Secretary: Martin Cook



D Boles, D Carnell, M Cook, S Cousins, A Dickinson, D Frost, C Harwood, M Higgins, T Hoyle, N Key, Sarah McDermott, Jenny Pocock, Rebecca Wetherall, Tony Strugnell +News Letter

Minutes of Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 16th March 2021, the following members attended a Zoom meeting. (Apologies if I have missed any attendees)

D Boles, M Cook, S Cousins, A Dickinson, D Frost, N Key, Sarah McDermott, Jenny Pocock, Tony Strugnell, Rebecca Wetherall

1. Apologies


2. Minutes of last Meeting

No previous Minutes. Last formally minuted meeting was in Feb 2020 with the AGM in March just before the lockdown. A few Zoom meetings have happened since this date to decide a few thinks such as restricted club runs and cancelling our 2020 events. (As stated by Email , if a member can’t use Zoom then it should be possible to include via a phone via speaker if you want to try this at the next meeting)

3. Actions

4. New Members/Renewals

Derek has had one new CRC membership from Joanna Frith-Williams and an enquiry from Neil Stainer. Club memberships are normally renewed in March at the AGM, (More of this subject later).

5. Affiliation and Registration EA and ARC

Derek has renewed the ARC affiliation (£99) and from the 1st April we will need to renew our England Athletics Club affiliation of £150 and also £15 for each individual member who wishes to pay this addition fee for Race Registration. (More on this later).

6. Communications

Due to the lockdown the usual weekly ENews has been suspended and any important news communicated via the club closed Facebook account or group emailing.

7. Clothing

At the Feb (2020) Committee meeting and the AGM It was decided to purchase some club Jackets and offer these to members (See AGM Minutes). However this did not happen due to Covid etc. This subject was brought up at the meeting and the committee will look into the current costs and see if we can honor this later in the year.

8. Financial Report

£6783.70 in account.

9. Running Business

On 29th March it should be possible to resume restricted club runs again. It maybe possible to have numbers up to 30, but if it is possible then we will started up with groups of Max of 6 bookable online as we did in 2020. Further info will be circulated via Facebook etc.

Hopefully the Club can still meet up near the GRC. Currently the car park etc is closed off and likely to be used for Vaccinations until August. Also we are not sure of the current status of using the GRC itself.

10. Social Report

Past events


New events


11. Club Events

With the lockdown All our events were cancelled. The meeting discussed the feasibility of holding the events in 2021 see below. We will try and spread the word of these events via all means.

Crewkerne 10k- Sunday 5th June 2022 (40th Year) Race Director (Nigel Key)

From 2020 we had been given 2 x £150 sponsorships it was confirmed the sponsors were happy for us to carry this across.

Due to the events traditional date being in June and the fact the organising this event takes a lot more external involvement it was decided we will not hold this event this year.

There is still some uncertainty regarding if the Chip Timers are still in business and we also need to find a suitable replacement for online entries with the demise of FULL ON SPORT in 2020.

Haselbury Trail race Wednesday 4th August 2021 (Derek)

Good news on this event as Derek is determined to hold this event in 2021. He has already contacted ARC and we have a Permit and the Cricket Club are happy for us to use the facilities. This event has minimal costs if we had to cancel at the last minute. Entries will be the same as before.

The only issue we need to resolve is finding a suitable Online Entry provider, or investigate setting something up ourselves. May be useful to see if F on Sport would be resurrected.

Jenny asked Derek if we could have some posters for this event to share with Schools etc.

Full Monty – Sunday 5th December 2021 Race Director Martin Cook

In cancelling the 2020 event the ARC Permit was carried over to 2021 and we had the above 2021 date pencilled in with Ham Hill. Normally entry would open in June, however it was decided although we can publicise this event and get agreement that the event is ok we will defer setting up entries until after the current restrictions have ended. Maybe launching entries at the Haselbury Trail Race.

12. Any other Business

AGM and Club Fees:

It is understood that the clubs financial year ends in March and we would normally be holding an AGM at this time. We could look at doing something online but this would not make it accessible to all, so for now those present will look to defer the AGM to later in the year possibly July or later when things have settled down.

Those present also agree that due to the fact the clubs ability to meet up and take part in our own organised events and any other organised races to that matter that all members who paid their £10/£15 in 2020 would have this part of the membership extended to March 2022. If any of these members wish to pay the extra England Athletic Competition Registration fee then they would need to pay this (£15) which becomes due on 1st April.

New members would still need to pay the initial club membership (£15) includes Tshirt or Vest) and the £15 EA fee

Virgin London Maraton Club Place:

Martin has looked on the VLM web site and at the end of March it should be possible to apply for a club place. If successful then this would be offered to members via a ballet. The usual process for this will be offered to First Claim, paid up club members who have renewed before 1st May and who have also paid their England Athletics Competition license (the extra £15 above) and have also applied for the 2021 VLM race but have been unsuccessful with their application. Martin will find out further info later on dates we need to have submitted the entry and any tweeks we need to do dates wise, but if any members want to be considered they can contact Martin via Email.

13. Date of next Meeting Likely to be on 2nd Tuesday of the month (April) via Zoom.


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