Speech and Presentation Grading Rubric

NAME:__________________________________________ PERIOD: _____

Speech and Presentation Grading Rubric

Public Speaking and Oral Presentation Component on Interview Subject

| |Emerging |Developing |Advanced |Score |

| |(2 points) |(4 points) |(6 points) | |

|1. Organization |Ideas may not be focused or developed; the |Main idea is evident, but the organizational |Ideas are clearly organized, developed, and | |

| |main purpose is not clear. The introduction |structure many need to be strengthened; ideas |supported to achieve a purpose; the purpose is | |

| |is undeveloped. Main points are difficult to |may not clearly developed or always flow |clear. The introduction gets the attention of | |

| |identify. Transitions may be needed. There is|smoothly and the purpose is not clearly |the audience and clearly states the specific | |

| |no conclusion or may not be clear the |stated. The introduction may not be well |purpose of the speech. Main points are clear | |

| |presentation has concluded. Conclusion does |developed. Main points are not clear. |and organized effectively. The conclusion is | |

| |not tie back to the introduction. Audience |Transitions may be awkward. Supporting |satisfying and relates back to introduction. | |

| |cannot understand presentation because there |material may lack in development. The | | |

| |is no sequence of information. |conclusion may need additional development. | | |

|3. Audience Adaptation |The presenter is not able to keep the |The presenter is able to keep the audience |The presenter is able to effectively keep the | |

| |audience engaged. The verbal or nonverbal |engaged most of the time. When feedback |audience engaged. Material is modified or | |

| |feedback from the audience may suggest a lack|indicates a need for idea clarification, the |clarified as needed given audience verbal and | |

| |of interest or confusion. Topic selection |speaker makes an attempt to clarify or restate|nonverbal feedback. Nonverbal behaviors are | |

| |does not relate to audience needs and |ideas. Generally, the speaker demonstrates |used to keep the audience engaged. Delivery | |

| |interests. |audience awareness through nonverbal and |style is modified as needed. Topic selection | |

| | |verbal behaviors. |and examples are interesting and relevant for | |

| | | |the audience and occasion. | |

|4. Language Use |Language choices may be limited, peppered |Language used is mostly respectful or |Language is familiar to the audience, | |

|(Verbal Effectiveness) |with slang or jargon, too complex, or too |inoffensive. Language is appropriate, but word|appropriate for the setting, and free of bias; | |

| |dull. Language is questionable or |choices are not particularly vivid or precise.|the presenter may “code-switch” (use a | |

| |inappropriate for a particular audience, | |different language form) when appropriate. | |

| |occasion, or setting. Some biased or unclear | |Language choices are vivid and precise. | |

| |language may be used. | | | |

|5. Delivery |The delivery detracts from the message; eye |The delivery generally seems effective – |The delivery is extemporaneous -- natural, | |

|(Nonverbal Effectiveness) |contact may be very limited; the presenter |however, effective use of volume, eye contact,|confident, and enhances the message – posture, | |

| |may tend to look at the floor, mumble, speak |vocal control, etc. may not be consistent; |eye contact, smooth gestures, facial | |

| |inaudibly, fidget, or read most of the |some hesitancy may be observed. Vocal tone, |expressions, volume, pace, etc. indicate | |

| |speech; gestures and movements may be jerky |facial expressions, clothing and other |confidence, a commitment to the topic, and a | |

| |or excessive. The delivery may appear |nonverbal expressions do not detract |willingness to communicate. The vocal tone, | |

| |inconsistent with the message. Nonfluencies |significantly from the message. The delivery |delivery style, and clothing are consistent | |

| |(“ums”) are used excessively. Articulation |style, tone of voice, and clothing choices do |with the message. Delivery style and clothing | |

| |and pronunciation tend to be sloppy. Poise |not seem out-of-place or disrespectful to the |choices suggest an awareness of expectations | |

| |of composure is lost during any distractions.|audience or occasion. Some use of nonfluencies|and norms. Articulation and pronunciation are | |

| |Audience members have difficulty hearing the |are observed. Generally, articulation and |clear. All audience members can hear the | |

| |presentation. |pronunciation are clear. Most audience members|presentation. | |

| | |can hear the presentation. | | |

2005. Adapted with permission from Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory (1998). Total Points __________/24


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