Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance …

BEYOND THE TRAUMA: SAFETY, HOPE & RESILIENCERESOURCES AND SUGGESTIONSResourcesNCTSN’s “Caring for Children Who Have Experienced Trauma: A Workshop for Resource Parents Available for download at: Trauma-informed; The Trauma Toolkit (Second Edition, 2013) “This Toolkit was made possible in part due to the support from the Government of Manitoba, Department of Health Living and Health Canada’s First Nations and Inuit Health Branch” Available for download at: Fiscal Year 2009 Annual Report Incarcerated Women doc/documents/FY%202009%20Female%20Offender%20 Minnesota Center Against Violence and Abuse: Helping Children Who Witness Domestic Violence: A Guide for Parents (Instructor's Manual) 1997 Safety Treatment Innovations/Materials Strengthening Families Positive Discipline Parenting Inside Out; Breaking the Cycle of Intergenerational Criminality Social Inclusion and Trauma-Informed Care; September 2009; SAMHSA; Australian Institute of Family Studies; Effects of Child Abuse and Neglect for Adult Survivors Last updated January 2014 Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma: An Introduction for the Clinician; By Charles Portney, MD April 01, 2003 Preventing the intergenerational transmission of trauma; Alison M. Herum., M.D.; Clinical Psychiatry News Digital Network (February 26, 2013 trauma/4a5c579f58022898516f38b6103ab226.html?tx_ttnews[sViewPointer]=1CW 360 Trauma-Informed Child Welfare Practice Winter 2013 “A Birth Parent’s Perspective: What Happened?” cehd.umn.edu/ssw/cascw/Publications/cw360.asp ACE Score Calculator – English Finding Your Ace Score DVDs, Videos and WebinarsFirst Impressions: Exposure to Violence and a Child’s Developing Brain watch?v=brVOYtNMmKk911 domestic violence call from a child witnessing abuse watch?v=ryLBCu097ns10 Shocking domestic violence statistics for 2011 watch?v=3s2hu9Zon4sMarch 2012 – What Being Trauma Informed Means for Prevention Programs: Part 1 of Security Parenting – DVD Excerpt watch?v=cW2BfxsWgucParenting From the Inside Out for Adolescents Positive Discipline Seeking Safety Treatment Innovations/Materials Strengthening Families ................

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