
Hello and welcome to English II,I want to take this opportunity to introduce myself and express my excitement about working with your child this semester. I love teaching English because I am passionate about the power of language, and I care deeply about each of my students. I believe students can grow and develop by examining the issues we cover in class. The main goal of my course is to develop effective communicators.As we continue to navigate our “new normal” due to the pandemic, it is essential that students log on to Canvas each day. While the syllabus below provides an overview for in person learning, changes may happen throughout the semester. If you ever have any comments, questions, or concerns feel free to contact me at marsdec@I am excited about working with your child. I welcome questions or comments, and I am looking forward to a great semester!Yours sincerely,Ms. C. MarsdenEnglish TeacherSyllabusEnglish II with Ms. MarsdenAchieving our classroom goal (outlined below) will require the cooperation of parents/guardians, students, and teachers.Classroom Goal:I believe that all students have the ability to shape their own lives and society in positive ways. My goal this year is to have all students recognize the power of their voice and use that power to improve themselves and their communities by effectively communicating. We will use literature to create wise speakers, writers, listeners, and readers. In order to achieve this goal, we will need supplies, organization, and procedures. These are outlined below.Necessary Supplies:*If there is any difficulty obtaining these supplies, students may see me outside of class time.Notebook or binder with loose leaf paper (for notes)FolderPencilPenPersonal reading book (optional)Students are responsible for bringing the necessary materials to class each day. Failure to come prepared to class is like failure to come to class. RulesAll Ben L. Smith High School rules will apply in our classroom. Students are also asked to:Treat others as they would like to be treated (respectfully speak and listen, respect time, raise hand before speaking)Come to class each day prompt and prepared (we start when the bell rings, so students need to be seated and ready before it rings)T.H.I.N.K. before speaking (is it True, is it Helpful, is it Illuminating, is it Necessary, is it Kind)Remember that technology is a tool, not a distraction. Please be wise with your use of laptops and phones. Make sure you are using these devices to help you learn, not as a distraction from learning. Inappropriate language (including hate speech) is prohibited. GCS OneCardDuring the 2021-2022 school year, all students will be required to have and wear their GCS OneCard as identification. Each class period will include a OneCard check to ensure all students are clearly displaying their identification. Procedures:At the beginning of classLog in to Canvas and click on the daily PowerPointRead through the announcementsWhen Ms. Marsden starts the timer, begin your bell-ringerDuring class:In person:A mask must be worn at all timesMaintain social distance between yourself and othersKeep all your belongings confined to your desk areaSave trash until after class. Do not stand up to throw trash away during class, and do not throw trash from your seat. Walk all trash to the trashcan. Bathroom/water/nurse/locker policy:In order to comply with Covid restrictions, bathroom breaks will be scheduled by the school. Please bring a water bottle to class. Daily Assignments:Each day will begin with a bell ringer. You are expected to work on the bell ringer for the full time allotted. Rushed or sloppy work is not acceptable. You should use the time I give you to create your best work. Each class period will end with an exit ticket in the form of a journal response to a prompt. These responses will be graded for both completion and conventions of writing (spelling, grammar, etc.) You will not have regular homework, however you will be expected to read on your own each day for at least 10 minutes. You will have a reading log that must be filled out and turned in weekly. If I assign homework, that will be in addition to the expected daily reading.You need to log in to both Canvas and EasyBridge each day in order to complete your daily assignments.Policies:Late Work:All work must be turned in through Canvas (please don’t email me your work).I accept late work, but for each day it is late, the assignment grade drops 10%.Students will not be allowed to turn in bulk work at the end of the semester.TardiesPlease be ready to begin when the bell rings. If you are late, do not disrupt class, just join silently. I believe that the bell does dismiss students, but if the bell signals the end of class, it also signals the start. Please plan accordingly.AbsencesI understand that emergencies come up. Please keep me informed of what is going on if you are going to miss class or miss an assignment due date. Also, please tell the truth. If you are open with me, I will help you, even if the truth is embarrassing. Lying is disrespectful to me and a waste of your time and mine. If you communicate with me, I will work with you. If you don’t tell me what is going on, I have little to go on to help you.Make-up work will be addressed during my office hoursAll assignments, powerpoints, and notes are available via CanvasIf you missed class, you still have access to assignment directions via Canvas. If you are confused, reach out to your classmates first, then reach out to me if you still have questions. Classroom CultureWe will work hard to have a positive classroom culture, and to celebrate that culture in many ways (positive phone calls, increased privileges, etc.). In instances where that culture is disrupted, consequences will include additional homework, parent/guardian contact, and administrative referrals. My classroom has zero tolerance for bullying and hate speech of any kind. GradesQuarterly:20% of grade: Daily work (bell-ringers, worksheets, vocabulary)30% of grade: Essays/Tests15% of grade: Homework (including daily reading)15% of grade: Quizzes (Material quizzes and notes checks)10% of grade: Citizenship (adherence to classroom policies and procedures)10% of grade: Journal entries (exit tickets)Promises to studentsIf you ever feel I am doing a poor job of living up to these promises, please schedule an individual conference with me. I work very hard to make sure that I am true to my word. Outbursts during class time, however, will not be tolerated.I will always believe in your ability to succeed. This means my expectations are extremely high. I will demand your best at all times.I will listen to you. I ask that you bring questions, concerns, or comments to me in a calm respectful manner at the appropriate time. Individual concerns should be addressed in individual conferences that can be arranged by seeing me outside of class time.I will respect you, and I will insist that others respect you in our class. Please let me know, in an individual conference, if you ever feel disrespected.I will never assign work unless I can explain why it is important. I do not believe in busy work.I will learn from you. You are smart people, and each of you bring experiences and perspectives to the class that will benefit the group. Please share your viewpoint every day! ................

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