Monday 8/24Introductions(name tents/three interesting things) (20 min)Go over procedures (10 min) classroom proceduresturning in workwebsite phsstucker.using the bathroomClose readerparticipation pointsGo over the syllabus(10 min)Riddles (5 min)____________________________________________________________________________________Tuesday 8/25Bellwork check #1#1 What do you hope this class will help you improve on? (must be at least four sentences.)WOD:1 AbatePOS: verbDefinition:Sentence: I hope that my waistline abates, so that I can fit into my jeans.Synonym:Classwork: Take notes on using context cluesContext Clues notesSynonym clueThe unfamiliar word may be similar to another word that is used in or around the sentence.Signal words: and, or, like, also…The man was burly and muscularAntonym clueThe unfamiliar word may be the opposite of another word that is used in or around the sentence.Signal words: However, but, rather, not, yet…I detest liver, but I love steakCause and effect cluesThe unfamiliar word has a causal relationship with another word or phrase that is used in or around the sentence.Signal words: Because, so, therefore, as a result…Ben worked diligently and as a result, he got into a good collegeDenotative and Connotative Meanings-Denotative- dictionary meaning-Connotative- your meaningExample 1: The word house means “a structure one lives in” or “residence” (Denotative)Example 2: A mansion is a house, but it includes the idea of being very large or expensive. A hut is also a house, but it is known for being small and made of simple materials. (Connotative)Example 3: Connotative definitions can be positive or negative. Give me a positive and negative connotation for the word smell.Prefixes, Suffixes, and Root Words-Prefix- Before-Suffix- end-Root- the base wordExample 1: I go for walk each day after lunch. Getting some exercise helps rejuvenate my mind and body.What does the word rejuvenate mean?keep safemake freshkeep healthyrelaxre-againJuven-youngate- make/causeMultiple meaningsHomonyms are words that may or may not share the same spelling and sound the same, but have different meaningsFair- County fairor Fair- reasonable Pear-fruitorPair- couple Example 1: After two warm weeks in March, we were surprised by a cold snap that made us shiver in April.What does the word snap mean in this sentence?break in twoutter sharp wordssomething that is easysudden spell of weatherHomework:Context clues practiceDirections: On your own paper, write down your own definition of the word and which clue was used to help you come up with the definition. (some may use more than one clue)The girl who used to be very vociferous doesn’t talk much anymore.Especially in stressful times, giving your mind a break is a great idea.His pertinacity, or stubbornness, is the cause of most of his trouble.If two people are not getting along, they might be able to daydream, or visualize, ways in which they could reconcile.Rather than be involved in clandestine meetings, they did everything quite openly.Wednesday 8/26Bellwork check #1#2 Use context clues to determine the bold words. Write down your own definition and the context clue you use to help you determine the unknown word.Two new girls started school this week. Beth has a gregarious personality. Jenna is rather quiet.The mower in the dew had loved them thus, by leaving them to flourish…The girl was churlish- rude, sullen and absolutely ill-mannered.Because the conflagration was aided by wind, it was so destructive that every building in the area was completely burned to the ground.Katie appeared infallible in math because she had never gotten a problem wrong.WOD:#2 AcquiescencePOS: NounDefinition:Sentence: He was acquiescent to his boss’s demands.Synonym:Classwork:What does it mean to analyze?Read and give background on What, of This Goldfish, would you Wish? Page 3Vocab/context clue and Analyze character and point of view Vocab/context cluesWordKey word(s)ClueDefinitionAnalyzing character and point of viewDraw conclusions about the kind of person you think Yoni is. (lines 1-13)Reread the first two paragraphs. Summarize what you know so far about Yoni’s project.Cite details that help you fully understand Yoni’s character and intentions. Evaluate the following line, “No prep, no plotting, natural as can be…” ln 25. (lines 14-26)Read the last three paragraphs on page 4. Identify the cultural backgrounds of some of the characters. Why might the author include people from different backgrounds? (lines 31-47)What does Sergei want from life? Give textual evidence to support your claim. (lines 60-72)Are Yoni and Sergei communicating well with one another? Cite text to support their view on what is going on. (lines 73-77)What do Sergei’s actions tell you about his personality? How do Sergei’s actions contrast with Yoni’s first impression of Sergei? What is the effect? (lines 83-100)Cite and identify an example of an understatement. What does this tell you about Sergei’s character? (lines 104-113)Reread lines 124-127 and explain what new information is revealed about Sergei’s character. (lines 124-127)What do Sergei’s first two wishes reveal about his character?What literary element does the author use to tell us about Sergei’s wishes? What effect does this have? (lines 135-144)Cite evidence from the text that reveals the type of relationship that Sergei and the fish have. What does this say about Sergei? (lines 159-166)What have you learned about Jews and Arabs living in Israel? Why does Yoni think the Arab he finds is so perfect for his film?Begin reading and taking notes on What, of This Goldfish, Would You Wish? Page 3_____________________________________________________________________________________Thursday 8/27Bellwork check #1#3 If you were granted three wishes, what would you wish for? Why? (must be at least four sentences.)WOD#3 AmorphousPOS:Definition:Sentence: Clouds have an amorphous form.Synonym: Classwork:Review what we have read so far.Continue to read, analyze, and find vocabulary in “What, of This Goldfish, Would You Wish? Page 4 -page 5 line 77Exit slip:Predict what you think will happen next in the story. (must be at least three sentences.)_____________________________________________________________________________________Friday 8/28Bellwork Check #1#4 What is a subject? What is a predicate?Directions: Write down each sentence. Circle the subject and underline the predicate.I write poetry on rainy afternoons.The performance was impressive.Mark laughed loudly at my lame joke.Eduardo was absent for three days last week.The sirens woke us in the dead of night.WOD#4 Anguish POS: NounDefinition:Sentence: The death of my aunt brought grief, anguish, and pain!Synonym: Classwork:Continue reading, analyzing, and finding vocabulary in “What, of This Goldfish, Would You Wish?” page 5 line 78 to page 7 line 152.Riddles?_____________________________________________________________________________________Monday 8/31Bellwork check #1#5 Based on What you know about Sergei from the text, what do you think his last wish would have been? Why do you think he was waiting so long to use his last wish? (must be at least four sentences.)WOD:#5 AloofPOS: adverbDefinition:Sentence: The new kid in our school is aloof and does not talk to anyone.Synonym: Classwork:Finish reading and analyzing “What, of This Goldfish, Would You Wish?” page 8 to the end._____________________________________________________________________________________Tuesday 9/1Bellwork check #1#6 What is an Adjective?Directions: Write down the adjective(s) for each sentence.This old computer is worthless.She is my favorite cousin.The excited child ran along the busy sidewalk.Shelly ate her cold pizza in the morning.The petty thief entered stealthily. WOD:#6 Ardent POS: Adjective Definition:Sentence: You will never lose weight if you are not ardent about looking good and living a healthy lifestyle. Synonym: Classwork:“What, of This Goldfish, Would You Wish?” QuestionsBreak the students up into pairsHave the students write their name down on a sheet of paper.Put analyzing the text questions in one bowl and put the student’s names in another.Have a student draw a random question.Project the question for the class to see.Have the students work in pairs to discuss the question and come up with an answer. (everyone must write this down on their own paper)Have another volunteer come up a draw a person’s name. That person must share their response.Discuss the response as a class.Wednesday 9/2Bellwork check #1#7 Describe your favorite character in a story. Try to incorporate as many colorful adjectives as you can! (must be at least four sentences.)WOD#7 Assiduous POS: AdjectiveDefinition:Sentence: Sue has all A’s because she is an assiduous student. Synonym: Classwork:Finish answering the goldfish questions_____________________________________________________________________________________Thursday 9/3Bellwork Check #1#8 What is a sentence fragment? What is it missing?Directions: List the following examples as F for fragment or S for sentence. If the example is a fragment, correct it to make it a complete sentence.When you are ready.The lake is beautiful.The bird in the air.Tina laughed loudly.I don’t like. WOD#8 Avarice POS: nounDefinition:Sentence: Motivated by avarice, the employee stole thousands of dollars from the company vault. Synonym: Classwork:Brainstorm:The story just kind of ended. What are something’s that you would like to know? What are some unanswered questions?Create a new endingThe story left us guessing, how would you create a new ending to the story to help with a lot of those unanswered questions?-Must include a WOD-Must answer at least one unanswered question-Include colorful adjectives-Must be at least a paragraph (five sentences)3. Share some of your new endings4. Exit slip:Draw a picture that represents your new ending. (It must include color!)Friday 9/4Bellwork check #1#9 What or who motivates you? (must be at least four sentences.)WOD#9 AtonePOS: VerbDefinition:Sentence: The manager tried to atone for the bad service by offering me a complimentary dessert. Synonym: Classwork:Discuss direct and indirect characterization.Indirect characterization shows who a character is based on what he/she does and says, while direct characterization tells the reader or audience exactly what type of person that character is. The Five Methods of Indirect CharacterizationTo remember the five methods of indirect characterization, think of the word STEAL. It stands for the five methods:Speech: What does the character say and how does he/she speak?Thoughts: What is shown about the character through his/her private thoughts and feelings?Effect: What effect does the character have on other people? How do they feel or react to him/her?Actions: What does the character do? How does the character act in different situations?Looks: What does the character's appearance say about his/her personality?Direct and indirect characterization worksheet.Homework: Indirect and direct characterization Practice #2Directions: On a separate sheet of paper, rewrite each of the indirect characterization examples as an direct characterization.Indirect: The man’s clothes were filthy, probably since he’d been sleeping on newspapers all night.Indirect: Martha warned Toby, “She’ll never know who broke the window unless somebody says something.”Indirect: Jorge’s neighbor Suzy said, “Jorge is too smart to fall for such a dumb trick.”Indirect: When she heard her baby crying last night, she just gritted her teeth and turned up her IPod.Indirect: Tim croaked, “I’ll go start the car, “ and ran away because somebody tried to start a fight with his friend.Tuesday 9/8Bellwork check #2#1 Grammatically correct the following student example:After I surprizingly kill this boy I decided to chop his small little body. There was really no avarice to kill him.WOD#10 Atrocious POS: AdjDefinition:Sentence: The two year old’s behavior was so atrocious that mom did not buy her an ice cream cone.Synonym:Classwork:Review concepts from last class.Gather background on “The Wife’s Story” page 3 in the Close ReaderRead and complete the activities for “The Wife’s Story” page 3-4 line 21 in the Close Reader.Get into groups of fourUnderlineCircleMargin notesVocab_____________________________________________________________________________________Wednesday 9/9Bellwork Check #2#2 “What of This Goldfish, Would You Wish”, had a crazy twist in the story. “The “Wife’s Story” will also have a crazy twist. Predict what the twist will be. (Your response must be at least four sentences.)WOD:#1 BelligerentPOS: AdjDefinition:Sentence: Since my sister is a belligerent driver who honks her horn and yells at other drivers, I try to avoid riding with her. Synonym:Classwork:“A” words testThursday 9/10Bellwork check #2#3 What is the difference between a sentence fragment and a run on?Directions: Write R if the sentence is a run-on and C if the sentence is complete.Scott asked us to help set up the festival, we were glad to help.Many folk dances exist and nearly every culture has its own dances.Ballet is a classical form of dance; it has been performed for hundreds of years.Today, we think of the waltz and polka as ballroom dances.Every year, the local dance community holds a festival it celebrates the many different kinds of dance.WOD:#2 BemusedPOS: VerbDefinition:Sentence: After listening to the long drawn out lecture, Sue was still bemused about the topic. Synonym:Classwork:Review what we read yesterday.Continue reading, answering questions, and taking notes on “The Wife’s Story” page 4 line 22- page 5Riddles?Friday 9/11Bellwork Check #2#4 Would you do anything to protect your family? Explain. (Your response must be at least four sentences long.)WOD:#3 BenevolentPOS: AdjDefinition:Sentence: Feeding the homeless is a benevolent act. Synonym: Classwork:Continue close reading “The Wife’s Story” page 5 line 59-6Make-up work?Monday 9/14Bellwork Check #2#5 Coordinating Conjunctions connect words, phrases, or clauses.Coordinating Conjunctionsand but or nor yet so for Directions: Complete the sentences below by writing coordinating conjunctions in the blanks provided.He wanted to move fast, ______________ he took off his shoes _____________ socks. Who threw the stone, the boy ______________ the monkey?The monkey caught the stone _______________ threw it back.The stone hit me, ____________ I bled, ______________ I wasn’t upset. WOD:#4 BereavePOS: VerbDefinition:Sentence: The hurricane left the city bereaved.Synonym:Classwork:Finish close reading “The Wife’s Story” page 7-8Tuesday 9/15Bellwork Check #2#6 What did you think about “The Wife’s Story”? Were you confused? Why? Why not? Would you recommend this story to a peer? Explain (Must be at least four sentences.)WOD:#5 BequeathPOS: VerbDefinition:Sentence: When my aunt died, she bequeathed her house to my mom.Synonym: Classwork:Analyzing the characters in “The Wife’s Story” (include at least one quote per section.HusbandWifeAt the beginning:How did they act?How did they interact?What motivated them? the end:How did they act?How did they interact?What motivated them? the short response question on page 8 in your close reader.-Your response must be at least four sentences-You must include at least one WOD-You must include at least one quote. Wednesday 9/16Bellwork check #2#7 Grammatically correct the student example:It give a different and unexpected twist. keeping the reader confused but interested. At the begining you think she’s human. But at the end you realize she’s a wolf. “My sister jumped on him and ripped out his throat. WOD:#6 BesetPOS: verbDefinition:Sentence: Ever since the library installed new sensors, the book stealing problems that had beset them for years began to abate. Synonym: Classwork:Read the background for the trailer to “My So-Called Enemy” page 13View the trailer to “My So-Called Enemy”Partner questionsWith a partner, discuss the overall feeling or impression you take from the trailer. Identify how the director created this overall impression, cite specific shots or media techniques to support your ideas. View the first 29 seconds of the trailer again. Identify elements that set the time and place.View the first 1:05 minutes of the trailer again and identify the director’s purpose.With your partner, come up with three questions that pertain to the film.Thursday 9/17Bellwork check #2#8 Do you think our society depends on the media too much? Explain (Your response must be at least four sentences.)WOD:#7 Brandish POS: VerbDefinition:Sentence: The robber came in brandishing a gun.Synonym: Classwork:Review the trailer “My So-Called Enemy” Complete an evidence/inferences chartInferencesEvidenceAnalyzing the Media questions page 14Friday 9/18Bellwork check #3#9 A dash can indicate an abrupt break or change in thought within a sentence. Dashes are often used in poetry and to emphasize supplemental information.Directions: Write the word that the dash goes in front of.Hunting it’s become a controversial topic is politically incorrect in some circles.Endangered species the gray wolf is one are off limits to hunters.Some more popular game deer for example must be hunted only during set seasons.Those who hunt animals illegally got profit are despicable I know you will agree on this point.WOD:#8 BrusquePOS: AdjDefinition:Sentence: He was brusque and candid, two traits she hadn’t yet gotten use to.Synonym: Classwork: View the “My So-Called Enemy” trailer again. Get with a partner (choose someone different from the last time.)Do you think that face-to-face interactions can help resolve conflicts? Express your view in a short speech. View the performance task at the bottom of page 14One partner will be pro face to face interactions. The other will be against face to face interactions. Write a paragraph argument expressing and supporting your ideas. Constructive: Grab my attention (hook)Introduce the topic (background)Thesis statementCross Examination:Come up with five questions (No yes or no answers)Try to make the other side seem weak!Rebuttal:Discuss anything that was brought up during the cross examinationDefend you side!Monday 9/21Bellwork check #3#1 A compound sentence has two or more main clauses separated by a comma and a coordinating conjunction (and, but, or, nor, yet, so, for).Directions:After each pair of sentences, write the coordinating conjunction that would appropriately combine the two ideas into a compound sentence.Hunting is one of the most ancient human activities. It may have outlived its usefulness. Early humans depended on hunting to survive. They had not domesticated animals.People were nomadic. They had to travel to where game could be found.Like other animals, they had to kill animals and forage for plants. They would starve. WOD: #9 BegrudgePOS: VerbDefinition:Sentence: Sue was begrudged of Sally because she had a new diamond necklace.Synonym:Classwork:Conduct the debatesTuesday 9/22Bellwork check #3#2 Reflect on your debate. Was your debate powerful? Why? Why not? If you could do anything differently what would you do? Explain. If not, why not? WOD:#10 BroachPOS: VerbDefinition:Sentence: Candace was afraid to broach the subject of divorce to her abusive husband.Synonym: Classwork:Continue to conduct debatesWednesday 9/23Bellwork Check #3#3 A subordinate clause has a subject and verb but must be joined to another clause to make sense. A subordinate clause begins with a subordinating conjunction (after, as if, because, before, if, so long, as, though, unless, until, when, while, etc.) A comma sets off a subordinate clause placed at the beginning of a sentence.Directions: Underline each subordinate clause, and circle each subordinating conjunction.Unless you state your viewpoint clearly, you cannot hope to persuade someone.No one is going to agree with your opinion just because you state it.After you select evidence, you should check its accuracy in up to date sources.WOD:#1 Capitulate POS: VerbDefinition:Sentence: Greatly outnumbered, the soldiers had no alternative but to capitulate to their enemies. Synonym:Classwork:“B” words testFinish DebatesThursday 9/24Bellwork Check #3#4 Why do you think some students don’t like to stand for the pledge of allegiance? Do you think students should be forced to stand? Explain. (Your response must be at least four sentences.)WOD:#2 CessationPOS: VerbDefinition:Sentence: The arrival of several police cruisers brought a quick cessation to the gang fight.Synonym: Classwork:Finish debates Paraphrasing and summarizing powerpoint notesDOK questionsFriday 9/25Bellwork Check #4#5 What is the difference between paraphrasing and summarizing? When would you need to paraphrase? How is paraphrasing beneficial? Explain. (Your response must be at least four sentences.) WOD:#3 ClemencyPOS: NounDefinition: Sentence: The killer’s wife begged the judge to give her husband clemency so he would be out of prison before she died. Synonym:Classwork:Complete lesson 101: The Writing Process: Editing page 317(Red grammar workbooks) Take out a sheet of paper, write your name, date, and period in the top right corner.Read the directionsComplete exercises one-four page 317-318 (Be sure to copy the sentences on your own paper. Turn in your work at the end of the period. (Even if it is not completed!)Monday 9/28Bellwork check #3#6 Quotation marks are used to enclose the actual words that a person speaks. In dialogue, new quotation marks are used each time a quote is interrupted or the speaker changes.Directions: Add quotation marks where appropriateThe police officer said, I stopped you because you were speeding.How fast was I going? She asked. I thought that the speed limit was fifty five miles per hour.The fine for speeding, replied the officer, is fifty dollars. WOD: #4 CommunePOS: VerbDefinition:Sentence: Some students commune with their friends during lunch. Synonym: Classwork:Read background on “from Texas v. Johnson Majority Opinion” page 152.Read and begin answering questions on “from Texas v. Johnson Majority Opinion”QuestionsVocabGenerated questions (At least four)Vocab questions“From Texas v. Johnson Majority Opinion” QuestionsParaphrase the first paragraph. (lines 1-6)Reread the second paragraph. Identify the phrase that indicates that the court does not think encouraging proper treatment of the flag is the same as legally requiring proper treatment of the flag. Cite lines in which Justice Brennan applies Holmes’s idea to the current case. (lines 20-25)“From Texas v. Johnson Majority Opinion” vocab questions:Explain the compulsion regarding the flag in Texas V. JohnsonHow does Brennan use the state’s implicit assumptions to support his argument?Justice Brennan says that they Court’s opinion endorses the principles that the flag symbolizes. Why does Justice Brennan make this reaffirmation?Explain Justice Brennan’s use of the word “resilience in” and it is that resilience that we reassert” (line 35)Tuesday 9/29Bellwork check #3#7 Subject verb agreementDirections: Choose the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subjectAnnie and her brother (is, are) at school.The dog or the cat (is, are) outside.There (was, were) fifteen candles in that bag. Now there (is, are ) only one left!(Is, Are) the tweezers in this drawer?The players, as well as the captain, (want, wants) to win.WOD:#5 CommiseratePOS: VerbDefintion: Sentence: After the death of her brother, she went to commiserate with her family at the funeral.Synonym:Classwork:Finish “from Texas v. Johnson Majority Opinion” group work.Wednesday 9/30Bellwork check #3#8 What was the court’s decision in the Johnson case? What was their reasoning behind this decision? Do you agree or disagree with their decision? Explain. (Your response must be at least four sentences long.)WOD:#6 Complacent POS: adjDefinition:Sentence: Complacent with her weight loss, Grace decided to buy new clothes.Synonym: Classwork:Answer the analyzing the text questions on page 17 1-5Thursday 10/1Bellwork check #3# 9 The first amendment forbids Congress from interfering with a citizen’s freedom of religion, speech, assembly, or petition. Do you think that we truly have first amendment rights in school? Explain. (Your response must be at least four sentences.)WOD:#7 CowPOS: VerbDefinition:Sentence: A sharp glare from their mother cowed the children into being quietSynonym:Classwork:Make-up workFriday 10/2Bellwork Check #3#10 FreewriteWOD:#8 Credulity POS:NounDefinition:Sentence: My friend’s credulity is so extreme that whenever I say it’s raining cats and dogs, she goes to look.Synonym: Classwork: Connotative PowerpointConnotative notes/practiceMonday 10/5Bellwork check #4#1 Semicolon. A semicolon is used to join independent clauses that are related. A semicolon may also be used to separate items in a series when the items already contain commas.Directions: Write the word that the semicolon goes after.In January 1848, John W. Marshall discovered gold at Sutter’s Mill within a year the population of California had surpassed 100,000.Most of the newcomers were single young men many were criminals seeking quick riches.Mining camps were rough, tough places speculation, claim jumping, wild spending, and loose living held sway.Jim isn’t here now he hasn’t been here all day.Thomas Edison was a gifted inventor he also improved on the inventions of others.WOD:# 9 Castigate POS: VerbDefinition:Sentence: Nick was castigated for skipping class.Synonym: Classwork:Begin reading “American Flag Stands for Tolerance” page 18 (partner work)Sentence summariesAnswer questionsHow does Allen’s use of slaughtered instead of killed reveals his attitude towards the subject?Why is banning flag burning considered governmental orthodoxy?Give an example of how Americans demonstrate their belief in the sanctity of the human conscience.Cite evidence Allen uses to support his argument that freedom of conscience is of profound importance to Americans.Reread lines 46-51 and identify the emotional language Allen uses to help make his point. Aggravated Allen understands that those who disagree with the flag-burning decision might see a contradiction in his argument. Explain how the dissenters of the case might find Allen’s opinion ironic.What inference can you make after reading lines 69-76? Identify text evidence to support your inference. What is a fallacy? Were any of Allen’s statements in the last paragraph examples of fallacy? Explain.Tuesday 10/6Bellwork check #4#2 What is the best way to express your opinion? How can you convince someone to join your side? What are some things that people would need in order to be swayed to join your side? Explain. (Your response must be at least four sentences.)WOD:#10 Conflagration POS: NounDefinition:Sentence: The conflagration burned down the entire store.Synonym: Classwork:Finish partner work on “American Flag Stands for Tolerance”Wednesday 10/7 Bellwork Check #4#3 Colon. A colon often announces a list. A colon can also introduce a sentence that illustrates or explains what preceded.Directions: Write down the word that goes before the colon.Astrology and astronomy should not be confused the former is the study of positions and movements of heavenly bodies as they affect people, and the latter is the science dealing with all heavenly bodies in the universe.Astrology is an ancient art practiced by the following people Egyptians, Hindus, Chinese, and Chaldeans. Marissa greatly admires the work of the following modern artists Henry Moore, Louise Nevelson, and Willem de Kooning. Three clues suggested that the thief was in a hurry the open window, the muddy footprints on the rug, and a broken vase next to the table. The mournful tune began with this line “Yesterday is but a sweet memory.”WOD: #1 Deference POS: verbDefinition:Sentence: After weeks of begging, Kyle finally shaved off his Mohawk in deference to his Grandmothers pleading. Synonym:Classwork:“C” words testThursday 10/8Bellwork Check #4#4 In your opinion, why are some people better writers than others? Explain. Are you a confident writer? Why? Why not?WOD:#2 Derision POS: nounDefinition:Sentence: John is the derision in the class because it is easy for everyone to pick on him. Synonym:Classwork:Discuss the layout of an informational essay page 36-37Friday 10/9Bellwork Check #4#5 Apostrophes are marks of punctuation that can be used for several different purposes.Apostrophes can be used to show possession.Sue’s favorite placeApostrophes can be used to show that letters or numbers have been omitted, as in standard contractions or dates.Couldn’t (could not)’37 (1937)Apostrophes can be used to represent dialogue.Doin’ (Doing)Directions: For each item below, write the number of the sentence that tells why the apostrophe was used.My sister’s face‘83Goin’Here’sElephant’s ears WOD#3 Derogatory POS: AdjDefinition:Sentence: To a mentally disabled person, the term “retarded” is viewed as a derogatory word.Synonym:Classwork:Review the layout of an informative essay and the rubric.Go over the rubric of an informative essayMonday 10/12Session One of the Benchmark Assessment Tuesday 10/13Session Two of the Benchmark Assessment Wednesday 10/14Bellwork Check #4#6 What is the difference between informative and argumentative writing? Which type do you prefer to write? Explain. (Your response must be at least four sentences.)WOD:#4 DesolatePOS: AdjDefinition:Sentence: At 2:30 on a Friday, the school was desolate of students.Synonym:Classwork:Read and take notes on the student examples.Thursday 10/15Bellwork check #4#7 Clause. A clause is a group of words with a subject and a predicate. A main clause can stand alone as a complete sentence. A subordinate clause cannot stand alone as a sentence. Direction: Write down each sentence. Underline the main clause once and the subordinate clause twice.When I reached college, I learned the specifics of slavery.The sea had been a fearful place for people who could not swim.I learned last summer that Lydia couldn’t swim that well. WOD:#5 DestitutePOS: AdjDefinition:Sentence: If you do not save your money when you are young, you may be destitute when you are old.Synonym: Classwork:Choose one essay and score it using the rubric below. Write comments in each box.Categories 5Exceptional4 Skilled3 Proficient2Developing1InadequateFocusDevelopmentAudienceCohesionLanguage and StyleConventionsTerminology of informative texts page 42Friday 10/16Bellwork check #4#8 Out of the three formats for an informative essay, which one do you think you would use? Explain. (Your response must be at least four sentences.) -Point by Point-Subject by Subject-Chronological Order or Order of importanceWOD:#6 DetainedPOS: VerbDefinition:Sentence: After being detained by the police for questioning, he was released without being charge.Synonym:Classwork:Begin Reading, highlighting, taking notes, and answering questions on: “Giant Squid”, “Zombie Worms Drill Whale Bones with Acid”, “Trip into Blackness”, and “Deep-Sea Vents”. Page 45-47Monday 10/19Bellwork check #4#9 Adverb. An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.Directions: For each sentence write down the adverb and the word it modifies.The waitress shook her head emphatically.The restaurant offered very little choice.Only rarely could townspeople afford to eat in restaurants.Even grocery stores were poorly stocked. WOD:#7 DismayPOS: VerbDefinition:Sentence: We expressed anger and dismay when we arrived at the hotel and learned that our room had been given to another family.Synonym:Classwork:Respond to Questions on Step 2 sources page 48-49Planning and Prewriting page 50Tuesday 10/20Bellwork check #4#10 FreewriteWOD:#8 DissipatePOS: VerbDefinition:Sentence: When she turned on the light, the roaches dissipated. Synonym:Classwork:Write an outline for your essay page 52Begin writing your introductionWednesday 10/21No Bellwork!WOD: #9 DoughtyPOS: AdjDefinition:Sentence: Many cancer survivors are considered to be doughty.Synonym:Classwork:Begin writing your body paragraphsThursday 10/22No Bellwork!WOD: #10 DepravePOS: VerbDefinition:Sentence: According to my pastor, having sex before marriage is a depraved act.Synonym:Classwork:Continue to write your body paragraphsWork on any make up work. All make-up work is due today.Friday 10/23WOD: #1 EbbingPOS: VerbDefinition:Sentence: The ebbing body could be smelled from miles away. Synonym:Classwork:“D” words testTuesday 10/27Bellwork Check #1#1 How would you rate your rough draft? Give me three positive and two negative things about your essay.WOD:#2 Eccentric POS: AdjDefinition:Sentence: The student who wears all black and never talks to anyone is considered to be an eccentric person.Synonym:Classwork:Write your conclusionComplete the Revision Checklist: Self Evaluation page 53Wednesday 10/28Bellwork check #1#2 The subject and verb of a sentence must agree in number and person, even if they are separated by phrases that modify the subject.Directions: Write down the noun and then the correct verb for each sentencePoets, often focused on their inspiration, (appears, appear) out of touch with everyday life to some people.The speaker in the poem “For Poets” (reminds, remind) poets to live fully in the here and now. Writers, who capture an experience, (observes, observe) the world keenly. Our society of fast-forward individuals (zips, zip) along without appreciation for the beauty and richness of life.The vitality of the humblest of fields (is, are) a remarkable thing to a writer. WOD:#3 ElatedPOS: AdjDefinition:Sentence: Jack was elated to have a three day weekend!Synonym: Classwork:Revision Checklist: Peer Review page 54Score a peer’s essay using the informative rubric below:Categories 5Exceptional4 Skilled3 Proficient2Developing1InadequateFocusDevelopmentAudienceCohesionLanguage and StyleConventionsThursday 10/29Bellwork Check #1#3 How do you feel about rough drafts? Do you think that students should be forced to rewrite their essays? Explain. (Your response must be at least four sentences.)WOD:#4 EmaciatePOS: verbDefinition:Sentence: Because some sick animals refuse to eat, many of them become emaciated.Synonym:Classwork:Finish Peer editing Revise/rewrite your essayFriday 10/30Bellwork Check #1#4 Grammatically correct the following student example:Zombie worms, Giant Squid, and Yeti crab. Doesn’t all those name sound weird but cool to you? All of these animals are unique in some way. They’re all have Different Habitat, Appearance, Diet, Predators, Age and reproduction. I think All of these three animals are speacal in some ways. Speaical in ways that make them who they are.WOD:#5 EmbarkPOS: VerbDefinition:Sentence: Over the summer my family and I plan on embarking to new and different places.Synonym:Classwork:Define and give me an example for the following terms:Onomatopoeia9. OxymoronGenre10. ColloquialismHyperbole11.EuphemismSymbol 12. ToneParody13. AlliterationParadox14. DenotationAnalogy 15. ConnotationPersonification 16. AllusionHomework: Figurative language handoutMonday 11/2Benchmark Writing Assessment!Tuesday 11/3Benchmark Writing Assessment!Wednesday 11/4Benchmark Writing Assessment!Thursday 11/5Bellwork Check #1#5 Do you think that you would be able to adapt and survive in any environment? Explain. (Your response must be at least four sentences.)WOD:#6 EndurePOS: VerbDefinition:Sentence: Billy had to endure six months of chemotherapy. Synonym:Classwork:Read the background on “Called Out” page 51Begin reading, writing sentence summaries, and answering questions on “Called Out” page 51-52Summary SentenceQuestionsVocab questionsContext Clue“Called Out” questions:Read the opening paragraph. Identify the idea Kingsolver will explore and its significance.Reread lines 2-8 and find examples of connotative language. How do these words affect the reader?Cite examples of nonscientific reasons for the desert’s flowering. How do these references help shape Kingsolver’s central idea?How does Kingsolver’s use of dialogue advance her purpose and affects the reader?Find two examples of personification in the first paragraph. How does this language affect how the reader perceives this information?How does Kingsolver’s tone shift in lines 70-80? Cite examples of scientific language. What is the main idea of this paragraph?Cite specific strategies desert ephemerals use to survive. What is the main idea in this section?Cite two examples of figurative language in the last paragraph. “Called Out” vocabulary questions:-Answer the following questions and write what context clue helped you determine the vocabulary word.Identify what botanical treasures the author finds. Why might people from other climes be puzzled by the excitement?Why is it difficult for desert dwellers to prognosticate the arrival of spring foliage?What benefaction do desert seeds receive?Describe one way ephemerals have adapted to their environment.Friday 11/6Bellwork check #1#6 An irregular verb is a verb that does not form its past tense and past participle by adding –ed. Sometimes when dialect is used, grammatical errors in the past tense of irregular verbs occur.PresentKnowSeeSayThinkPastKnewSawSaidThoughtDirections: Write the correct past-tense form of each irregular verb.I never heared such a tall story before.I thinked the catfish tasted good. Huck, I run away from the Widow Douglas.When the slave trader come, I knowed it was time to leave.You been a good friend to help me.WOD:#7 Exasperate POS: VerbDefinition:Sentence: The exasperated bus driver refused to leave the school until all of the students were quiet.Synonym: Classwork:Contiue reading, writing sentence summaries, and answering the questions for “Called Out”.Monday 11/9Bellwork Check #1#7 Commas are used to set off an introductory word, a noun of direct address, or an interjection when it appears at the beginning of a sentence.Examples:Indeed, it is a strange time. (Introductory word)Casca, I would like to speak with you. (Noun of direct address)Oh, what do these portents mean? (Interjection)Directions: Write down each sentence. Add comas where they are needed. Tell me why the comma should be used.Nay I beseech you sir, be not out with me.Rome thou hast lost the breed of noble bloods!No it is Casca, one incorporate to our attempts.O he sits high in all the people’s hearts.WOD:#8 Exemplary POS: AdjDefinition:Sentence: Because Jim’s website is exemplary, I used it as a template for my own site.Synonym:Classwork:Finish reading and complete the four column chart.Tuesday 11/10Bellwork check #1#8 What is the difference between objective and subjective writing? What do each include? Which do you prefer to read or write? Explain. (Your response must be at least four sentences.)WOD:#9 ExpungePOS: VerbDefinition:Sentence: Becky wishes she could expunge her crazy ex-husband from her memory.Synonym:Classwork:PLAN Testing Wednesday 11/11No School Veteran’s Day!Thursday 11/12Bellwork Check #1#9 Some adjectives and adverbs have irregular comparative and superlative forms. Examples:Comparative Superlative Good BetterBestBadWorseWorstFarFartherFarthestMuchMoreMostDirections: Choose the correct word for each sentence.Last Friday was the (worse, worst) day of my life.Which planet is (farther, farthest) from Earth?Is white or black (less, least) likely to absorb heat?I think Saturday is the (more, most) enjoyable day of the week.WOD:#10 ExtraneousPOS: AdjDefinition:Sentence: Because of so many extraneous details in the instructions, Dad wasn’t able to put the toy together in time for Christmas morning.Synonym:Classwork:Figurative, Connotative, and Technical language in “Called out”Complete the chart below:FigurativeConnotativeTechnical Write an extended response to the question below:In what way is the desert bloom even more impressive when viewed with an awareness of the underlying science? What are the complex ways desert plants ensure their survival? Cite specific textual evidence to support your ideasThings you must include:-At least five sentences-At least one WOD-One example of figurative language-At least one quote from the reading.2. Peer edit and revise your extended response.Friday 11/13Bellwork check #1#10 FreewriteWOD:#1 FacetiousPOS: AdjDefinition:Sentence: Ms. Tucker was being facetious when she told Jason that they could go out on a date.Classwork:“E” words TestComplete the analyzing the text questions page 56 Monday 11/16Bellwork Check #2#1 The words affect and effect are often confused. Affect is a verb meaning “to influence” or “to impress.” Effect is a verb meaning “to accomplish” or a noun meaning “the result of an action.”Examples:The decision of the conspirators will affect (influence) history.What effect (result of an action) did the decision have on Brutus?How did the conspirators effect (accomplish) Caesar’s death?Directions: Write the word that correctly completes each sentence.The rejoicing in Caesar’s honor had a negative (affect, effect) on Murellus.Did the soothsayer’s warning (affect, effect) Caesar?Cassius’s looks had an (affect, effect) on Caesar?Did the conspirators (affect, effect) a desirable change?WOD:#2 FathomPOS: verbDefinition:Sentence: I can’t fathom how anyone could fail this class.Synonym:Classwork:Read the background for writing about the sea page 17 in the close reader.Read about the authors of “Starfish” and “Sea Stars” page 17Read and complete the activities for “Starfish” page 18-19 Tuesday 11/17Bellwork Check #2#2 Fill out the KWL chart on the Everglades and/or PythonsKnowWant to learnLearned WOD:#3 FeasiblePOS: adjDefinition:Sentence: If Chris can get a girlfriend, anything is feasible! Synonym: Classwork:Read the background on “In Defense of Everglade Pythons” page 23 in the close reader.Read and complete the activities for Emma Marris: In Defense of Everglade Pythons page 23 in the close reader.Wednesday 11/18Bellwork Check #2#3 A comma is used to set off an introductory adverb clause. Most adverb clauses begin with a subordinating conjunction such as although, because, since, unless, when, while, or if.Example:If (subordinate conjunction) this were true, then should I know this secret (introductory adverb clause).Directions: Write down the sentence. Underline the adverb clause. Circle the subordinating conjunction. Add a comma where it is needed.When the taper is lighted come and call me here.When beggars die there are no comets seen.Because I love you I will let you know. WOD:#4 FeyPOS: NounDefinition:Sentence: Some people may think that vampires and werewolves are fey.Synonym:Classwork:Review the plot diagram, theme, and imagery.Read background on Margaret Atwood page 71Beginning reading “My Life as a Bat” page 71-72 Reincarnation and answer questions 1-3“My life as a Bat” Questions:Scan the first page and explain how this story’s structure is similar to a traditional one and how it is different.Cite text evidence that tells about the characters.The main character is a human. Point out text evidence that lets us know this.Read lines 18-29 and identify one simile and one metaphor. Explain what each example means. Examine lines 38-46 for detailed imagery. Identify images that the writer uses and their effects.Look back at sections one and two and identify the information presented in them. Explain why the writer chose to tell the story in this order.Identify and explain the writer’s use of detailed descriptions that reveal the narrator’s tone toward humans in lines 80-93.Identify examples of figurative language in lines 106-119 that help to support the idea that the narrator believes bats and their lives are beautiful. State a theme of the story and cite textual evidence that supports your response.Thursday 11/19Bellwork Check #2#4 Define Theme. How can you find the theme of a story? What do you think is the theme of “My life as a Bat”? Explain how you came up with this theme. (Your response must be at least four sentences.) WOD:#5 Finite POS: AdjDefinition:Sentence: Unfortunately, there are a finite number of students who have “A’s” in this class.Synonym:Classwork:Continue to read and answer questions to “My Life as a Bat” page 72-73 Nightmares and Vampire Films. Answer questions 4-6.Friday 11/20Bellwork Check #2#5 A comma is used between words, phrases, or clauses in a series. A comma is used before the coordinating conjunction.Example: Brutus, Cassius, Casca, and others conspired to kill Caesar.Directions: Write down the sentences and add commas where they are needed.Brutus Cassius and their armies were camped near Sardis.Brutus and Cassius argue over bribery justice and strategy.During the night Brutus listens to a song feels troubled and sees Caesar’s ghost. WOD:#6 FlourishPOS: VerbDefinition:Sentence: Flowers need a lot of sunlight and water in order to flourish.Synonym:Classwork:Finish reading “My Life as a Bat” page 73-74 The Bat as a Deadly Weapon and Beauty. Answer questions 7-9.Extended response:Do you agree or disagree with the narrator’s views of bats and humans? ExplainThings you must include:-At least five sentences-At least one WOD-One example of figurative language-At least one quote from the reading.2. Peer edit and revise your extended response.Monday 11/30Bellwork Check #2#6 The last section in of the story “My Life as a Bat” is called “Beauty.” Why do you think the author choose to place this section last in the structure of the story? Would any other section have worked as the conclusion of the story? Explain. (Your response must be at least four sentences.)WOD:#7 ForayPOS: NounDefinition:Sentence: Out of nowhere the solider was forayed by the enemy solider.Synonym:Classwork:Read the background of “The Seventh Man” page 27 of close reader.Begin reading and completing the questions for “The Seventh Man” page 27-28Tuesday 12/1Bellwork Check #2#7 Most adjectives and adverbs have three degrees: the positive, the comparative and superlative. The superlative degree compares three or more things and is formed by adding –est or most. Examples:The biggest complaint of the three men was that Caesar was ambitious.Of all the conspirators, Cassius was the most cunning. Directions: Write the correct adjective for each sentence.Some think Brutus was the (noble) ____________________ Roman of them all.Not everyone thinks Caesar was the (wise) _____________ of leaders.Was Cassius the (envious) _____________ of the traitors?Who was the (brave) ______________ soldier?WOD:#8 ForebodePOS: verbDefinition:Sentence: The old fortune teller foreboded that the young woman would be married by next year.Synonym:Classwork:Continue to read and answer questions about “The Seventh Man” page 29-31Wednesday 12/2Bellwork Check #2#8 From reading “The Seventh Man,” what have you learned about Tsunamis? Do you think you would be able to survive a Tsunami? Explain. (Your response must be at least four sentences.)WOD:#9 FlagrantPOS: AdjDefinition:Sentence: After the basketball player committed a flagrant foul, he was kicked out of the game.Synonym: Classwork:Continue to read and answer questions about “The Seventh Man” pages 32-34Thursday 12/3Bellwork Check #2#9 The pronoun who serves as a subject or a predicate pronoun in a sentence or clause; whom serves as a direct object or an object of a preposition. Examples:Probably it is some knight who (subject of a clause) has killed Sir Kay.It was you whom (direct object of a clause) the giant feared.Directions: Choose the correct word to complete the sentence. Marg, (who, whom) later bore Sir Gawain, was married to King Lot.“It was I (who, whom) impersonated the duke, “ said King Uther.(Who, Whom) pulls the sword from the stone is the rightful king of all Britain.King Uther asked Igraine (who, whom) the father of her child might be. To (who, whom) will you give the child?WOD:#10 Fortitude POS: nounDefinition:Sentence: The small boy’s fortitude allowed him to stand up to the school bully.Synonym: Classwork:Continue to read and answer questions about “The Seventh Man” pages 35-37Friday 12/4Bellwork Check #2#10 FreewriteWOD:#1 GapePOS: VerbDefinition:Sentence: Stephanie gaped when she saw Kaylah’s bright pink hair!Synonym:Classwork:“F” words testContinue to read and answer questions about “The Seventh Man” pages 38-40Monday 12/7Bellwork Check #3#1 Transitions such as first, next, and therefore typically are set off by commas.Directions: Write down the sentence and insert a comma to set off the transitions.First you need to know that there is a difference between myths and legends.However there are certain similarities.Therefore it is important to look carefully at the definitions of both types of literature.On the other hand myths center on religious or supernatural material. WOD:#2POS:Definition:Sentence:Synonym:Classwork:Finish reading and answering questions on “The Seventh Man” page 41-44 ................

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