Approved Minutes

Monday, January 11, 2016 2:00 – 3:30 PM

110 Denney Hall

ATTENDEES: Ewoldsen, Givens, Haddad, Kurtz, Lam, Lenhart, Valle, Vankeerbergen.


Update by Pok-sang Lam, Chair, on Social Work 1120, 1130, 1140, and 3597. Denise Bronson, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs for the College of Social Work, responded to the feedback of the Panel. These courses have in actuality been taught for several years in an on-line format. Each one of the courses includes lectures. Steve Fink has indicated that he is satisfied with Social Work’s response (maybe some of the information is not always successfully included in the course submissions though the courses themselves include all the necessary information/parts.) As the Chair of the Panel, Pok-sang Lam will soon respond to Denise Bronson.

1. Approval of 12-14-15 minutes  

• Givens, Lenhart, unanimously approved

2. Communication 3403 (new course)

• There are some discussions underway about a proposed Sports Communication major.

• The lectures will be posted online. The syllabus should clearly indicate which platform will be used (e.g., Canvas).

• Second textbook, Best American Sports Writing, is not mentioned in the actual schedule. Request to make necessary adjustments.

• After a few weeks (approximately week 9), there are no specific readings listed in the schedule.

• Include the link to ODS in the statement about disability services:

• This is a new course that will likely count toward one of the majors in the School of Communication. Provide updated curriculum map(s).

• Lenhart, Marcus, unanimously approved with 5 contingencies (in bold above)

3. Communication 4221 (course change)

• Week 1, Day 2: Do readings about C.A.R come from the suggested textbook Computer Assisted Reporting: A Practical Guide—Brant Houston? If so, that would be problematic since the textbook is not required.

• Starting with the second session of week 11, there are no readings. It appears that class time is spent doing homework. Request for clarification.

• Include the link to ODS in the statement about disability services:

• Language used for extra credit makes it appear that bonus points are tailored for individual students. The syllabus should clearly state that any opportunities for extra credit need to be granted to all students.

• Address oversights in grading scale: 92-90 is not A but A-; 81-80 is not B but B-; 71-70 is not C but C-.

• Kurtz, Givens, unanimously approved with 5 contingencies (in bold above)

4. Sociology 7753 (new course)  

• Include the link to the Code of Student Conduct in the statement on academic misconduct:

• Use standard statement about disability services (since it is ODS that determines which accommodation is necessary). See p. 14 of the ASC Curriculum and Assessment Operations Manual:

• Syllabus states that knowledge of calculus and matrix algebra is advantageous but not required. How much knowledge of calculus and matrix algebra is recommended? It might be beneficial for the students to elaborate a little bit.

• No details are provided for any of the assignments. Request to describe problem sets & presentations/discussion.

• Kurtz, Lenhart, unanimously approved with one contingency (in bold above) and three recommendations (in italics above)

5. Sociology 8802 (new course)

• Why is course repeatable 4 times since the course only counts once for the GISD?

• The question was raised of whether there are enough readings for a 3-hr seminar. Indeed, every week there are 20-40 pp. of reading for this graduate course. Maybe there will be additional readings linked to the outside speakers? As such, the course does not seem to be a 3 credit hr graduate course.

• Include the link to the Code of Student Conduct in the statement on academic misconduct:

• Use standard statement about disability services (since it is ODS that determines which accommodation is necessary). See p. 14 of the ASC Curriculum and Assessment Operations Manual:

• Clarify what research presentation is and if any formal “paper” needs to be submitted.

• Givens, Ewoldsen, unanimously approved with one contingency (in bold above) and four recommendations/questions (in italics above)

6. Revision GIS Demography

• Kurtz, Lenhart, unanimously approved with the contingency that the two core courses (Sociology 7753 and 8802) be fully approved

7. Psychology 3371 & Linguistics 3701 (existing cross-listed courses with GE Social Science-Individuals and Groups; request for 100% Distance Learning)

• There are synchronous and asynchronous components. On-line office hours will take place via Carmen Connect.

• Talks and experiments: These seem to be in-person—hence, course is not totally 100% (though it does fit ODEE’s definition of 100% distance learning).

• Students will be encouraged to work with others on homework. The syllabus should mention how students make that contact: solely through the discussion forums? (Since class will be on-line, there will not be many opportunities for students to get to know each other.)

• Final exam will be open-book/open-notes with multiple choice and short answer questions. There is no statement that exam is even timed. Exam seems to be based on honor system. Why not have students come to the OSU testing center or another location around the state? Send proposal back to provide more information on security of exam. Departments of Psychology and Linguistics are encouraged to talk to Mike Kaylor to explore ways to make the exam safe.


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