How do I make something visible in Canvas???? IN GENERALWhat does it mean if a student isn’t on my Canvas roster but is on my Banner roster? IN GENERALHow does my student find my class on his or her dashboard.? Student Canvas Guide Why isn't my gradebook in order??IN GRADEBOOKHow do I download my student submissions in Canvas???IN ASSIGNMENTHow do I copy content from one Canvas class to another?? This question needs to be break for each part of the Canvas, there is a link for the mentioned question for each Canvas subject, like how to copy content in announcement, Assignments, and so forth.How do I cross-list my classes in Canvas????In General and Canvas Course How do I use Zoom in Canvas???ZOOMCan I have an empty Canvas shell for my program or my club????In generalI can’t view my student assignment submissions in Canvas.??IN ASSIGNMENTS TROUBLESHOOTINGHow do I share my screen in Zoom???IN ZOOMHow do I use the Zoom waiting room??? IN ZOOMI only have a basic Zoom?account,?how do I get more time in Zoom?? IN ZOOMHow do I record a Zoom meeting??? IN ZOOMWhere do I put my Zoom meeting recordings??? IN ZOOMCan my students see the audio transcript of a Zoom recording??? IN ZOOMIs my Canvas class accessible for people with disabilities??? IN GENERALMy students have submitted videos on Canvas, but I can’t view them.???- If the student submits the video file using the regular "File Upload" tab, odds are Canvas will just treat it like a file, and anyone trying the view the submission will does?Proctorio?work in Canvas Quizzes??? Canvas ProctorioHow do I give extra time on a Canvas quiz to a student????Canvas QuizHow do I use Microsoft Teams in Canvas???In GeneralHow do I use Canvas Studio????StudioI recorded an overview of this week's module for my students during the Zoom office hour, but when I check for the recording, it says it does not exist. I checked the ones for the last two weeks and they also aren't there.? Help???In Zoom?What is the Canvas phone number or email for faculty help????In General – Canvas COS SupportI'm?having? a?problem.? For my ASL 1 class, my Unit 1 module says it's "locked"?but I didn't put it as locked and everything in the module is "published".? I don't understand.? Students are not able to see it and they have a test due today by midnight.? Any suggestions as to what I need to do???In Canvas ModuleWhat are the maximum number of minutes possible on canvas when recording lecture?videos ??If I record a video on canvas is there a time?limit ??If I record more than 15 minutes will it?post???In Rich Content Editor In General?I need to add zoom. Not quite sure how to do that? Can you help me our guide me to who can???In Canvas Zoomwhat is the consumer key and shared secret for?protorio???in ProctorioHow do I set up a class survey in my canvas classes???In Canvas QuizzesI was hoping you could answer a question for me.? In Canvas > People, sometimes I see where a student logged in but no time stamp, and others do not have a log in at all.? Do you know what that means as far as activity from the student? In Canvas?PeopleMy courses are not on my Canvas dashboard. Where are they???In GeneralShe’s noticed that she doesn’t receive automatic notifications from Canvas on her smart phone which I believe is and Android. Is there a setting she can change so that she gets these notifications??In Student Canvas Guide??I am having trouble finding the "record" icon at the bottom of my screen when I open a Zoom meeting.? It's just not there.? Any ideas???Setting- Manage features- My student is on the wait list, so she is not on my Canvas roster, yet. How can I email her????In general, and PeopleI am trying to integrate?cengage?webassign?into my courses, but I am unable to add the app. Are you able to add the?app?,??Canvas Courseon the grade sheet I have a “test student” what is that and what do I do with it??????when I recorded a meeting for my class, the recording did not convert. I have followed some instructions on the Internet to convert?the .zoom?recorded meeting to mp4. Nothing is working. Do you have some hints for me to convert the file to an mp4 file??RE ORDING?In ZoomI have a question about my summer course. It is giving students “access denied” when I have the course set up to open today even though the class officially starts Monday.??For some reason I cannot sign up for a?conferzoom?account with my email, I was able to get an account, but with my email from west hills college. I don't know what the problem is. Thanks for your help.??In zoomI’m having a difficult time trying to configure canvas chat into my course navigation. The help tool said that the chat tool must be engaged for your institution before it can be used in canvas courses. Does this mean that COS does not have the chat tool engaged??SETTINGS-? Canvas ChatSorry or being a bother. I don't know how to contact Teaching support for Canvas via the Web. I've never done that before. If you could point me in the right direction that would be helpful.??In generalWhat was removed was the Shell for next semester Spring 2019 for History of Country Music. I had started to upload my course and?all of a sudden, like I said it was gone.???Today, I was working on ESL 321 and ESL 421 (CRNs 24724 and 27052).? Earlier, I could see both classes, and now I can only see the CRN 27052 class.? Is there something that went wrong?? I am puzzled.? Any help is welcome.??In generalI have a question regarding quizzes that I create on?Canvas, and?was wondering if you had time to think if there is an answer.??In QuizzesEvery year I recreate canvas quizzes pertaining to chapters in our?text book.? I would like to not have to recreate them every semester, is there a way to save them and upload them to future semester classes on canvas??Yes Canvas Quizzes TroubleshootingI want to send a message to my class using the Canvas Inbox before the class starts. Why won’t it let me send the message???In CANVAS INBOX Which would be the best choice for someone wanting to sit in on a Canvas course... with the ability to submit the assignments and grading just like a regular enrolled student???Canvas People –USER ROLEDoes "observer" allow for this level of participation???In Canvas PeopleI attempted, twice to export my package to upload to my new shell for the Spring.? I received an error message reported that the download was complete but there was an error if format.? This happened both times.? Wondering since I have a Mac that it could be a problem.? Let know if you have seen this before.? Don't want to load into my new shell and screw things up.? Please advise.? Thanks.??Canvas GeneralHow would I obtain an account through COS to do this?? I believe there is a registration code or something, right????In generalHi?my modules are published BUT are locked on the students end. Do you know how I would fix that? I have logged on and off, went into navigation....Im?not sure what else to do???In Canvas ModulesI have brought my classes over from last semester including the announcements. My question is: I would like to keep the announcement because some of them contain assignment videos (cut and pasted from YouTube or?other?place). However, I don’t want the students to see them yet. Is there a way to “hide” the announcements from the info brought forward while still posting current announcements? I went to the chat room and I don’t think they understood what I was asking.?? In Canvas Announcementswhere is confer zoom located In?CANVAS ??In each class? I don’t see it on the left side bar????In Canvas Setting How to manage new feature? / Setting - Navigation-then drag and drop the Zoom to the optionsI’m trying to reach out to students enrolled in work experience. I have several students telling me that the class work experience isn’t on their classes in? Student Guide-I have a student that was taking a timed quiz and her WIFI went down.?However?the quiz is not DUE?unitl?April 1 at 11:59pm. Should I wait to reset the time for her to have access AFTER the due date or is there a way to go in now and reset it for her? I didn't want to just choose her name because not everyone is done taking it yet???What exactly is a module?? And how do you use it? is that something where I can upload my demos into???In Canvas Modules What is the best way to invite students to your daily class???GeneralOne of my students failed to take an Exam during a?48 hour?period due to taking an extra shift at work. How can I give him the quiz? I saw that I can do it under Editing the specific quiz and assigning it to only him, I'm just a little afraid that I might lose all the other quiz submissions I have not graded yet with essays. Or would you suggest extending the due date on the quiz instead??QUIZZES?I have some basics down. If possible, I would like to have a tutorial in creating a quiz/exam for my students. Can I get an online tutorial if possible? Also, I would like to?look into?students turning in an assignment that will end up being a PDF file turned to Canvas (they are making their own infographic). I think I can create an assignment this?way, but?need more assistance there as well.?? IN Canvas Quizzes and AssignmentsHow can I get a practice Canvas shell???In General Is there a way for me to get a consumer key to access?Perusall?through Canvas????How do I give multiple submission attempts for an assignment????Canvas Assignment TroubleshootingI? have?students in my summer class that dropped but appear on canvas.? Can you help me delete them????In Canvas Peopleafter I export it where do I find it to save in one drive???Are students able to view published courses in canvas now???In Canvas CourseIf not, how to I change to start date for visibility???In Canvas Setting and CourseWhat happens when I exceed my storage capacity in Canvas????In GeneralI tried and tried to work on that simple Quiz. I read all the instructions that you sent me, I followed them...and I still ran into problems. Help!?In Canvas Quiz and TroubleshootingI found the Attendance tab. How do I take attendance? Can?students?login and mark that they read the announcements etc., or do I have to find some type of student log information, and then mark them present manually????In Canvas Attendance Roll Call I was trying to set up my class on Zoom and got this message:?If your Canvas sign in email and your 'Identity Email' do not match, contact your Canvas administrator.??I have a question regarding uploading CVS files for the Canvas grade book. Traditionally, I use google spreadsheets to keep up with student grades and do F2F check ins with students to give them grades and grades projections.??Canvas Gradeswhat do you suggest for Canvas notifications? I'm getting too many--every?time?a student submits something, I'm getting emails.??Canvas Setting –Canvas GeneralConference meetings on Canvas are basically the same as Zoom meetings. I have not had anyone suggest anything other than Zoom. When I had him on the line, he tutored me through using the Conference link to have meetings with students. Can you tell me if there is any substantial difference between the?two.? In Canvas Conference- What are conferences?I noticed that all the images that I had embedded in my Pages no longer displayed properly.? All that can be seen of the images are rectangular borders with a question mark in the middle.? I have already tried reloading the images and restarting the program to no avail.? Do you have any suggestions for me??In General- embedded Imagesthe sender.? Am I doing something wrong??I was wondering how I can get access the Turn It In application. I have a paper that seems suspicious and would like to run it through the software. Your help with this is appreciated.? Canvas app In general ................

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