Credit Card Agreement for VISA Signature® and World ... - Capital One

Credit Card Agreement for VISA Signature? and World Mastercard? in Capital One, N.A.

There are two parts to this Credit Card Agreement: Capital One Pricing Information and the Capital One Customer

Agreement. The Pricing Information shows a range of terms that includes both mail and online offers for new accounts

available under this Agreement as of December 31, 2022. The combination of terms that could apply to you will differ depending

on the specific card offer and on your creditworthiness at the time of application. Not all offers will contain introductory rates. The

Customer Agreement contains important information related to Visa Signature and World Mastercard consumer credit cards

issued by Capital One, N.A. Please visit to view our online credit card offers. If you are a current Capital One

cardholder, please log in to your account if you would like to request the Credit Card Agreement for your account(s).


Annual Percentage Rate

(APR) for Purchases

0%, ranging from 9 months to 15 months.

Non-introductory rates between 18.99% and 29.74%.

Introductory rate of

This APR will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate.

APR for Transfers

Introductory rate of 0% for 15 months.

Non-introductory rates between 18.99% and 29.74%.

This APR will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate.

APR for Cash Advances Non-introductory rates between 18.99% and 29.74%.

This APR will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate.

Paying Interest

Your due date is at least 25 days after the close of each billing cycle. We will not charge you interest

on new purchases, provided you have paid your previous balance in full by the due date each

month. We will begin charging interest on cash advances and transfers on the transaction date.

For Credit Card Tips from

the Consumer Financial

Protection Bureau

To learn more about factors to consider when applying for or using a credit card,

visit the website of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau at


Annual Fee

Between $0 and $395 annually.

Transaction Fees

? Transfer

3% of the amount of each transferred balance that posts to your account at a promotional APR

that we may offer you.

None for balances transferred at the Transfer APR.

? Cash Advance

Either $10 or 3% of the amount of each cash advance, whichever is greater.

Penalty Fees

? Late Payment

Up to $40.

How Do You Calculate My Balance? We use a method called ¡°average daily balance (including new transactions).¡± See ¡°How

Do You Calculate The Interest Charge?¡± section below.

What Are My Billing Rights? Information on your rights to dispute transactions and how to exercise those rights is provided

in ¡°Your Billing Summary¡± on your Statement and other Truth-in-Lending Disclosures.


How Do You Calculate My Variable Rates? Your variable rates may change when the Prime Rate changes. We calculate

variable rates by adding a percentage to the Prime Rate published in The Wall Street Journal on the 25th day of December,

March, June and September. If the Journal is not published on that day, then see the immediately preceding edition. Variable

rates on the following segment(s) will be updated quarterly and will take effect on the first day of your January, April, July and

October billing periods: Non-Introductory Purchase APR: Prime plus a margin between 11.49% and 22.24%; Non-Introductory

Transfer APR: Prime plus a margin between 11.49% and 22.24%; Cash Advance APR: Prime plus a margin between 11.49%

and 22.24%. Any increase in the Prime rate may increase your Interest Charges and your Minimum Payment.

What Are The Daily Periodic Rates Used To Calculate My Interest? The daily periodic rate for your Introductory Purchase

APR is 0.00000%, Non-introductory Purchase APR is between 0.05203% and 0.08148%, Introductory Transfer APR is

0.00000%, Non-introductory Transfer APR is between 0.05203% and 0.08148%, and Cash Advance APR is between

0.05203% and 0.08148%. See ¡°How Do You Calculate The Interest Charge?¡± section below.

How Do You Calculate The Interest Charge? We use a method called Average Daily Balance (including new transactions).

Under this method, we first calculate your daily balance; for each segment, 1) take the beginning balance and add in new

transactions and the periodic interest charge on the previous day¡¯s balance, then 2) subtract any payments and credits for that

segment as of that day. The result is the daily balance for each segment. However, if you paid your previous month¡¯s balance in

full (or if your balance was zero or a credit amount), new transactions which post to your purchase or special purchase segments

are not added to the daily balances. Also, transactions subject to a grace period are not added to the daily balances.

Next, to find your Average Daily Balance: 1) add the daily balances together for each segment, and 2) divide the sum by the

number of days in the billing cycle.

At the end of each billing cycle, we determine your Interest Charge as follows: 1) multiply your Average Daily Balance by the daily

periodic rate (APR divided by 365) for that segment, and 2) multiply the result by the number of days in the billing period.

NOTE: Due to rounding or a minimum interest charge, this calculation may vary from the interest charge actually assessed.

?2022 Capital One. Capital One is a federally registered service mark. All rights reserved. Products and services offered by

Capital One, N.A. Capital One supports information privacy protection: see our website at .

Mastercard is a registered trademark, and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated.

VISA is a registered trademark of VISA International Service Association and used under license.

Capital One? Customer Agreement

Welcome to Capital One

We may restrict or close your Account if we cannot verify

your information, or if you do not provide it as requested.

Thank you for opening a credit card account with us.

This Customer Agreement including any changes to it

(¡°Agreement¡±) contains the terms of your agreement

with Capital One.

Your Revolving Credit Line and Spending

We will tell you your initial revolving credit line when you

open your Account. We may increase or decrease your

revolving credit line at any time without prior notice to

you, unless notice is required by law, and we may limit

or take away the credit available for Cash Advances.

You can find your current revolving credit line on

your Statement. We may not authorize transactions in

excess of your revolving credit line. We may consider

each transaction that may cause you to exceed your

revolving credit line based on several factors, including

your performance on this Account and other credit

accounts you have with us and your performance with

other creditors. If we do authorize transactions in excess

of your revolving credit line, they will be subject to this

Agreement. They will not result in an increase of your

revolving credit line.


The meanings of the terms you see in italics appear in

the Glossary section at the end of this Agreement.

As used here, ¡°you¡± and ¡°your¡± mean each applicant

and co-applicant for the Account; any person

responsible for paying the Account; and any person

responsible for complying with this Agreement.

¡°We,¡± ¡°us,¡± ¡°our,¡± and ¡°Capital One¡± mean Capital

One, National Association; and its agents, authorized

representatives, successors, and assignees.

Account Documents

The following documents govern your Account with us:

(1) this Agreement;

(2) all Statements;

(3) any rewards program terms, conditions, and


(4) any privacy notices;

(5) your Card benefits brochure which describes

benefits provided by the Payment Card Network for

your Account;

(6) all disclosures and materials provided to you before

or when you opened your Account;

(7) any other documents and disclosures relating to your

Account, including those provided online; and

(8) any future changes we make to any of the above.

Using Your Account

(1) This Agreement applies whether or not you use your

Card or Account. It will continue to apply even after

your Account is closed, as long as you have a balance.

(2) You must sign the Card immediately when you receive it.

(3) You must return the Card to us or destroy it if we ask

you to.

(4) You must take reasonable steps to prevent the

unauthorized use of your Card, Access Checks and


(5) We may decline to authorize a transaction for any

reason. This may occur even if the transaction would

not cause you to go over your revolving credit line or

your Account is not in default.

(6) We are not responsible for any losses you incur if we

do not authorize a transaction.

(7) We are not responsible for any losses you incur if

anyone refuses to accept your Card for any reason.

(8) Unless we tell you otherwise, we will bill each

transaction to the applicable Segment of your

Account. We will apply it against your available credit

for that Segment.

(9) You may obtain Cash Advances and Transfers as

permitted for your Account. You may not use these to

pay any amount you owe us or any other company in

the Capital One organization.

(10) You must not use, or try to use, the Card for any illegal

activity. You are responsible for any charges if you do.

(11) We are not liable for any losses that may result

when our services are unavailable due to reasons

beyond our control.

Please read these carefully and keep them for

future reference.

New Offers

In the future, we may provide you with new offers that

we think may interest you. The terms of these offers may

differ from the standard terms on your Account. This

Agreement will still apply.

Account Information

We need information about you to manage your

Account. This includes:

(1) your legal name;

(2) a valid U.S. mailing address and residential address

(if different);

(3) your date of birth;

(4) your Social Security number or other government

identification number;

(5) your telephone number(s); and

(6) your employment and income information.


Your Account may provide you with the opportunity to

earn rewards. If it does, we will separately provide you

You must tell us when this information changes. We may

ask you for additional documents to verify any changes.


If you ask us to issue a Card to any other person,

they are an Authorized User. We may require certain

information about them. We may limit their ability to use

your Card. They may have access to certain information

about your Account. You will be responsible for their use

of the Account and anyone else they allow to use your

Account, even if you did not want, or agree to, that use.

with information and terms about the rewards.

Access Checks

We may provide you with Access Checks. If we do, we

will tell you at the time if we consider them purchases,

Cash Advances or Special Transfers.

Only the person we designate may use Access Checks.

You may not use them to pay any amount you owe us or

any other company in the Capital One organization. We

may reject and not pay any Access Check if:

Removing an Authorized User

If you want to remove an Authorized User from your

Account, you must contact Customer Service and request

their removal. You also must immediately destroy all Cards

in their possession and cancel any arrangements they may

have set up on your Account. They will be able to use your

Account until you have notified us that you are removing

them from your Account. During this time, you will still be

responsible for all amounts they charge to your Account. You

will be responsible even if these amounts do not appear on

your Account until later.

(1) your Account is past due, charged off, bankrupt, lost/

stolen or closed;

(2) we suspect fraud;

(3) your Account is over the revolving credit line; or

(4) the check has expired, is damaged or cannot

otherwise be processed.

Our liability if we do not pay an Access Check will never

be more than (1) your actual damages or (2) the amount

of the Access Check, whichever is less.

Authorized Users may remove themselves from your

Account upon request. We reserve the right to remove

them from your Account for any reason. To remove them

from your Account, we may close your existing Account

and issue a new Card with a new Account number.

Use of an Access Check is not the same as using your

Card. When you use an Access Check, you will have

fewer rights to dispute merchant transactions than

with uses of your Card. Please see the ¡°Billing Rights

Summary¡± on your Statement and your other Truth-inLending Disclosures for more information.

Your Promise to Pay

You promise to pay us all amounts due on your Account.

This includes amounts where you did not sign a purchase

slip or other documents for the transaction. We will treat

transactions made without presenting your actual Card

(such as for mail, telephone, Internet, or mobile device

purchases) the same as if you used the Card in person. If

you let someone else use your Card, you are responsible

for all transactions that person makes.

Stopping Payment of Access Checks

You may request a stop payment on any Access Check

by contacting Customer Service.

We will have a reasonable amount of time after your

stop payment request to research and complete the

stop payment. We will not be responsible if we cannot

complete the stop payment. Reasons include:


(1) the Access Check was already paid;

(2) you do not give us the information we asked for; or

(3) the information you gave us was incorrect.

We will generally send or make available to you one

Statement for all Cards on your Account at the end of

each Billing Cycle. Under certain circumstances, the law

may not require us to send or make available to you a

Statement, or may prohibit us from doing so.

We do not have to release the stop payment order unless

the account holder who made the request asks us to.

If we re-credit your Account after a valid stop payment

order, you give us all of your rights against the payee or

other holder of the paid Access Check. You also agree to

help us in any legal action we may later take against the

payee or other holder of the check.

Disputed Transactions

You must inspect each Statement you receive. Tell us

about any errors or questions you have, as described

in the ¡°Billing Rights Summary¡± on your Statement and

other Truth-in-Lending Disclosures. If you do not notify

us of an error, we will assume that all information on the

Statement is correct.

Using a PIN

We may give you a personal identification number (PIN).

For security reasons, you may have to provide the PIN

before you are able to use your Card.

If we credit your Account for all or part of a disputed

transaction, you give us all of your rights against others

regarding that transaction. You will also:

Keep your PIN secure. Do not write it down, give it

to anyone, or keep it with your Card. If you lose your

Card or believe the confidentiality of your PIN has

been compromised for any reason, you must contact

Customer Service immediately.

(1) give us any information about the disputed

transaction, if we ask;

(2) not pursue any claim or reimbursement of the

transaction amount from the merchant or any other

person; and

(3) help us get reimbursement from others.

Authorized Users


No Warranties

Stop Payment Fee

We are not responsible for any claim you may have

regarding the purchase of goods or services made with

your Card beyond your rights described in the ¡°Billing

Rights Summary¡± on your Statement.

We may charge you this Fee each time you ask us to

(1) stop payment on an Access Check or (2) renew an

existing stop payment order.

Lost or Stolen Card

We may charge you this Fee each time you take out a

Cash Advance. We will treat this Fee as a Cash Advance


Cash Advance Fee

If your Card is lost or stolen or if you think someone else

may be using your Card or Account number without your

permission, you must contact Customer Service immediately.

You will not be responsible for transactions on your Account

that we find are unauthorized.

Transfer Fee

We may charge you this Fee each time you make a

Transfer. We will charge the Fee to the same Segment

where we post the Transfer.

If we reimburse you for unauthorized transactions, you

will help us investigate, pursue and get reimbursement

from the wrongdoer. Your help includes giving us

documents in a form that we request.

Transactions Made in Foreign Currencies

If you make a transaction in a foreign currency, the

Payment Card Network will convert it into a U.S. dollar

amount. The Payment Card Network will use its own

currency conversion procedures. The conversion rate

in effect on the processing date may differ from the rate

in effect on the transaction date that appears on your

Statement. We do not adjust the currency exchange rate

or charge any currency conversion Fees.

Interest Charges and Fees

We will charge Interest Charges and Fees to your

Account as disclosed on your Statement and other

Truth-in-Lending Disclosures. In general, Interest

Charges begin to accrue from the day a transaction

occurs. However, we will not charge you interest on

any new transactions posted to the purchase Segment

of your Account if you paid the total balance across all

Segments of your Account in full by the due date on

your Statement each month. From time to time, we may

give you offers that allow you to pay less than the total

balance and avoid Interest Charges on new purchase

Segment transactions. If we do, we will provide details in

the specific offer.

Minimum Payment

You must pay us at least the minimum payment amount

by the payment due date. Your Statement will tell you:

(1) the minimum payment due,

(2) your new balance,

(3) the payment due date, and

(4) an explanation of when the payment must reach us

for us to consider it received as of that date.

We will generally treat Fees as purchase transactions

unless otherwise specified below. These Fees apply to

your Account only if your Truth-in-Lending Disclosures

provide for them. We may increase your Interest Charges

and Fees as described in the Changes to Your Agreement

section or in your Truth-in-Lending Disclosures.

Returns and other credits to your Account will reduce

your Account balance, but they will not change your

minimum payment amount.

If your Account has a membership Fee, we may charge

the first membership Fee either on the day you activate

your Card or on the day when you use your Account,

whichever occurs first. If your Account terms include a

$0 introductory Fee, we may charge the first Fee when

the introductory period ends. If it is an annual Fee, we

may then charge it approximately once per year. If it is a

monthly Fee, we may charge it each Billing Cycle.

In addition to the minimum payment, you may pay

all or part of the total balance on your Account. But,

you must still pay at least the minimum payment

amount each month, even if you paid more than the

minimum payment due on the previous Statement. We

will continue to charge Interest Charges during Billing

Cycles when you carry a balance regardless of whether

your Statement includes a minimum payment that is

due. If your Account is 180 days past due, is part of a

bankruptcy proceeding or is otherwise charged off, the

total balance is immediately due and payable.

Late Payment Fee

Making Payments

Membership Fee

We may charge you this Fee if we do not receive

your payment as instructed on your Statement by the

payment due date.

Your payment must be made in U.S. dollars from a U.S.

deposit account in a form acceptable to us. We do not

accept cash payments through the mail. You may not

make payments with funds from your Account or any

other credit account with us or any other company in

the Capital One organization. You must send mailed

payments to us as instructed on your Statement, unless

we tell you otherwise.

Returned Payment Fee

We may charge you this Fee each time your financial

institution for any reason rejects a payment you make to us.



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