example, the |

|adsorption-desorption screening test data are not required when water solubility is less than 200 µg/L. This code cannot be used as an abbreviation for|

|"not available." |

| |

|NR = not required |

|This code is used when the information has not been provided and is not required for that specific schedule of the NSNR. |

| |

|P = previous NSN reference number / Pre-notification Consultation (PNC) reference number or notice under section 70 of the Act |

|This code is to be used when the notifier has already provided the information to the New Substances program in a previous NSN package, a previous PNC |

|request and/or a notice under section 70 of the Act. The applicable NSN, PNC or notice under section 70 reference number must be entered in the |

|Attachment column. |

| |

|Value and Conditions: Although complete physical-chemical data must be submitted in test reports (physical state and whether the notified substance is |

|formulated for dispersal in water excepted), the notifier must enter the value and conditions in the appropriate space provided. This information will |

|assist the notifier in organizing data for use; in requesting waivers of information; in justifying cases when data are not applicable; and in |

|discussing notifications with New Substances program officials. Physical-chemical values and corresponding conditions may be expressed in units cited |

|within the laboratory report. In the event that the data are only available in degrees Fahrenheit, the notifier must strike out the °C symbol printed |

|in the entry and replace it with the °F symbol. |

| |

|Attachment Number: The notifier must clearly indicate a reference for accompanying documents (e.g., Attachment 6) so that they may be readily located |

|within the NSN package. Attachments include: justifications for waivers of information; reports of experimental procedures; reports of test results; |

|rationale for alternative data; results and validation of modeling studies; rationale for why information is considered "not applicable"; and |

|information supplemental to a request for confidentiality. |

| |

|Confidential Information: Notifiers must check the appropriate box to indicate that the information provided is considered confidential (i.e., check |

|"Y" to indicate that the information is considered confidential or check “N” to indicate that the information is not confidential). If the information |

|provided is considered confidential, the notifier must provide, in the NSN package, the supplementary information detailed in section 7.2 of the |

|Guidelines. |

Part A — Administrative and Substance Identity Information (refer to sections to of the Guidelines)

|A.1 Certification Statement: |

|I hereby certify to the best of my knowledge that all information provided in this form, as well as any attachments to the form, are accurate and |

|complete, and that the information for which confidentiality is claimed meets the criteria for determining confidentiality as outlined in section 7 of |

|the Guidelines for the Notification and Testing of New Substances (Chemicals and Polymers). |

|Name and title of the person authorized to act on behalf of the |Signature |Date |

|corporation of block A.2 or A.3 | | |

| | |YYYY |MM |DD |

|Name and title of the person in Canada authorized to act on behalf of the |Signature |Date |

|corporation of block A.4 | | |

| | |YYYY |MM |DD |

|Preferred Language of Correspondence: English □ French □ |

|Preferred Mode of Communication for Correspondence: Mail □ Facsimile □ (non-secure) |

|A.2 Corporate Headquarters of the Canadian Manufacturer or Importer (Principal Place of Business in Canada) |

|(if the importer is not located in Canada, skip to block A.3): |

|Company Name: |Email: |

|Street: |City: |Province: |

|Postal Code: |Telephone No: ( ) |Facsimile No: ( ) |

|A.3 Corporate Headquarters of the Non-resident Importer (if applicable, also complete block A.4): |

|Company Name: |Email: |

|Street: |City: |State / Country: |

|Zip/Postal Code: |Telephone No: ( ) |Facsimile No: ( ) |

|A.4 Canadian Agent (only needed if block A.3 is applicable): |

|Company Name: |Email: |

|Street: |City: |Province: |

|Postal Code: |Telephone No: ( ) |Facsimile No: ( ) |

|A.5 Foreign Supplier (only needed if the technical information in Part B is provided by a third party): |

|Company Name: |Email: |

|Street: |City: |State / Country: |

|Zip/Postal Code: |Telephone No: ( ) |Facsimile No: ( ) |

|A.6 Technical Contact (name of a person who can assist in the resolution of issues pertaining to the information provided): |

|Person’s Name/Title: |Email: |

|Street: |City: |Province / State Country: |

|Zip/Postal Code: |Telephone No: ( ) |Facsimile No: ( ) |

Part A — Administrative and Substance Identity Information (refer to sections to of the Guidelines)

|A.7 Proposed Site of Manufacture in Canada / Proposed Port of Entry into Canada / Toll Manufacturer Information: |

|Company Name / Port of Entry: |Toll Manufacturer Contact Name: |

|Street: |City: |Province: |

|Postal Code: |Telephone No: ( ) |Facsimile No: ( ) |

|Toll Manufacturer Email: |Toll Manufacturer Statement of Responsibilities: |

| |□ Enclosed Attachment Number:_________________ |

|A.8 Previous NSN Reference Number / PNC Reference Number: |YYYY |MM |DD |

|A.9 Fee Provided (if applicable): $ _____________ (Please complete Appendix II – New Substances Fee Payment Form) |

|A.10 Manufacture/Import: Manufacture □ Import □ Manufacture and Import □ |

|A.11 Amount (indicate the quantity that triggered this notification): |

|100 kg □ 1000 kg □ 10 000 kg □ 50 000 kg □ |

|A.12 Date that the Amount in Block A.11 is Expected to be Exceeded: |YYYY |MM |DD |

|A.13 Substance Information (check all that apply): |

|Present on the NDSL* or Confidential NDSL □ NDSL Accession Number:_________________ |

|Chemical □ Polymer □ □ All reactants specified on the DSL* or NDSL |

|Biochemical □ Biopolymer □ □ Meets the RRR polymer criteria |

|Special Category: Research & □ Contained □ Contained Site Limited □ |

|Development Export Only Intermediate |

|A.14 Schedule Number: Special Category: 1 2 3 |

|Chemical / Biochemical: 2 4 5 6 |

|Polymer / Biopolymer: 2 9 10 11 |

|A.15 Anticipated, Historical and Other Likely Uses of the Substance: |

| |

|□ This substance is used solely for an application subject to the Food and Drugs Act[1] |

|A.16 Anticipated Annual Quantity to be Manufactured and/or Imported: |

|A.17 Confidentiality Requests: |

|Corporation Y □ Manufacture Y □ Import Y □ Amount Y □ Substance Identity Y □ |

|N □ N □ N □ N □ N □ |

|A.18 Information Sharing Agreement Authorization: |

|I hereby grant the Minister of the Environment permission to release the name, address and phone number of the technical contact indicated in block A.7 |

|of this form to any person who has provided the Minister of the Environment with: (1) documentation of intent to manufacture or import the substance |

|described in block A.20 of this form; and (2) a statement granting the Minister of the Environment permission to release the name, address and phone |

|number of their technical contact. |

|Name and Title: |Signature: |Date: |

| | | |

Part A — Administrative and Substance Identity Information (refer to sections to of the Guidelines)

|A.19 CAS Registry Number and/or Enzyme Commission Number[2]: |

|A.20 Chemical Name of the Substance: Nomenclature: IUPAC □ CAS □ IUBMB □ |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|A.21 Proposed Masked Name (if the chemical name of the substance is claimed confidential): |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|Multiple Masking: □ Justification Enclosed Attachment Number:__________ |

|A.22 Known Trade Name or Synonyms of the Chemical Name of the Substance: |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|A.23 Structural Formula of the Substance: |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|RRR Polymer: □ Reaction Scheme Enclosed Attachment Number: __________ |

|A.24 Molecular Formula: |

|A.25 Gram Molecular Weight: |

|A.26 Monomers and Reactants with their Concentration: |

|Substance Name CAS Registry Number % by weight |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|______________________ |

|100 % |

|A.27 Additives, Stabilizers and Solvents with their Concentration: |

|Substance Name CAS Registry Number % by weight |

|A.28 Impurities with their Concentration: |

|Substance Name CAS Registry Number % by weight |

|A.29 Degree of Purity in its Technical Grade Composition: |

|A.30 Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS): □ Enclosed Attachment Number:__________ |

Part B — Technical Information (refer to sections to of the Guidelines)

|B.1 Physical & Chemical Information Requirements |Submit with |Data Code|Value & Conditions |Attachment Number |Confidential |

| |Schedule | | | |Information |

|Boiling Point |5, 6 | | (C | |Y □ N □ |

|Density |5, 6 | | g/cm @ (C | |Y □ N □ |

|Vapour Pressure |5, 6 | | @ (C | |Y □ N □ |

|Water Solubility |5, 6 | | g/L @ (C | |Y □ N □ |

|Octanol/Water Partition Coefficient |5, 6, 10, 11 | | | |Y □ N □ |

|Ready Biodegradation |5, 6, 11 | | | |Y □ N □ |

|Spectroscopy IR □ UV □ |6 | | | |Y □ N □ |

|NMR □ Mass □ | | | | | |

|Adsorption-Desorption3 |6 | | | |Y □ N □ |

|Hydrolysis as a Function of pH[3] |6, 10, 11 | | | |Y □ N □ |

|Physical State |3, 10, 11 | | | |Y □ N □ |

|Formulated for Dispersal in Water |3, 10, 11 | |Yes □ No □ | |Y □ N □ |

|Water Extractability |10, 11 | |% | |Y □ N □ |

|Number-average Molecular Weight (Mn) |3, 9, 10, 11 | | | |Y □ N □ |

|Weight Percent < 1000 Daltons |3a, 9, 10, 11 | | | |Y □ N □ |

|Weight Percent < 500 Daltons |3a, 9, 10, 11 | | | |Y □ N □ |

|B.2 Ecotoxicity Information Requirements[4] |Submit with |Data Code|Value & Conditions |Attachment Number |Confidential |

| |Schedule | | | |Information |

|Other Acute Toxicity (check two that apply) |6, 11 | | | |Y □ N □ |

|Fish □ Daphnia □ Algal □ | | | | | |

|B.3 Health Toxicity Information Requirements |Submit with |Data Code|Value & Conditions |Attachment Number |Confidential |

| |Schedule | | | |Information |

|Other Acute Mammalian Toxicity |6 | | | |Y □ N □ |

|Oral □ Dermal □ Inhalation □ | | | | | |

|Information Sufficient to Assess Skin Irritation |6, 11 | | | |Y □ N □ |

|Skin Sensitization |6, 11 | | | |Y □ N □ |

|Repeated Dose Mammalian Toxicity[5] |6, 11 | | | |Y □ N □ |

|Oral □ Dermal □ Inhalation □ | | | | | |

|B.4 Genotoxicity Information Requirements |Submit with |Data Code|Value & Conditions |Attachment Number |Confidential |

| |Schedule | | | |Information |

|In Vitro Mammalian Test for Chromosomal |6, 11 | | | |Y □ N □ |

|Aberrations5 | | | | | |

|In Vivo Mammalian Test for Chromosomal Aberration |6, 11 | | | |Y □ N □ |

|OR Gene Mutations5 | | | | | |

Part C — Biochemical or Biopolymer Information Requirements (refer to sections 6.4.1 to 6.4.5 of the Guidelines)

|C.1 Additional Information Required for |Submit with |Data Code|Attachment Number |Confidential |

|Biochemicals or Biopolymers |Schedule | | |Information |

|Identification |1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, | | |Y □ N □ |

| |10, 11 | | | |

|Source and History |1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, | | |Y □ N □ |

| |10, 11 | | | |

|Adverse Environmental or Human Health Effects |1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, | | |Y □ N □ |

| |10, 11 | | | |

|Concentration of the Viable Production Organism |1b, 3b, 4, 5, 6, 9,| | |Y □ N □ |

| |10, 11 | | | |

|Methods Used to Separate the Production Organism |1c, 3c, 5, 6, 10, | | |Y □ N □ |

| |11 | | | |

Part C — Biochemical or Biopolymer Information (refer to sections 6.4.1 to 6.4.5 of the Guidelines)

|C.1 Additional Information Required for |Submit with |Data Code|Attachment Number |Confidential |

|Biochemicals or Biopolymers |Schedule | | |Information |

|Identification of Encoded Products[6] |1d, 3d, 5, 6, 10, | | |Y □ N □ |

| |11 | | | |

|Description of Biological Activity6 |1d, 3d, 5, 6, 10, | | |Y □ N □ |

| |11 | | | |

|Catalytic Functions7 |1d, 5, 6 | | |Y □ N □ |

|Substrate Specificity7 |1d, 5, 6 | | |Y □ N □ |

|Optimum pH and Temperature7 |1d, 5, 6 | | |Y □ N □ |

|Catalytic Constants KM and Kcat 7 |1d, 5, 6 | | |Y □ N □ |

|Cofactors7 |1d, 5, 6 | | |Y □ N □ |

|Enzymatic Activity7 |1d, 5, 6 | | |Y □ N □ |

Part D — Additional Information Requirements (refer to sections to of the Guidelines)

|D.1 Other Requirements |Submit with |Attachment Number |

| |Schedule | |

|Other agencies notified, the agency’s file number |1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, | |

|and the outcome. |10, 11 | |

|Other information and test data in the possession |1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, | |

|of the manufacturer or importer |10, 11 | |

| |

| |

|D.2 Additional Information and Attachments |

|Attachment Name |Attachment Number |Confidential |

| | |Information |

| | |Y □ N □ |

| | |Y □ N □ |

| | |Y □ N □ |

| | |Y □ N □ |

| | |Y □ N □ |

| | |Y □ N □ |

| | |Y □ N □ |

| | |Y □ N □ |

| | |Y □ N □ |

| | |Y □ N □ |

Part D — Additional Information Requirements (refer to sections to of the Guidelines)

| D.2 Additional Information and Attachments |

|Attachment Name |Attachment Number |Confidential |

| | |Information |

| | |Y □ N □ |

| | |Y □ N □ |

| | |Y □ N □ |

| | |Y □ N □ |

| | |Y □ N □ |

| | |Y □ N □ |

| | |Y □ N □ |

| | |Y □ N □ |

| | |Y □ N □ |

| | |Y □ N □ |

| | |Y □ N □ |

| | |Y □ N □ |

| | |Y □ N □ |

| | |Y □ N □ |

| | |Y □ N □ |

| | |Y □ N □ |

| | |Y □ N □ |

| | |Y □ N □ |

| | |Y □ N □ |

| | |Y □ N □ |

| | |Y □ N □ |

| | |Y □ N □ |

| | |Y □ N □ |

| | |Y □ N □ |

| | |Y □ N □ |

| | |Y □ N □ |

| | |Y □ N □ |

Appendix I — Manufacture, Import, Use, Exposure and Release Information (Known and Anticipated)

A. Manufacture and/or Importation Information (see section 6.6.1 of the Guidelines)

A.1 Canadian Manufacture and Processing Information* (section Confidential? Yes □ No □

|Manufacturing process description: |

|Flow diagram of process (provide attachment): □ Enclosed Attachment Number:__________ |

|Steps in operations: |

* This information is required for substances manufactured in Canada that are subject to any of the schedules prescribed in the NSNR.

A.2 Anticipated Annual Production / Import Quantities of Notified Substance* (section Confidential? Yes □ No □

| |Quantity during first 12 months |Maximum quantity in any 12-month period |

| |(kg/yr) |during first 3 years (kg/yr) |

|Amount manufactured within Canada (if any): | | |

|Amount imported into Canada (if any): | | |

|Amount for export (if any): | | |

|List the three sites in Canada where the greatest quantity of the |Estimated quantity for each site |

|substance to be manufactured or imported by the notifier is anticipated to| |

|be used or processed, if known a: | |

|1) | |

|2) | |

|3) | |

* This information is required for substances subject to any of the schedules prescribed in the NSNR.

a This information is required for chemicals subject to Schedule 5 or 6 or non-RRR polymers subject to schedules 9, 10 or 11 of the NSNR.

B. Uses of the Substance (see section 6.6.2 of the Guidelines)

B.1 Anticipated*, Historicala and Other Likely Usesa for the Substance (section Confidential? Yes □ No □

|Provide anticipated, historical or any other likely use of the notified substance or type of product containing the notified substance: |

|1) |

|And to the degree known : a) The function/application for this use: |

|b) The industrial/commercial/consumer application for this use: |

|c) If the use is highly dispersive, non-dispersive, contained, consumed or other: |

|d) The maximum annual quantity of notified substance for this use (kg/yr): |

|e) For contained site-limited intermediate substances, the location of useb: |

|Provide anticipated, historical or any other likely use of the notified substance or type of product containing the notified substance: |

|2) |

|And to the degree known : a) The function/application for this use: |

|b) The industrial/commercial/consumer application for this use: |

|c) If the use is highly dispersive, non-dispersive, contained, consumed or other: |

|d) The maximum annual quantity of notified substance for this use (kg/yr): |

|e) For contained site-limited intermediate substances, the location of useb: |

|Provide anticipated, historical or any other likely use of the notified substance or type of product containing the notified substance: |

|3) |

|And to the degree known : a) The function/application for this use: |

|b) The industrial/commercial/consumer application for this use: |

|c) If the use is highly dispersive, non-dispersive, contained, consumed or other: |

|d) The maximum annual quantity of notified substance for this use (kg/yr): |

|e) For contained site-limited intermediate substances, the location of useb: |

* This information is required for substances subject to any of the schedules prescribed in the NSNR.

a This information is required for substances subject to schedules 6, 10 or 11 or NDSL chemicals subject to Schedule 5 of the NSNR.

b This information is required for site-limited intermediate substances subject to schedules 1 or 3 of the NSNR.

B.2 Concentration in Products (section Confidential? Yes □ No □

|Anticipated concentration of notified substance in notifier’s product (specify units)*: |

|Concentration (or range of concentrations) of notified substance as imported, if known: |

|Anticipated concentration of notified substance in end-use products, if known (specify units)*: |

* This information is required for substances subject to schedules 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10 or 11 or non-RRR polymers subject to Schedule 9 of the NSNR.

B.3 Anticipated to be Used in Products Intended for Use by or for Children* (section Confidential? Yes □ No □

Check one: Yes □ (see below) No □

|If yes, describe what types of products these may be: |

| |

* This information is required for chemicals subject to schedules 5 or 6 or non-RRR polymers subject to schedules 9, 10 or 11 of the NSNR.

C. Human Exposure Information Requirements (see section 6.6.3 of the Guidelines)

C.1 Whether the Public is Anticipated to be Significantly Exposed to the Substance* (section Confidential? Yes □ No □

|If yes, describe whether the substance is present in products wherein the public is anticipated to be significantly exposed to the substance, taking into|

|consideration factors including the use, duration, frequency of use, concentration of the substance in the product and circumstances of exposure that may|

|limit direct human exposure: |

| |

|If not, provide below the information substantiating that the public is not anticipated to be significantly exposed: |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

* This information is required for substances subject to schedules 1, 3 or 10 or NDSL chemicals subject to Schedule 5 of the NSNR. Please review subsections 7(2), 7(3), 11(2) and 11(3) of the NSNR to determine if additional test data are required prior to exceeding 50 000 kg/yr.

C.2 Anticipated Degree of Direct Human Exposure* (section Confidential? Yes □ No □

|Describe the anticipated degree of direct human exposure to the notified substance, especially for the general public, including concentration, duration,|

|frequency, and circumstances of exposure. Describe conditions of use that may limit direct human exposure: |

| |

|Routes of exposure at each stage, if known: |

|Estimates of number of persons that may be exposed, if known: |

* This information is required for chemicals subject to Schedule 5 or 6 or non-RRR polymers subject to schedules 9, 10 or 11 of the NSNR.

D. Environmental Exposure Information (see section 6.6.4 of the Guidelines)

D.1 Components of the Environment into which Release is Anticipated* (section Confidential? Yes □ No □

|Provide an identification of the components of the environment into which the substance is anticipated to be released: |

| |

|Stages in the import process where emissions or discharges to the environment may occur, if applicable: |Quantities and concentration of |

| |release: |

|Physical form of the substance for each location into which the substance will be released and the anticipated frequency, duration and rate of release, |

|if applicable: |

|Estimate of the fugitive emissions, if known: |

|Description of the waste management practices designed to prevent or minimize the release of the substance in effluents and emissions, if applicable: |

|Amount of substance, in effluents and emissions, expected to be released to the environment, including average and peak concentrations, if applicable: |

|Describe the contingency plan to deal with unintended releases from the manufacturing processes; if applicable: |

|Provide information on any potential releases from commercial or consumer products or potential releases during processing by domestic customers, if |

|known: |

* This information is required for substances subject to schedule 1, 3, 5, 6 or 11 of the NSNR.

D.2 Anticipated Releases of the Substance into Municipal Wastewater Systems* (section Confidential? Yes □ No □

Check one: □ Direct to the Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facility OR □ Go directly into surface waters

|Total amount (kg/day) anticipated to be discharged: |

|Name of municipal treatment facility: |

|Address of municipal wastewater treatment facility, if applicable: |

|Name of receiving water / location of discharge, if applicable: |

* This information is required for substances subject to schedule 1, 3, 5, 6, 10 or 11 of the NSNR.

D.3 Factors that may Limit Environmental Exposure* (section Confidential? Yes □ No □

|Describe conditions during the life cycle of the substance that may limit environmental exposure: |

| |

* This information is required for substances subject to schedules 6, 10 or 11 or for NDSL chemicals subject to Schedule 5 of the NSNR.

D.4 Releases of the Substance to the Aquatic Environment* (section Confidential? Yes □ No □

|Whether the substance is anticipated to be released to the aquatic environment in a quantity less than or equal to 3 kg per day, per site, the data |

|substantiating the quantity released is required: |

|Total amount (kg/day) of releases or anticipated release directly to surface water: |

|Amount (kg/year) of discharges, if any, from on-site treatment and data substantiating the quantity of such releases: |

|Name of receiving water / location of discharge: |

|Description of any on-site treatment system(s), including percentage of notified substance removed, if known: |

* This information is required for polymers subject to Schedule 10 or NDSL chemicals subject to Schedule 5 of the NSNR. Review subsections 7(2), 7(3), 11(2) and 11(3) of the NSNR to determine if these test data are required prior to exceeding 50 000 kg/yr.

E. Transportation, Storage and Disposal Information Requirements (see section 6.6.5 of the Guidelines)

E.1 Transport and Storage Containers* (section Confidential? Yes □ No □

|Description of the expected modes for its transportation and storage: |UN Number, if known: |

|Description of the size and type of container(s) used for transportation and storage of the notified substance |Amount (kg/year) of substance shipped |

|and/or product containing the notified substance: |in each type of container, if known: |

* This information is required for substances subject to schedules 1, 3, 5, 6, 10 or 11 of the NSNR.

E.2 Anticipated Disposal of the Notified Substance* (section Confidential? Yes □ No □

|Description of the methods recommended for its destruction or disposal for industrial, commercial and consumer applications: |

|Total amount (kg/year) of the substance disposed of by each method, if known: |

|Describe types and expected amounts (kg/year) of wastes from the substance for each type of waste, if known: |

|Treatment and disposal method of containers, including those off-site, if known: |

|Provincial waste classification(s), if known: |

|Site(s) of disposal: |

* This information is required for substances subject to schedules 1, 3, 5, 6, 10 or 11 of the NSNR.

|[pic] |Government Gouvernement | | |

| |of Canada du Canada | | |

Appendix II – New Substances Fee Payment Form

|This form is to be used for fulfilling the information requirements prescribed in the New Substances Fees Regulations of the |

|Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999. |

|This form must be submitted to: |Departmental Use Only |

|Mailing Address: |Mail Log No.: |

|Executive Director, Program Development and Engagement Division |NSN Reference No.: |

|Department of the Environment | |

|Ottawa ON K1A 0H3 | |

| |Date Received: |

|Courier Deliveries: | |

|Executive Director, Program Development and Engagement Division |Amount paid: |

|Department of the Environment | |

|8th floor, Fontaine Building | |

|Gatineau QC J8X 4C6 |Reference No.: |

|Please refer to Appendix 3 of the Guidelines for instructions on completing this form. A separate Fee Form must be submitted |

|for each NSN package, except for consolidated notifications. |

Assessment Fees (Schedule 1 of Fees)

Please circle the appropriate fee and report in box A below

| |Company’s Annual Sales in Canada (millions) in Canadian dollars |

|NSNR Schedule |≤13 |>13 – ≤26 |>26 – ≤40 |>40 |

|Schedule 1 (except R&D) |$500 |$1,000 |$1,500 |$2,000 |

|Schedule 3 (except R&D) |$500 |$1,000 |$1,500 |$2,000 |

|Schedule 4 |$50 |$100 |$150 |$200 |

|Schedule 5 |$500 |$1,000 |$1,500 |$2,000 |

|Schedule 6 |$875 |$1,750 |$2,625 |$3,500 |

|Schedule 9 |$125 |$250 |$375 |$500 |

|Schedule 10 |$875 |$1,750 |$2,625 |$3,500 |

|Schedule 11 |$875 |$1,750 |$2,625 |$3,500 |

Assessment Fees (Schedule 2 of Fees)

Please circle the appropriate fee and report in box A below

| |Company’s Annual Sales in Canada (millions) in Canadian dollars |

|NSNR Schedule |≤13 |>13 – ≤26 |>26 – ≤40 |>40 |

|Schedule 5 final1 |$750 |$1,500 |$2,250 |$3,000 |

|Schedule 9 final2 |$375 |$750 |$1,125 |$1,500 |

|Fee required for any schedule indicated above A | |

|Less any amount paid for the assessment of that substance as referenced below: |

|Schedule: NSN No: Assessment Fee Paid B | |

|Schedule: NSN No: Assessment Fee Paid C | |

|Subtotal D (A - B - C, enter 0 if negative) | |

1 Chemical listed on the NDSL.

2 Polymer that meets the Reduced Regulatory Requirement polymer criteria.

Assessment Fees for Matched Notifications or Consolidated Notifications

Please check appropriate box and enter appropriate information. Report in Subtotal E.

|Type of Notification |Fee (CDN$) |

|Matched3 with NSN No. __________ □ |$200 |

|Consolidated4 (please indicate number of notifications, up to 5) | |

|Please reference master notification below: | |

|Schedule:_______ Trade Name:_____________________ □ |____ X 250 |

|Subtotal E | |

3 A matched notification takes place when a notifier requests to use information that has been previously provided by

another notifier for the same substance (see section 5.1 and Appendix 3 of the Guidelines).

4 A consolidated notification takes place when a notifier provides 2–6 substances of the same class at one time (see section 5.3 and Appendix 3 of the Guidelines).

Fees for Other Services (Schedule 3 of Fees)

Please circle the appropriate fee and report in Subtotal F.

| |Company’s Annual Sales in Canada (millions) in Canadian dollars |

|Services |≤13 |>13 - ≤26 |>26 - ≤40 |>40 |

|Confidential search of DSL* and |$62.50 |$125 |$187.50 |$250 |

|NDSL* | | | | |

|Masked name application5 |$150 |$300 |$450 |$600 |

|Application under Four Corners |$500 |$1,000 |$1,500 |$2,000 |

|Arrangement | | | | |

|Subtotal F | |

* DSL is the acronym for Domestic Substances List and NDSL is the acronym for Non-domestic Substances List

5 If fee has been previously paid for the masked name application, please reference it below:

|Schedule: _______ |NSN No.: _______ |Service Fee Paid for Masked Name | |

| | |Application: | |

|Subtotal D | |

|Subtotal E | |

|Subtotal F | |

|Total Fees Payable (D + E + F) | |

Note: When fees are based on your company’s annual Canadian sales of less than C$40 million, you must provide sales

reports for your company’s most recent fiscal period, with all notifications.

Payment must be made by certified cheque or money order (payable to the Receiver General for Canada), Visa, MasterCard or American Express (complete page 18 of this form) at the time the service is requested. If the payment is not provided with the service request, the documentation will be returned and the service will not be rendered.

Disclaimer: Although care has been taken to ensure that the information accurately reflects the requirements prescribed, you are advised that should any inconsistencies be found, the legal documents, printed in the Canada Gazette, will prevail.

|[pic] |Government Gouvernement | | |

| |of Canada du Canada | | |


I authorize payment of the New Substances

fee to the Receiver General for Canada in

the amount of:

Please indicate your method of payment:

♦ Visa ♦ MasterCard ♦ American Express

Card No.: ___________________________________________________

Security code: __________ Expiry Date: _____________

(Please enter your 3 or 4 digit Card ID Number found on the back of the card)

Cardholder name: ____________________________________________

(please print)

Company Name: _____________________________________________

(as found in Box A.1 of the Notification Form or Service Requester)

Telephone Number: ___________________________________________

Signature of the cardholder: _____________________________________

|Departmental Use Only |

|Mail Log No.: |

|NSN Reference No.: |

|Date Received: |

|Amount debited: |

|Authorization No.: |

|Deposit Receipt No.: |


* NDSL is the acronym of the Non-domestic Substances List. DSL is the aconym of the Domestic Substances List.

[1] When this box is checked, there are no fees to be submitted for this NSN.

[2] As assigned by the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB)

[3] Please review subsection 7(2) of the NSNR to determine if these test data are required prior to exceeding 50 000 kg per year.

a Not required for research and development polymers.

[4] Please review section 6.3.2 of the Guidelines to determine the most appropriate test to provide at each schedule.

[5] Please review subsections 7(2), 7(3), 11(2) and 11(3) of the NSNR to determine if these test data are required prior to exceeding 50 000 kg per year.

b Not required for research and development substances; and contained-site limited intermediate substances that are manufactured and consumed at the site of manufacture.

c Not required for research and development substances.

[6] This information is only required for a substance that is a nucleic acid.

[7] This information is only required for a biochemical that possesses enzymatic capability.

d Not required for research and development substances; and contained-site limited intermediate substances that are manufactured and consumed at the site of manufacture.



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