Instructions for BRIDGE funding applicants

Previous Project Evaluation FormQuestionnaire for Evaluation of Previous Project AwardThe purpose of this evaluation form is to provide information to the California Energy Commission (CEC) on the applicant’s previous funding award. The information provided in this questionnaire will be used by CEC staff in the technical scoring of proposals received for the BRIDGE funding opportunity, GFO-20-301 released by the CEC.It is the responsibility of the BRIDGE applicant to ensure that the project performance metrics submitted in this form is verified either by a publicly available Final Project Report or the emailed confirmation (follow the instructions of Section 4) of the government project manager. Applications for which the CEC has not received a completed and verified questionnaire by the application due date will be disqualified.Instructions for BRIDGE funding applicantsComplete all sections of this form.Email the form to BRIDGE@energy. .Note: BRIDGE applicants should not send this form to CEC staff to complete and sign unless the CEC is the agency that funded the previous award.If verification is needed by the government project manager, follow-up with the previous funding agency to ensure verification is sent.Section I – Applicant InformationPlease enter the following information below regarding your proposed application to the CEC’s BRIDGE funding opportunity:Applicant Organization:Click here to enter text.Primary Contact Person:Click here to enter text.Email:Click here to enter text.Phone Number:Click here to enter text.If your organization was not the recipient of the previously funded award, please provide a brief description of your relationship to the technology and the previous recipient:Click here to enter text.Please enter the following information regarding the previously funded award:Project Agreement Number:Click here to enter text.Project Title:Click here to enter text.Recipient Name:Click here to enter text.Principle Investigator:Click here to enter text.Funding Agency:For a list of eligible funding agencies, check Section XXX of the Solicitation ManualChoose an item.Funding Agency Project Director or Authorized Representative Name:Click here to enter text.Funding Agency Project Director or Authorized Representative Phone Number:Click here to enter text.Funding Agency Project Director or Authorized Representative Email:Click here to enter text. Section 2 – Technical Performance MetricsPlease list up to five key technical performance metrics from the previous funding award. The technical goals and targets should be those that provide the most significant indicators of the technology’s potential success.For each performance metric, the applicant should provide the following information:??A short description of the?Performance Metric.?Benchmark – Current industry standard or statusPre-Project Performance – Performance demonstrated when the project was awarded?(If applicable)?The?Target Post Project Performance?describes?the high expectation that the recipient hoped to achieve beyond the benchmark.? The?Actual Post Project Performance?describes the actual performance the recipient achieved by the end of the project.?The?Evaluation?Method?that was used to assess or measure the metric or target. If not evaluated during final analysis a date of measure may be useful in this section.?The?Significance?of?the?Metric?or target to the research or technology’s success and beneficial impact.?This should address how meeting or failing to meet the performance metric might impact the project or technology on a high level.?Performance Metric Membrane CostBenchmark Performance<$10/m2Pre-Project Performance$15/m2Target Post Project Performance<$3/m2Actual Post-Project Performance$4/m2Evaluation Method-2539277-395241EXAMPLE METRIC00EXAMPLE METRICTechnoeconomic analysis informed by pilot scale up efforts and extrapolated to production scaleSignificance of MetricLower costs are necessary to drive adoptionAdditional Comments:This is an example performance metric.URL link to publicly available Final Project Report that verifies results (if results are not publicly available, emailed confirmation from government project manager is required):This is an example performance metric.Performance Metric #1Performance Metric Click here to enter text.Benchmark PerformanceClick here to enter text.Pre-Project PerformanceClick here to enter text.Target Post Project PerformanceClick here to enter text.Actual Post-Project PerformanceClick here to enter text.Evaluation MethodClick here to enter text.Significance of MetricClick here to enter text.Additional Comments:Click here to enter text.URL link to publicly available Final Project Report that verifies results (if results are not publicly available, emailed confirmation from government project manager is required):This is an example performance metric.Performance Metric #2Performance Metric Click here to enter text.Benchmark PerformanceClick here to enter text.Pre-Project PerformanceClick here to enter text.Target Post Project PerformanceClick here to enter text.Actual Post-Project PerformanceClick here to enter text.Evaluation MethodClick here to enter text.Significance of MetricClick here to enter text.Additional Comments:Click here to enter text.URL link to publicly available Final Project Report that verifies results (if results are not publicly available, emailed confirmation from government project manager is required):This is an example performance metric.Performance Metric #3Performance Metric Click here to enter text.Benchmark PerformanceClick here to enter text.Pre-Project PerformanceClick here to enter text.Target Post Project PerformanceClick here to enter text.Actual Post-Project PerformanceClick here to enter text.Evaluation MethodClick here to enter text.Significance of MetricClick here to enter text.Additional Comments:Click here to enter text.URL link to publicly available Final Project Report that verifies results (if results are not publicly available, emailed confirmation from government project manager is required):This is an example performance metric.Performance Metric #4Performance Metric Click here to enter text.Benchmark PerformanceClick here to enter text.Pre-Project PerformanceClick here to enter text.Target Post Project PerformanceClick here to enter text.Actual Post-Project PerformanceClick here to enter text.Evaluation MethodClick here to enter text.Significance of MetricClick here to enter text.Additional Comments:Click here to enter text.URL link to publicly available Final Project Report that verifies results (if results are not publicly available, emailed confirmation from government project manager is required):This is an example performance metric.Performance Metric #5Performance Metric Click here to enter text.Benchmark PerformanceClick here to enter text.Pre-Project PerformanceClick here to enter text.Target Post Project PerformanceClick here to enter text.Actual Post-Project PerformanceClick here to enter text.Evaluation MethodClick here to enter text.Significance of MetricClick here to enter text.Additional Comments:Click here to enter text.URL link to publicly available Final Project Report that verifies results (if results are not publicly available, emailed confirmation from government project manager is required):This is an example performance metric.Section 3 – Applicant Signature?I authorize a representative from the agency of the previous funding award to review and verify this questionnaire to the CEC for purposes of evaluating and scoring our application to the GFO-20-301 funding opportunity.?I authorize a representative from the agency of the previous funding award to discuss the questionnaire, as well as responses and comments to the questionnaire, with CEC staff for purposes of evaluating and scoring this application to the GFO-20-301 funding opportunity.?I understand that if I cannot provide a Final Report file or URL link that I must send this completed form to a staff person of the funding agency that provided the prior award for their signature verification. Click here to enter text.Name and title of applicant representativeRepresentative signatureClick here to enter text.DateClick here to enter text.GFO-20-301 Prime Applicant Organization NameClick here to enter text.GFO-20-301 Project TitleThe CEC may have waived the requirement for a signature on application materials for this solicitation. If a notice regarding CEC’s waiver of the signature requirement appears here: , the waiver applies to this solicitation. In the event of a conflict between the notice and any language in this solicitation regarding signatures, the notice will govern.Section 4 – Funding Agency Representative Signature (if needed)This section should be left blank unless the applicant is unable to provide a Final Project Report file or URL link that verifies the results of the project. In that case, the Applicant must complete Sections 1, 2, and 3 and supply this form to the funding agency of the previously funded project. ?I verify that the Performance Metric information stated in the sections above is correct to the best of my knowledge.?I understand that for the Applicant’s application to GFO-20-301 to be eligible, I must complete, sign Section 4 and email this form to bridge@energy.. Click here to enter text.Name, title, and organization of funding agency staff member that is familiar with the projectClick here to enter text.Funding agency staff member signatureDateThe CEC may have waived the requirement for a signature on application materials for this solicitation. If a notice regarding CEC’s waiver of the signature requirement appears here: , the waiver applies to this solicitation. In the event of a conflict between the notice and any language in this solicitation regarding signatures, the notice will govern. ................

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