
HOW DO I ACCESS AND USE CANVAS FOR LANGUAGE ARTS? Go to the district website: to the student portal: down until you find the Canvas tab on the left..Enter the same username and password that you would to get onto the computer at school.You will see the following items in your Canvas page:The modules we will be working on will be visible. You should find 3 modules each week: Grammar Skill, Reading Skill, and Tuck Everlasting. Inside of each module are videos to watch. If you still need extra help, go to the practice links. From there, click on the link at the top of the page which will take you to Khan Academy. From there, you can practice the skills that we are learning.At the bottom of the module, you will see the “online participation” activity that you must complete on Friday each week. PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE ARE 3 ONLINE PARTICIPATION ACTIVITIES THAT YOU NEED TO DO FOR LANGUAGE ARTS: GRAMMAR, READING, AND TUCK EVERLASTING. These will determine your grade each week in Language Arts..If you click on “Announcements” tab , you will see what we will be doing each week.If you click on the “Assignments” tab, that has the 3 online participation activities that you must do on Friday. This will remain open until Sunday night.If you click on the “Grades” tab, you will see how you did on the online participation activities that you should do at the end of week.The “Pages” tab just shows you the videos.The “Syllabus” tab shows you the rubric that I will be using to evaluate you each week. It also shows you the activities for the week as well.The “Quizzes” tab takes you right to the online participation activities that you should do at the end of each week.The “Modules” tab shows you everything that we will be working on for the week. The only requirements are the videos and the online participation activities. The practice exercises and Zoom meetings are optional. The practice exercises and Zoom meetings will help you to understand the concepts.If you click on the Calendar tab, you will see when your assignments are due for Language Arts each week.AGAIN, YOU MUST WATCH THE VIDEOS AND DO THE ONLINE PARTICIPATION ACTIVITIES EACH WEEK. I WILL BE USING A RUBRIC TO EVALUATE YOU EACH WEEK.YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ATTEND THE ZOOM MEETINGS. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DO THE EXTRA PRACTICE ACTIVITIES. THEY ARE THERE TO HELP YOU UNDERSTAND THE CONCEPTS BETTER.YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PURCHASE THE NOVEL TUCK EVERLASTING. THERE IS A COPY ON CANVAS. THERE ARE VIDEOS OF ME READING EVERY CHAPTER. ................

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