
Hospitals & Asylums

Naturalization Discrimination Juror Excuse to Graduate Homeland Security (HS) in 12 Years: Student Community Service Briefing on Volunteer Jury Duty HA-20-2-14

By Anthony Joseph Sanders



Hospitals & Asylums Book 6 is now titled "Jury Duty" and it is witnessed that Hurtado v. United States 410 US 578 (1973) had been hacked from Sec. 70 Jurists of Book 2 Attorney General Ethics (AGE). The summoned juror requested to be excused so the Jury may charge the United States with up to a $5,000 fine for the Exclusion of Jurors on Account of Race or Color, or Previous Condition of Servitude under 18USC(13)§243 but the non-respondent jury coordinator does not have standing to sue the United States in my behalf, receive emails (read and write?), or truly issue jury summons or serve as a court of competent jurisdiction able to amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 due to a failure to insure volunteers under 24USC(10)§422(d)(1). A novel wiretap is noted after emailing a nearly perfect document to the jury coordinator so that commercial establishments with wifi either scramble half my screen or the geolocation of my IP address is subjected to torture. There is no excuse for heart attacks. The jury coordinator must excuse me from jury duty immediately upon receipt of this notification of two heart attacks and pay the full $500 compensation for civil damages for a new computer, Microsoft Office and wardrobe under 18USC(119)§2520, by mail, to be fair to the Loskarn estate incidental to the recent Oregon Supreme Court child pornography acquittals for which the United States Postal Service was asked to pay the full $500 price for violating their own non-domiciliary (blanket) search statute at 39USC(I)(6)§603 (3) in Alcohol, Tobacco and Marijuana (ATM) or Bust?: Racketeering Reversal HA-30-1-14. Prior county computer crimes are noted in Chautauqua Homeless Campaign v. Mt. Ashland Defenders HA-20-3-12, and Medicine HA-5-12-13, only one prior is needed for a civil damage award. Presuming innocence of the Jury Coordinator, the Jury Summons is without statutory authority, ultra vires.

Prior hostile state, county, university and municipal (scum) infringements include the dismissal of the Sherriff's concealed carry case by the U.S. Supreme Court, case of unequal election finance by the Clerk, quick finish to the pedestrian hazardous bridge construction delay by the DMV office, "Rogue" Internet Pharmacy intellectual property enforcement bill on my niece's hospital admission disapproved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The current copyright infringement involves the university President's $5.5 million faculty cut retrenchment for an entire year in truthless violation of the toothless prohibition on use of human subjects for testing of chemical or biological agents 50USC(32)§1520(a)(1) on 5-12-13 a plagiarist of Medicine HA-5-12-13 and her only friend, the Jury Commissioner, the Lord of Lies. The cut is attributed to a decline in state funding over recent years and as the result of her poor choice in words/victims/crime/torture/computer crime/wiretaps/law enforcement/plagiarism the President of the University should pay the full price out of her pocket, leaving the position vacant if need be. Digitalis and related cardiotonic drugs for human use in oral dosage forms, required warning, states; "Digitalis alone or with other drugs has been used in the treatment of obesity. This use of digoxin or other digitalis glycosides is unwarranted. Moreover, since they may cause potentially fatal arrhythmias or other adverse effects, the use of these drugs in the treatment of obesity is dangerous" at 21CFR§201.317 to which should be added, "Hawthorn is the supreme herb for the heart, it is indicated for the treatment of congestive heart failure, including moderation of blood pressure, cholesterol, and arrhythmia. Fresh fabric and a vegan diet is essential for the treatment of acute heart disease, antibiotics cure endocarditis and an athletic level of cardiovascular exercise is the only cure for the chronic condition". While my desire to graduate Homeland Security in 12 years is a force majeure, my interest in an Oregon ID and passport at regular price is de minimis. My father told me this call to jury duty is probably a Republican attempt to intimidate voters in the course of falsely imprisoning Democrats of color, ie. Ray Nagin. He recommended that I not be a registered voter. I therefore ask to be excused from both jury duty and the county voter registry. Not voting, may not be a vote for HA, but it is a vote for health. Only staffers may stuff envelopes.


Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment of 1984

Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees of 1951 and 1967 Protocol

Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of 1976


Blakely v. Washington No. 02-1632 of June 24, 2004

Hurtado v. United States 410 US 578 (1973)

Sanders, Tony J. Alcohol, Tobacco and Marijuana (ATM) or Bust?: Racketeering Reversal. Hospitals & Asylums HA-30-1-14

Sanders, Tony J. Chautauqua Homeless Campaign v. Mt. Ashland Defenders. Hospitals & Asylums HA-20-3-12

Sanders, Tony J. in re: Zyprexa Products Liability Litigation HA-12-2-07.

Sanders, Tony J. Devyani Khobragrade et al (India) v. Naturalization Service (USA) HA-8-1-14

Snowden ex rel. v. President Obama, NSA HA-6-1-14

U.S .v. Megavideo; Kim Dotcom et al. Grand Jury Indictment. No. 1:12 CR3 Alexandria, Virginia. January 5, 2012

U.S. v. Robert M. Faiella a/k/a BTCKing and Charlie Shrem. Southern District of New York 14 Mg0164 24 January 2014 as reported by Wile, Rob. CEO of Bitcoin Exchange Arrested. Business Insider. January 27, 2014

U.S. v. Ulbricht, 13-mg-02328; a related civil forfeiture case is U.S. v. Ulbricht, 13-cv-06919, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York (Manhattan) The murder-for-hire case is U.S. v. Ulbricht, 13-00222, U.S. District Court, District of Maryland (Baltimore).


Zagel, James B.J. U.S. v. Rod Blagojevich et al. Northern District of Illinois No. 08 CR 888 February 2008. Holderman, James F. C.J. Motion to Disclose Intercepted Communications. 594 F.Supp.2d 993 (2009), Denial of Appeal en banc 614 F.3d 287 (2010), US v.Rod and Robert Blagojevich; Appeal of Chicago Tribune Company, The New York Times Company, Illinois Press Association, and Illinois Broadcasters Association 7th Cir. 612 F. 3d 558 (2010) as reported by Sanders, Tony J. The Bar Between Wisdom and Wealth: Pardon Rod Blagojevich. Hospitals & Asylums HA-19-1-13


Activities of officers and employees in claims against and other matters affecting Government 18USC§205

Arson within special maritime and territorial jurisdiction under 18USC(5)§81

Authority to accept certain uncompensated services 24USC(10)§422

Basic ED policy for the protection of human research subjects 34CFR§97.102

Composition of Institutional Review Boards where prisoners are involved 45CFR§46.304

Digitalis and related cardiotonic drugs for human use in oral dosage forms; required warning 21CFR§201.317

Exclusion of Jurors on account of race or color, or previous condition of Servitude 18USC§243

Exclusive remedies 18USC(113C)§2340B

General requirements for informed consent 34CFR97.116

Homeland Security Act (P.L. 107-294) dated November 25, 2002

Military Selective Service Act as amended (50 U.S.C. App. 453) Conscientious objections to military service Directive 1300.6.

Recovery of civil damages authorized 18USC(119)§2520

Restrictions on former officers, employees and elected officials of the executive and legislative branches 18USC(11)§207

Restrictions on use of human subjects for testing of chemical or biological agents 50USC(32)§1520a

Permitted research involving prisoners 45CFR§46.306 

Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 (P.L.104-67) §104, amended by Frank-Dodd Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act P.L. 111-203 §9290, codified 15USC§78t(e) (2006)

Searches authorized 39USC(I)(6)§603

Swap agreements 15USC§78c-1

Torture 18USC(113C)§2340A

Transfer of Functions 5USCIIIB(35)I§3503


Fugate, W. Craig. Disaster Relief Fund: Monthly Report Through June 30, 2013. July 5, 2013

Gilligan, James, M.D. Why Some Politicians are More Dangerous than Others. Polity Press. Malden, Massachusetts. 2011

Lew, Jacob J. OMB Report on Disaster Relief Funding to the Committees on Appropriations and the Budget of the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate. Director, Office of Management and Budget. September 1, 2011

Painter, William L. Offsets, Supplemental Appropriations, and the Disaster Relief Fund: FY 1990-FY 2013. Analysis Emergency Management and Homeland Security Policy December 4, 2012

Posner, Richard A.J. The Little Book of Plagiarism. Pantheon Books. New York. 2007

Sanders, Tony J. Customs House Act, St. Elizabeth (CHASTE) of 2011

Sanders, Tony J. Human Subject Graduation HA-12-1-14

Sanders, Tony J. Jurists. Sec. 70. Attorney General Ethics (AGE) Book 6

Sanders, Tony J. Jury Duty (JD) Book 7

Sanders, Tony J. Medicine. Hospitals & Asylums HA-5-12-13

Sanders, Tony J. Sandy Relief HA-15-12-12s

Sanders, Tony J. The Bar Between Wisdom and Wealth: Pardon Rod Blagojevich et al. Hospitals & Asylums HA-19-1-13

Sanders, Tony J. Weather Control Regulation. Hospitals & Asylums HA-14-2-14

Juries have ruled that President Barack Obama's birth certificate is not genuine, although it is.  His uncle Omar Obama from Kenya has not had a valid identification document since his student visa expired in the 1970s.  The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) was abolished by the Homeland Security Act (P.L. 107-294) dated November 25, 2002, but after four years of not graduating to U.S. Customs the diploma (international affairs) was seized by lawyers, one of whom has a current conflict of interest with federal finance as President of California Universities in violation of 18USC(11)§207(a)(2). Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, also a lawyer, complied with HA and dissolved the USAID Bureau for Asia and the Near East (ANE) but in 2009 the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was committed to St. Elizabeth's Hospital in Washington DC and continues to reside there without paying rental income for the infringement on HA intellectual property which directs their agency to the World Customs Union.  Only one perversion was un-amended by the Customs House Act, St. Elizabeth (CHASTE) of 2011, for the HA bicentennial, namely U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) needs to change its name to U.S. Naturalization Service (USNS)., and was updated New Year's Day 2014. Since Obama took office the Department of State has discriminated against Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) naturalization papers.  The Authentication Office wants $500 or the originals (they stole in the Clinton Administration). The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), in the issuance of driver's licenses and state ID's  and Social Security Administration (SSA), in the issuance of social security cards (beneficiaries can get Medicare cards), refuse to issue identification documents, without a valid passport, like they did before the Obama administration, at least to people with out of state IDs.  The best estimate is that due to the expiration of driver's licenses, state IDs, passports and decomposition of social security cards, there are now as many naturalized U.S. citizens with valid documents as undocumented aliens residing in the United States in 2014, around 15.5 million, the same as there were in 2006, before 11 to 14 million so called undocumented aliens were discovered by the 2010 Census, and the U.S. began discriminating against naturalization, but identification documents hadn't expired yet.  This amounts to Exclusion of Jurors on Account of Race or Color, and Previous Condition of Servitude for which the Jury, that requires jurors be U.S. citizens, is authorized to sue U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (CIS) for a $5,000 fine and change of name to Naturalization Service (NS) under 18USC§243. Jurists around the world are therefore asked to vote:  

To excuse the summoned naturalized U.S. citizen juror with an identity document dispute, in this case, or the resident U.S. high school educated alien with a lapsed visa, in order to reserve the right for the Jury to authorize a $5,000 fine against the United States of America for the Exclusion of Jurors on Account of Race or Color, and Previous Condition of Servitude (Naturalized U.S. Citizen) under 18USC§243


To rule the necessity for and disclaimer on Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) naturalization papers a novel discrimination against naturalized U.S. citizens by the Obama Administration under Arts. 27 and 29 of the International Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, to grant identification documents, equally to all refugees under the 1967 Protocol. The fundamental principles of the 1951 Convention are non-discrimination, non-penalization and non-refoulement. The Jury Commissioner may request a copy of the excused juror's FOIA naturalization paper before the trial.


To amend federal torture statute to comply with Arts. 2, 4 and 14 of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment of 1984.  The phrase “outside the United States” must be repealed from 18USC(113C)§2340A(a) and Exclusive Remedies at 18USC(113C)§2340B amended: (1) The  legal system shall ensure that the victim of an act of torture obtains redress and has an enforceable right to fair and adequate compensation, including the means for as full rehabilitation as possible.  In the event of the death of the victim as a result of an act of torture, his dependants shall be entitled to compensation. (2) Nothing in this article shall affect any right of the victim or other persons to compensation which may exist under national law. 

To amend Title 22 Foreign Relations and Intercourse (a-FRAI-d) to Title 22 Foreign Relations (FR-EE).


To abolish the Court of International Trade of the United States (COITUS) and create Customs Court (CC).


To abolish U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) and create a U.S. Naturalization Service (USNS).


To abolish the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and create "Customs" in Title 6 of the United States Code and Code of Federal Regulations.


Be the federal police finance and White House Office of Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) abolished and employees transferred to the Department of Commerce, Department of Justice and a new Drug Evaluation Agency (DEA) and Center for Alcohol, Tobacco and Marijuana (ATM) in the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under 5USCIIIB(35)I§3503.


When Congress has corrected these errors they are welcome to return to work, from their long holiday with pay, for President Barack Obama this FY2014 re-dedicated to the repeal of the Jim Crow laws codified in Sections 2-5 of Amendment XIV of 1868 protecting tribal tax exemptions under Section 1.

For his part, the President must pardon his former Governor Rod Blagojevich and to make good on the compensation for false imprisonment required under Art. 14(6) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights employ the lawyer to reduce the federal prison population pursuant to Blakely v. Washington No. 02-1632 of June 24, 2004 “eliminated sentencing guidelines schemes and 20 years of sentencing reform". .

The Superceding Indictment of Northern District of Illinois Judge James B. Zagel in U.S. v. Rod Blagojevich et al. No. 08 CR 888 dated February 2008 offends the public integrity of the United States from its U.S. Department of Justice Public Integrity Office to the black slave owner in the White House and fiscally incompetent Secretaries of Transportation and Education from Illinois, costing the federal deficit more than $100 billion in superfluous, deposits in the Student Loan and Highway Trust Funds, marked imaginary and consequential out of control T-bond sales. Of Illinois' last seven governors, four have ended up going to prison. They are: Rod Blagojevich – Governor from 2002 through 2009, when he became the first Illinois governor in history to be impeached. Convicted of numerous corruption charges in 2011, including allegations that he tried to sell or trade President Barack Obama's old Senate seat. George Ryan – Governor from 1999 through 2003. After leaving office, was convicted of racketeering for actions as governor and secretary of state. In November 2007, began serving a 6 1/2 year sentence in federal prison and was released on January 30, 2013. Dan Walker – Governor from 1973-1977. Pleaded guilty to bank fraud and other charges in 1987 related to his business activities after leaving office. Spent about a year and a half in federal prison. Otto Kerner – Governor from 1961-1968. Resigned to become judge, then was convicted of bribery related to his tenure as governor. Sentenced to three years in prison. The high level of office that this local practice offends, the African-American President of the United States, and unlawful amount of T-bonds sold deprives Americans of an intangible right of honest services.

In the Motion to Disclose Intercepted Communications: US v. Rod Blagojevich and John Harris 594 F.Supp.2d 993 (2009) Northern District of Illinois Chief Judge James F. Holderman reports that on December 9, 2008, agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation arrested Illinois Governor Rod R. Blagojevich pursuant to a criminal complaint filed in this case. That complaint charged defendant Blagojevich with two counts of alleged criminal conduct: one count of conspiring to defraud the citizens of Illinois of their right to his honest services in violation of the mail and wire fraud statutes, 18 U.S.C. §§ 1341, 1343, 1346, and 1349, and one count of corruptly soliciting and demanding the firing of Chicago Tribune editorial board members who had been critical of defendant Blagojevich, in exchange for the awarding of millions of dollars in financial assistance from the State of Illinois in violation of 18 U.S.C. §§ 666(a)(1)(B) and Within days of defendant Blagojevich's arrest, the Illinois House of Representatives adopted House Resolution 1650, creating a Special Investigative Committee "for the purpose of (i) investigating allegations of misfeasance, malfeasance, nonfeasance, and other misconduct of Governor Rod R. Blagojevich and (ii) making a recommendation as to whether cause exists for impeachment." H.R. Res. 1650, 95th Gen. Assem., Reg. Sess. (Ill. 2008). The United States of America (the "government") on December 29, 2008, filed a Motion to Disclose Intercepted Communications to the Special Investigative Committee of the Illinois House of Representatives (Dkt. No. 16). Although the Chief Judge of the District takes full responsibility for authorizing the wire fraud the United States failed to stop charging the defendant with these charges as required to do by paragraph 16 of the Guidelines on the Role of Prosecutors. The Superseding Indictment written by Northern District of Illinois Judge James B. Zagel in U.S. v. Rod Blagojevich et al. No. 08 CR 888 dated February 2008 lists as violations: Title 18, Sections 1001(a)(2), 1343, 1346, 1349, 1951(a), and 1962(d). The Appeal of Chicago Tribune Company, The New York Times Company, Illinois Press Association, and Illinois Broadcasters Association indicates that the press has dropped the inapplicable theft or bribery concerning programs receiving federal funds §666 charges in U.S. v. Rod and Robert Blagojevich, Defendants the Denial of Appeal en banc 614 F.3d 287 (2010) and 612 F. 3d 558 (2010) which both serve to exclude the names of jurors from the mass media to protect them from the racketeering charges which have been substituted for the equally false theft or bribery concerning programs receiving federal funds charges.

The Judges of the 7th Cir. Court of Appeals express that they are too scared, ostensibly to disclose the names of jurors to the news media, to tell the complete truth or redress the cruel and unusual Illinois tradition of falsely imprisoning their former Governors, beginning with Rod Blagojevich et al which came to their attention because it so seriously corrupts the administration of the black lawyer President. Reason being, 7th Circuit Court Judge Posner, has not solved Martial's law. In 'Little Book of Plagiarism' he writes, "Plagiarism is a species of intellectual fraud.  It consists of unauthorized copying that the copier claims (whether explicitly or implicitly and whether deliberately or carelessly) is original with him and the claim causes the copier’s audience to behave otherwise than it would if it knew the truth.  The issue being the libel caused by the release of illegally obtained evidence seems to have a doubly damaging effect on the alleged defendant, not only by the innocuous speculative information contained therein, but also because the crimes of illegally obtaining the evidence are abusively applied to the defendant and in these racketeering cases before us, is the exclusive source of violation of the laws, for which people are serving years in prison for crimes they did not commit. The Latin word plagarias was first used in its modern sense by Roman poet Martial in the first century AD.  A plagarius was someone who stole another’s slave or enslaved a free person" (Posner 07:82, 90). The fear expressed by the judges of the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals seems to be derived from the part about "stealing another's slave" and to those who have not actually solved Martial's law these poetic slaves, Rod Blagojevich et al, falsely accused of the crimes of the racketeering prosecutors, belong to the Illinois. President Barack Obama, who has the power to pardon his supporters if wished to do so as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, and none dare challenge his military might. The solution of Martial's law however takes some time to come to the realization that a person does not belong to another, this delusional ownership of another is all that perpetuates slavery. So as not to fear Martial's law it is not plagiarism to free a slave 18USC§205(d)(1) but it is plagiarism to enslave a free person §205(a)(1).

It is indiscrete that these racketeering prosecutors continue to slave a free person despite the moral hazard posed to the peculiar institution by an African-American lawyer President and Attorney General, who have so far, not made any headway reducing the steadily increasing national and federal penal populations. Racial disparities among prisoners persist, particularly in the 25-29 age group, 8.1% of black men, about one in 13, were behind bars, compared with 2.6% of Hispanic men and 1.1% of white men. Making the black President the slave owner of his innocent former supporter and 'master' amounts to exclusion of jurors on account of race or color under 18USC(13)§243. The President's labor agenda in his State of the Union is only answering to the Indian problem of debt slavery. Besides the President' free will, and federal budget in general, the Departments of Education and Transportation budgets have been corrupted by Blagojevich's 'federal bailout' and more than $100 billion a year could be saved, from these two departments alone, who safely put the fantasy money in the student loan and highway fund respectively, until the day the federal government bails out Rod Blagojevich, and the truth is known regarding the 'Federal Budget Balanced to Prevent 100% of GDP Debt FY2012'. To redress The Bar Between Wisdom and Wealth: Pardon Rod Blagojevich et al, U.S. v. Blagojevich et al No. 08 CR 888 must be overturned. A Presidential pardon is order, but an acquittal by any federal judge, is honest. It is however not that simple Art. 14(6) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of 23 March 1976, requires, “when a person has by a final decision been convicted of a criminal offence and when subsequently his conviction has been reversed or he has been pardoned on the ground that a new or newly discovered fact shows conclusively that there has been a miscarriage of justice, the person who has suffered punishment as a result of such conviction shall be compensated according to law”. The United States needs to pay and we don't have any experience Pakistan, Afghanistan and Yemen (PAY) ing due to invasion of the news media by some armed Security Agreement. To pay on a budget, with what money exists on the public record in regards to this case, it is suggested to charge the prosecutors of the Northern District of Illinois with the $5,000 fine for the exclusion of jurors 18USC(13) §243 pertaining to their local practice of falsely imprisoning their former Governor beyond their ability to conceal from the news media of the defamed black slave owner in the White House. Blagojevich is a lawyer, fully qualified for federal office, and due to his false arrest and incarceration he might, with the reconciliation and protection of the President, not only be publicly freed, to secure the blessings of liberty for the nation, but be appointed to be an inspired leader of the efforts of the Obama administration to normalize the prison population. Blakely v. Washington No. 02-1632 of June 24, 2004 “eliminated sentencing guidelines schemes and 20 years of sentencing reform". Composition of Institutional Review Boards where prisoners are involved requires that at least one member of the Board shall be a prisoner, or a prisoner representative with appropriate background and experience to serve in that capacity, except that where a particular research project is reviewed by more than one Board only one Board need satisfy this requirement under 45CFR§46.304(b) Biomedical or behavioral research conducted or supported by DHHS shall not involve prisoners as subjects except for research on practices, which have the intent and reasonable probability of improving the health or well-being of the subject 45CFR§46.306(b)(a)(iv). State studies have shown that earning a college degree in prison eliminates recidivism by 100% which otherwise runs at around 60% re-incarceration in three years (Gilligan '11:90, 91).

If the United States is to graduate to Customs from Homeland Security (HS) with a degree in international affairs in 12 years this 2014 it will be necessary to pacify the federal prosecutors in New York City. There were no murders in New York City during the federal furlough. Federal prosecutors in New York City jeopardize Security Exchange Commission (SEC) arbitration with cruel and unusual punishment for insider trading. Federal prosecutors in New York claim to have an unbroken winning streak for 79 individual insider trading cases since October 2009 such as U.S. v. Martoma, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, 12-cr-00973. Mathew Martoma, a former portfolio manager at billionaire Steven A. Cohen's SAC Capital Advisors hedge fund, was found guilty of engaging in what prosecutors called the most lucrative insider trading scheme in U.S. history. A federal jury in Manhattan found Martoma guilty on all three of the conspiracy and securities fraud charges that he faced over a scheme that allowed SAC Capital to make profits and avoid losses of $275 million. Martoma, who worked in SAC's CR Intrinsic Investors division, was accused of seeking out confidential information from doctors involved in a clinical trial of an Alzheimer's drug being developed by Elan Corp Plc and Wyeth, now owned by Pfizer Inc. Based on a tip Martoma received a doctor about negative trial results for the drug, SAC Capital in July 2008 began selling its $700 million position in Elan and Wyeth before the data was made public later that month, prosecutors said. No sentencing date was immediately set. Martoma, 39, faces up to 45 years in prison. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is meanwhile seeking to bar Cohen from the financial services industry for failing to supervise Martoma and Steinberg. U.S. v. Martoma, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, 12-cr-00973. The verdict was the eighth insider trading conviction of a current or former employee at SAC Capital, a $14 billion hedge fund that has long been in federal authorities' cross-hairs. The verdict came after a different jury in the same courthouse in December convicted Michael Steinberg, a portfolio manager at SAC Capital, on five conspiracy and securities fraud counts for his role in a separate insider trading scheme. SAC Capital last year agreed to pay $1.8 billion in criminal and civil settlements and plead guilty to fraud charges stemming from insider trading by its employees. The conviction continued an unbroken winning streak at trial for federal prosecutors in New York, who have secured guilty pleas or verdicts against 79 individuals since October 2009 as part of a broad crackdown on insider trading on Wall Street. Raymond, Nate. Reuters. Update 2 - SAC Capital's Martoma found guilty of insider trading. Reuters. (Blocked blog). February 6, 2014. Art. 9 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 states, "no one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile". Art 11 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of 1976 states, "No one shall be imprisoned merely on the ground of inability to fulfil a contractual obligation".

In SEC v. Egan 13CIV236 (WHP) January 31, 2014 SEC presses civil accounting fraud charges, while Judge William H. Pauley, believed to be the same judge that presided the ACLU v. Clapper (13 Civ. 3994) that plagiarized Klayman v. Obama (Nos. 13-cv-851 & 13-cv-881) denies the dismissal for failure to state a claim and plead scienter adequately. The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 (P.L.104-67) §104, amended by Frank-Dodd Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act P.L. 111-203 §9290, codified 15USC§78t(e) (2006) imposes liability on aiders and abettors who knowingly provide substantial assistance to another's violation of securities laws. Under generally accepted accounting principle (GAAP) public companies may only recognize revenues if persuasive evidence of an arrangement exists. An arrangement is the final understanding between the parties as to the specific nature and terms of the agreed upon transaction. If the Commission becomes aware that a registrant has filed a registration application with respect to such a swap agreement, the Commission shall promptly so notify the registrant. Any such registration with respect to such a swap agreement shall be void and of no force or effect under §78c-1(b)(2). SEC is prohibited from promulgating, interpreting, or enforcing rules in a manner that imposes or specifies reporting or recordkeeping requirements, procedures, or standards as prophylactic measures against fraud, manipulation, or insider trading with respect to any security-based swap agreement under 15USC§78c-1(b)(3). While Judge Pauley might blame the defense attorney, he neglected to properly file the wrongful termination of employment case as Egan ex. rel v. SEC or even instantly dismiss SEC for violation of the state of limitations before the illegality of their enforcement of reporting requirements sinks in. SEC in New York must cease referring their arbitrary cases to the federal court. So called insider trading cases regarding executive who actually research their actions instead of buying and selling en masse to cover up or rebel against insolvent T-bond sales. SEC needs to arbitrate their own decisions in writing (we should be able to read their human rights impacting decisions on the web) and be responsible for wrongful termination of employment suits in the federal court.

Silk Road was an internet black market with a Torr privacy protected website and nearly 1 million customers. They are accused of selling drugs (including heroin and cocaine), weapons and computer hacking technology to undercover law enforcement officers. The site used Bitcoin an anonymous digital currency for all their sales. The Silk Road website was closed down by federal law enforcement in August 2013, after an extensive undercover investigation. The criminal case against the leader of Silk Road, the infamous Dread Pirate Roberts, is titled U.S. v. Ulbricht, 13-mg-02328; a related civil forfeiture case is U.S. v. Ulbricht, 13-cv-06919, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York (Manhattan) The murder-for-hire case is U.S. v. Ulbricht, 13-00222, U.S. District Court, District of Maryland (Baltimore). Ulbricht, a Texan, denies he is the Dread Pirate Roberts. Having read the only internet accessible document amongst these cases, the civil forfeiture case, which demands the forfeiture of a letter written by a named judge, there is an extremely high level of probability that Mr. .Ulbricht is not the Dread Pirate Roberts and this is a case of mistaken identity resulting from his correspondence with a judge. The Canadian government assures the United States that although the Dread Pirate Roberts is alleged to have paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to have people killed, none of the targets have been killed. The United States should therefore be satisfied that Mr. Ulbricht is not to be confused with the Dread Pirate Roberts anymore and any jury could rule him innocent with a clean conscience. They actually managed to get a couple of U.S. v. Robert M. Faiella a/k/a BTCKing and Charlie Shrem Southern District of New York 14 Mg0164 24 January 2014.

The CEO of BitInstant, a Bitcoin exchange, was been arrested at JFK airport and charged with money laundering. Charlie Shrem, along with a co-conspirator, is accused of selling over $1 million in bitcoins to Silk Road users, who would then use them to buy drugs and other illicit items. Faiella, 52, of Cape Coral, Florida, and Shrem, 24, of New York, New York, are each charged with one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison, and one count of operating an unlicensed money transmitting business, which carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison. Shrem is also charged with one count of willful failure to file a suspicious activity report, which carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison. According to the criminal complaint, Shrem himself bought drugs on Silk Road. Both defendants are charged with knowingly contributing to and facilitating anonymous drug sales, earning substantial profits along the way. Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, James J. Hunt, the Acting Special-Agent-in-Charge of the New York Field Division of the Drug Enforcement Administration (“DEA”), and Toni Weirauch, the Special Agent-in-Charge of the New York Field Office of the Internal Revenue Service, Criminal Investigation (“IRS-CI”), announced the unsealing of criminal charges in Manhattan federal court against for engaging in a scheme to sell over $1 million in Bitcoins to users of “Silk Road,” to be presented in Manhattan federal court before U.S. Magistrate Judge Henry Pitman. The Company was designed to enable customers to exchange cash for Bitcoins anonymously, that is, without providing any personal identifying information, and it charged a fee for its service. Faiella obtained Bitcoins with the Company’s assistance, and then sold the Bitcoins to Silk Road users at a markup.Working together, SHREM and FAIELLA exchanged over $1 million in cash for Bitcoins for the benefit of Silk Road users, so that the users could, in turn, make illegal purchases on Silk Road. In late 2012, when the Company stopped accepting cash payments, Faiella ceased doing business with the Company and temporarily shut down his illegal Bitcoin exchange service on Silk Road. Faiella resumed operating on Silk Road in April 2013 without the Company’s assistance, and continued to exchange tens of thousands of dollars a week in Bitcoins until the Silk Road website was shut down by law enforcement in October 2013. The unlicensed money laundering charge stems from Shrem's failure to report the secretive Faiella as an agent although he did on several occasions question and revoke his standing to do business because of sales exceeding the $5,000 daily limit for undisclosed transactions. For Faiella's part he was just an addicted client begging and pleading for unregulated under the table business, that often exceeded the daily limit. We all have uneasy relations with addicts such as these. When the bank revoked Faiella's acount he and Shrem parted ways. In defense of informal business methods promulgating, interpreting, or enforcing rules in a manner that imposes or specifies reporting or recordkeeping requirements, procedures, or standards as prophylactic measures against fraud, manipulation, or insider trading with respect to any security-based swap agreement are prohibited under 15USC§78c-1(b)(3). The government should accept excess profits as bail under the 8th amendment to the U.S. constitution, whereas Art. 9 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 states, "no one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile". After Canada, who reported no murder victims on Dread Pirate Robert's hit list expressed interest in digital currency, $2.4 million in Bitcoin were reported stolen.

Prima facie evidence of federal corruption in New York City is the Court of International Trade of the United States (COITUS) that must change their name to Customs Court (CC). The Southern District of New York has been equally indiscrete. In 2007 they executed, or attempted to execute, a hostage in defense of their Eli Lilly financed injunction concealing millions of diabetes related deaths in re: Zyprexa Products Liability Litigation HA-12-2-07. This 2014 these federal prosecutors violated the diplomatic immunity of Devyani Khobragrade et al (India) v. Naturalization Service (USA) HA-8-1-14 subverting the State of the Union Address to treat upon debt slavery and immigration propaganda rather than the salient issues of drug slavery and naturalization; not to mention, the internationally unusual, extremely low wage ($10 for the first two days, $25 the third and any subsequent day locally this Feb. '14) jury duty habit, the illiterate guilt feelings pertaining to minimum wage violations, probably stem from. Their 79 case insider trading streak from 2009 needs to end. SEC must cease prosecuting their arbitrary cases in the Southern District of New York or elsewhere. These federal prosecutors in New York City should probably be furloughed to reduce civilian casualty and jury duty nationwide, at least until the US has a Customs Court.

Jury trials are problematic elsewhere. The whole bright idea to summon me to jury duty was probably derived from beginning the caption of Alcohol, Tobacco and Marijuana (ATM) or Bust?: Racketeering Reversal HA-30-1-14 with the Grand Jury Indictment U.S. v. Bob and Maureen McDonnell No. 3:14cr12 in the Eastern District of Virginia in Richmond, Virginia. In January 2014. JW from Star Scientific wants his money back for the McDonnel family wedding and it is totally inappropriate that the U.S falsely impersonate J.W. in a personal loan, technically to steal, that which belongs to the McDonnel's, invalidating J.W.'s rights to the repayment of good faith personal loan unless the charges can be dropped. The U.S. does not have a criminal case against anyone but the Attorney General Master Tobacco Fund prosecutors who brought this case.  The so called Eastern District of Virginia Grand Jury seems to be acting on the premise that Gov. Christie will employ them even after they go publicly insane and quit because of their guilty feeling regarding robbing and incarcerating a high level state executive with the illegally intercepted information, armed robbery and obstruction charges applicable only to the prosecution in this case, and in other racketeering prosecutions like it. A $50,000 under the table loan does not distort a $2,500,000 declaration of assets and liabilities to a lending company, but false criminal charges against a former governor and his wife by ostensibly bar certified prosecutors perpetrating the crimes they allege others to have committed does. The aforesaid tobacco fund is supposed to pay for 100% of the State Children's Health Insurance Costs but they have instead been wasted on scandalous corrupt prosecutors.  It is the responsibility of the legal system to get the politically charged federal drug offenders, particularly marijuana, out of federal prison, not invent new ways of interfering with commerce with threats and violence.  On Dec. 31, 2013, the same day a high school friend of mine who had settled on long term mental health treatment in the public health system, died at age 39, Star Scientific wrote that they had received a warning letter from the FDA regarding consumer products.  Star Scientific, Inc. (NASDAQ:STSI) announced the receipt on December 24, 2013, of a warning letter from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regarding two consumer products, Anatabloc® and CigRx®, which are marketed by the Company.  The letter requires the Company to respond to the FDA with information and remedial steps. Both of the Company's consumer products contain anatabine, a substance naturally occurring in various plants. In the letter, the agency asserts that anatabine is a new dietary ingredient that required premarket notification to the agency. The agency also asserts that the Company's products are unapproved new drugs based on statements made on the Company's websites.  As is typical for warning letters issued by FDA, the agency stated that the Company's failure to address these alleged violations may result in regulatory action by the FDA without further notice.  The Company is responding to the letter and has already advised the agency that it intends to work cooperatively to resolve these issues, including undertaking a review of the Company's websites.  Certain statements contained in this release constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements include, but are not limited to statements identified by words such as "believes," "expects," "anticipates," "estimates," "intends," "plans," "targets," "projects" and similar expressions. The statements in this release are based upon the current beliefs and expectations of our company's management and are subject to significant risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ from those set forth in the forward-looking statements. Numerous factors could cause or contribute to such differences, including, but not limited to, results of clinical trials and/or other studies, the challenges inherent in new product development initiatives, including the continued development and market acceptance of our nutraceutical dietary supplements products, the effect of any competitive products, the ability to license and protect our intellectual property, our ability to raise additional capital in the future that is necessary to maintain our business, changes in government policy and/or regulation, potential litigation by or against us, any governmental review of our products or practices and the outcome of the ongoing investigations as well as other risks discussed from time to time in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including, without limitation, the annual report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2012 and quarterly reports on Form 10-Q for the quarters ended March 31, 2013, June 30, 2013, and September 30, 2013. The Eastern District of Virginia seems to have unlawfully intercepted and falsely represented J.W. in order to persecute a former governor and be a cooler kid than the head of state. These horrible grand jury indictments from the Eastern District of Virginia are always timed to coincide with disastrous weather which could have been caused or regulated by the Styrene Institute in that district. The Eastern District of Virgina has been an outlaw since the U.S .v. Megavideo; Kim Dotcom et al. Grand Jury Indictment. No. 1:12 CR3 Alexandria, Virginia. January 5, 2012 which continues to disgrace the international reputation of the nation who stole the world's supply of free movies.

The Ray Nagin jury trial is another national disgrace in a pattern of false imprisonment of nonviolent Democrats of color, which weighs particularly heavy on the black slave owning lawyer in the White House who needs to use is pardon power to protect his own people from white supremacists reacting to his might. Ray Nagin does not admit to taking bribes in the form of vacations and other kickbacks. I have to agree, the statute of limitations is over, no one was harmed, and the federal prosecutors are covering up the truth about the disputed cost of disaster relief. Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast on August 29, 2005. Ten days later Congress had passed two laws that provided $60 billion in emergency funding to the DRF. Both measures were enacted one day after the requests were received. Preliminary cost estimates varied widely and lacked a basis in facts, which were still in short supply, as flood waters had yet to recede,

preventing damage assessments and cost estimates from being made. After an initial spike in

spending to meet emergency needs, as the recovery began to unfold, FEMA’s rate of spending

slowed. One month after passage, roughly two-thirds of the funds Congress had provided for

disaster relief in the wake of the storm had yet to be allocated to hurricane relief work. Congress began to reallocate the unspent dollars from the DRF to other disaster assistance

programs, first to the Community Disaster Loan Program, and then more broadly. The

Administration requested a $17.1 billion reallocation from the DRF to shore up non-FEMA

disaster assistance programs in October 2005, but in December 2005 Congress approved a larger

reallocation package included with the FY2006 Defense Appropriations Act that drew $23.4

billion from previously appropriated DRF monies and distributed them to several other agencies

with storm-response needs (Painter '12: 7). The total budget authority appropriated for disaster relief the ten year period 2001-2011 was $130,756 billion. The low value was $1,852 in FY2003. The high value was $37,157 billion in FY2005 for Hurricane Katrina. The average funding provided for disaster relief over the 10 years 2001-2011 (excluding the highest and lowest years) is $11.5 billion for fiscal year 2011, and $11.3 billion for fiscal year 2012 (Lew '11). During FY 2011 and FY 2012, Lew and OMB Director and then Treasurer, seems to have been able to pay for the disaster relief using the Deepwater Horizon Overpayment (Sanders '11) On October 29, 2012, shortly after the beginning of FY2013, Hurricane Sandy made landfall in New Jersey. According to wire service reports a month afterwards, the storm killed at least 125 people in the United States and had $62 billion in damage attributed to it. In late November and early December 2012, official estimates of the damage began to become public, and calls came from affected delegations for a supplemental appropriations package to provide assistance. Toward the end of November 2012, Senator Saxby Chambliss indicated that he expected disaster assistance to be offset, and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor indicated that disaster assistance should stay within the limits outlined by the BCA (Painter '12: 9). Ultimately the Disaster Relief Fund (DRF) administrated $8,444 million for Hurricane Sandy (Fugate '13:11)(Sanders '14: 31, 32). We shall make more accurate disaster relief estimates in the future but having made some of these controversial estimated myself, using international mathematical constants and press reports. The novel criminal infringement regarding disaster relief seems to come from when I wrote Senator Bernie Sanders, the quasi-independent stool pigeon of polite Democrats who want their disaster relief and criminally infringing Republican Sanders, Squire & Demsey zombie law firm lawyers alike, for the last time, with the high and unchecked estimates from the press regarding Superstorm Sandy, the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting occurred within 24 hours as recorded in Sandy Relief HA-15-12-12. I hope this citation, I have not wished to recall, is enough to get Ray Nagin his statute of limitations dismissal so that the good economic times, when disaster relief was the best subsidy for the economy and Democrats could enjoy the peak of their career, are not persecuted, while the racist, murdering and probably Republican, police officers and environmental modifiers in the second most penal oil state in the nation are denounced by a federal judge who neglected to instantly grant Nagin a writ of habeas corpus. The joke on me seems to be that the Egyptian constitution, that has not passed, provided for no statute of limitations for torture, and this year in the Nagin and Eger cases we have seen federal civil and political cases of no merit, prosecuted without statute of limitation.

The computer crime by law enforcement or cardiotoxic torture conspiracy of the University President, Jury Commissioner and Congress however can't be blamed on Snowden ex rel. v. President Obama, NSA HA-6-1-14 like any decidedly Congressional hack. Is a jury trial necessary to hack HA documents or is it as it appears, the Jury Commissioner is a full-fledged client of the University President's wiretap and therefore unable to write so much as an "F" for less than the $20 witness fee, plus subsistence, in Hurtado v. United States 410 US 578 (1973) hacked from Jurists Sec. 70 of Attorney General Ethics (AGE) probably to reduce minimum wage complaints after so many years of inflation. The text reads but doesn't write yet, with such poor inspiration, US v.Rod and Robert Blagojevich; Appeal of Chicago Tribune Company, The New York Times Company, Illinois Press Association, and Illinois Broadcasters Association 7th Cir. 612 F. 3d 558 (2010)

A. New "Juries are used far more in the United States than in civil law systems based upon agreement with legal briefs that apply the facts to the statute and cite the literature".

1. Commissioners of jurors are appointed by a judge and shall be officers of the courts of record in such county and shall attend upon each term of such courts for which a jury is drawn. Compensation is made at regular or special term of the court. Issues of facts and law are triable by jury. Jurists are sworn under the voir dire, “to tell the truth”. Claims for actual damages may be assessed by the jury in each case, as instructed by the court. When the jury cannot agree or the parties to the proceeding do, the jury may be discharged. R. v. Spencer, SCC 11 2007:  March 8.

B. The International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) is dedicated to the primacy, coherence and implementation of international law and principles that promote human rights through the rule of law. The ICJ provides legal expertise at both the international and national levels to ensure that developments in international law adhere to human rights principles and that international standards are implemented at the national level. The Commission was founded in Berlin in 1952 and its membership is composed of sixty eminent jurists who are representatives of the different legal systems of the world.

1. Based in Geneva, the International Secretariat is responsible for the realisation of the aims and objectives of the Commission.

2. In carrying out its work, the International Secretariat benefits from a network of autonomous national sections and affiliated organisations located in all continents.

C. Jurists are randomly selected from the people who respond to the solicitation and are selected by the attorneys on the basis of the potential jurists desire to serve on the jury.

1. Jurists may serve longer, if they choose to remain in the jury pool, to serve judges on the Grand Jury and in civil trials regarding multiple claims for money and/or jail time exceeding the $20 limit set forth in the Seventh Amendment to the US Constitution.

2. A typical jury consists of 12 people who earn more or less $20 a day, the same price as witness fees in Hurtado v. United States 410 US 578 (1973) (corrected)

3. Every quarter the Court shall appoint a Grand Jury to Conduct a census of the jails and inspect human rights conditions in the local correctional community.

D. The Fully Informed Jury Association (FIJA) is a public policy nonprofit, tax-exempt educational foundation under Section 501 (c) 3 of the Internal Revenue Code. The FIGA mission is to educate Americans regarding the power of jury nullification. Jury nullification allows jurors the ability to rely on personal conscience, to judge the merit of the law and its application, and to nullify bad law, when necessary for justice, by finding for the defendant. Jurors are often not informed of these rights because court officers have such a vested interest in a conviction that attorneys are often threatened if they attempt to educate the jury of the power of jury nullification.

1. Juries protect society from dangerous individuals and also protect individuals from dangerous government. Juries must take into account the facts of the case, mitigating circumstances, the merits of the law, and the fairness of its application in each case.

2. The recognition of the authority and right of jurors to weigh the merits of the law and to render a verdict based on conscience, dates from before the writing of our Constitution, in cases such as those of William Penn and Peter Zenger. Should this right ever be suppressed, the people will retain the right to resist, having an unalienable right to veto or nullify bad and oppressive laws, and in fact then would be morally compelled to do so.

3. An accused or aggrieved party’s right to trial by jury, in all instances where the government or any of its agencies is an opposing party, includes the right to inform the jurors of their power to judge the law as well as the evidence, and to vote on the verdict according to conscience.

4. This right shall not be infringed by any statute, juror oath, court order, or procedure or practice of the court, including the use of any method of jury selection which could preclude or limit the empanelment of jurors willing to exercise this power.

5. Nor shall this right be infringed by preventing any party to the trial, once the jurors have been informed of their powers, from presenting arguments to the jury which may pertain to issues of law and conscience, including (1) the merit, intent, constitutionality or applicability of the law in the instant case; (2) the motives, moral perspective, or circumstances of the accused or aggrieved party; (3) the degree and direction of guilt or actual harm done, or (4) the sanctions which may be applied to the losing party.

6. Failure to allow the accused or aggrieved party or counsel for that party to so inform the jury shall be grounds for mistrial and another trial by jury.”

E. Jury nullification of law is a traditional right that was rigorously defended by America's Founding Fathers. Those great men, Patriots all, intended the jury to serve as a final safeguard – a test that laws must pass before gaining sufficient popular authority for enforcement. Thus the Constitution provides five separate tribunals with veto power – representatives, senate, executive, judges – and finally juries. Each enactment of law must pass all these hurdles before it gains the authority to punish those who may choose to violate it.

1. First US Supreme Court Chief Justice John Jay, writing in Georgia v. Brailsford, 1794, concluded:

"The jury has the right to judge both the law as well as the fact in controversy."

2. Thomas Jefferson said,

"I consider trial by jury as the only anchor yet imagined by man, by which a government can be held to the principles of its constitution."

3. The power of the jury to judge the justice of the law and to hold laws invalid by a finding of "not guilty" for any law a juror felt was unjust or oppressive, dates back to the Magna Carta, in 1215. Chief Justice Vaughan issued an historically-important ruling: that jurors could not be punished for their verdicts. Bushell's Case (1670) was one of the most important developments in the common-law history of the jury.

4. John Hancock, the wealthy Massachusetts patriot and smuggler who as President of the Continental Congress affixed his familiar bold signature to the Declaration of Independence was prosecuted via this admiralty jurisdiction in 1768 and fined £9,000 – triple the value of the goods aboard his sloop "Liberty" which had been previously forfeited.

5. John Adams eloquently argued the case, chastising Parliament for depriving Americans of their right to trial by jury. Adams later said of the juror, "it is not only his right, but his duty – to find the verdict according to his own best understanding, judgment, and conscience, though in direct opposition to the direction of the court."

6. Until the middle of the 1800s, federal and state judges often instructed the juries they had the right to disregard the court's view of the law. Northern jurors began to refuse to convict abolitionists who had violated the 1850 Fugitive Slave Law. Modern treatments of abolitionism praise these jury-nullification verdicts for the role they played in helping the anti-slavery cause.

7. In Sparf and Hansen v. U.S 1895, the Supreme Court, under pressure from large corporations, rendered in a bitter split decision that courts no longer had to inform juries they had the power to veto an unjust law. Courts began concealing jurors' rights from American citizens and falsely instructing them that they may consider only the facts as admitted by the court.

8. Researchers in 1966 found that jury nullification occurred only 8.8 percent of the time between 1954 and 1958, and suggested that "one reason why the jury exercises its very real power [to nullify] so sparingly is because it is officially told it has none." Today, no officer of the court is allowed to tell the jury of their veto power.

9. The jury's veto power protects minorities from "the body of the people, operating by the majority against the minority." Twelve people taken randomly from the population will represent both friends and opponents of the party in power. With fully-informed juries, the government cannot exercise its powers over the people without the consent of the people. Trial by jury is trial by the people.

10. For more than six hundred years, since Magna Carta, in 1215, there has been no clearer principle of English or American constitutional law, than that, in criminal cases, it is not only the right and duty of juries to judge what are the facts, what is the law, and what was the moral intent of the accused; but that it is also their right, and their primary and paramount duty, to judge of the justice of the law, and to hold all laws invalid, that are, in their opinion, unjust or oppressive, and all persons guiltless in violating, or resisting the execution of such laws.

11. Congress must enact laws to educate citizens of their power as jurists to judge the merit of both the facts and the laws and render a not guilty verdict on conscience, before they are sent to a courtroom and can no longer be influenced by pamphlets. Jury nullification occurs when a jury returns a verdict of “Not Guilty” despite its belief that the defendant is guilty of the violation charged. The jury nullifies a law that it finds immoral or wrongly applied to the defendant.

It turns out the Jury Summons was cardiotoxic in a state of decomposition. I should have known better and unwittingly, telling her I did not think it was toxic, exposed an obese community social work volunteer, in the course of exposing myself to a healthy dose while explaining that the form was without statutory authority, ultra vires. I owe her an apology. The dog walking widows would like to suggest that they merely use decomposed jury summons, even leaving a plastic baggy of moldy paper the size of a hit of LSD. This is however more likely a ruse to discredit Jury Summons ink and paper procurement when it was in fact a targeted spray that dries like a permanent dye on the fabric and is released with water. The infamous wetback, costing backpack, jacket and all sweat or water exposed fabrics. The paper and ink used to produce the ultra vires jury summons should be preliminarily subjected to toxicology testing, getting it wet with bare hands for five seconds should be enough for a light hearted person to make a positive determination if they subsequently have any cardiovascular discomfort requiring a marathon of vegan treatment supplemented with Hawthorn tincture .

Making peace with the university torturers is more complicated. It is extremely significant that at the same community center there was a second witnessed group of university students and instructors newly required to do "100 hours of community service" for the fulfillment of their degree. These work programs do give students useful experience and improve job prospects dramatically. The computer criminal and bioterrorist street crime needs to stop and the 100 hours of community service is extremely invasive at a time when the university must be quarantined. The university student "100 hours of community service" presents the Jury Coordinator with both an opportunity to find people willing to volunteer for jury duty and easily neutralized threat that the volunteers will be of higher or other status than the jurors, who are currently not volunteers but definitely should be. One example of a status offense is employing university community service volunteers as letter stuffer. The prohibition of volunteer letter stuffers holds true for the political campaigns. The Jury Coordinator may not use random volunteers to stuff her letters due to the cardiotoxic decomposing jury summons that gave rise to this case of a court not of competent jurisdiction. Letter stuffers must be staffers. To close the cease and desist case against the belligerent President of the University the Jury Coordinator should offer university students with an opportunity to volunteer to serve on the jury of particular interest to human rights, criminal justice, psychology and divinity. For the Jury Coordinators' part she does need to produce a form that is not toxic, must cite some relevant and non-threatening law in it, drop the contempt and solicit for and pay "volunteers". It might be nice if the Jury Coordinator would solicit for volunteer jurists interested in specific cases. It seems extremely important that the Jury does not continue to conscript jurists, interfering with their commerce and first amendment freedoms, and instead solicit for volunteers with a high school education, at the same low rate of pay, or better, with access to the Internet law library. Old reliable.

It is my hope to create an undergraduate law degree program, not criminal justice, whose graduates are expected to pass the bar exam and be bar certified by the state supreme court to be paid by the state for representing the rights of the criminally accused in felony trials, who cannot otherwise afford to retain an (overqualified) lawyer of their own. Following the suggestion of the librarian I wrote the President of the University about the ambition to create an undergraduate law degree program, before her fighting words regarding retrenchment of St. Nicholas day Dec. 5 became toxic on Human Rights day Dec. 10, 2013. The criminal prohibition of biological and chemical weapons, we were originally aware of, seems to have betrayed us again, this time through its presumptive association with standard judicial penalties, resulting in the school being sentenced to "100 hours of community service" increasing, rather than decreasing, the public health hazard, not being a genuine penal sentence. Barring actual military intervention, the newly discovered prohibition on use of human subjects for testing of chemical or biological agents in Title 50 War and National Defense (WAND) of the US code chapter 32 §1520(a)(1) may prove more effective at neutralizing both the martial rhetoric of the university president with a heart attack keg party and the community invasion rhetoric of her prohibitionists. The lack of any conventional penal sentence provides us with the liberty to command the President to immediately cease and desist misapplying the $5.5 million long-term funding shortfall to incite violence with combative and patently unwise faculty cuts and budget them from the office and salary of the President of the University, or be suspended from office of President without pay, other than relevant unemployment or retirement pension, leaving the office vacant until the federal conspiracy is again tolerable to the Board of Trustees, so we never need to hear again, or read in the alumni newsletter, of such butchery of the English language. Who needs a President of California University anyway? It is basic ED policy that an Institutional Review Board (IRB) shall have authority to suspend or terminate approval of research that has been associated with unexpected serious harm to subjects under 34CFR§ 97.113. 'Human subject' means a living individual about whom an investigator (whether professional or student) conducting research obtains (1) Data through intervention or interaction with the individual, or (2) Identifiable private information under 34CFR§97.102 (f). No investigator may involve a human being as a subject unless the investigator has obtained the legally effective informed consent of the subject or the subject's legally authorized representative. The basic elements of informed consent are a statement that the study involves research, an explanation of the purposes of the research and the expected duration of the subject's participation, a description of the procedures to be followed, and identification of any procedures which are experimental. Also a description of any reasonably foreseeable risks or discomforts to the subject and benefits to the subject or to others which may reasonably be expected from the research An IRB may approve a consent procedure in consideration of general requirements for informed consent 34CFR97.116

This brief has been forwarded to the County Prosecutor after a third invasion, a non-toxic home invasion, in response to the complaint of two heart attacks. It is totally inappropriate to touch the writer. The secrecy of correspondence is secured with written co-responses. The non-toxic investigator dispatched by the jury coordinator for this home invasion from whence I have been forcibly relocated, is of interest to the arson investigation of the propane fire at the Prosecutor's office shortly after Veteran's day 2013. The County Fuel Committee is known to dispatch "homeless" veterans to investigate the homes of homeless beneficiaries of their firewood. These veterans are rich, educated and kind, moles, nonetheless, who pressed the legislation of my 10x20 structure anonymously, not like the killer veterans of homeless people in California, or even the night watchman who is a convicted murderer. This convicted murder camps within a quarter mile from the trailer where Frank Damiano was murdered. I was work trading and emailing a resident there myself for a short while before the landlords evicted the squatter in restraint of trade 14 eight hour days from completion. I presumed his murder was the result of the new lack of secrecy of emails as he was a member of the Rogue Valley Peace Choir. The press report of this murder conspicuously lacks a murder weapon or medical description of the cause of death. The extradition from Vancouver, Washington of a person alleged to have committed the murder should no longer be delayed. The press must be informed that the local court has either convicted the murder or there is a murderer at large. Perhaps I am being asked if I am a jurist is because I have witnessed intimidation by "Pale Rider" before I knew the true name of convicted murderer, shortly before Talent Irrigation ditch was dumped on my winter solstice party 2012. He comes and goes with the speed of parole reading my anonymous account. In defense of the County Fuel Committee, the United Nations Human Rights Committee required the Catholic Church to report their indiscretions involving child molestation to the police - not to again omit the whole truth that child molestation prone Catholic priests should be allowed to marry. I am concerned that the government disclosure required of recipients of the local woodlot is being inappropriately investigated by homeless invading veterans of uncertain moral fiber and these sorts of irregular militias are easily incited to arson with just one reading of federal Arson within special maritime and territorial jurisdiction under 18USC(5)§81. By baby boomer age every Navy or Marine veteran I know of has insured one house for arson. I never volunteered again, and will certainly never beg, borrow or steal their firewood, since they put up a "do not take" sign across the street from where Pale Rider is too drunk to pick up the dog food. The County Fuel Committee office is located across the street from the university.

The County Fuel Committee would probably be honored to be deposed by the prosecutor for witness fees at the going rates uninflated from Hurtado v. United States 410 US 578 (1973), because unlike HA the Fuel Committee has already been stricken e-literate by their close association with the county reporting requirements and might provide useful information regarding, the true killer of Frank Damiano, the propane fire at the prosecutor's office shortly after Veteran's day 2013 and the creation of an all-volunteer jury to uphold informed consent. Informed consent is the basic principle in paragraph 1 of the Nuremburg code, that has garnered $1 million IRB verdicts with the support of the "Common Rule" of human research protection. Informed consent regarding jury duty would be better regulated if the summons were phrased as a solicitation for volunteer jurists, rather than compulsory jury duty. Military service is voluntary in the United States. The Military Selective Service Act as amended (50 U.S.C. App. 453) establishes the Selective Service System as an independent agency separate from the Department of Defense. Section 3 provides that male citizens of the United States and other male persons residing in the United States who are between the ages of 18 and 26, must present themselves for registration at such time or times and place or places, and in such manner as determined by the President. Whenever the Congress or the President has declared that the national interest is imperiled, voluntary enlistment or re-enlistment may be suspended by the President to such extent as he may deem the draft necessary in the interest of national defense. People who develop conscientious objections to military service may seek reassignment to noncombatant duties or discharge under Directive 1300.6. The whole neighborhood is getting poor marks on the insurance of volunteers under 24USC(10)§422(d)(1), either not reporting work credit or irregularly invading the privacy of a regular disclosure. The news media must be informed of the status of Frank Damiano's murder weapon mystery.

No investigator may involve a human being as a subject unless the investigator has obtained the legally effective informed consent of the subject or the subject's legally authorized representative. The basic elements of informed consent are a statement that the study involves research, an explanation of the purposes of the research and the expected duration of the subject's participation, a description of the procedures to be followed, and identification of any procedures which are experimental. Also a description of any reasonably foreseeable risks or discomforts to the subject and benefits to the subject or to others which may reasonably be expected from the research An IRB may approve a consent procedure in consideration of general requirements for informed consent 34CFR97.116. The use of human subjects for testing of chemical or biological agents is prohibited under 50USC(32)§1520a(a)(1). Composition of Institutional Review Boards where prisoners are involved requires that at least one member of the Board shall be a prisoner under 45CFR§46.304(b) Biomedical or behavioral research shall not involve prisoners as subjects except for research on practices, which have the intent and reasonable probability of improving the health or well-being of the subject 45CFR§46.306(b)(a)(iv). State studies have shown that earning a college degree in prison eliminates recidivism by 100% which otherwise runs at around 60% re-incarceration in three years (Gilligan '11:90, 91). This is what it would take to be a court of competent jurisdiction who might be expected to pay $500 compensation for civil damage to the literate jurist's laptop, Microsoft Office, and wardrobe.

It surely takes a lot of prospective jurors if everyone compulsorily summoned to jury duty either has a scarred heart and malfunctioning computer or is invaded by whatever militias they have witnessed. A new jury summons that cites the statute (or constitution if no jury statute exists), solicits volunteers, is non-toxic and uninvestigated (unmolested by credentialism) needs to be developed. The old jury summons paper and ink needs to be tested for the off-chance that the water soluble cardiotoxins contained therein are the result of government procurement. University students newly required to do 100 hours of community service should be solicited for jury duty with the new Jury Summons. Only staffers may stuff envelopes. University students have the advantage of a common school address with legal representation so jury duty might be painless, voluntary and insured. The solicitation to volunteer for jury duty extends equally to all residents with a U.S. high school education or equivalency, who are not on active duty with the U.S. armed forces, an all-volunteer force since 1974. The Oregon Supreme Court would be interested to learn that the President of the University has immediately ceased and desisted misapplying the $5.5 million long-term state funding shortfall citing the prohibition on use of human subjects for testing of chemical or biological agents 50USC(32)§1520a and apologizing for her combative and patently unwise faculty cuts and budget them from the office and salary of the President of the University, or be suspended from office of President without pay, other than relevant unemployment or retirement pension, leaving the office vacant until the federal conspiracy is tolerable to the Board of Trustees, not to lend any unwarranted credence to this declared shortfall. This is what it takes for the Court to be presumed of competent jurisdiction in our County. Times are much harder now due to the toxic academic conflict but the local prosecutor's office has always been kind and I pray to receive $500 compensation for civil damages under 18USC(119)§2520 for a new wardrobe, and new laptop and Microsoft Office , I am strangely reluctant to buy until a just and lasting peace is made between academia and jury duty.


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