
Chapter 90190500-162560224790Expanding West0Expanding West468630024003000Inquiry Questions – How did Canada secure the West and prepare for a massive influx of immigrants?358939815028300Inquiry Question: How did Canada secure the West and prepare for a massive influx of immigrants?Key wordsDefinitionsWestIn this chapter we are looking at people moving into western Canada (southern Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia). ImmigrantsThese are people from outside of Canada who move here.InfluxThe arrival of a large number of people.1. Explain the role of each of the following on the opening of the West:NotesThe Northwest Mounted Police(p 198 – 201)What problems in the West caused the government to create the NWMP?What jobs did the NWMP perform in the West?The Railway(p 202 – 203)To use the land effectively, what three things did Canada need to do????Why was the southern route chosen?Farming(p 207 – 210)What challenges did newcomers to the prairies face?Where did many of the newcomers come from?Mennonites:Farmers from Russia who had a unique religionEconomic Policy(p 212 – 213)Reasons for tariffsReasons against tariffsTariff:A tax placed on goods coming into a country.The Chinese(p 204)Why were Chinese brought in to work on the railway?Describe what their work conditions were like.2. What do you think are the PROS (good things) and CONS (bad things) of the railway from the perspective of each of the following groups?PROSCONSFirst NationsSettlersIndustryTargeted Self AssessmentCan You ResponseDescribe the role of the NWMP in opening the West?YesNoDescribe how building the railway affected growth in the West?YesNoDescribe how farming affected growth in the WestYesNoDescribe how the National Policy caused economic growth.YesNo-228600-2286000Review: Let’s go back and do a quick review of the things that caused in the Western growth.The main events that caused growth were:NWMP – they made sure the West was settled peacefully.The Railway – building the railway allowed people to easily move to the prairies, ship their goods to people in Ontario and Quebec and to get goods sent to them.Farming – the government divided up the land and encouraged immigrants to settle the prairiesNational Policy – tariffs were put on imported goods (goods from other counties) so that Canadian products would be cheaper for consumers (people buying the products).Cartography – map makingUse page 195 and 203 in your textbook (and an atlas if necessary) to label the following on the map:Lightly shade in:? Rocky Mountains? Prairies? Canadian ShieldCreate a symbol to show where the following resources are found:? fish? forests? mining? agriculture (farming)Put a dot and label the following towns and cities:? Vancouver? Kamloops? Calgary? Edmonton? Moose Jaw? Regina? Battleford? Selkirk? Rat Portage? Fort William? Lake Nipissing2514600885190Use two different lines to show:? Proposed CPR route? Actually CPR routeAlso, all maps require a:3086100788035Map making skills:Make sure you know the purpose for a map:? make sure there is a title? look at the legend to see what information is important.??understand where in the world this map is showing. Label oceans, provinces, neighbouring countries.00Map making skills:Make sure you know the purpose for a map:? make sure there is a title? look at the legend to see what information is important.??understand where in the world this map is showing. Label oceans, provinces, neighbouring countries.??a legend? compass rose? title? colour40513016319500011430000-228600-28662400Interpreting MapsBuilding the RailwayUse the map and pages 195 and 203 to answer the following questions:What resources would have attracted newcomers to the West in the 1800s?OF the four resource industries (farming, fish, mining, forestry), which would be most helped by the building of the railway? Explain why.Imagine you were going to select a place to farm. What geographic features would you look for when selecting your ideal farm site? Explain why these features are important.a.b.c.Through what part of Canada would it have been the hardest to build the railway? Why?As you can see, the proposed route was more northerly. However, the actual railway was built farther south. Why do you think the southern route was chosenTowns sprung along the railway route. Towns located far away from the railway either failed to grow very large or faded away. Why do you think this happened?Wrapping things up - create a cause and effect chart to show the impact of the railway on Canada’s West.480060022225The 0The 4114800121920002286000-6985The The 411480093345004914900142875The 0The 160020011430000491490085090The 0The 411480063500-22860064135The 0The 2286000-8255The The The railway is built 411480027305001600200273054914900141605The 0The from Ontario to 41148002020570041148002934970001600200420370049149003049270The 0The 49149001449070The 0The 22860002249170The The British ColumbiaChapter 9 Creative ProjectIndividually or with a partner you may create a diorama of a historical moment in Canada’s western. A diorama is a miniature recreation of a scene from a moment in history (or a scene from a book or story). It captures the moment in a 3D format that gives the observer a “bird’s eye view”. Choose your scene from something you’ve learned in the chapter, or you can choose from the suggestions below.On a recipe card attached to the top of your box write a description of your scene and tell why it was significant in helping to open the West to immigrantsSome suggestions:The building of the railwayThe North West Mounted PoliceFarmingThe role of First NationsSome things you will need:A shoeboxMaterials for the background, figures, objects4 Excellent3 Good2 Basic1 Not meeting Knowledge and Understanding? the significance of the event is clearly related to opening the west through a rich and logical narrative. ? the significance of the event is related to opening the west through a strong narrative but may lack a few important detail.? narrative is basic with some connection between the scene and description. ? the significance lacks details.??narrative is incomplete or makes no reference to significance or the significance of the event is confusedCommunicate ideas in an informed and persuasive manner? ideas in the diorama are communicated with creativity ? a detailed explanation of how all item in the diorama are related to the scene and description is provided. ? all requirements (background, foreground) are meticulously crafted ? most ideas are communicated in a creative and deliberate manner ? a clear explanation of how are related to western expansion ? all requirements (background, foreground) are included in a way that enhances the scene? ideas are communicated with minimal creativity and lacking a clear purpose? some information is provided to explain how items are related to western expansion? all requirements (background, foreground) are included but some parts may not add to the scene?? lacks creativity or is incomplete? insufficient evidence of ideas related to western expansion are communicated??missing essential components that are necessary for the scene to be accurate-228600-114300Lasting UnderstandingState three things that are important to remember about Canadian history from this chapter:1. _______________________________________________________________________________2. _______________________________________________________________________________3. _______________________________________________________________________________Vocabulary List(new words that you think are important).____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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