Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Name: ______________ HR: _________

Focus Issue:

How effectively does Canada’s federal political system govern Canada for all Canadians?

What criteria would you use to decide if a political system effectively governs its’ citizens?

• people have the opportunity to be heard by the government

Focus Question: What is the structure of Canada’s Federal Political System? (pages 20 - 35)

Use 3 key points to define constitution (pg 22):

Explain the role of the:

• Governor General -

Who is Canada’s current Governor General?

• Executive Branch -

• Legislative Branch -

• Judicial Branch -

A. Executive Branch (pages 24 - 25)

What is the role of a prime minister? Who is Canada’s current prime minister?

What is the cabinet?

What does the cabinet do?

Research Challenge – Cabinet Portfolios

Stems to be assessed:

• Demonstrates skills and processes for inquiry and research.

• Communicates ideas in an informed and persuasive manner

Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper (typed or neatly written) to be handed in as an application of your understanding.

a. Research the various cabinet portfolios that make up the current cabinet. (List of some portfolios on p.25)

b. Identify the cabinet portfolio that you think is most important.

c. Research the role of this portfolio - what do they do?

d. Explain what makes this portfolio important (how are they meeting the needs of Canadians and fulfilling an important role of governance?).

e. Identify the cabinet portfolio that you think is least important.

f. Research the role of this portfolio – what do they do?

g. Why does this portfolio rank lower for you in terms of meeting the needs of Canadians?

B. Legislative Branch (pg 27 - 33)

| |House of Commons |Senate |

|What is their role? | | |

|Who is in this branch? | | |

|How are they selected? | | |

|What is their most important | | |

|role? | | |

|An interesting point about | | |

|this branch is: | | |

What changes would/could you make to voting and representation to make elections in Canada more effective and/or more democratic? Refer to your effective government criteria from Question 1.

Perspectives on the senate

Use page 32 to summarize the various perspectives on the Senate.

Canada’s Senate

On the following continuum, mark an “X” to show your beliefs about the senate:

mostly unnecessary mostly necessary

I feel this way because (relate to your criteria for effective government) . . .

C. Judicial Branch (pg 35)

What does the judicial branch do in Canada’s system of government?


How do the three branches of the government work together to effectively govern Canada?

Focus Question: How does a bill become a law? (pg 38 - 44)

Steps in making a bill (a proposed law) into a law:

House of Commons What happens in the House of Commons?

First reading • ________________________________________

Second Reading • ________________________________________

Reject Accept

Committee • ________________________________________

Reject Amend/accept ________________________________________



• ________________________________________

Third Reading •________________________________________

Reject Accept


What happens in the Senate?

First Reading

• ________________________________________

Second Reading ________________________________________

Study Accept ________________________________________


Amend Accept


Third reading

House of Commons Senate

Debate Debate

Accept all Reject Accept Some Reject Accept

Royal Assent

• ________________________________________

What are the strengths of the process by which a bill becomes a law?

What are the weaknesses of this process?

Read page 44; what concerns about governance do First Nations have?

Based on these concerns, what would you recommend to your member of parliament to make Canada’s political system more effective?

Critical Challenge – Bill Creation

On a separate sheet, type/complete the following critical challenge in ½ to 1 page. This challenge will be used as a “checkpoint” of your understanding about law-making in Canada.

Read about the bills being proposed on page 45 and consider how and what they contribute to our society. Also, reflect on what values are reflected in these proposed new laws. Over 300 bills were proposed the year these bills were put forth for consideration.

a. If you could propose a bill, what would it be? Be specific with your writing of the bill, and try to make it a new bill, or an amendment (change to an existing law) based on our current needs as a society.

b. How/what would your bill contribute to Canadian society? What values are reflected in your bill?

c. What people/groups would support and oppose your bill, and why?

Stem Connections

• Explores events and issues from different points of view.

• Communicates ideas in an informed and persuasive manner.

Focus Question: How does media connect Canadians to their government? (pages 46 - 49)

What role does media play in informing Canadians?

Do all media sources provide information in the same way?

How do you know if media is reliable/accurate/unbiased? What questions might you ask to determine this?

How do you think the variety of media affects the way Canadians deal with issues?

Focus Question: What do lobbyists do? (pages 51 - 53)

What are lobbyists? How do they impact decision-making and for whom?

What are benefits and concerns related to lobbyists being part of the political process?

Wrapping things up

Look back at the chapter issue and your criteria for an effective government. Now, answer the BIG question of the chapter - How effectively does Canada’s federal political system govern Canada for all Canadians?

1 (Not very effectively) 10 (Very effectively)

What recommendations would you make to improve this system of government?

Creative Challenge – Political Cartoon

Create or select a political cartoon on the strengths/weaknesses/opportunities/challenges of Canada’s government.

Stems to be assessed:

• Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of citizenship and identity.

• Communicates ideas in an informed and persuasive manner

If you are creating your own cartoon, you must use at least 2 of the following drawing techniques to convey (get across) your message: size, colour, tone, symbols, caricature, stereotype, text, etc. The cartoon should convey a particular message/theme about governance in Canada and present a particular bias.


If you are selecting a cartoon, please ensure you give credit to the creator, and identify where it has been published. Print/include the cartoon and include it along with the written portion of the assignment. Identify and explain how the artist has used at least two of the following techniques: size, colour, tone, symbols, caricature, stereotype, text, etc. Explain the theme of the cartoon, as well as the bias. Reference the cartoon elements as evidence.


Accountability _______________________________________________________________________

Bias _______________________________________________________________________

Bill _______________________________________________________________________

Cabinet _______________________________________________________________________

Civil Servant _______________________________________________________________________

Executive Branch _______________________________________________________________________

Governor General _______________________________________________________________________

House of Commons _______________________________________________________________________

Judicial Branch _______________________________________________________________________

Legislative Branch _______________________________________________________________________

Lobbyist _______________________________________________________________________

Media _______________________________________________________________________

Member of Parliament_______________________________________________________________________

Portfolio _______________________________________________________________________

Prime Minister _______________________________________________________________________

Senate _______________________________________________________________________

Chapter 1 – Target Assessment

|Can I answer this question? |Not Yet |Partially |Yes |Evidence of understanding OR how I plan to review/learn it. |

| | | | | |

|What is the role of and relationship between | | | | |

|Canada’s three branches of government? | | | | |

| | | | | |

|What processes are used to determine the | | | | |

|occupation of Member of Parliament and | | | | |

|Senator? | | | | |

| | | | | |

|What is the role of political parties within | | | | |

|Canada’s government system? | | | | |

| | | | | |

|How are laws passed in Canada’s federal | | | | |

|political system? | | | | |

| | | | | |

|To whom and how are different branches of | | | | |

|government accountable? | | | | |

| | | | | |

|What is the role of the media in relation to | | | | |

|issues and decision-making in Canada? | | | | |

| | | | | |

|How do lobbyists impact government | | | | |

|decision-making? | | | | |

| | | | | |

|To what extent do political and legislative | | | | |

|processes meet the needs of all Canadians? | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


I think the Senate should be changed. It doesn’t work well.

I think the Senate

is important and we should keep it as it is now


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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